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Goldman Sachs Software Analyst Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 13 May 2024

Top Goldman Sachs Software Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Word Search Problem Statement Given a two-dimensional grid of size N x M consisting of upper case characters and a string 'WORD', determine how many times the 'WORD' app ...read more
  • Q2. Fenwick Tree Problem Statement You are provided with an array/list ARR consisting of 'N' integers, along with 'Q' queries. Each query can be of one of the following two ...read more
  • Q3. Climbing the Leaderboard Problem Statement In a game leaderboard, scores determine rankings where the highest score gets rank 1. Players with identical scores share the ...read more
View all 25 questions

Goldman Sachs Software Analyst Interview Experiences

5 interviews found

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Technical 

(5 Questions)

  • Q1. Difference between SQL and NoSQL
  • Ans. 

    SQL is a traditional relational database management system, while NoSQL is a non-relational database system.

    • SQL is structured, uses tables with predefined schema, and is good for complex queries.

    • NoSQL is unstructured, uses collections or documents, and is good for large amounts of data with simple queries.

    • SQL is ACID compliant, ensuring data integrity, while NoSQL is BASE (Basically Available, Soft state, Eventually co...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Reverse a linked list recursively
  • Ans. 

    Reverse a linked list recursively by swapping pointers

    • Start by checking if the current node is null or the next node is null

    • If so, return the current node as it is the new head of the reversed list

    • Otherwise, recursively call the function on the next node and swap pointers

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Implement a min stack
  • Ans. 

    A min stack is a stack data structure that supports the usual push and pop operations, along with an additional operation to retrieve the minimum element in constant time.

    • Create a stack to store the elements and another stack to store the minimum values encountered so far.

    • When pushing an element, check if it is smaller than the current minimum. If so, push it onto the minimum stack.

    • When popping an element, check if it ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Implement two stacks in a single array
  • Ans. 

    Implement two stacks in a single array using two different approaches

    • Divide the array into two halves and use one half for each stack

    • Use two pointers, one for each stack, and move them towards each other as elements are pushed or popped

    • Consider edge cases like stack overflow and underflow

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Was asked to write an sql query involing group by and joins

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 120 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This round was held in the evening at 6 o'clock on Hackerrank. It had coding questions: easy, medium, and hard level and MCQ's ( 1 minute for each MCQ). Negative marking was also there.

  • Q1. 

    Word Search Problem Statement

    Given a two-dimensional grid of size N x M consisting of upper case characters and a string 'WORD', determine how many times the 'WORD' appears in the grid.

    The 'WORD' can b...

  • Ans. 

    Count the number of occurrences of a given word in a 2D grid by moving in all eight possible directions.

    • Iterate through each cell in the grid and start searching for the word from that cell in all eight directions.

    • Keep track of the number of occurrences found while searching.

    • Handle edge cases like word length exceeding grid dimensions or starting from out-of-bounds cells.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Climbing the Leaderboard Problem Statement

    In a game leaderboard, scores determine rankings where the highest score gets rank 1. Players with identical scores share the same rank, followed by the next ran...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to determine a player's leaderboard rank for each game score based on given leaderboard and game scores.

    • Iterate through each game score and compare it with leaderboard scores to determine the rank.

    • Use a hashmap to store the leaderboard scores and their corresponding ranks.

    • Handle cases where multiple players have the same score and share the same rank.

    • Return an array of ranks for each game score.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was an interview round ( technical round) that was held on video-call and a coding platform was also shared. The interviewer was very friendly with me . She was praising me on every solution that I provided.

  • Q1. 

    Flatten the Multi-Level Linked List Problem

    You are provided with a multi-level linked list consisting of 'N' nodes. Each node contains a 'next' and 'child' pointer that may point to another node. Your ta...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to flatten a multi-level linked list into a singly linked list and return the head of the modified linked list.

