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10+ Gurusabh Power Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 5 Feb 2024
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Q1. Digits Decoding Problem

Ninja has a string of characters from 'A' to 'Z', encoded using their numeric values (A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26). The encoded string is given as a sequence of digits (SEQ). The task is to more

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Q2. Maximum Non-Adjacent Subsequence Sum

Given an array of integers, determine the maximum sum of a subsequence without choosing adjacent elements in the original array.


The first line consists of an more
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Q3. Candies Distribution Problem Statement

Prateek is a kindergarten teacher with a mission to distribute candies to students based on their performance. Each student must get at least one candy, and if two more

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Q4. First Unique Character in a Stream Problem Statement

Given a string A consisting of lowercase English letters, determine the first non-repeating character at each point in the stream of characters.

Example: more
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Q5. Problem Statement: Minimum Cost to Buy Ninja Blades

Ninja Yuki wants to purchase ninja blades at the Spring Fair in his village. Initially, he has 0 blades, and his goal is to buy 'N' blades. The merchant more

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Q6. Leaves at Same Level Problem Statement

Given a binary tree with 'N' nodes, determine if all the leaf nodes are situated at the same level. Return true if all the leaf nodes are at the same level, otherwise more

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Q7. Next Permutation Problem Statement

Given a permutation of ‘N’ integers, rearrange them to generate the lexicographically next greater permutation. A sequence is a permutation if it contains all integers from 1 more

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Q8. Boolean Matrix Transformation Challenge

Given a 2-dimensional boolean matrix mat of size N x M, your task is to modify the matrix such that if any element is 1, set its entire row and column to 1. Specifically, more

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Q9. Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem Statement

Given an array of integers with 'N' elements, determine the length of the longest subsequence where each element is greater than the previous element. This more

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Q10. Averages of Levels in Binary Tree Problem Statement

Given an arbitrary binary tree consisting of 'N' nodes numbered from 1 to 'N'. Each node is associated with a positive integer value. Your task is to more

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Q11. Validate BST Problem Statement

Given a binary tree with N nodes, determine whether the tree is a Binary Search Tree (BST). If it is a BST, return true; otherwise, return false.

A binary search tree (BST) is a more

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Q12. Maximum Sum of Index-Multiplied Rotations

Given an array ARR of size N, determine the maximum sum of i * ARR[i] possible through any number of rotations. Both left and right rotations are allowed, and can be more

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Q13. LRU Cache Design Question

Design a data structure for a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache that supports the following operations:

1. get(key) - Return the value of the key if it exists in the cache; otherwise, more

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Q14. Minimum Cost to Destination

You are given an NxM matrix consisting of '0's and '1's. A '1' signifies that the cell is accessible, whereas a '0' indicates that the cell is blocked. Your task is to compute the more

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Q15. Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph

Given a directed graph, you need to determine whether or not the graph contains a cycle.

Your function should return true if there is at least one cycle in the graph; more

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Q16. Rat in a Maze Problem Statement

You need to determine all possible paths for a rat starting at position (0, 0) in a square maze to reach its destination at (N-1, N-1). The maze is represented as an N*N matrix more

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Q17. Given the employee and department tables, how would you find the number of employees in each department? (This question focuses on SQL Joins.)
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Q18. What is the difference between Mutex and Semaphores?
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