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2500+ Wipro Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 24 Feb 2025
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Q1. Triangle Star Pattern Task

Your task is to print a triangle pattern using stars (*) for a given integer N, which represents the number of rows.


Integer N (Total number of rows)


The triangle more

Print a triangle pattern using stars for a given number of rows N.

  • Use a nested loop to iterate through each row and column to print the stars.

  • Increment the number of stars printed in each row by 1.

  • Ensure there are no spaces between the stars on each line.

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Q2. Encode The String Problem Statement

Given a string S of length N, encode it using the specified rules related to vowels and consonants.


Follow these encoding rules:

  1. If the character is a vowel, more

Encode a given string based on specified rules related to vowels and consonants.

  • Iterate through each character in the string and apply the encoding rules based on whether it is a vowel or consonant.

  • Handle edge cases for 'z' and 'a' by wrapping around to 'a' and 'z' respectively.

  • Return the encoded string for each test case.

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Wipro Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
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Q3. Minimum Operations to Make Strings Equal

Given two strings, A and B, consisting of lowercase English letters, determine the minimum number of pre-processing moves required to make string A equal to string B more


Determine the minimum number of pre-processing moves required to make two strings equal by swapping characters and replacing characters in one string.

  • Iterate through both strings simultaneously and count the number of characters that need to be swapped.

  • Consider all possible swaps and replacements to find the minimum number of pre-processing moves.

  • If the lengths of the strings are different, it's impossible to make them equal.

  • Handle edge cases like empty strings or strings more

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Q4. Reverse Array Elements

Given an array containing 'N' elements, the task is to reverse the order of all array elements and display the reversed array.


The elements of the given array need to be more


Reverse the order of elements in an array and display the reversed array.

  • Iterate through the array from both ends and swap the elements until reaching the middle.

  • Use a temporary variable to store the element being swapped.

  • Print the reversed array after swapping all elements.

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Q5. Knapsack Problem Statement

There is a potter with a limited amount of pottery clay (denoted as 'K' units) who can make 'N' different items. Each item requires a specific amount of clay and yields a certain more


The Knapsack Problem involves maximizing profit by choosing which items to make with limited resources.

  • Understand the problem statement and constraints provided.

  • Implement a dynamic programming solution to solve the Knapsack Problem efficiently.

  • Iterate through the items and clay units to calculate the maximum profit that can be achieved.

  • Consider both the clay requirement and profit of each item while making decisions.

  • Ensure the solution runs within the given time limit of 1 more

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Q6. Chocolate Distribution Problem

You are given an array/list CHOCOLATES of size 'N', where each element represents the number of chocolates in a packet. Your task is to distribute these chocolates among 'M' more


Distribute chocolates among students to minimize the difference between the largest and smallest number of chocolates.

  • Sort the array of chocolates packets in ascending order.

  • Iterate through the array and find the minimum difference between the chocolates in packets for each possible distribution to students.

  • Return the minimum difference as the result.

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Q7. Sum of Two Numbers Represented as Arrays

Given two numbers in the form of two arrays where each element of the array represents a digit, calculate the sum of these two numbers and return this sum as an array. more


Given two numbers represented as arrays, calculate their sum and return the result as an array.

  • Iterate through the arrays from right to left, adding digits and carrying over if necessary

  • Handle cases where one array is longer than the other by considering the remaining digits

  • Ensure the final sum array does not have any leading zeros

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Q8. Binary to Decimal Conversion Challenge

Transform a given binary number 'N', represented as an integer, into its equivalent decimal format and display the result.


An integer N in the Binary Format more


Convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent.

  • Convert each digit of the binary number to its decimal equivalent (0 or 1).

  • Multiply each digit by 2 raised to the power of its position from right to left.

  • Sum up all the results to get the decimal equivalent.

  • Example: For binary number 1011, (1*2^3) + (0*2^2) + (1*2^1) + (1*2^0) = 11.

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Q9. Linear Search Problem Statement

Given a random integer array/list ARR of size N, and an integer X, you are required to search for the integer X in the given array/list using Linear Search.

Return the index at more


Linear search algorithm to find the first occurrence of an integer in an array.

  • Iterate through the array and compare each element with the target integer.

  • Return the index if the target integer is found, else return -1.

  • Time complexity is O(N) where N is the size of the array.

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Q10. Mindbending Product Problem Statement

You are given an array ARR of size N. Your task is to create a Product Array P of the same size such that P[i] is the product of all the elements in ARR except ARR[i]. more


Create a product array from given array without using division operator.

  • Iterate through the array twice to calculate products from left and right side of each element.

  • Multiply left and right products to get the final product array.

  • Handle edge cases where there are zeros in the input array.

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Q11. Shopping Options Problem Statement

Given arrays representing the costs of pants, shirts, shoes, and skirts, and a budget amount 'X', determine the total number of valid combinations that can be purchased such more


Determine total number of valid shopping combinations within budget

  • Iterate through all possible combinations of items from each array

  • Check if the total cost of the combination is within the budget

  • Return the count of valid combinations

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Q12. Minimum Operations Problem Statement

You are given an array 'ARR' of size 'N' consisting of positive integers. Your task is to determine the minimum number of operations required to make all elements in the more


The minimum number of operations needed to make all elements of the array equal by performing addition, multiplication, subtraction, or division on any element.