    • Traverse the linked list and keep track of nodes with child pointers

    • Flatten the child linked list and merge it with the main linked list

    • Update the 'next' pointers to create a singly linked list

    • Return the head of the modified linked list

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Video Call 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

This was an interview round ( technical round) that was held on video-call and a coding platform was also shared. The interviewer was very friendly with me . She was praising me on every solution that I provided.

  • Q1. 

    Design a HashSet

    Create a HashSet data structure without using any built-in hash table libraries.

    Functions Description:

    1) Constructor: Initializes the data members as required.
    2) add(value): Inserts...
  • Ans. 

    Design a HashSet data structure with add, contains, and remove functions.

    • Implement a HashSet using an array and handling collisions using chaining or open addressing.

    • Use a hash function to map values to indices in the array.

    • For add function, insert the value at the hashed index.

    • For contains function, check if the value exists at the hashed index.

    • For remove function, delete the value at the hashed index and return it, o

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - HR 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

It was online HR+Technical Round .

  • Q1. 

    Print Nodes at Distance K from a Given Node

    Given an arbitrary binary tree, a node of the tree, and an integer 'K', find all nodes that are at a distance K from the specified node, and return a list of th...

  • Ans. 

    Given a binary tree, a target node, and an integer K, find all nodes at distance K from the target node.

    • Traverse the binary tree to find the target node.

    • Use BFS to traverse the tree from the target node to nodes at distance K.

    • Keep track of the distance while traversing the tree.

    • Return the values of nodes at distance K in any order.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from Banasthali University. I applied for the job as Software Analyst in BangaloreEligibility criteriaAbove 7 CGPAGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - I covered major data structure topics like Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Trees, Graphs, backtracking, Dynamic Programming. After reading each topic, I tried to practice maximum questions on the concerned topic from Coding Ninjas, geeksforgeeks, Hackerrank and when stuck on a question, I preferred watching solution videos provided by Coding Ninjas.Time required to prepare for the interview - 3.5 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : It is important to practice coding consistently because it is what enables you to solve interview-questions in the stipulated time. But before this, it is even important to have a clear understanding of all the data-structures, so that they can be easily implemented as and when required to solve a problem. It is also mandatory to have a clear understanding of the time and space complexities of algorithms because this is what you are judged upon in real interviews. Good intuition and a good approach to solve a problem is what really helps to crack the interview of such companies. 
Tip 2 : They do not judge you upon the number of internships you have done or the number of projects you have made. A single ,good-quality project is sufficient, provided you have in-depth knowledge about it. What matters to them is how efficient learner you are, how good is your problem-solving skill and also how confident you are with your answers. 
Tip 3 : Practise topic -wise questions, participate in lots of coding contests, watch lots of Youtube solutions even after you could solve a question, because you may find a different approach that is efficient than yours and watching video solutions is always a better option than just reading the solution , as it gives a clear and deeper understanding of the logics . Also pray hard along with your preparation.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Keep your resume short and clear. Mention your projects and internships with a brief description and year of completion. Mention coding languages are known to you, or other technical skills that you are good at. Do not mention anything that you are not good at. Highlight the topics that you are really good at. 
Tip 2 : Be very honest and figure out only those things in your resume that you really know. Anything extra or unknown may have a negative impact upon your interview if asked by the interviewer.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Software Analyst Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in Cognizant
Q1. DFS Traversal Problem Statement Given an undirected and disconnec ... read more
asked in Cognizant
Q2. Merge Intervals Problem Statement You are provided with 'N' inter ... read more
Q3. 1. difference between functions and stored procedures 2. What are ... read more
Q4. Word Search Problem Statement Given a two-dimensional grid of siz ... read more
asked in PTC
Q5. There are 4 people on one side of the river, let them be A, B, C ... read more

I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 135 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

The round consisted of 5 sections. The Coding section had 2 questions, CS mutiple choice section had 8 MCQs, Problem solving multiple choice section had 7 MCQs, Advanced section had 1 programming question and the Subjective section had 2 questions. Each MCQ earned 5 marks for correct answer and -2 for incorrect answer.

  • Q1. 

