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JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview Questions, Process, and Tips for Freshers

Updated 8 Jan 2025

Top JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

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JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview Experiences for Freshers

Popular Designations

106 interviews found

I was interviewed before Mar 2021.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 90 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was an online coding round where we had 2 questions of Medium to Hard level of difficulty to solve under 90 minutes. I was able to solve the 2nd question fully and the 1st one partially. 10 students were shortlisted for further rounds and I was one of them.

  • Q1. Longest Palindromic Substring

    You are given a string (STR) of length N.

    Your task is to find the longest palindromic substring. If there is more than one palindromic substring with the maximum length, re...

  • Ans. 

    Approach :

    1) Create a 2-D dp boolean vector(with all false initially) where dp[i][j] states whether s[i...j] is a palindrome or not and
    initilialise a variable ans=1 which will store the final answer.

    2) Base Case : For every i from 0 to n-1 fill dp[i][i]=1 ( as a single character is always a palindrome ) .

    3) Now, run 2 loops first one from i=n-1 to i=0 (i.e., tarverse from the back of the string) and the second one from

  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. Count Subarrays with Given XOR

    Given an array of integers ‘ARR’ and an integer ‘X’, you are supposed to find the number of subarrays of 'ARR' which have bitwise XOR of the elements equal to 'X&...

  • Ans. 

    Approach (Using Hashing) :

    1) Create a HashMap “prefXor” which stores the count of subarrays having a particular XOR value.

    2) Create a variable “curXor” which stores the XOR for ‘i’ elements. Initialise it with zero. Also, create a
    variable called “ans” to store the count of the subarrays having XOR ‘X’.

    3) Start iterating through given array/list using a variable ‘i’ such that 0 <= ‘i’ < n

    3.1) Update the “curXor” i...

  • Answered Anonymously
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 70 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was a preety intense round where I had to solve 3 algorithmic questions under 70 minutes. I first explained my approach for each of these questions and also discussed why they were optimal in the first place with their respective time and space compleixities. The interviewer was quite impressed at the end of the round.

  • Q1. Kth Largest Number

    You will be given a stream of numbers, and you need to find the kth largest number in the stream at any given time.

    As the stream of numbers can not be given during compile time, so yo...

  • Ans. 

    Naive Solution:

    Keep an array of size k. The idea is to keep the array sorted increasing order so that the k'th largest element can be
    found in O(1) time.

    How to process a new element of stream?

    For every new element in stream, check if the new element is smaller than current k'th largest element. If yes, then
    ignore it. If no, then remove the smallest element from array and insert new element in sorted order. Time complexi...

  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. Merge Two Sorted Linked Lists

    You are given two sorted linked lists. You have to merge them to produce a combined sorted linked list. You need to return the head of the final linked list.


    The give...
  • Ans. 

    Approach :

    1) Compare the head of both linked lists.

    2) Find the smaller node among the two head nodes. The current element will be the smaller node among two head

    3) The rest elements of both lists will appear after that.

    4) Now run a recursive function with parameters, the next node of the smaller element, and the other head.

    5) The recursive function will return the next smaller element linked with rest of the sort...

  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q3. Stack using queue

    Implement a Stack Data Structure specifically to store integer data using two Queues.

    There should be two data members, both being Queues to store the data internally. You may use the i...

  • Ans. 

    Approach : A stack can be implemented using two queues. Let stack to be implemented be ‘s’ and queues used to
    implement be ‘q1’ and ‘q2’. Stack ‘s’ can be implemented in two ways :

    Method 1 (push - O(1) , pop - O(n) ) :

    1) push(s, x) operation :
    i) Enqueue x to q1 (assuming size of q1 is unlimited).

    2) pop(s) operation :
    i) One by one dequeue everything except the last element from q1 and enqueue to q2.
    ii) Dequeue the last i...

  • Answered Anonymously
Round 3 - HR 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 30 Minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was a typical HR round with some standard Behavioral questions.

  • Q1. Basic HR Question

    Tell me something about yourself?

  • Ans. 

    Tip 1 : Prepare the points that you will speak in your introduction prior to the interview.
    Tip 2 : Tell about your current cgpa, achievements and authenticated certification
    Tip 3 : I told about my role in current internship and what all I do

  • Answered Anonymously
  • Q2. Basic HR Question

    Do you know anything about the company ?