  • Iterate through the array and find the maximum and minimum values

  • Calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum values

  • Check if the difference is divisible by the length of the array

  • If divisible, return the difference divided by the length

  • If not divisible, return the difference divided by the length plus one

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Q13. Ninja and Substrings Problem Statement

Ninja has to determine all the distinct substrings of size two that can be formed from a given string 'STR' comprising only lowercase alphabetic characters. These more


Find all unique contiguous substrings of size two from a given string.

  • Iterate through the string and extract substrings of size two

  • Use a set to store unique substrings

  • Return the set as an array of strings

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Q14. Difference between compiler and interpreter. Why do you apply to IT, from your respective branch?


Compiler translates entire code into machine language while interpreter translates line by line.

  • Compiler generates an executable file while interpreter does not.

  • Compiler takes more time to analyze and translate the code while interpreter takes less time.

  • Compiler produces faster and efficient code while interpreter produces slower code.

  • Examples of compilers are GCC, Clang, and Visual C++ while examples of interpreters are Python, Ruby, and JavaScript.

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Q15. 2. What is Cloud Technology. What is Microsoft Intune. If we can manage applications using MAM then why do we need MDM?


Cloud technology is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) solution.

  • Cloud technology allows users to access data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based solution that allows organizations to manage mobile devices and applications.

  • MAM allows organizations to manage and secure applications and data on more

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Q16. Count Number of Subsequences Problem Statement

Given an array of non-negative integers A and an integer P, determine the total number of subsequences of A such that the product of any subsequence does not more


Count the number of subsequences of an array with product not exceeding a given value.

  • Iterate through all possible subsequences of the array

  • Calculate the product of each subsequence and check if it exceeds the given value

  • Keep count of subsequences with product not exceeding the given value

  • Return the count of such subsequences

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Q17. Merge Sort Problem Statement

You are given a sequence of numbers, ARR. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ARR in non-descending order using the Merge Sort algorithm.


The Merge Sort more


Implement Merge Sort algorithm to sort a sequence of numbers in non-descending order.

  • Use Divide and Conquer approach to recursively divide the input array into two halves.

  • Merge the sorted halves to produce a completely sorted array.

  • Ensure the time complexity is O(n log n) for sorting.

  • Handle edge cases like empty array, single element array, etc.

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Q18. K-th Permutation Sequence Problem Statement

Given two integers N and K, your task is to find the K-th permutation sequence of numbers from 1 to N. The K-th permutation is the K-th permutation in the set of all more


Find the K-th permutation sequence of numbers from 1 to N.

  • Generate all permutations of numbers from 1 to N using backtracking or next_permutation function.

  • Sort the permutations in lexicographical order.

  • Return the K-th permutation from the sorted list.

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Q19. Bubble Sort Problem Statement

Sort an unsorted array of non-negative integers using the Bubble Sort algorithm, which swaps adjacent elements if they are not in the correct order to sort the array in more


Bubble Sort is used to sort an unsorted array of non-negative integers in non-decreasing order by swapping adjacent elements.

  • Iterate through the array and compare adjacent elements, swapping them if they are not in the correct order.

  • Repeat this process until the array is sorted in non-decreasing order.

  • Time complexity of Bubble Sort is O(n^2) in worst case.

  • Space complexity of Bubble Sort is O(1) as it sorts the array in place.

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Q20. Hatori's Parade Student Selection

Hatori, the class teacher, has 'N' students and aims to select the maximum number of students for the Republic Day parade. The condition for selection is that the absolute more


The task is to select the maximum number of students for a parade based on height constraints.

  • Iterate through the list of heights and sort them.

  • Use two pointers technique to find the maximum number of students that can be selected.

  • Keep track of the count of selected students and update it based on the height constraints.

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Q21. Minimum Cost to Buy Oranges Problem Statement

You are given a bag of capacity 'W' kg and a list 'cost' of costs for packets of oranges with different weights. Each element at the i-th position in the list more


Find the minimum cost to buy a specific weight of oranges given the cost of different weight packets.

  • Iterate through the list of costs and find the minimum cost to achieve the desired weight

  • Use dynamic programming to keep track of the minimum cost for each weight up to the desired weight

  • Handle cases where the desired weight cannot be achieved with the available packet weights

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Q22. Star Pattern Problem Statement

The task is to print a star pattern as described.


T = 1 
N = 4

The dots in the figure represent spaces. For N = 4, the pattern more


Print a left-aligned triangle of stars with increasing numbers of stars per line.

  • Start with 1 star on the first line and increase by 1 star on each subsequent line

  • Use spaces to left-align the stars

  • Repeat for T test cases with different values of N

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Q23. What’s your experience with content management systems/design software/web publishing software?


I have extensive experience with various content management systems and design software.

  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

  • Experience with WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla CMS platforms

  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Ability to create and manage content for websites and social media platforms

  • Experience with user experience (UX) design and testing

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Q24. Maximal AND Subsequences Problem

Given an array consisting of N integers, your task is to determine how many k-element subsequences of the given array exist where the bitwise AND of the subsequence's elements more


The task is to find the maximal AND value and the number of subsequences having this maximal AND value.