    Word Search Problem Statement

    Given a two-dimensional grid of size N x M consisting of upper case characters and a string 'WORD', determine how many times the 'WORD' appears in the grid.

    The 'WORD' can b...

  • Ans. 

    Count the number of occurrences of a given word in a 2D grid by moving in all possible directions.

    • Iterate through each cell in the grid and start searching for the word from that cell in all eight directions.

    • Keep track of the number of occurrences found while searching.

    • Handle edge cases like word length exceeding grid dimensions or starting from out-of-bounds cells.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Climbing the Leaderboard Problem Statement

    In a game leaderboard, scores determine rankings where the highest score gets rank 1. Players with identical scores share the same rank, followed by the next ran...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to determine a player's leaderboard rank for each game score based on given leaderboard and game scores.

    • Iterate through each game score and compare it with leaderboard scores to determine the rank.

    • Use a hashmap to store the leaderboard scores and their corresponding ranks.

    • Handle cases where multiple players have the same score and rank accordingly.

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was a technical round held over the zoom video call around 11:00 hours. I was given a code-pair link where I had to code. The interview started with the question - "Tell me about yourself." Then, he asked the subjects I studied and asked few things about data structures and algorithms. He asked my preferred language of coding and gave two coding problems to solve. Finally, he asked me to explain my project and then gave me a scenario where he extended the project and asked about my design and database approach for that case.

  • Q1. 

    Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Problem

    Given an array of integers and a positive integer 'K', determine if it is possible to divide the array into 'K' non-empty subsets such that the sum of elements in ...

  • Ans. 

    The problem involves dividing an array into K subsets with equal sum.

    • Use backtracking to try all possible combinations of dividing the array into K subsets.

    • Keep track of the sum of elements in each subset and check if they are equal to the target sum.

    • Optimize the backtracking algorithm by pruning branches that cannot lead to a valid solution.

    • Consider edge cases such as empty array, negative numbers, and unequal divisio...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Partition Set Into Two Subsets With Minimum Difference

    Given an array of N non-negative integers, split the array into two subsets such that the absolute difference between their sums is minimized.

    The t...

  • Ans. 

    Split array into two subsets with minimum absolute difference between their sums.

    • Use dynamic programming to find the minimum absolute difference between the sums of two subsets.

    • Iterate through all possible sums of subsets and find the minimum difference.

    • Consider each element either being included in the first subset or the second subset.

    • Keep track of the minimum absolute difference found so far.

    • Return the minimum absol...

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Video Call 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 20 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was also a technical round held over the zoom video call around 14:00 hours. In this round also, I was given a code-pair link where I had to code. First of all, he asked me to introduce myself. Then, he asked about tree data structure and its practical implementation. Then, he gave me two coding questions to code. At last, he asked about the operating systems, i.e., Windows, Linux and have I ever installed Linux in my system by deleting Windows.

  • Q1. 

    Prime Numbers Identification

    Given a positive integer N, your task is to identify all prime numbers less than or equal to N.


    A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no po...

  • Ans. 

    Identify all prime numbers less than or equal to a given positive integer N.

    • Iterate from 2 to N and check if each number is prime

    • Use the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm for efficient prime number identification

    • Optimize by only checking up to the square root of N for divisors

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Find Pairs in a Doubly-Linked List

    A sorted doubly-linked list of distinct positive integers is provided, along with an integer 'X'. Your task is to identify and print all unique pairs from the list whose...

  • Ans. 

    Find pairs in a sorted doubly-linked list whose sum equals a given integer 'X'.

    • Traverse the list from both ends to find pairs with sum equal to 'X'.

    • Use two pointers approach to efficiently find the pairs.