  • Ans. 

    General Tip : Before an interview for any company , have a breif insight about the company , what it does , when was
    it founded and so on . All these info can be easily acquired from the Company Website itself.

  • Answered Anonymously

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAJPMorgan Chase & Co. interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, System Design, Aptitude, OOPSTime required to prepare for the interview - 5 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Top JPMorgan Chase & Co. Software Developer Intern Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. Reverse Words in a StringYou are given a string of length N. You need to reverse the string word by word. There can be multiple spaces between two words and there can be leading or trailing spaces but in the output reversed string you need ... read more
View answer (2)

Software Developer Intern Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Sum Of Max And MinYou are given an array “ARR” of size N. Your task is to find out the sum of maximum and minimum elements in the array. Follow Up: Can you do the above task in a minimum number of comparisons? Input format: The first line ... read more
View answer (8)

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Linked lists, OOPs, puzzle, real life problems

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 16 MCQs, 2 Coding questions
Tips: Good mental ability is appreciated
Duration: 2 hours
Total Questions: 18

College Name: NIT Allahabad

Technology Intern Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. what is ros1 and difference between ros1 and ros2?
View answer (1)

Summer Intern Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Aug 2017

I was interviewed in Jul 2017.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. There are 8 bottles of milk out of which one bottle is poisoned. What will be the minimum number of persons required to find the poisoned bottle if the person dies within 24 hours of drinking the poison. Y...
  • Ans. 

    Minimum number of persons required to find the poisoned milk bottle out of 8 bottles within 24 hours.

    • Divide the bottles into groups of 3 and label them A, B, C.

    • Give each person a different combination of groups to taste.

    • If someone dies, the poisoned bottle is in that group.

    • If no one dies, the poisoned bottle is in group D.

    • Repeat the process with the bottles in the identified group.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. What is hashmap? Where it is used? What is the time complexity to implement it?
  • Ans. 

    HashMap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs and provides constant time complexity for basic operations.

    • HashMap is used to store and retrieve data based on unique keys.

    • It is commonly used in programming languages to implement associative arrays or dictionaries.

    • The time complexity to implement a HashMap is O(1) for basic operations like insertion, deletion, and retrieval.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. With O(1) time complexity, find out if the given number is missing, from the given numbers between 1 to 100 where more than 2 numbers are missing.
  • Ans. 

    To find a missing number from 1 to 100 with O(1) time complexity.

    • Use the formula n(n+1)/2 to find the sum of numbers from 1 to 100.

    • Subtract the sum of given numbers from the sum of all numbers to find the missing number.

    • Use a hash table to keep track of the given numbers and check for missing numbers in O(1) time.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First of all they asked me to introduce myself. Then they asked me about my project which I mentioned in my cv. They asked two questions about my project regarding the implementation of sql queries as it was based on DBMS. Then they gave me 2 sql queries to write. They then asked one coding question, after satisfied with my answer they modified the same question and asked the approach. Lastly, they asked a puzzle. My technical interview was of 45 minutes (approx.).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: After introducing myself, they asked me about my hobbies and what I am doing specifically to improve them. Then they asked about my expectations with the organization and how would I be beneficial as an employee for their organization. Then they asked my job location preferences and what is the reason for the preferences I gave. They asked about my family background and college and hostel life. Also they asked about my interest in coding and how I am doing with competitive coding and my future ambitions and discussed if I have a plan for foreign studies. Lastly, they asked me if I have any questions and interview ended. It took about 25 minutes to finish the interview.
Tips: Be confident and honest.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Summer Intern Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. There are 8 bottles of milk out of which one bottle is poisoned. What will be the minimum number of persons required to find the poisoned bottle if the person dies within 24 hours of drinking the poison. You have only 24 hours.
View answer (6)

I was interviewed in Sep 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

9 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself.
  • Q2. Asked about final year project. What technologies are being used for implementing project. Different algorithms used. How did you compare different algorithms?
  • Q3. Draw and explain about different phases of SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle)
  • Ans. 

    SDLC consists of several phases including planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

    • Planning: Defining project goals, scope, and requirements.

    • Analysis: Gathering and analyzing user requirements.

    • Design: Creating a detailed blueprint of the software solution.