  • Iterate through all possible k-element subsequences of the given array

  • Calculate the bitwise AND of each subsequence

  • Track the maximal AND value and the count of subsequences with this value

  • Return the maximal AND value and the count modulo 1000000007

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Q25. What automation framework have you worked on?


I have worked on multiple automation frameworks including Selenium, Appium, and TestNG.

  • I have experience in creating and maintaining automated test scripts using Selenium WebDriver for web applications.

  • I have also worked with Appium for mobile automation testing.

  • TestNG has been my preferred choice for test management and reporting.

  • I have also integrated automation scripts with CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins.

  • I have experience in creating custom frameworks using Java more

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Q26. 1. OOPs concept 2. Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction? 3. What is an array? How it's different from Array list? 4. Explain about the data structures you have used? 5. What is foreign key?


Interview questions for Project Engineer position

  • OOPs concept includes inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction

  • Encapsulation is hiding the implementation details while abstraction is hiding unnecessary details

  • Array is a collection of similar data types while ArrayList is a dynamic array that can grow or shrink

  • Data structures used may include linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees

  • Foreign key is a column in a table that refers to the primary key of another more

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Q27. Remove Leaf Nodes from a Tree

In this problem, you are tasked to remove all the leaf nodes from a given generic tree. A leaf node is defined as a node that does not have any children.


The root itself can more


Remove all leaf nodes from a generic tree.

  • Traverse the tree in post-order fashion to remove leaf nodes.

  • Check if a node is a leaf node (no children), then remove it.

  • Update the parent node's children list after removing leaf nodes.

  • Repeat the process for all nodes in the tree.

  • Return the updated root of the tree after removing all leaf nodes.

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Q28. Determine Pythagoras' Position for Parallelogram Formation

Euclid, Pythagoras, Pascal, and Monte decide to gather in a park. Initially, Pascal, Monte, and Euclid choose three different spots. Pythagoras, more


Calculate Pythagoras' coordinates to form a parallelogram with Euclid, Pascal, and Monte.

  • Calculate the midpoint of the line segment between Euclid and Monte to get the coordinates of Pythagoras.

  • Use the formula: x = x3 + (x2 - x1), y = y3 + (y2 - y1) to find Pythagoras' coordinates.

  • Ensure that the coordinates of Pythagoras satisfy the conditions for forming a parallelogram.

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Q29. Why did you choose this programming language over other programming languages?


I chose this programming language because of its versatility and popularity in the industry.

  • The language has a wide range of applications and can be used for various purposes.

  • It has a large community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support.

  • The language is constantly evolving and adapting to new technologies and trends.

  • Examples of its popularity and versatility can be seen in its use in web development, data analysis, and machine learning.

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Q30. Which is the most comfortable Windows OS for you to work on? ...What is the use of DHCP? ...What is the basic use of DNS at workstations? ...What do you understand by a Default Gateway? ...How can we track the...

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The most comfortable Windows OS for me to work on is Windows 10.

  • Windows 10 is user-friendly and has a familiar interface.

  • It offers improved security features compared to previous versions.

  • Windows 10 provides regular updates and compatibility with modern software.

  • It has a wide range of hardware and software support.

  • Windows 10 includes useful features like Cortana and virtual desktops.

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Q31. Star Pattern Generation

Develop a function to print star patterns based on the given number of rows 'N'. Each row in the pattern should follow the format demonstrated in the example.

The picture illustrates an more


Function to print star patterns based on the given number of rows 'N'.

  • Iterate through each row from 1 to N

  • For each row, print spaces (N-row) followed by stars (2*row-1)

  • Repeat the above step for all rows to generate the pattern

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Q32. Time to Burn Tree Problem

You are given a binary tree consisting of 'N' unique nodes and a start node where the burning will commence. The task is to calculate the time in minutes required to completely burn more


Calculate the time in minutes required to completely burn a binary tree starting from a given node.

  • Traverse the tree to find the start node and calculate the time for fire to spread to all nodes.

  • Use a queue to keep track of nodes to be burned next.

  • Increment the time for each level of nodes burned.

  • Return the total time taken to burn the entire tree.

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Q33. Palindromic Substrings Problem Statement

Given a string STR, your task is to find the total number of palindromic substrings of STR.


STR = "abbc"

The palindromic more


Count the total number of palindromic substrings in a given string.

  • Iterate through each character in the string and expand around it to find palindromic substrings.

  • Use dynamic programming to optimize the solution by storing previously calculated palindromic substrings.

  • Consider both odd-length and even-length palindromes while counting.

  • Example: For input 'abbc', the palindromic substrings are ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'bb'], totaling 5.

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Q34. What's IP address and why is it required?


An IP address is a unique numerical identifier assigned to devices connected to a network to enable communication.

  • IP stands for Internet Protocol

  • It is required for devices to communicate with each other over a network

  • It consists of a series of numbers separated by dots

  • There are two types of IP addresses - IPv4 and IPv6

  • Examples of IP addresses are and 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

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Q35. Segregate Odd-Even Problem Statement

In a wedding ceremony at NinjaLand, attendees are blindfolded. People from the bride’s side hold odd numbers, while people from the groom’s side hold even numbers. For the more


Rearrange a linked list such that odd numbers appear before even numbers, preserving the order of appearance.

