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Aztec Recycling Hub Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. -> Find the 3rd largest used character in a string.
Find the 3rd largest used character in a string.
Create a frequency map of characters in the string
Sort the map by frequency in descending order
Return the third character from the map
Q2. Find the error in the code
Find the error in the code
Need to specify the error or provide the code
Without context, it's impossible to find the error
Q3. Explain component lifecyle in React
Component lifecycle in React is a series of methods that are invoked at different stages of a component's existence.
Mounting: constructor, render, componentDidMount
Updating: render, componentDidUpdate
Unmounting: componentWillUnmount
Error Handling: componentDidCatch
Q4. Perspective on clean code
Clean code is essential for maintainability, readability, and scalability of software.
Clean code follows consistent naming conventions.
Clean code is well-organized and easy to understand.
Clean code minimizes duplication and follows the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.
Q5. Difference between ArrayList & List.
ArrayList is a class that implements List interface. List is an interface that defines certain methods.
ArrayList is a resizable array implementation of List interface.
List is an interface that defines certain methods like add(), remove(), get(), etc.
ArrayList can store duplicate elements and maintains insertion order.
List can be implemented by other classes like LinkedList, Vector, etc.
Q6. Write a code to conver roman to int
Convert Roman numerals to integers using a code snippet.
Create a dictionary to map Roman numerals to integers
Iterate through the input string from right to left
If the current numeral is smaller than the next numeral, subtract its value from the total
Otherwise, add its value to the total
Q7. Why IT field when compared to ECE?
IT field offers more opportunities and growth potential compared to ECE.
IT field is constantly evolving and offers a wide range of career options
IT professionals are in high demand across industries
IT field offers better salary and growth prospects compared to ECE
ECE field is limited to certain industries like electronics and telecommunications
IT field has more scope for innovation and creativity
Q8. What is hibernate
Hibernate is an open-source object-relational mapping framework for Java applications.
Hibernate simplifies the development of database interactions in Java applications by mapping Java objects to database tables.
It provides a way to perform database operations using object-oriented programming concepts.
Hibernate supports various database management systems like MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL.
It helps in managing the database connections, transactions, and queries efficiently. more
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