    • Implementation: Writing code and developing the software.

    • Testing: Conducting various tests to ensure software quality.

    • Deployme...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Write logic to find the square root of a number and it should output whether the number is a perfect square or not (You shouldn't use any built-in functions like sqrt() etc..
  • Q5. Why do you choose our company
  • Q6. Asked about personal information (family), hobbies.
  • Q7. Asked if there are any issues with the package offered.
  • Q8. Asked personal details
  • Q9. If you are offered job what will you learn before joining the company

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 20 questions each from all the above sections. Total 80 questions. Programming questions are mostly output based but they are lengthy.
Tips: Not too difficult. Just manage the time
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes
Total Questions: 80

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Most of the questions are resume based. So know each and everything what is present in resume.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: If you are selected in technical interview most chances that you get placed. HR interview is just for formality.

Skills: Database, Programming Skills In Any Language Like C, LOGICAL THINKING ABILITIES
College Name: University of Hyderabad (UOH)

Skills evaluated in this interview

Technology Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Sort 0 1You have been given an integer array/list(ARR) of size N that contains only integers, 0 and 1. Write a function to sort this array/list. Think of a solution which scans the array/list only once and don't require use of an extra arra... read more
View answer (1)

JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview questions for popular designations



 Software Engineer




 Software Developer


 Senior Associate


 Team Lead


 Senior Software Engineer


 Business Analyst


Data Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 Jan 2017

I was interviewed in Oct 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Select any five companies you would invest in and why given the required metrics.
  • Ans. 

    I cannot provide investment advice, but here are five companies that have shown strong financial performance in recent years.

    • Apple - consistently high revenue and profit margins

    • Amazon - dominant player in e-commerce and cloud computing

    • Microsoft - strong growth in cloud computing and enterprise software

    • Alphabet (Google) - diversified revenue streams and strong advertising business

    • Visa - dominant player in the payments i

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Questions based on case study.
  • Q3. Detailed discussions on the indian economy?
  • Q4. Brexit vote and how it would effect the indian economy?
  • Ans. 

    The Brexit vote could have both positive and negative effects on the Indian economy.

    • Positive effects: Increased trade opportunities with the UK, potential for attracting foreign investments from companies relocating from the UK.

    • Negative effects: Uncertainty in global markets leading to volatility in exchange rates, potential decline in exports to the UK.

    • Example: Indian IT companies may face challenges due to stricter i...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: We were first taught the basics of operations involved in working with an investment bank. Based on the workshop we were given a case study with a list of companies to select the one's which are potencial candidates for investments. We were all divided into groups of 5 students.

Round: Test
Experience: The test was basic. Economical aptitude requires prior knowledge of economics concepts. The review topicwas GST bill.
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 41

Round: Stress Interview
Tips: It is important to be aware about the current events and economies.

Skills: Economic Affairs, Financial Economics, Knowledge On Current Affairs
College Name: Thapar University, Patiala

Data Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Suppose there is a room in the office and X people enter room throughout the day, Y people leave throughout the day [continuously people are entering the room, some are staying there, and rest are going out] .. so tell me the code to calcul... read more
View answer (11)

Get interview-ready with Top JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview Questions

Interview Questionnaire 

6 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself
  • Q2. Why a bank not some IT company?
  • Q3. Internships and projects
  • Q4. Family background
  • Q5. Hobbies and general interests
  • Q6. Plans for higher studies and why not continue in Aerospace Engg?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I don't think there was a resume shortlist.

Round: Test
Experience: Pen & paper test. Interviewers had our answer scripts pined to the resume during the interviews. Section 5 played a major role in advancing through the interviews.

Section 1:
Multiple choice questions on OOP in JAVA (They wanted to test our JAVA skills because most their applications are written in JAVA). Many students who got shortlisted for the interview didn't know JAVA including me. Since there was no negative marking I attempted every question.

Section 2,3,4:
Questions were simple. I think they shortlisted based only on these 3 sections.

Section 5:
Two programming questions were asked and you have to attempt any one, we had to code in C/C++/JAVA. Questions are very simple if you have minimum knowledge of DSA
Q1. Remove duplicates in Linked list.(I did it using hash map)
Q2. Find Kth largest element in array. (I didn't do this in the test. They asked me this in one of my interviews)
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First interview was taken by Vice President, Global Technology, JP Morgan Chase.