  • Iterate through the linked list and maintain two separate lists for odd and even numbers.

  • Merge the two lists while preserving the order of appearance.

  • Ensure to handle cases where there are no odd or even numbers in the list.

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Q36. What is Stp and how it is work? What is root bridge


STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) is a network protocol that prevents loops in Ethernet networks. It elects a root bridge to manage the network.

  • STP is a network protocol used to prevent loops in Ethernet networks.

  • It works by creating a loop-free logical topology by blocking redundant paths.

  • STP elects a root bridge, which becomes the central point of the network.

  • The root bridge is the bridge with the lowest bridge ID.

  • STP uses Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) to exchange more

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Q37. Count Equal Elements Subsequences

Given an integer array/list ARR of size N, your task is to compute the total number of subsequences where all elements are equal.


A subsequence of a given array more


Count the total number of subsequences where all elements are equal in an integer array.

  • Iterate through the array and count the frequency of each element.

  • Calculate the total number of subsequences for each element using the formula (frequency * (frequency + 1) / 2).

  • Sum up the total number of subsequences for all elements and return the result modulo 10^9 + 7.

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Q38. What is constarints, what is commit command in sql, write syntax of join operation and one programming question write a code for reverse an array


Answering technical interview questions on SQL and programming

  • Constraints are rules applied to columns in a database table to ensure data integrity

  • COMMIT command is used to save changes made to a database

  • JOIN operation is used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column

  • Code for reversing an array: reverseArray(arr) {return arr.reverse();}

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Q39. How do you capture a client’s voice?


Capturing a client's voice involves active listening, empathy, and understanding their needs and preferences.

  • Listen actively to their feedback and concerns

  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share their thoughts

  • Empathize with their perspective and show that you understand their needs

  • Use their language and tone in your communication

  • Take note of their preferences and incorporate them into your strategy

  • Collect data through surveys, focus groups, and social media more

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Q40. Prime Numbers Retrieval Task

You are provided with a positive integer 'N'. Your objective is to identify and return all prime numbers that are less than or equal to 'N'.


T = 1
N = 10
2, more

Return all prime numbers less than or equal to a given positive integer N.

  • Iterate from 2 to N and check if each number is prime

  • Use a boolean array to mark non-prime numbers

  • Optimize by only checking up to square root of N for divisibility

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Q41. Count Diagonal Paths

You are given a binary tree. Your task is to return the count of the diagonal paths to the leaf of the given binary tree such that all the values of the nodes on the diagonal are equal. more


Count the number of diagonal paths in a binary tree with equal node values.

  • Traverse the binary tree and keep track of diagonal paths with equal node values.

  • Use recursion to explore all possible paths in the tree.

  • Count the number of paths that meet the criteria of having equal node values on the diagonal.

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Q42. Kth Largest Element Problem Statement

Ninja enjoys working with numbers, and Alice challenges him to find the Kth largest value from a given list of numbers.


The first line contains an integer 'T', more

The task is to find the Kth largest element in a given list of numbers for each test case.

  • Read the number of test cases 'T'

  • For each test case, read the number of elements 'N' and the Kth largest number to find 'K'

  • Sort the array in descending order and output the Kth element

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Q43. Balanced Parentheses Combinations

Given an integer N representing the number of pairs of parentheses, find all the possible combinations of balanced parentheses using the given number of pairs.

Explanation: more

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Q44. Check Duplicate Within K Distance

Given an array of integers arr of size N and an integer K, determine if there are any duplicate elements within a distance of K from each other in the array. Return "true" if more


Check if there are any duplicate elements within a distance of K from each other in the array.

  • Iterate through the array and keep track of the indices of elements using a hashmap.

  • For each element, check if it already exists in the hashmap within distance K.

  • Return true if a duplicate is found within distance K, otherwise return false.

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Q45. Count Subsequences Problem Statement

Given an integer array ARR of size N, your task is to find the total number of subsequences in which all elements are equal.


A subsequence of an array is more


Count the total number of subsequences in which all elements are equal in an integer array.

  • Iterate through the array and count the frequency of each element.

  • Calculate the total number of subsequences for each element using the formula (freq * (freq + 1) / 2).

  • Sum up the total number of subsequences for all elements and return the result modulo 10^9 + 7.

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Q46. XOR Pair Grouping Problem

You are given an array A of size N. Determine whether the array can be split into groups of pairs such that the XOR of each pair equals 0. Return true if it is possible, otherwise more


Determine if an array can be split into pairs with XOR 0.

  • Check if the count of each element in the array is even.

  • Use a hashmap to store the frequency of each element.

  • Iterate through the hashmap and check if the count of any element is odd.

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Q47. Merge Sort Algorithm Problem Statement

Your task is to sort a sequence of numbers stored in the array ‘ARR’ in non-descending order using the Merge Sort algorithm.


Merge Sort is a more


Implement Merge Sort algorithm to sort a sequence of numbers in non-descending order.

  • Divide the input array into two halves recursively

  • Sort the two halves separately

  • Merge the sorted halves to produce a fully sorted array

  • Time complexity of Merge Sort is O(n log n)

  • Example: Input - [5, 2, 8, 3, 1], Output - [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]

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Q48. Can you share your screen and write a demo code based on dynamic memory allocation?

