Member Technical Staff

100+ Member Technical Staff Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 24 Dec 2024

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Q1. Buy and Sell Stock

You are Harshad Mehta’s friend. He told you the price of a particular stock for the next ‘N’ days. You can either buy or sell a stock. Also, you can only complete at most 2-transactions. Find more

Frequently asked in,
Q2. Optimal Strategy for a Game

You and your friend Ninjax are playing a game of coins. Ninjax place the 'N' number of coins in a straight line.

The rule of the game is as follows:

1. Each coin has a value more

Member Technical Staff Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

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Q3. Given a string, find the next smallest palindrome

You are given a number 'N' in the form of a string 'S', your task is to find the smallest number strictly greater than the given number 'N' which is a more

Q4. Check Permutation

You have been given two strings 'STR1' and 'STR2'. You have to check whether the two strings are anagram to each other or not.

Two strings are said to be anagram if they contain the same more
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Q5. Longest Happy String

Ninja likes to play with strings, and he calls a string ‘S’ Happy if it only contains letters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’, and no three consecutive letters in the string are the same. For example, ‘ more

Q6. Maximum Sum

You are given an array “ARR” of N integers. You are required to perform an operation on the array each time until it becomes empty. The operation is to select an element from the array(let’s say at more

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Q7. Count Ways To Reach The N-th Stairs

You have been given a number of stairs. Initially, you are at the 0th stair, and you need to reach the Nth stair. Each time you can either climb one step or two steps. You more

Frequently asked in, ,
Q8. Spiral Matrix

You are given a N x M matrix of integers, return the spiral path of the matrix

Example Of Spiral Path

Spiral Path

Input Format:
The first line contains an integer 'T' which denotes the number of test cases more

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Member of Technical Staff 0-6 years
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Member Technical Staff 3-5 years
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Member of Technical Staff- Java- OCI 0-6 years
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd.
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Q9. Cycle Detection in a Singly Linked List

You have given a Singly Linked List of integers, determine if it forms a cycle or not.

A cycle occurs when a node's next points back to a previous node in the list. The more

Frequently asked in,
Q10. Detect and Remove Loop

Given a singly linked list, you have to detect the loop and remove the loop from the linked list, if present. You have to make changes in the given linked list itself and return the more

Q11. Stack using queue

Implement a Stack Data Structure specifically to store integer data using two Queues.

There should be two data members, both being Queues to store the data internally. You may use the inbuilt more

Frequently asked in,
Q12. Good Arrays

You are given an array ‘A’ of length ‘N’, you have to choose an element from any index in this array and delete it. After deleting the element you will get a new array of length ‘N’-1. Your task is more

Q13. Minimum swaps to sort Array

Given an array 'arr' of size 'N', find the minimum number of swaps required to be made between any two elements to sort the array in ascending order. The array does not contain more

Q14. Regular Expression Match

Given a string ‘str’ and a string ‘pat’. The string s has some wildcard characters i.e ‘?’ and ‘*’.

If any character is a ‘?’ we can replace that character with any other character. If more
Q15. Predecessor and Successor In BST

You have been given a binary search tree of integers with ‘N’ nodes. You are also given 'KEY' which represents data of a node of this tree. Your task is to find the predecessor more

Q16. Move Zeroes To End

Given an unsorted array of integers, you have to move the array elements in a way such that all the zeroes are transferred to the end, and all the non-zero elements are moved to the front. more

Q17. DS Question

Which data structure you will use to implement the undo and redo operation in a system.

Q18. Longest Common Prime Subsequence

Ninja got a very long summer vacation. Being very bored and tired about it, he indulges himself in solving some puzzles.

He encountered a problem in which he was given two more

Q19. Build Min Heap

You are given an array 'ARR' of integers having 'N' elements. Your task is to convert the input array into a min-Binary Heap.

A min-Binary heap is a complete binary tree in which the value of more

Q20. Tower of Hanoi

You are given three rods (numbered 1 to 3), and ‘N’ disks initially placed on the first rod, one on top of each other in increasing order of size ( the largest disk is at the bottom). You are more

Q21. Suppose there is an unsorted array. What will be the maximum window size, such that when u sort that window size, the whole array becomes sorted. Eg, 1 2 6 5 4 3 7 . Ans: 4 (6 5 4 3)


Find the maximum window size to sort an unsorted array.