This round mostly contained Technical questions with some HR questions, had to talk about internships (I interned with TechMahindra, Ambitionbox.com and NAL) and projects. He asked me around 5 algorithm based questions(mostly on string manipulations and string buffers) and couple of puzzles. No coding was there in this round. I felt most of these were standard questions, I think I answered every question. 20 min interview.

He told me I will be having two more rounds, one HR and one Technical.
Tips: Be confident and show enthusiasm while answering.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interviewed by HR head.
General conversation between two. No complicated HR questions. 15 min interview.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewed by Director

For first 15 min he talked about growth opportunities in the firm, platforms they work on(why they are migrating from JAVA to Python), What kind of challenges they face, How working in bank different from typical IT company. Most of these are followups of the questions I asked him.

Next 15 min was technical. He asked couple of algorithm based questions, still no coding. One of these is to reverse a doubly linked list, I told him 3 or 4 possible solutions.

He told me I will have one more technical interview in 5 min.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewed by other Vice President

This round was entirely coding, he wanted to know how I proceed in solving a programming problem. Asked me choose any programming language and code in that, I chose C++. At the end he asked some puzzles. Following are some of the questions
1. Find Kth largest element in array
2. N-queen problem - backtracking implementation
3. Searching for small tree(10 nodes) in a huge tree(1 billion nodes)

This went on for 30 - 40 min

General Tips: Take DSA course. Practice lot of coding problems on platforms like hackerrank, hackerearth, codechef etc. Try to maintain good CGPA, they were looking for candidates with very high CGPA
Skill Tips: Read cracking the coding interview by Gayle Laakman, few questions were directly asked from this book. Practice on hackerrank, read articles on geekforgeeks etc
Skills: Logical Puzzles, Coding Skills, Data Structures And Algorithms
College Name: IIT Madras

Risk and Finance Technology Application Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How to manage memory during development.
View answer (1)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Initial shortlisting
Experience: Only students from the CS and IT branches at NITK were permitted to enroll for the process. A minimum CGPA requirement was set after which 80 of us were eligible to write the aptitude test.

Round: Test
Experience: Written aptitude test: Consisted of 4 multiple choice papers - Logical reasoning, quant, English and basic programming for which we were given 20 minutes each. Felt that the questions were simple and pretty straightforward. The results were announced in the afternoon and 20 of us had cleared the test.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview: I was asked moderate questions on algorithms, database systems and the projects I had done in college. The interviews went on till around 6 pm after which 11 of us progressed to the final round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview: This was an interview that I really enjoyed. The HR manager began with the clichéd questions and then went on to ask some very interesting ones for about half an hour.

General Tips: "If you're keen on knowing what it was like to intern at J.P. Morgan, you could visit this link on my personal blog and read the article I had written about my internship.
Do not use the internship only as an opportunity to get employed. Assess what the firm has to offer you and whether a full-time job there would help you in the long-term scheme of things.
In any case, I do believe that an internship at J.P. Morgan would be a great way for you to get an insight into the corporate world, especially if you're keen on working in the technology sector in the financial services industry."
College Name: NIT Surathkal

Technical Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Write a program to get a employee list whose salary is greater than 50k and grade is above from A, Use Java 8 stream to get the list
View answer (2)

Software Engineer interview

user image Coding Ninjas

posted on 18 Nov 2021

Junior Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Mayur Mundada

posted on 22 Aug 2015

I applied via Referral

Interview Questionnaire 

11 Questions

  • Q1. Explain the Eurozone debt crisis
  • Ans. 

    The Eurozone debt crisis was a financial crisis that occurred in the European Union from 2009 to 2012.

    • The crisis was caused by a combination of factors, including high government debt, low economic growth, and a lack of competitiveness.

    • Some countries, such as Greece, had borrowed heavily and were unable to repay their debts, leading to fears of default.

    • The crisis led to bailouts of several countries by the European Uni...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Difference between a bond and a debenture
  • Ans. 

    A bond is a type of debt security issued by companies or governments, while a debenture is a type of bond that is not secured by collateral.

    • Bonds are secured by collateral, while debentures are not.

    • Bonds have a fixed interest rate, while debentures may have a floating interest rate.