    • Handle cases where the sum is less than, equal to, or greater than 'X'.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI completed Computer Science Engineering from Banasthali University. I applied for the job as Software Analyst in BengaluruEligibility criteriaNo criteriaGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Data Structures, Algorithms, OOPS, DBMS, Software EngineeringTime required to prepare for the interview - 3 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Practice as much questions as you can from various coding platforms from the beginning but always remember that it's never late to start. It will help you to develop your logic building skills and gradually, you will be able to solve questions quickly. Solving code challenges is a great way to keep your skills sharp for interviews.
Tip 2 : Al least keep yourself aware to the basics of new emerging technologies.
Tip 3 : Prepare some good projects and keep complete details about them as well.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Make it short and eye-catchy.
Tip 2 : Mention your academic and professional details properly with duration.
Tip 3 : Be honest about yourself. Don't put anything which is likely to cause you trouble during the interview.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Coding Test 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 90 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium

Timing: Evening around 5
The test was set up inside the computer centre and library of our institute.
There were people from GS and also from hackerrank who were conducting the test.
The test had mcqs + coding questions + essay writing.
Overall the paper I found was medium

  • Q1. 

    Next Greater Number Problem Statement

    Given a string S which represents a number, determine the smallest number strictly greater than the original number composed of the same digits. Each digit's frequenc...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to find the smallest number greater than the given number, using the same set of digits.

    • Iterate from right to left to find the first digit that can be swapped with a smaller digit on its right.

    • Swap this digit with the smallest digit on its right that is greater than it.

    • Sort the digits to the right of the swapped digit in ascending order to get the smallest number.

    • If no such digit is found, return -1.

    • Example

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Rat in a Maze Problem Statement

    You need to determine all possible paths for a rat starting at position (0, 0) in a square maze to reach its destination at (N-1, N-1). The maze is represented as an N*N ma...

  • Ans. 

    The task is to find all possible paths for a rat to navigate through a maze from start to finish.

    • Use backtracking algorithm to explore all possible paths in the maze.

    • Keep track of visited cells to avoid infinite loops.

    • Generate paths by moving in all possible directions (up, down, left, right) until reaching the destination.

    • Return the list of valid paths sorted in alphabetical order.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. 

    Fenwick Tree Problem Statement

    You are provided with an array/list ARR consisting of 'N' integers, along with 'Q' queries. Each query can be of one of the following two types:

    • Type 1 (Range Sum): Give...
  • Ans. 

    The problem involves executing range sum and point update queries on an array using Fenwick Tree data structure.

    • Use Fenwick Tree to efficiently handle range sum and point update queries.

    • For range sum queries, calculate prefix sums and use them to compute the sum in the given range.

    • For point update queries, update the Fenwick Tree accordingly to reflect the changes in the array.

    • Ensure to handle the queries efficiently t...

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 90 Miinutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The round included discussion over my resume and the projects I had made. Along with that, the person was fascinated by the co-curricular so he went on asking about those. 
Finally we started discussing data structures and algorithm.

  • Q1. 

    Maximum Subarray Sum Problem Statement

    Given an array arr of length N consisting of integers, find the sum of the subarray (including empty subarray) with the maximum sum among all subarrays.


  • Ans. 

    Find the sum of the subarray with the maximum sum among all subarrays in an array of integers.

    • Iterate through the array and keep track of the maximum sum subarray seen so far.

    • At each index, decide whether to include the current element in the subarray or start a new subarray.

    • Update the maximum sum subarray if a new maximum is found.

    • Consider edge cases like all negative numbers in the array.

    • Example: For input N=5, arr=[

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 95 Minutes
Round difficulty - Hard

Round included Data Structures, System Design, Puzzle and HR based questions

  • Q1. 

    Find K-th Smallest Element in BST

    Given a binary search tree (BST) and an integer K, the task is to find the K-th smallest element in the BST.


    BST: Order of elements in increasing order...
  • Ans. 

    To find the K-th smallest element in a BST, perform an in-order traversal and return the K-th element encountered.

    • Perform in-order traversal of the BST to get elements in increasing order

    • Keep track of the count of elements visited and return the K-th element

    • Time complexity can be optimized by maintaining a count of nodes in each subtree

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Can you design a system for a website similar to Instagram that caters to travelers?
  • Ans. 

