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Halliburton Field Engineer Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 16 Oct 2024

Halliburton Field Engineer Interview Experiences

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Round 1 - HR 

(2 Questions)

  • Q1. How much do you want to be paid
  • Ans. 

    I am looking for a competitive salary that reflects my skills, experience, and the current market rate.

    • Research the average salary for similar positions in the industry

    • Consider your level of experience and expertise

    • Factor in the cost of living in the area where the job is located

    • Be prepared to negotiate based on the benefits package offered

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Do you like traveling
  • Ans. 

    Yes, I love traveling and exploring new places.

    • I enjoy experiencing different cultures and trying new foods

    • Traveling allows me to broaden my perspective and learn about different ways of life

    • I find joy in visiting historical landmarks and natural wonders

    • Exploring new cities and countries is a passion of mine

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

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Field Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

Schlumberger user image saharsh jhunjhunwala

posted on 29 Oct 2016

I applied via Campus Placement

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was a really chilled out interview with the interviewer asking normal hr questions

Skills: HR Skills
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: 60 applications were shortlisted.

I had spent more than a month in its preparation.
Tips: Since resume making is an iterative process, start early and get it reviewed by as many as you can.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: They were looking for people who thought differently.

35 out of 60 were selected.

Round: task activity
Experience: Our ability to work in a team was judged and 24 candidates were selected.

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Do not try to memorize any answer. be spontaneous and frank in front of the panel

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Abstract topics like red, apple, orange etc. topics could be changed in between GD, so a GD can be on 2 topics. First one is for 5 mins followed by the 2nd.
Tips: Good GD skills. creativity, ability to think on the spot, flexibility. Team Work: Working with others as a team. Involvement in the activity: Take a lead if possible Think before you start speaking. General tips for GD: Attending the mock session conducted by communique can help.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: It was asked to build a car with a given mechanics set ( the childhood one) and advertise it to the other group. Slight changes were there for different groups.
Tips: Participate as much as you can, don’t sit idle, help the group in whatever way you can.

Round: Interview
Experience: Answers could be cut down in between. Binary answers are sometimes expected, as well as rating types of questions.
Tips: Know as much as you can about the job profile. Why you want to do it should be clear. They will go on penetrating on whatever you speak, so keep in mind whatever you speak. Be prepared with your CV, know the job and why you want to do it. Prepare the “Tell me about yourself” question beforehand. Be confident. give crisp answers. They really like straight answers. Also, don’t get stressed as it could be a pressure interview. Be careful about mentioning anything that shows your research interest.

Skill Tips: A decent CGPA is good enough. Company is not very specific about CGPA. A good extra academic involvement is good for this company. Some sports and games credentials is not necessary but can help. They basically look for a person who has a strong mind to work in the future, and can also work under stressful mental and physical conditions. A research background, or a good CGPA which indicates research interest could be a problem as the company focuses a lot on selecting people who would stay for some good amount of time in the company. Have an Overall developed personality.
College Name: IIT Kharagpur

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I chipped in 3-4 times. My points were accepted by the group in general. Also I expressed my support and extended a point mentioned by another person in the group. It was a decent discussion with very little arguments or chaos.
Tips: Be patient. Listen to what others have to say. Make sure that whatever you say is relevant and adds value to the
discussion, no matter how fewer words you speak.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: A group of 7 students were given 3 minutes to choose a design for a toy car. 7 minutes to implement it from memory and another 5 minutes to sell it to the invigilators.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It started with tell me something about yourself. In my answer I mentioned that I want to do a field job from where the next series of questions came. Why a field job? Why not an office job? Why not higher studies? Why not MBA? How long do you plan to stay in the field? How do you think you will be able to do it after say 3 years when you plan to settle down? What has been your involvement in campus? Tell in brief 3 initiatives you took as the president of the hostel. Are you afraid of water? Do you swim? Do you have any relatives in the oil field? What companies did you interview with? I answered the questions honestly. After 2-3 rounds of cross questioning, every time I was able to give them a reason for a particular choice I made.

General Tips: I was sure that I do not want to go for higher studies just after IIT, but still gave GRE thinking that after 2 years I may apply. Because of the same reason, I ruled out the option for CAT and GMAT and chose to do a job. Now looking at the list I have mentioned in the companies I interviewed with, it becomes apparent that I did not decide which sector to go for. But it was not like that. I realized that it was not possible for me to try my hand at every option I had. So, I decided to prepare for core and consulting. Consulting because what I learnt from seniors I thought I would enjoy it and core because it was one area I thought I had a good grip on and was easier to prepare. For core, you can revise some of the basics of courses like EE 370, EE 610, C/C++, VHDL/Verilog (try to do it a little bit early as during the placement semester a lot of other things will take up your time). Also you should be thorough with your internship and thesis. You can easily impress the interviewer in these areas if you have a good hold on them. To prepare for consulting, I read a few cases by myself (a whole bunch of consulting guides are available on the SPO placement portal). Then attended the mock sessions organized by the consulting club. Also formed groups of three to practice more case studies. Because of inadequate reading I think I lacked a basic practical approach as compared to my peers. I was bad at guess estimates in particular and prayed till the last day that I may not face one. Resume is also a very important aspect in your preparation. Prepare it well in advance, take feedback from a couple of seniors working in that particular sector and do incorporate those changes which you think will help improve its impact on the recruiter. Practice is the only way out to crack GD’s and tests. Don’t do too much of it either. First and foremost try to find out what kind of a job you would want to do by gathering information by reading about it yourself, talking to people working in that industry, matching it with your priorities and your long term goals. It sounds difficult but trust me it’s better to do some thinking now then to regret later.