    • Bonds are typically issued by companies or governments to raise capital, while debentures are often issued by corporations.

    • Examples of bond...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. What is working capital
  • Ans. 

    Working capital is the difference between current assets and current liabilities of a company.

    • It is the amount of money a company has available for its day-to-day operations.

    • It is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets.

    • Positive working capital means the company has enough funds to cover its short-term obligations.

    • Negative working capital means the company may struggle to meet its short-term o...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Explain how the balance sheet works for banking sector
  • Ans. 

    The balance sheet for banking sector shows the assets, liabilities and equity of the bank at a specific point in time.

    • Assets include cash, loans, investments, and property

    • Liabilities include deposits, loans from other banks, and bonds

    • Equity includes the bank's capital and reserves

    • The balance sheet must balance, with assets equaling liabilities plus equity

    • The balance sheet is used to analyze the financial health of the

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
  • Ans. 

    Buying equipment affects all 3 financial statements

    • On the income statement, the purchase will be recorded as an expense, reducing net income

    • On the balance sheet, the equipment will be recorded as an asset, increasing total assets

    • On the cash flow statement, the purchase will be recorded as a cash outflow from investing activities

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. What is goodwill ?
  • Ans. 

    Goodwill is an intangible asset that represents the value of a company's brand, reputation, and customer base.

    • Goodwill is recorded on a company's balance sheet as an asset.

    • It is calculated as the difference between the purchase price of a company and the fair market value of its net assets.

    • Goodwill can be created through acquisitions, mergers, or by building a strong brand and reputation over time.

    • Goodwill is subject t...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. What is a deferred tax asset ?
  • Ans. 

    A deferred tax asset is an accounting concept that represents a future tax benefit for a company.

    • It arises when a company has overpaid taxes or has carried forward tax losses from previous years.

    • It can be used to offset future tax liabilities and reduce the company's tax bill.

    • Examples include tax credits, unused tax deductions, and net operating losses.

    • Deferred tax assets are recorded on the balance sheet as an asset.

    • T...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Tell me about yourself
  • Ans. 

    I am a recent graduate with a degree in finance and a passion for data analysis.

    • Graduated with a degree in finance

    • Passionate about data analysis

    • Completed internships in financial analysis

    • Proficient in Excel and SQL

    • Strong communication and problem-solving skills

  • Answered by AI
  • Q9. Why finance or investment banking ?
  • Ans. 

    I am passionate about finance and investment banking because of the dynamic nature of the industry and the opportunity to work with clients to achieve their financial goals.

    • I enjoy analyzing financial data and making informed investment decisions

    • I am fascinated by the constantly changing market trends and economic conditions

    • I am excited about the opportunity to work with clients to help them achieve their financial goa...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q10. How did you develop your interest towards this field ?
  • Ans. 

    I developed my interest in this field through a combination of personal curiosity and academic exposure.

    • I have always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and business

    • I pursued a degree in business with a focus on data analysis

    • I took courses in statistics and programming to develop my skills

    • I completed internships in data analysis and market research

    • I read industry publications and attended conferences to ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. What are your strengths and weaknesses ?
  • Ans. 

    My strengths include attention to detail, analytical thinking, and adaptability. My weaknesses include public speaking and time management.

    • Strengths: attention to detail

    • Strengths: analytical thinking

    • Strengths: adaptability

    • Weaknesses: public speaking

    • Weaknesses: time management

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had done a couple of finance projects, one internship in a VC firm and published a paper at IIM Calcutta. All this excited the interviewer and he started grilling me about various questions related to the course projects, generally about basic terms in finance and about my internship. These answers I had well prepared and hence were smooth to answer. But what was unexpected is where it would lead to once you answer the initial set of questions. I was asked to explain Eurozone debt crisis in simple language. I had also given CFA and FRM level 1 exams and there were a few questions related to risk management and portfolio investment.

PS: Please note that since I had done so many things related to the core work at JP Morgan I was asked a lot of questions in core finance. IT IS NOT AT ALL NECESSARY that you will be asked the same questions.
Tips: Know the basics really well. It goes a long way if you know the concepts crystal clear. You can watch a few videos that explain the various crises and why they happened on Youtube. ( I have put up the links in the preparation material section). Be confident and if you don't know the answer, be straightforward to tell that you are not aware of that or maybe even have forgotten at the moment. Honesty helps! The interviewer can always guide you if you are stuck somewhere so ensure you attempt to answer or atleast get closer to the answer. Many a times they want to look into or analyze your thought process rather than getting the correct exact answer itself!