  • Identify the longest decreasing subarray from the beginning and longest increasing subarray from the end

  • Find the minimum and maximum element in the identified subarrays

  • Expand the identified subarrays until all elements in the array are covered

  • The length of the expanded subarray is the maximum window size

Q22. Design Question

I had to create a Flutter app containing 2 screen as per specifications given in the Assigment.
It consisted of a Login Screen and Home Screen.
Login Screen :
a) Add all validations to email-id and more

Q23. What is a class in js means? And explain its use case


A class in JavaScript is a blueprint for creating objects with similar properties and methods.

  • Classes are used to create multiple objects with the same structure and behavior.

  • They provide a way to organize and encapsulate related data and functions.

  • Classes can have properties (variables) and methods (functions) that define their behavior.

  • Instances of a class can be created using the 'new' keyword.

  • Classes can also have constructors, which are special methods called when an more

Q24. Implement Merge Sort

Given a sequence of numbers ‘ARR’. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ‘ARR’ in non-descending order with help of the merge sort algorithm.

Example :

Merge Sort Algorithm - Merge more
Q25. Implement a Priority Queue

Ninja is given a task to implement a priority queue using Heap data structure. The Ninja is busying preparing for the tournament., So he asked for your help.

Your task is to use the more

Q26. Web Development based Questions

What happens when you hit a url in your browser ?
What happens to the packet if your connection is lost ?
Explain how a chat app works (networking aspect) ?

Q27. What is merge sort and Quick sort. Adv and Disadv of each and which one would u use to sort huge list and Y


Merge sort and Quick sort are sorting algorithms used to sort arrays of data.

  • Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that divides the input array into two halves, sorts each half recursively, and then merges the sorted halves.

  • Quick sort is also a divide and conquer algorithm that selects a pivot element and partitions the array around the pivot, sorting the two resulting sub-arrays recursively.

  • Merge sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) and is stable, but requires more

Q28. Puzzle: There is a grid of soldier standing. Soldier ‘A’ is chosen: The tallest men from every column and the shortest among them. Soldier ‘B’ is chosen: The shortest men from every row and the tallest among th...

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Comparison of heights of two soldiers chosen based on different criteria from a grid of soldiers.

  • Soldier A is chosen based on tallest men from every column and shortest among them.

  • Soldier B is chosen based on shortest men from every row and tallest among them.

  • The height of Soldier A and Soldier B cannot be determined without additional information about the grid of soldiers.

Q29. How to find a loop in a Linked List and how to remove it


To find and remove a loop in a Linked List, we can use Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm.

  • Use two pointers, slow and fast, to detect if there is a loop in the Linked List

  • If the two pointers meet at some point, there is a loop

  • To remove the loop, set one of the pointers to the head of the Linked List and move both pointers one step at a time until they meet again

  • The meeting point is the start of the loop, set the next pointer of this node to NULL to remove the loop

Q30. OOPS Question

He asked me to design the bank architecture using the basic oops concept in any language

Q31. Given a social networking graph find the density of a person. Density is how many friends he had interaction with him and the person by the total number of friends for that person


Density of a person in a social networking graph is the ratio of friends who interacted with the person to the total number of friends.

  • Calculate the number of friends who interacted with the person.

  • Calculate the total number of friends for that person.

  • Divide the number of interacting friends by the total number of friends to get the density.

  • Density = (Number of interacting friends) / (Total number of friends)

Q32. How to find longest last occurring word in a sentence with multiple whitespace


Finding the longest last occurring word in a sentence with multiple whitespace.

  • Split the sentence into words using whitespace as delimiter

  • Reverse the list of words

  • Iterate through the list and find the first occurrence of each word

  • Calculate the length of each last occurring word

  • Return the longest last occurring word

Q33. What’s priority queue. How will u make stack and queue with priority queue


Priority queue is a data structure that stores elements with priority levels and retrieves them in order of priority.

  • Priority queue is implemented using a heap data structure.

  • Stack can be implemented using a priority queue by assigning higher priority to the most recently added element.

  • Queue can be implemented using a priority queue by assigning higher priority to the oldest element.

Q34. Whenever a row in table is modified, how can you make changes to reflect in another related table?


Use triggers to update related table on row modification.

  • Create a trigger on the main table to update the related table

  • Use the UPDATE statement in the trigger to modify the related table

  • Ensure that the trigger is efficient and does not cause performance issues

  • Test the trigger thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected

Q35. You are given a list of n numbers. How would you find the median in this stream. You are given an array. Give an algorithm to randomly shuffle it.