Demonstrating dynamic memory allocation with a demo code.

  • Use functions like malloc(), calloc(), or realloc() to allocate memory dynamically.

  • Remember to free the allocated memory using free() to avoid memory leaks.

  • Example: char **strings = (char **)malloc(5 * sizeof(char *));

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Q49. How to calculate timing of Incident which assigned to multiple group


To calculate the timing of an incident assigned to multiple groups, determine the start and end times for each group and calculate the total duration.

  • Identify the groups to which the incident is assigned

  • Determine the start time and end time for each group's involvement

  • Calculate the duration for each group

  • Sum up the durations to get the total timing of the incident

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Q50. Write a program to remove duplicate character in a string if there are multiple users in an application, and if the buttons in the applications are specific to particular user, you need to perform operation in...

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Questions related to Selenium Automation and software testing

  • To remove duplicate characters in a string, use a loop and a hashset

  • To perform operations on specific buttons for a user, use conditional statements

  • To switch to a particular tab, use the window handle

  • 500 error code in Postman validation indicates a bad request

  • Primary key is a unique identifier for a record in a database

  • Roles and responsibilities in a project depend on the project and team

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Q51. How do you prioritize projects?


Prioritizing projects involves assessing their importance, urgency, and impact on business goals.

  • Identify the goals and objectives of the company

  • Assess the importance and urgency of each project

  • Consider the impact of each project on business goals

  • Allocate resources based on priority

  • Regularly review and adjust priorities as needed

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Q52. Merge Two Sorted Arrays Problem Statement

Given two sorted integer arrays ARR1 and ARR2 of size M and N, respectively, merge them into ARR1 as one sorted array. Assume that ARR1 has a size of M + N to hold all more


Merge two sorted arrays into one sorted array in place.

  • Iterate from the end of both arrays and compare elements to merge in place

  • Use two pointers to keep track of the current position in each array

  • Handle cases where one array is fully merged before the other

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Q53. Maximum Difference Problem Statement

Given an array ARR of N elements, your task is to find the maximum difference between any two elements in ARR.

If the maximum difference is even, print EVEN; if it is odd, more


Find the maximum difference between any two elements in an array and determine if it is even or odd.

  • Iterate through the array to find the maximum and minimum elements

  • Calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum elements

  • Check if the difference is even or odd and return the result

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Q54. 7.A user has received a zip file in Outlook, which is a managed app. Will the user be able to open that zip file?


It depends on the app's settings and the user's permissions.

  • If the managed app allows opening zip files and the user has permission to do so, then they can open it.

  • If the app does not allow opening zip files or the user does not have permission, then they cannot open it.

  • The user should check with their IT department or the app's documentation to determine if zip files are allowed.

  • If the zip file contains a potentially harmful file type, the app may block it from being opened.

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Q55. 1 introduction 2 what is the features of Java 3 what are the differences between C++ and Java 4 OOP concepts including oops pullers 5 why Java is not 100% object oriented programming 6 why Java is platform inde...

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Q56. What are the different kinds of inheritance?


There are 5 types of inheritance in object-oriented programming.

  • Single inheritance: a subclass inherits from a single superclass.

  • Multiple inheritance: a subclass inherits from multiple superclasses.

  • Multilevel inheritance: a subclass inherits from a superclass, which in turn inherits from another superclass.

  • Hierarchical Inheritance: multiple subclasses inherit from a single superclass.

  • Hybrid inheritance: a combination of multiple and multilevel inheritance.

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Q57. Longest Common Subsequence Problem Statement

Given two Strings STR1 and STR2, determine the length of their longest common subsequence.

A subsequence is a sequence derived from another sequence by deleting more


Find the length of the longest common subsequence between two given strings.

  • Use dynamic programming to solve this problem efficiently.

  • Create a 2D array to store the lengths of common subsequences.

  • Iterate through the strings to fill the array and find the longest common subsequence length.

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Q58. How many Google maping .. types are there ..


There are several types of Google mapping, including Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Street View.

  • Google Maps is a web-based mapping service that provides directions, traffic information, and satellite imagery.

  • Google Earth is a virtual globe that allows users to explore the Earth's surface using satellite imagery and aerial photography.

  • Google Street View provides panoramic views of streets and locations using 360-degree street-level imagery.

  • Other types of Google mapping more

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Q59. how you will print even number of elements in an array.


Loop through the array and print only even indexed elements.

  • Use a for loop to iterate through the array.

  • Use the modulus operator to check if the index is even.

  • Print the element if the index is even.

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Q60. Ninja and Alien Language Order Problem

An alien dropped its dictionary while visiting Earth. The Ninja wants to determine the order of characters used in the alien language, based on the given list of words more


Determine the order of characters in an alien language based on a list of words.

  • Create a graph data structure to represent the relationships between characters in the words.

  • Perform a topological sort on the graph to find the order of characters.

  • Return the smallest lexicographical order of characters as the result.

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Q61. What is main difference between recursion and dynamic programming and which is better in terms of time complexity?


Recursion is a technique of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems. Dynamic programming is a method of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems and storing the solutions to those subproblems to avoid redundant calculations.

  • Recursion involves solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems and calling the function recursively until the base case is reached.