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: It should be easy if your fundamentals are really clear. The case as such does not matter much since the positives and negatives of different valuation models are pretty much well known. I showed on how i arrived at the number using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Valuation model and Comparative Comparison Valuation model. They also wanted to check on how well you write and are able to put out on paper as this was a Junior Analyst interview for a Equity Research Analyst role.
Tips: Revise the various types of valuation models well and know the assumptions correctly. Models could get really complex sometimes but you should be clear with how you get at the final number and be able to explain it easily. Conceptually this is very interesting. This pretty much forms the basics of a lot of concepts in finance.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was a simple round. Usually you know the HR round questions already and hence you know how you could answer and even manipulate and steer the interview in your favour. Ensure you are clear with basic questions about how you got interested in this field and why you would like to pursue finance as a career option and not your core field (in my case it was civil engineering). A clear and simple story with facts shows that you have prepared well for the interview and have something concrete to say. So do prepare for these kind of questions and don't take them lightly.
Tips: Practice out loud alone and with your friends and take feedback. Most of the times you would yourself realize that you have not answered in the best way possible. But at the same time do not push yourself so much that you get confused at the end moment. Keep a good balance. Try writing down points on a piece of paper and then frame them accordingly on the spot. It always better to know the important points instead of "mugging up an answer". A good interviewer can always tell the difference.
Preparation for this round actually helps you connect with your inner self and you start to ask yourself why you think you deserve this job and why this is a very good bet as a career option. Hence do go through this exercise atleast a few times! :)

General Tips: In my case I had prepared a lot from various resources. I have put it out in detail in the previous section section.
CFA and FRM exams helped a lot for building a strong foundation but more importantly you actually need to be passionate about financial markets, how investment banks function, know the work details about your job profile and be excited about finance in general.
Do not try and put things in resume that you think will "look" very good but you wouldn't be able to explain it thoroughly. The job is very demanding and requires long working hours, so be prepared for it. Know some basic numbers like GDP of top economies, population, interest rates, valuations, etc so that even if you guess things it should sound reasonable.
Skill Tips: The best way to prepare would be actually building financial models, doing an internship in a financial services firm and getting a first hand experience of all the above. Theory part can be understood through CFA or FRM Level 1 books which pretty much cover the basics of finance.
Skills: Financial Modeling, Valuations, Mergers & Acquisitions, Basics of stock market, Portfolio Management, Risk Management
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: I was very keen to work at an Investment Bank. I had given CFA and FRM Level 1 and it had got me very excited about financial markets in general. I was trading part time and thoroughly enjoyed it. JP Morgan being one of the largest and most reputed Investment Banks I thought would give me exposure to various facets of equity research and thus improve my knowledge and understanding about markets. Also I was referred by my senior Kartheek Konanki who was an alum of IIT-Madras and the idea of having working with a lot of colleagues from various IITs excited me.
Funny Moments: I was asked a lot of questions about the movies I had seen like Wall Street, Boiler room and was asked to explain what happened to which character and why ? and that was not expected :P But they did make me comfortable and referred me other movies and books that would make learning all the more interesting. Net-net I think the interview had its fair share of ups and downs :D

Top JPMorgan Chase & Co. Junior Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
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Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Yogesh And PrimesYogesh is a very intelligent student and is interested in research in Machine Learning domain. His college has only one professor, Mr. Peter working in that field. He approaches the professor for the same, but professor wan... read more
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Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. How was your previous interview?
  • Ans. 

    It was a challenging interview, but I felt confident in my responses.

    • The interviewer asked thought-provoking questions

    • I was able to showcase my skills and experience

    • I received positive feedback on my answers

    • Overall, it was a great learning experience

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Are you introvert or extrovert, leader or follower
  • Ans. 

    I am an ambivert who can adapt to both leadership and follower roles depending on the situation.