    A website similar to Instagram for travelers, allowing users to share photos and stories from their trips.

    • Include features like geotagging to show where photos were taken

    • Allow users to create travel itineraries and share tips with others

    • Implement a rating system for destinations and accommodations

    • Enable users to connect with fellow travelers and plan trips together

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Professional and academic backgroundI applied for the job as Software Analyst in BengaluruEligibility criteriaNo eligibility CriteriaGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - Arrays and Strings, Dynamic Programming, Recursion, Linked List, Stack and Queues, Trees (involving general trees, Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees), HashMap, Priority Queues, Backtracking, Tries, Basics of Graphs data structure, Bits Manipulation, OOPS, SQL and DBMS, Basics of Operating System, and System Design.Time required to prepare for the interview - 3 MonthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Never give up on any question, Don't try to mug up the question, rather than understand the concept behind the topic, this will only help to solve the question while being in the interview.
Tip 2 : Never leave core topics like OS, DBMS etc. They are always asked in an interview
Tip 3 : Focus on core skills i.e DS and Algo but also focus on development projects, they are of much importance.
Tip 4 : Spend time on quality questions rather than the quantity of questions

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Properly formatted resume with no typos.
Tip 2 : No fancy and colourful resumes.
Tip 3 : Should have projects on your resume.
Tip 4 : Should have links to your GitHub and Linkedin and other competitive sites
Tip 5 : No false information to be mentioned, even in cocurricular

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Goldman Sachs interview questions for designations

 Technology Analyst


 IT Analyst


 Programmer Analyst


 Software Developer


 Software Engineer


 Software Developer Intern


 Software Engineer Intern


 Senior Software Engineer


I was interviewed before Sep 2020.

Round 1 - Face to Face 

(3 Questions)

Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This was face to face interview round. The interviewer was very friendly. He started by asking tell me

something about yourself. I told him about my interest in competitive coding(since I am weak in

probability, I always mentioned competitive coding in my introduction so that the interviewer

asks me coding questions and didn’t move to the probability section).

  • Q1. 

    Problem Statement: Minimize the Maximum

    You are given an array of integers and an integer K. For each array element, you can adjust it by increasing or decreasing it by a value of K. Your goal is to minim...

  • Ans. 

    The goal is to minimize the difference between the maximum and minimum elements of an array by adjusting each element by a given value.

    • Iterate through each test case and calculate the minimum possible difference between the maximum and minimum elements after modifications.

    • For each element in the array, consider increasing or decreasing it by the given value K to minimize the overall difference.

    • Return the calculated min

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Minimum Number of Platforms Needed Problem Statement

    You are given the arrival and departure times of N trains at a railway station for a particular day. Your task is to determine the minimum number of pl...

  • Ans. 

    The minimum number of platforms needed at a railway station to avoid train waiting times is determined based on arrival and departure times.

    • Sort the arrival and departure times in ascending order.

    • Iterate through the times and keep track of the number of platforms needed at any given time.

    • Update the minimum number of platforms needed as you iterate through the times.

    • Return the minimum number of platforms needed.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. 

    Two and Four Wheeler Roads Problem Statement

    There is a country with N cities and M bidirectional roads of 3 types:

    Type 1: Two Wheeler Road - Only vehicles with two wheels can use this road. Type 2: Fou...
  • Ans. 

    Determine the maximum number of roads that can be removed while ensuring a path exists for every pair of cities for two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles.

    • Identify the type of road (two-wheeler, four-wheeler, or both) and its impact on the connectivity between cities.

    • Consider the constraints provided in the input to optimize the solution.

    • Remove roads strategically to maximize the number of roads removed while maintainin...

  • Answered by AI
Round 2 - Face to Face 

(2 Questions)

Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

The interviewer was very friendly to me. She was praising me for every solution that I provided.

  • Q1. 

    Maximize Stock Trading Profit

    You are given an array prices, representing stock prices over N consecutive days. Your goal is to compute the maximum profit achievable by performing multiple transactions (i...

  • Ans. 

