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How to change my mindset about spending?🤷‍♂️

So I wanted to buy a couple of things for which I saved up the money, but once I reached that amount I didn't feel like buying it. E.g. I wanted to buy a watch that costs around 13-15k i have 36k( disposable income apart from savings) saved up but still don't feel like buying it now. I'll end up putting it in stocks and have nothing, then drool over such things and the cycle continues. 😅 I've tried a method of saving where we can afford to buy two of those items, but then the thought of that number getting deducted from the account eats me up .😓
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IIT Madras
Hi, I relate with you so much. It’s because I come from a humble background so buying myself anything even when I have disposable income for it feel so tough to do. I think that what helps me is that I overcompensate by saving even more a few months leading into this purchase. For eg: if I’m taking a trip I’ve saved money for, I would save 10-20% more the months before that so that it feels like not much money is spent… Not sure if it’ll work or is feasible for you but it works for me
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Get married and your wife will make you buy it anyways
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If you’ve been consistently saving 30% of your income every month for past 5 years then go ahead and buy what you like with the remaining money each month after 30% saving. If you’ve just been saving for a few months then stay frugal and focused in saving for 5 years at least and then start to spend.
A Team Lead
Buy on EMIs instead. Trick your mind ;)
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