    • I am comfortable in social situations but also enjoy my alone time

    • I can take charge and lead a team when necessary

    • I am also able to follow instructions and work collaboratively with others

    • Examples: I have led group projects in school but also worked as a team member in a professional setting

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Strengths, Weaknesses-cross questioning on those
  • Q4. Your biggest achievement you are proud of
  • Ans. 

    My biggest achievement is completing a challenging project within a tight deadline.

    • Successfully completed a project within a tight deadline

    • Received appreciation from the client for the quality of work

    • Managed a team of 5 members and ensured timely delivery

    • Implemented innovative solutions to overcome project challenges

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Are you flexible with late working hours, any location preferences etc
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I am flexible with late working hours and location preferences.

    • I am willing to work beyond regular hours if required

    • I am open to working in different locations as per company's needs

    • I understand the importance of being flexible in a dynamic work environment

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. Family Background
  • Q7. Pressure situation you have faced and how you handled it
  • Ans. 

    Handled pressure situation by prioritizing tasks and seeking help from team members.

    • Prioritized tasks based on urgency and importance

    • Communicated with team members to delegate tasks and seek help

    • Remained calm and focused to avoid making mistakes

    • Completed tasks within deadline despite pressure

    • Learned from the experience to improve future performance

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Why jpmc?
  • Ans. 

    JPMC is a leading global financial services firm with a strong reputation for innovation and excellence.

    • JPMC has a strong reputation for innovation and excellence in the financial services industry

    • The company offers a wide range of opportunities for career growth and development

    • JPMC is committed to diversity and inclusion, and has been recognized for its efforts in this area

    • The company has a strong focus on technology ...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: This had 4 sections of 20 mcqs each. We were allotted 20 mins for each section after which theinvigilator would take away the respective section’s question paper.The 1st section was Verbal Ability.The questions were based on passages,complete the sentences with appropriate option and other general English qns such as find out error in the sentence. No question on synonym antonym except maybe 1 passage based question of that sort .English section was doable. Logic was the next section, it had questions based on blood relations, coding and decoding letters, direction sense , a passage on cubes and other logical questions which were easy overall Quants was next section which was a bit lengthy and had questions on pipes, speed distance and other prominent quants topics.Next was the programming section which had language independent questions of predict for the output of code, identify correct code, output of flowcharts and algorithms, multiple loops. Adifficult section overall.About 80 students appeared and around 37 were shortlisted
Duration: 80 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There was no GD round unlike previous years and we had the technical round directly. I was asked to give a briefing about the projects I had done so for this ,one should know the purpose of the project ,the technology used ,the role you played ,the challenges you faced etc. Seeing my resume he asked me what I had learnt in a networking workshop I had mentioned it along with 3-4 other technical workshops. I barely remembered anything about itand said to him that I had attended it in my second year and I didn’t remember much.I alsouttered a few concepts on networking I could recollect. So make sure you don’t appear dumb about anything throughout the interview and keep the conversation going or don’t write things which you don’t remember just for enhancing your resume as it could back-fire on you.Asked me what is relational database Which editor is used in linux, what is shell scripting,commands in linux? Why JPMC?

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They don’t grill you much on technical. They just want to make sure that you will fit into their environment and work culture. Have the basic knowledge of every subject so that you can show that you have some idea and can drift the conversation in that direction if you are stuck

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Top JPMorgan Chase & Co. Junior Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial statements
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Junior Analyst Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Yogesh And PrimesYogesh is a very intelligent student and is interested in research in Machine Learning domain. His college has only one professor, Mr. Peter working in that field. He approaches the professor for the same, but professor wan... read more
View answer (1)

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview for freshers?
JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview process for freshers usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview process for freshers are Technical, Coding Test and One-on-one Round.
How to prepare for JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview for freshers?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at JPMorgan Chase & Co.. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at JPMorgan Chase & Co. expect are Investment Banking, Data Analytics, Risk Management, Analytics and Financial Reporting.
What are the top questions asked in JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview for freshers?

Some of the top questions asked at the JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview for freshers -

  1. There are 8 bottles of milk out of which one bottle is poisoned. What will be t...read more
  2. If I buy a piece of equipment, walk me through the impact on the 3 financial st...read more
  3. With O(1) time complexity, find out if the given number is missing, from the gi...read more
How long is the JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview process?

The duration of JPMorgan Chase & Co. interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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JPMorgan Chase & Co. Interview Process for Freshers

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