Prepare your resume well. Even if it is a small point in your resume be prepared to speak at least 2-3
meaningful sentences about it.

No matter however trivial it seems, please do not rush with whatever you are saying. First think and develop a strong argument to support your statement. Also please try to avoid any preconceived notions you might have formed during preparation time to interfere with your attitude on the final day. Stay focused to answer the question asked to you then.

No matter what do not speak until you are sure, but once you are don't change your answer until and unless the interviewer points out the flaw in your assumption.

Be genuine and sound convincing. Once you take a stand, be firm on it no matter whatever extreme situations the interviewer throws on you. Start reading about whatever sector interests you. It’s never too early to start. Prior knowledge will count a lot not only in your preparations but will also help you in making better decisions about what you want. As it will happen, some interviews will go good some bad, don't get disheartened because no good will come out of it. Moreover, you will spoil the next interviews. Go with a smile in every interview and be yourself. Just think about doing well in this interview and nothing else. Hope you make the most out of the time and resources you have and enjoy as well.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: I was also shortlisted for Schlumberger but could not make it through the interviews. But, was finally placed in Coca-Cola.
Tips: If you are preparing for a core job then make sure you revise your core courses either in the summers or before because you might not get sufficient time during the semester and do it thoroughly as they would be highly beneficial for the technical interview.

General Tips: From the beginning itself I was involved a lot in extracurricular activities:
1. I was involved in Roboclub,
2. Coordinated Robogames in Techkriti,
3. Was a part of Boeing Abhyast Phase 2 and 3,
4. Did 2 summer projects under roboclub, also organized robotics workshop in schools as a representative of a startup in robotics.
I did an internship in Nokia Research Centre, University of California Berkeley.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I didn't prepare for this company and was not sure of getting shortlisted but luckily or unluckily, I was. Group discussion topics are generally arbitrary. They primarily check your creativity.As my whole group was good so most of us were selected for the next round. It was a group activity. Group performance was okay. Then the next was one to one interview which I didn't get through it.
Tips: They generally check the team skills, creativity and leadership.

College Name: IIT KANPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The process was a GD on the topic which derived from group to group and mostly on social topics whichhardly needs any preparation, the next round was a personal interview and the final was a group activity.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was full of cross questioning. I tried to convince the interviewer with each of my answer andnever say things which might be caught as loopholes. 
Tips: Show what you have gained in your life, the effortsmade, show leadership skills, about teamwork. That is enough.

General Tips: Overall the process was excellent and enjoyable. Although it went on from 6pm to 4am every part ofenjoyable, thrilling. Its easy if you can just live that time leaving all your worries for the next placement day apart even if you have a next process just after 2-3 hrs.
Skill Tips: "I think one just need to know about the company and show interest in the company during the interview.The most apt thing to do would be to say what exactly the interviewer wants, because most of the time theinterviewer searches his views and similarities in the candidate. Show your efforts you have made in youlife, your education etc. Preparation could be just in terms of being a little aware of the current topics."
College Name: IIT Roorkee

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: This is basically to test the way you work in groups. That is why oneneeds to practice in working in groups a lot. Limited time, case studies, thought procedure, ideas, creativity,coordination, taking initiative, communication skills.
Tips: The company is a complete English speaking inclined company and hence require people with goodspeaking abilities. Improve your english speaking abilities.

Round: Other Interview
Tips: The interview will all the time be focused on how have you made your life, what do you think you are, what have you learned, how do you work, what do you do for motivation, and similar common interview questions. Cracking schlum is not difficult if you actually are aware of yourselves, that is why I said sit andtalk to yourselves everyday.Another important thing while preparing for the interview questions is to describe all things with examplesfrom your life. That would be enough for the person to understand that "fatte nahi maare hain".And remember that you are not afraid of going to field and work if you want to make it to schlumberger andobviously you won't if you want to work hard in life

