Engineering - Software & QA
a senior software engineer
Why people on Notice periods start acting like dumbs?
Have observed from last 2-3 months as lot of people are leaving the company. After going on the notice period they start behaving very different and behaves like they don't know how this particular functionality works They stops thinking Just want to get the tasks delegated so someone else can do this. Start asking questions which they already know answer of. Isn't this shitty? I understand they are on notice so they can allocate half time for work, but in that half time people are also looking for shortcuts.
a data analyst
🤣 It’s like they don’t even care anymore! it’s super annoying especially when the tasks start piling up
a team lead
Yup, seen this a lot too. It's like some people think they can just check out and coast through, but that just creates more work for the team. At least help with knowledge transfer! 😤
works at
What's wrong in it? Ab bhi aish na kre?
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