  • Dynamic programming involves solving a problem by breaking more

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Q62. How to rectify data recovery, dual monitor connection


To rectify data recovery, dual monitor connection, check cables, update drivers, and use data recovery software.

  • Check cables and connections for dual monitor setup

  • Update drivers for graphics card and monitor

  • Use data recovery software to recover lost data

  • Ensure proper backup procedures are in place to prevent data loss

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Q63. The ages of Raj and Sakshi are in the ratio of 8:7 and on adding their ages we get 60. Determine the ratio of their ages after 6 years.


Ratio of ages of Raj and Sakshi is 8:7 and their sum is 60. Find their ratio after 6 years.

  • Let the ages of Raj and Sakshi be 8x and 7x respectively

  • Their sum is 60, so 15x = 60

  • Hence, x = 4

  • After 6 years, Raj's age will be 8x+6 and Sakshi's age will be 7x+6

  • The ratio of their ages after 6 years will be (8x+6):(7x+6)

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Q64. How to make a thread safe object in Java?


To make a thread safe object in Java, use synchronization or locks.

  • Use synchronized keyword to ensure only one thread can access the object at a time.

  • Use locks to provide more fine-grained control over synchronization.

  • Use thread-safe data structures like ConcurrentHashMap or AtomicInteger.

  • Avoid using static variables or mutable shared state.

  • Consider using immutable objects or thread-local variables.

  • Test the thread safety of your code using tools like JUnit or stress testing.

  • more

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Q65. What is the relation between Incident and change?


Incidents can trigger changes to prevent future incidents.

  • Incidents can reveal weaknesses in the system that require changes to prevent future incidents.

  • Changes can also cause incidents if not properly managed.

  • Incident and change management processes should be closely integrated.

  • For example, a major incident caused by a software bug may require a change to the code to prevent it from happening again.

  • Similarly, a change to a server configuration may cause an incident if not more

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Q66. What is DDOS Attack and what you will use to prevent it.


DDOS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server or network by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic.

  • DDOS stands for Distributed Denial of Service

  • Attackers use multiple devices to send a huge amount of traffic to the target server or network

  • It can cause the server or network to crash or become unavailable to legitimate users

  • Prevention measures include using firewalls, load balancers, and DDOS mitigation services

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Q67. Reverse Only Letters Problem Statement

You are given a string S. The task is to reverse the letters of the string while keeping non-alphabet characters in their original position.


S = "a-bcd" more

Reverse the letters of a string while keeping non-alphabet characters in their original position.

  • Iterate through the string and maintain two pointers, one at the start and one at the end, to reverse only the letters

  • Use isalpha() function to check if a character is an alphabet or not

  • Swap the letters at the two pointers until they meet in the middle

  • Keep non-alphabet characters in their original position while reversing the letters

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Q68. What do u know about printer...? How many types of printer are there?


Printers are output devices that produce hard copy output from computers. There are several types of printers.

  • Types of printers include inkjet, laser, thermal, and dot matrix.

  • Inkjet printers use liquid ink sprayed through microscopic nozzles onto paper.

  • Laser printers use toner powder and heat to fuse the toner onto paper.

  • Thermal printers use heat to transfer ink onto paper.

  • Dot matrix printers use a print head that strikes an ink ribbon to create dots on paper.

  • Printers can more

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Q69. What is the difference between encapsulation and polymorphism?


Encapsulation is hiding implementation details while polymorphism is using a single interface for multiple types.

  • Encapsulation is achieved through access modifiers like private, protected, and public.

  • Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as if they are of the same class.

  • Encapsulation is about data hiding and abstraction while polymorphism is about behavior.

  • Example of encapsulation: a class with private variables and public methods to access them.

  • more

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Q70. Nth Term of Geometric Progression Problem

Given the first term A, the common ratio R, and an integer N, your task is to find the Nth term of a geometric progression (GP) series.


The general form more


Calculate the Nth term of a geometric progression series modulo 10^9 + 7.

  • Use the formula A * R^(N-1) to find the Nth term of the GP series.

  • Remember to calculate the result modulo 10^9 + 7.

  • Handle multiple test cases efficiently to stay within the time limit.

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Q71. What are firewalls and application gateways and the difference between them?


Firewalls and application gateways are both security measures used to protect networks, but they differ in their approach.

  • Firewalls are network security systems that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

  • Application gateways, also known as application-level gateways or application layer firewalls, operate at the application layer of the OSI model and can inspect and filter traffic based on the specific application more

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Q72. Program to check if two given matrices are identical


Program to check if two given matrices are identical

  • Check if the dimensions of both matrices are same

  • Iterate through each element of both matrices and compare them

  • If all elements are same, matrices are identical

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Q73. Tell me some keywords to make a thread safe program in java ?


Keywords for thread safe program in Java

  • Synchronization using synchronized keyword

  • Using volatile keyword for shared variables

  • Using atomic classes for thread safe operations

  • Using thread safe collections like ConcurrentHashMap

  • Using locks and semaphores for synchronization

  • Avoiding shared mutable state

  • Using immutable objects

  • Using thread local variables

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Q74. If you have learn anew programing language for this job,what wil do ?


I would take the initiative to learn the new programming language as quickly as possible.