Algorithm to find median in a stream of n numbers

  • Sort the list and find the middle element for odd n

  • For even n, find the average of middle two elements

  • Use a min-heap and max-heap to maintain the smaller and larger half of the stream respectively

  • Insert new elements into the appropriate heap and balance the heaps to ensure median is always at the top

Q36. OOPS Question

What is Vtable and VPTR in C++?

Q37. Solve and code the problem of a ball falling from staircase. Each jump can be of 1 step or 2. Find the number of combination of reaching step N


Code to find number of combinations of reaching step N by ball falling from staircase with 1 or 2 steps per jump.

  • Use dynamic programming to solve the problem

  • Create an array to store the number of ways to reach each step

  • Initialize the array with base cases for steps 0, 1, and 2

  • Use a loop to fill in the array for steps 3 to N

  • The number of ways to reach step i is the sum of the number of ways to reach step i-1 and i-2

  • Return the value at the Nth index of the array

Q38. OS Question

What is Memory Protection in OS ?

Q39. Given 2 arrays of n and n - 1elements which have n - 1 in common find the unique elements


Given 2 arrays with n and n-1 elements, find the unique element in the larger array.

  • Loop through the larger array and check if each element is present in the smaller array.

  • If an element is not present in the smaller array, it is the unique element.

  • Return the unique element.

  • Example: arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], arr2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'], unique element = 'd'

Q40. What is a electric current how can much diffen the electricity current and thier parts of electric current?


Electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor.

  • Electric current is measured in amperes (A).

  • It is caused by the movement of electrons in a conductor.

  • There are two types of electric current - direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).

  • DC flows in one direction, while AC changes direction periodically.

  • Electric current is made up of three main components - voltage, current, and resistance.

  • Ohm's Law (V = IR) describes the relationship between these more

Q41. What is a electronic device how can you define the electronic device how can use the electronic device and it's Parts?


An electronic device is a device that operates using electronic circuits and components to perform various functions.

  • An electronic device typically consists of a power source, input/output components, a processor, memory, and various other electronic components.

  • Examples of electronic devices include smartphones, laptops, tablets, and digital cameras.

  • Electronic devices can be used for communication, entertainment, data processing, and various other purposes.

  • The parts of an more

Q42. Design Question

During the interview , I was asked about a scenario of db search implementation. I was asked to provide a solution to minimize API calls during the process.

Q43. OS Question

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buddy system?

Q44. STL Question

From which STL we can insert/remove data from anywhere?

Q45. What happens when an recursive function is called


A recursive function calls itself until a base case is reached, then returns the result to the previous call.

  • Each call creates a new instance of the function on the call stack

  • The function continues to call itself until a base case is reached

  • Once the base case is reached, the function returns the result to the previous call

  • The previous call then continues executing from where it left off

Q46. OOPS Question

What Friend Functions in C++?

Q47. What is a critical rendering path?


The sequence of steps a browser takes to convert HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a rendered page.

  • Includes parsing HTML, constructing the DOM tree, calculating styles, and executing JavaScript.

  • Optimizing the critical rendering path can improve page load times and user experience.

  • Examples of optimization techniques include minimizing render-blocking resources and using lazy loading.

  • The critical rendering path can vary depending on the browser and device being used.

Q48. what is the difference between docker swarm and docker compose ?


Docker Swarm is used for orchestrating multiple Docker containers across multiple hosts, while Docker Compose is used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

  • Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that allows you to manage a cluster of Docker hosts.

  • Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

  • Docker Swarm is used for scaling and managing a cluster of Docker containers, while Docker Compose is used for more

Q49. Whole concept of VPC , subnet and route table and NAT gateway ?


VPC is a virtual private cloud that allows you to create isolated networks within the cloud environment. Subnets are subdivisions of a VPC, route tables define how traffic is directed within the VPC, and NAT gateway allows instances in a private subnet to access the internet.

  • VPC is a virtual private cloud that provides a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch resources.

  • Subnets are subdivisions of a VPC that allow you to group resources based on more

Q50. WHat is a DG Machine how can you find dg machine and it's Components and thier parts of dg machine?


A DG machine is a diesel generator machine used for generating electricity. Components include engine, alternator, fuel system, cooling system, and control panel.

  • DG machine stands for Diesel Generator machine.

  • Components include engine, alternator, fuel system, cooling system, and control panel.

  • Engine is the main component responsible for generating power.

  • Alternator converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy.

  • Fuel system supplies diesel fuel to the more

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