    To maximize stock trading profit, find maximum profit achievable by buying and selling shares multiple times.

    • Iterate through the array of stock prices and find all increasing sequences of prices.

    • Calculate profit by buying at the start of each increasing sequence and selling at the end.

    • Sum up all profits to get the maximum profit achievable.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. 

    Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree Problem Statement

    Given a Binary Tree of integers, determine the minimum depth of the Binary Tree. The minimum depth is defined as the number of nodes present along the shor...

  • Ans. 

    The minimum depth of a Binary Tree is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node to the nearest leaf node.

    • Traverse the Binary Tree using BFS (Breadth First Search) to find the minimum depth

    • Keep track of the level of each node while traversing

    • Stop the traversal as soon as a leaf node is encountered and return the level as the minimum depth

  • Answered by AI
Round 3 - Face to Face 

(1 Question)

Round duration - 50 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

This round was about System Design, Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Q1. 

    Arithmetic Progression Queries Problem Statement

    Given an integer array ARR of size N, perform the following operations:

    - update(l, r, val): Add (val + i) to arr[l + i] for all 0 ≤ i ≤ r - l.

    - rangeSu...

  • Ans. 

    The problem involves updating and calculating the sum of elements in an array based on given operations.

    • Implement update(l, r, val) to add (val + i) to arr[l + i] for all i in range [0, r - l].

    • Implement rangeSum(l, r) to return the sum of elements in the array from index l to r.

    • Handle queries using 1-based indexing and output the sum of arr[l..r] for each rangeSum operation.

  • Answered by AI
Round 4 - Face to Face 

Round duration - 30 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy

Only puzzles were asked in this round

Interview Preparation Tips

Eligibility criteria7.0 CGPAGoldman Sachs interview preparation:Topics to prepare for the interview - I covered major data structure topics like Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Trees, Graphs, backtracking, Dynamic Programming. After reading each topic, I tried to practice maximum questions on the concerned topic from Coding Ninjas, geeksforgeeks, Hackerrank and when stuck on a question, I preferred watching solution videos provided by Coding Ninjas. Time required to prepare for the interview - 4 monthsInterview preparation tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : It is important to practice coding consistently because it is what enables you to solve interview-questions in the stipulated time. But before this, it is even important to have a clear understanding of all the data-structures, so that they can be easily implemented as and when required to solve a problem. It is also mandatory to have a clear understanding of the time and space complexities of algorithms because this is what you are judged upon in real interviews. Good intuition and a good approach to solve a problem are what really helps to crack the interview of such companies. 
Tip 2 : They do not judge you upon the number of internships you have done or the number of projects you have made. A single,good-quality project is sufficient, provided you have in-depth knowledge about it. What matters to them is how efficient a learner you are, how good is your problem-solving skill and also how confident you are with your answers. 
Tip 3 : Practise topic-wise questions, participate in lots of coding contests, watch lots of Youtube solutions even after you could solve a question, because you may find a different approach that is efficient than yours, and watching video solutions is always a better option than just reading the solution, as it gives a clear and deeper understanding of the logics. Also, pray hard along with your preparation.

Application resume tips for other job seekers

Tip 1 : Keep your resume short and clear. Mention your projects and internships with a brief description and year of completion. Mention coding languages are known to you, or other technical skills that you are good at. Do not mention anything that you are not good at. Highlight the topics that you are really good at. 
Tip 2 : Be very honest and figure out only those things in your resume that you really know. Anything extra or unknown may have a negative impact upon your interview if asked by the interviewer.

Final outcome of the interviewSelected

Skills evaluated in this interview

Get interview-ready with Top Goldman Sachs Interview Questions

Interview questions from similar companies

I applied via Campus Placement

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Explain the background process that takes place during an atm transaction
  • Ans. 

    ATM transaction involves multiple background processes including authentication, authorization, and communication with bank servers.