Skill Tips: "Schlum believes in a filtering on the basis of resume, which many feel is random but it is not. I will actuallytell you certain points for making a resume that not only schlum but everyone looks for.The following points are what a company actually looks for to be in your resume...u2022 Content and formal factors u2013 should be clear and concise; write less and reveal more type of CVu2019su2022 Attractiveness and Qualification; free of spelling errors, properly formattedu2022 Grades: for success of training on the job AND future successu2022 Chronological order of dates and also dates must be easy to findu2022 Overview of basic qualifications and specific, professional skillsu2022 Extracurricular activities (sports, dramatics, music etc)u2022 Holder of important positions"
College Name: IIT Roorkee

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There will be an initial shortlist for GD. Its a simple GD, with probably 8-10 people and there will be 2 or 3 co-reps judging you. My topic was something like: Whether a consumer is the dominating force in the market (I don’t remember it exactly but basically you had to justify if consumer was the ultimate deciding factor in the market. It was simple.
Tips: Skills Reqd: General communication skills and some general knowledge to give examples for supporting your arguments. You should be able to function in a group under stressful conditions. Too much jargon? What I mean to say is that just stay calm and show some leadership in dividing work and prepare some answers together. Questions: While marketing your car you need to mention some salient features in agreement to you. Do’s: The general GD rules apply, sit straight, talk clearly, look pleased and pretend you’re enjoying the discussion! On a serious note, give others a chance to speak and try to “moderate” the discussion Don’ts: Don’t start babbling something without thinking, don’t be argumentative rather justify why you wouldn’t agree with some point. Your opening sentence should not be conclusive: I agree or disagree with this topic.

Round: Group Activity
Experience: People shortlisted for Phase 2 were divided into groups of 5. In each set, 2 groups of people entered the interview room and were seated in opposite corners. It was a 1+1+10+5 minute round and they handed us a Mechanix play set with its manual. In the first minute, we had to choose a car design, in second min we had to decide among ourselves who will make which car parts. We had 10 mins to complete the design and then we had to market our car to the other group in the remaining 5 minutes. They were allowed to ask questions on our designs and express their opinions about our answers.
Tips: Do’s: Its important to be heard by the interviewer hence make valid points through out the activity. Be nice to your team members, decide on certain points which you are going to talk about with your team, try to help out those who are fitting in the parts if you are done with yours. Try to remember your role and stay calm - You are not designing an Audi! Don’ts: Don’t argue with your team mates when the interviewer questions your group and you don’t agree with the answer of one of your team members. Don’t be aggressive but make sure you have raised valid points.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Finally the shortlisted students appeared for a PI and the panel was of about 6 people. My interview lasted for about 35-40 mintues. Usually they will ask you about yourself and probably crack a few jokes to make you feel comfortable. Laugh along! After they have asked you some general HR questions like: Tell me something about yourself, they will scan your CV. My interview was mostly about my internship at Cairn Energy, details about the project, skills, outcomes and loads of technical questions related to the same. They will ask a lot of quick questions like the range of sonic log, reservoir development or exploration problem etc. and at one point almost everyone (except the HR) was questioning me simultaneously. Then there were a lot of specifics asking my preference of working in a team or working alone, whether I enjoyed “Selling or pitching in clients”, which segment I would prefer, why a job over PhD etc.
Tips: Do’s: Answer honestly and be yourself! Don’t be pretentious - They will be judging for themselves your knowledge and skills. Revise your projects thoroughly and basics of seismic prospecting, well logging, data processing and inversion. Try to stress on your achievements and positive points on your CV. They want to see if you will be fun to work with (I tried not to be too serious and joked with them on many occasions!) Don’ts: Don’t be nervous and if you are just take a couple of seconds to compose yourself. If they ask you something you don’t know try not to guess.

General Tips: Revise subjects like Geophysical signal processing, seismic methods, sequence stratigraphy and general inversion. They will like to know that you are very clear in your basics because they can teach you the advanced stuff! I personally enjoyed each stage of the selection process and I would suggest applicants to do the same. Talking to alumni at Schlumberger prior to the interview is a great idea.
Skill Tips: Usually a CG of 8 and above is preferred since they are hiring for a technical role. If your CG is too high, you might end up justifying the reasons for not wanting to pursue a Ph.D! Its always a plus point to know the following: Some experience of programming in MATLAB, FORTRAN, C, Shell etc. as your research/intern projects. Also, knowledge of commercial software such as Petrel, Geoframe, Paradigm etc. as a part of your industrial experience can also help. They ask in details about projects and internships from whatever you have written on your CV. They value if you have interned with a good oil & gas company and have some industrial exposure. I think its the most important factor for them under this category. Tangible results of the project- in form of a research paper, 3D models are appreciated. They are mostly interested to know if you have worked in Seismics, Seismology, Well logging and interpretation. Some international exposure can be useful (Total Summer program, Paris was very beneficial for my interview).
Skills: C language
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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Halliburton Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Halliburton Field Engineer interview?
Halliburton interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the Halliburton interview process are HR.
How to prepare for Halliburton Field Engineer interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Halliburton. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Halliburton expect are Drilling, Site Supervision, Product Service, Data Entry and Operations.

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