  • Research the best resources for learning the language

  • Practice coding in the new language regularly

  • Seek guidance and mentorship from experienced programmers

  • Attend workshops and conferences to enhance knowledge

  • Apply the new language in real-world projects to gain experience

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Q75. What are the kinds of data stored by MS Excel?


MS Excel can store various types of data including numbers, text, dates, and formulas.

  • Numeric data such as sales figures, budgets, and inventory levels

  • Text data such as customer names, product descriptions, and employee information

  • Date and time data such as order dates, delivery dates, and project deadlines

  • Formulas and functions for calculations and data analysis

  • Charts and graphs for visual representation of data

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Q76. Which programming language are you comfortable with?


I am comfortable with multiple programming languages including Java, Python, and C++.

  • Proficient in Java, Python, and C++

  • Experience with web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Familiarity with database languages such as SQL

  • Comfortable with object-oriented programming and software development principles

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Q77. ALM process? Suppose there is only dev and prod environment how we can create test environment for tester?


To create a test environment for testers in a dev and prod setup, we can follow the ALM process.

  • Create a separate branch from the dev environment codebase for testing purposes

  • Deploy the branch to a separate environment for testing

  • Once testing is complete, merge the branch back into the dev environment

  • Deploy the updated dev environment to the prod environment

  • Ensure proper version control and documentation throughout the process

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Q78. What are AL/ML and their differences?


AL/ML are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning respectively. AL is a broader term while ML is a subset of AL.

  • AL involves creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks without human intervention

  • ML is a subset of AL that involves training machines to learn from data and improve their performance

  • AL includes various techniques such as rule-based systems, expert systems, and natural language processing

  • ML includes techniques such as supervised learning, unsupervised more

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Q79. Explain your project? What are DDL commands in sql? difference between c++ and java? What is Primary and foreign key? Joins in sql explain types of joins?


Answering questions related to project, SQL commands, and programming languages.

  • Project involved developing a web application using Java and MySQL database.

  • DDL commands in SQL are used to define the structure of a database.

  • C++ is a compiled language while Java is an interpreted language.

  • Primary key uniquely identifies a record while foreign key establishes a relationship between two tables.

  • Joins in SQL are used to combine data from two or more tables based on a related more

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Q80. What is GPS in mapping and what is pinpoint


GPS in mapping is a technology that uses satellites to determine location. Pinpoint is the exact location on a map.

  • GPS stands for Global Positioning System and uses satellites to determine location

  • Pinpoint is the exact location on a map, often marked with a pin or marker

  • GPS in mapping allows for accurate navigation and location tracking

  • Examples of GPS mapping applications include Google Maps and Waze

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Q81. What is zonning .And have you ever been part of upgradation ?


Zoning is a method of dividing a storage area network (SAN) into smaller, isolated sections to improve performance and security.

  • Zoning is used to control access to specific resources within a SAN.

  • It can be done at the port level, device level, or WWN level.

  • Zoning can be hard or soft, depending on whether it is enforced by hardware or software.

  • Upgrading a SAN may require changes to zoning configurations to accommodate new hardware or software.

  • I have been part of SAN upgrades more

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Q82. 1. Why I choose Transition Management 2. Explain RFP/RFI process in detail. 3. How to calculate exact Transition duration while solutioning. 4. How to conclude with FTE count. 5. What are general problems faced...

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Transition Manager interview questions on choosing transition management, RFP/RFI process, transition duration calculation, FTE count, and general problems faced during execution.

  • I chose Transition Management because of my interest in managing change and ensuring smooth transitions.

  • RFP/RFI process involves creating a request for proposal or information to solicit bids from vendors, evaluating the responses, and selecting the best fit.

  • Transition duration can be calculated by more

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Q83. How do you pull some specific data from a table based on given conditions ?


To pull specific data from a table based on given conditions, use SQL SELECT statement with WHERE clause.

  • Identify the table and columns containing the data

  • Specify the conditions using operators such as =, >, <, LIKE, etc.

  • Use SELECT statement with WHERE clause to retrieve the data

  • Example: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name = 'condition'

  • Use AND or OR operators to combine multiple conditions

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Q84. ...What do you understand by a Default Gateway? ...How can we track the path of the packet going to its destination?


Default Gateway is the IP address of the router that connects a device to other networks. We can track packet path using Traceroute.

  • Default Gateway is the first point of contact for a device when it tries to connect to other networks.

  • It acts as a mediator between the device and other networks.

  • It helps in routing the traffic to the correct destination.

  • Traceroute is a tool that can be used to track the path of a packet going to its destination.

  • It works by sending packets with more

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Q85. Are you ready to sign the service bonds?


Yes, I am willing to sign the service bonds.

  • I understand the importance of service bonds in ensuring job security and commitment to the company.

  • I am confident in my abilities to fulfill the responsibilities of the Project Engineer role and am committed to staying with the company for the duration of the bond.

  • I am open to discussing the terms and conditions of the bond before signing.

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Q86. Are all inheritance applicable in Python?


No, not all inheritance is applicable in Python.

  • Python supports single inheritance, where a class can inherit from only one parent class.

  • Multiple inheritance is also possible, but it can lead to the diamond problem.

  • Python also supports multilevel inheritance, where a class can inherit from a parent class, which in turn can inherit from another parent class.

  • Inheritance can be used to reuse code and create a hierarchy of classes.