    • Customer inserts card and enters PIN

    • ATM authenticates the card and PIN

    • ATM requests authorization from bank server

    • Bank server verifies account balance and approves or denies transaction

    • ATM dispenses cash or completes other requested transaction

    • ATM updates account balance and sends transacti

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Cut cake into 8 pieces .You can use knife 3 times only
  • Ans. 

    Cut cake into 8 pieces using knife 3 times only.

    • First, cut the cake horizontally into two equal halves.

    • Then, cut the cake vertically into four equal pieces.

    • Finally, cut the cake horizontally again into eight equal pieces.

    • Make sure to use the knife efficiently to minimize the number of cuts.

    • Practice visualization before making the cuts to avoid mistakes.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. A shot fired from a gun pointing towards a tree full of birds. All birds left except one. Why ?
  • Ans. 

    The one bird was already dead.

    • The bird was already dead before the shot was fired.

    • The bird was injured and unable to fly away with the rest of the birds.

    • The bird was a decoy bird used for hunting purposes.

    • The bird was a trained bird used for falconry.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Explain projects which you made in college?
  • Ans. 

    Developed a web-based attendance management system and a mobile app for event management.

    • Created a database schema and implemented CRUD operations using PHP and MySQL.

    • Designed the user interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    • Integrated Google Maps API for location tracking in the mobile app.

    • Implemented push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

    • Collaborated with a team of four to complete the projects within t

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The question paper was a mix of aptitude, programming of c++ java , sql and reasoning.
There was negative marking set for each questions.
Tips: Attempt that portion first in which you are really confident.
Dont try to attempt all questions , as negative marking plays big role.
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: As Barclays is a bank , so this kind of question is obvious.
Be prepared for technical process that takes place in a usual banking domain.
Also , any type of question whether reasoning based or technical can be asked.
Tips: Be confident. Try to tell everything in a straight manner.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: You can put humour while answering as this shows your positivity.
There can be many reason for this like birds ia dead , bird is deaf , bird is of plastic. You can choose whatever hit into your mind.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: Explaining the thing in which you already have knowledge is a plus point.
But make sure you have complete knowledge of your college project as they can ask as many questions as possible because your project is the main thing which can extend your interview time.

Skills: Common Sense, Presence Of Mind, Positive Thinking, Ability To Deliver On A Project, C Programming
College Name: UPTU
Motivation: As it is a product based company , so chances of growth is good and pay scale is better.

I applied via Campus Placement

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Was nice experience,should have good aptitude.
Tips: Learn aptitude more and morr
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Just speak about the topic
Tips: Do not get silent

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: iOS,C/C++
Tips: Just be confident about your answwers ansd show that you are capable to do each and everything in this world and you have quick learning capacity to grasp anything.

General Tips: C/C++,
College Name: CDAC PUNE
Motivation: Bank more than 325 years old.

Interview Questionnaire 

11 Questions

  • Q1. 1st technical round
  • Q2. How you will find the smallest of 4 numbers without using >.< and min function using java
  • Ans. 

    Finding smallest of 4 numbers without using >.< and min function in Java.

    • Initialize a variable with the first number

    • Compare it with the remaining numbers using if-else statements

    • If a smaller number is found, update the variable

    • Repeat until all numbers are compared

    • The final value of the variable will be the smallest number

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Write a code for palindrome
  • Ans. 

    Code for palindrome checking

    • Convert the input to lowercase to ignore case sensitivity

    • Use two pointers, one at the start and one at the end of the string

    • Compare the characters at both pointers and move them towards each other

    • If all characters match, it's a palindrome

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Write any javascript code
  • Ans. 

    Javascript code to display 'Hello World!' on the webpage

    • Create a new HTML file

    • Add a script tag with 'type' attribute set to 'text/javascript'

    • Inside the script tag, use document.write() to display 'Hello World!'

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Swap two number without using temperory variable
  • Ans. 

    Swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.

    • Use addition and subtraction to swap the values

    • Use XOR operator to swap the values

    • Use multiplication and division to swap the values

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. How you will add 2 table
  • Ans. 

    To add 2 tables, we need to use a join operation on a common column.