  • Example: class B inherits from class A - class B( more

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Q87. What exactly is NLP? Explain for a layman


NLP stands for Natural Language Processing. It is a field of study that focuses on making computers understand human language.

  • NLP involves teaching computers to understand and interpret human language, both written and spoken.

  • It is used in various applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation software.

  • NLP uses techniques such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and part-of-speech tagging to analyze and understand language.

  • Examples more

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Q88. What is mortgage value


Mortgage value refers to the monetary worth of a property that is used as collateral for a loan.

  • Mortgage value is the assessed value of a property that determines the maximum loan amount a borrower can obtain.

  • It is based on factors such as the property's location, size, condition, and market trends.

  • Lenders typically lend a percentage of the mortgage value, known as loan-to-value ratio.

  • For example, if a property's mortgage value is $200,000 and the lender offers an 80% more

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Q89. Who are the members and providers in insurance?


Members are individuals or entities who purchase insurance policies while providers are companies that offer insurance policies.

  • Members can be individuals, families, or businesses.

  • Providers can be insurance companies, brokers, or agents.

  • Examples of insurance providers include State Farm, Allstate, and Geico.

  • Examples of insurance members include individuals who purchase health insurance or businesses that purchase liability insurance.

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Q90. Which programming language do you refer,


I prefer Python for its simplicity and versatility.

  • Python is easy to learn and has a large community for support.

  • It can be used for a variety of tasks such as web development, data analysis, and automation.

  • Python also has many libraries and frameworks available for use.

  • Other languages I am familiar with include Java and C++.

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Q91. 3.What is the difference between Passcode and PIN?


Passcode and PIN are both used for authentication, but they differ in their length and complexity.

  • A passcode is typically longer than a PIN and can include letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • A PIN is usually a 4-6 digit number.

  • Passcodes are generally considered more secure than PINs.

  • Examples of passcodes include the password for your email account or the code to unlock your phone.

  • Examples of PINs include the code to access your bank account or the PIN to unlock your SIM card.

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Q92. Reverse the each word of the string


Reverse each word of a given string.

  • Split the string into words using space as a delimiter.

  • Reverse each word using built-in functions or loops.

  • Join the reversed words to form the final string.

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Q93. What is time complexity of bubble sort? Can we do anything to reduce time in bubble sort?


Bubble sort has a time complexity of O(n^2). It can be optimized by adding a flag to check if any swaps were made.

  • Bubble sort compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

  • It repeats this process until the array is sorted.

  • Adding a flag to check if any swaps were made can reduce the time complexity to O(n) in the best case.

  • However, in the worst case, it still has a time complexity of O(n^2).

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Q94. What are the access specifiers?


Access specifiers are keywords in object-oriented programming languages that determine the visibility of class members.

  • Access specifiers are used to restrict access to class members.

  • There are three access specifiers: public, private, and protected.

  • Public members can be accessed from anywhere in the program.

  • Private members can only be accessed within the class.

  • Protected members can be accessed within the class and its subclasses.

  • Example: class MyClass { public: int x; more

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Q95. String Palindrome Verification

Given a string, your task is to determine if it is a palindrome considering only alphanumeric characters.


The input is a single string without any leading or trailing more

Check if a given string is a palindrome considering only alphanumeric characters.

  • Remove non-alphanumeric characters from the input string.

  • Compare characters from start and end of the string to check for palindrome.

  • Handle edge cases like empty string or single character input.

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Q96. what is the difference between overloading and overriding?


Overloading is when multiple methods have the same name but different parameters, while overriding is when a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method already defined in its superclass.

  • Overloading is compile-time polymorphism, while overriding is runtime polymorphism.

  • Overloading is achieved within the same class, while overriding occurs between a superclass and its subclass.

  • Overloading is used to provide different ways of calling the same method, while more

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Q97. What is the difference between Saving and current account


Saving account is for saving money and earning interest while current account is for frequent transactions.

  • Saving account earns interest while current account does not.

  • Saving account has a limit on the number of transactions while current account does not.

  • Current account is meant for frequent transactions while saving account is not.

  • Saving account has a higher interest rate than current account.

  • Examples of saving accounts include fixed deposit accounts, recurring deposit more

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Q98. What is difference between service catalog and order guide and record producer


Service catalog, order guide, and record producer are different components in ServiceNow for managing and fulfilling service requests.

  • Service catalog is a centralized repository of services that users can request.

  • Order guide is a collection of related services grouped together for easy selection and ordering.

  • Record producer is a form-based interface that allows users to create records in different tables.

  • Service catalog provides a self-service portal for users to browse and more

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Q99. Can you describe some situations where you had to apply logical reasoning, and can you also tell me about yourself?

I have applied logical reasoning in various situations, such as problem-solving tasks and decision-making processes.

  • Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends

  • Creating algorithms to optimize processes

  • Solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable parts

  • Making informed decisions based on available information

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Q100. What is array, diffrence between C and C++, what is object oriented programming, what projects who have worked on.


Questions on arrays, C/C++, OOP, and past projects for Project Engineer role.

  • An array is a collection of similar data types stored in contiguous memory locations.

  • C is a procedural language while C++ is an object-oriented language.

  • Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent and manipulate data.

  • Examples of past projects worked on should be provided.

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