    • Identify the common column between the tables

    • Choose the appropriate join type (inner, outer, left, right)

    • Write the SQL query to join the tables

    • Example: SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column = table2.column

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Difference between union and union all
  • Ans. 

    Union combines and removes duplicates, Union All combines all rows including duplicates.

    • Union is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements and remove duplicates.

    • Union All is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements and includes all rows, including duplicates.

    • Union is slower than Union All as it has to remove duplicates.

    • Union requires the same number of columns in all SELEC...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. They provide an instance, and tell us to write a query for that
  • Q9. Tell me about yourself
  • Q10. The worst situation during your internship period
  • Ans. 

    Being assigned a project with unrealistic deadlines and minimal guidance

    • Received a project with tight deadlines and unclear requirements

    • Struggled to meet the deadlines due to lack of guidance and support

    • Had to work long hours and weekends to try to complete the project

    • Learned the importance of clear communication and setting realistic expectations

  • Answered by AI
  • Q11. How you will overcome from that worst situation

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The question were not that much difficult. Many apti questions are easy. Technical was very easy for me.
The questions were fully based on java, c and SQL. 7 to 8 questions are from SQL. But all are straight forward questions. Other 2 sections were easy and any student who had a good sort of thinking ability can able to solve those questions.
Tips: Just refer all the basic topics in java, c and sql.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was fully based on the final sem project which i was doing.
Since my project is company's employee portal, i was asked about that. They will dig into deep with respect to that project.
Tips: U should be aware of each and everything in your project which you are going to explain them. The question which they use to ask is really unpredictable.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This is pure technical round where i was asked the questions which is easy but takes time to think. Anyhow, i answered all these questions and get into the next round.
Tips: Logical thinking matters. Though questions look easier, sometimes we co calculate with wrong manner.
So keep calm and think in a broader manner.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical round with pure database stuffs. I was asked only few question in this. Since it was straight forward, i answered all the questions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Confidence really matters. Though i was not that much good in conversing, i spoke with brave and confidently which makes me to became a part of the barclays team.

General Tips: Be confident enough and answer them what you know.
Talking too much as well as taking less is also a problematic.
Skills: Logical thinking, Technical skills ( Especially about database )
Motivation: Credits should goes to my bro who motivates me to apply to this comapny.

Skills evaluated in this interview

Software Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

Barclays user image Shubham Srivastava

posted on 30 Jan 2016

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: General aptitude consisted of quantitative questions .There were 6 questions and suggested time as 10 minutes. Questions were of easy level. Questions based on numbers,distance,time etc..Answers of general aptitude were to be written in textbox. eg ans is 4,write 4. there were no options in quant. Answers were integers an easy.
Technical comprehension involved two paragraphs and questions based on sql.
Logical analysis contained questions of logical deduction mainly.
Program tracing involved finding output of programs(mainly while loop and if else)..
Programming : There was only one question of programming(to be solved in 30 minutes). Code was given and was to be modified.Modification involved like , find out the least salary of employees,... (they used file input output and structures).

Tips: Practice basic aptitude.Concepts should be clear.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 18

Skills: Basic C/C++, Logical Thinking, Logical Reasoning, General Aptitude
College Name: NIT Raipur

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Study data interpretation (calculator allowed) and pattern puzzles

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Two topics (have been same case studies for past 4 years now): - Mobile app improvement - Making a business decision

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Everything depends only on HR interview
Tips: Make a list of your strengths and an example for each!

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Short, easy and basic questions asked about projects and DS. Pretty chilled

College Name: Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
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Goldman Sachs Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Goldman Sachs Software Analyst interview?
Goldman Sachs interview process usually has 1 rounds. The most common rounds in the Goldman Sachs interview process are Technical.
What are the top questions asked in Goldman Sachs Software Analyst interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Goldman Sachs Software Analyst interview -

  1. Implement two stacks in a single ar...read more
  2. Difference between SQL and No...read more
  3. Reverse a linked list recursiv...read more

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