National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

Your seniors at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

7 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were two papers.One objective paper containing 2 sections :Quantitative: 25 questions on basic mathematical abilities requiring both speed and accuracy were asked.Technical: 10 questions based on basic Data structures and Algorithms.One subjective paper containing 2 sections:Technical: 2 codes to be written in java/c/c++Essay: Topic given was 'Why should GS hire me?'
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 26 candidates were shortlisted who were divided into two groups of 13 each and were given the same topic for case study. Case study was based on response to stressful situations and decision making abilities where we had to present our point of views and reach a general consensus at the end.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had 4 rounds of interviews. 3 of them were mainly technical. I was asked to explain about my project work and a few puzzles of varying difficulty levels were asked. Subjective questions were mainly from DS. Questions were asked from trees, linked lists, stacks and queues, sorting and graphs. One software design question was asked in one of the rounds. One or two questions were asked from OS mainly concentrated on processes.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There was one round of HR though the other rounds also had few questions. Panel members were easily approachable and it was just like an informal discussion covering questions on future goals, schooling, hobbies, passion, interests, why I chose to take up my branch, what I expect from GS, what I can offer to the company, general take on recession and many others.Panel members were genial and interviews were challenging and at the same time interesting. I totally enjoyed the HR round and discussed practically every topic under the sun with them.

General Tips: It is a good chance for everyone who has a good knowledge of basic programming and DS. The key is to be well prepared and be confident. Just give your interviews with a cool head and this one is definitely not difficult to crack. I am sure you will enjoy the experience. Good luck to all the aspirants.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: General Aptitude, basic mathematical and logic questions were to be answered during the Aptitude test. An essay on a general topic was to be written and algorithms for 3 problems were to be written.
Duration: 120 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The personalities of 6 different people and a situation was given and we were supposed to discuss and decide upon a captain and vice-captain apt for that particular situation
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Basic and Advanced Data Structures (like Lists, stacks, queues, heaps, graphs and disjoint sets ) and C++ Questions were asked.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General questions were asked about my ambitions, goals and perspective towards life . I was also supposed to answer diplomatic questions like "Why should Goldman Sachs hire me?" and "How am I different from others?"

General Tips: Show your enthusiasm towards working for this company and that being your dream since a long time. Be confident and all the best.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a written aptitude test followed by a group discussion and then personal interview.In the written test there were quant questions(easy-medium level) and technical questions mainly from data structures and C/C++ (multiple choice questions). For each section there was a definite period of time alloted.There was also a section where 2 programs were asked-one was to find the angle between hour hand and minute hand , another was on anagrams . Finally an essay type question-"Why do you want to work for Goldman Sachsand why it should hire you"

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: An abstract of 4-5 pages about the people on a ship which is going to sink. Around 4-5 peoples' personalities were analysed thoroughly. We had to choose a captain and vice captain for the ship at such a critical juncture.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They first asked, 'What is your favorite subject?' I said DS..Then he asked why? Then some questions based on what I answered were asked.He also asked about use of trees in real life scenario..I spoke about data models -hierarchical data model follows tree structure. It was a pretty cool round..I wasn't made to write any code.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: He asked me about Polymorphism, Function Overloading Virtual Functions etc. Then I was asked to write a code for a "movie " class . And types of movies are- new , ol, medium levels and then some functions I don't exactly remember. Basically he was checking C++ class concepts.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In the Third Interview,He asked me about the two programs which were asked in the written round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In the final interview, he asked me about my curriculum , one question on abstract classes and then what do I want in a job, my preferences, etc

General Tips: Placements are a difficult period and one tends to get tensed up. So start revising C/C++ concepts and data structures in the summer vacation itself. Technical C/C++ questions you can practice from Test your C skills byKanetkar. And stay cool . Be confident. ALL THE BEST :)
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The aptitude test consisted of mostly quant and reasoning questions and a couple of programming questions. There was a a writing question after this on: "Why do I want to work for GS"? One must be prepared with an answer for this question in some form or the other because this came up in an interview later as well.
The level of the apti was pretty easy, but a decent solving speed is recommended.
Tips: A basic knowledge of C was enough to tackle the programming questions. Try to keep the codes shorter and more efficient, that works in your favour. Don't write rubbish codes as we were asked in the interviews to explain our apti codes.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were profiles of 6 individuals given, and the scenario was that a ship has sunk and these 6 get into a lifeboat.
We as a group had to determine who was the most suitable to be the captain and the vice-captain. The profiles were quite different: corporate executive, sailor, teacher, etc. In the end we decided upon the executive as the
captain and the sailor as vice captain. The decision wasn't unanimous though, and some people still had different views.
This GD was really tough because we had around 11-12 people of which around 6-7 people were all very active participants. Everyone wanted to speak all the time throughout the half hour, rather chaotic stuff. Honestly, I don't quite know what approach to follow in such a GD. But opportunities to speak come few and far between and these must be grabbed as much as possible without appearing too dominant. It is very easy to become a spectator in such a GD and this must be avoided.
Tips: It helps (i think, although you might want to confirm this elsewhere) if you give helpful suggestions like going one-by-one through the group and taking everyone's views.
Grab chances to speak in the GD. Don't start fighting with another person/don't slam another person's arguments forcefully. Use tact and avoid antagonizing people.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The technical interviews were a mixture of puzzles and programming problems. Firstly the programming questions from the aptitude test were repeated and I was asked to explain the logic again and shorten it.
Some puzzles I encountered were: i) there's a gold bar with 6 markings dividing it into 7 equal parts. You are allowed to make 2 cuts anywhere on those markings (dividing bar into 3 parts) and you have to pay a servant an
equal amount of gold for 7 days. Solution: You cut at the 1st and 3rd markings, diving it into 3 parts of size-1, size-2 and size-4 (totally 7). First day you give him 1 part, next day give him the size-2 part and take back the 1st part (binary scheme: 001 010 011 etc).
ii) A creeper is wrapped around a cylindrical tree spirally from the bottom to the top. Given dimensions of cylinder, find the length of creeper. Soln: unroll the cylinder to a rectangle with sides as height and circumference of cylinder. creeper is diagonal.
Programming questions were pretty straightforward like code to find the no. of instances of a word in a file etc.
I was also asked a question in microprocessors (since I'm in ece). I was asked to describe the 8086 memory system and the ram's electronic structure down to the logic gate level.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the HR interview they were basically looking to see whether you can be a team player and whether you'll fit in over there. Questions were about why I thought I was suitable for the job, did I have experience of working in a
team before, why did want this particular job, my interests and hobbies, where did i see myself in the future etc. Working for club/fest activities etc can be highlighted as can be any other non-technical skills that may be useful like knowledge of foreign languages(i used this one) etc.
In another interview I was given a scenario in the workplace wherein some software develops a bug and I was expected to answer what I would do in the situation. I didn't really understand what answer was expected from this
so I said I'd send the software back to the development team (this wasn't the answer, this would take too long).
There was an emphasis on teamwork right throughout the selection process
Tips: Be comfortable in your own skin and confident and cheerful in your HR interview

General Tips: - Brush up your C from Kanetkar's books, they're pretty useful. DS too, but nothing fancy, just the basic stuff.
- Familiarise yourself with the puzzles that're asked in interviews generally. They're often repeated.
Skills: C, DS
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Feb 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: I got a PPO from Goldman Sachs on the basis of my internship there and it was a dream come true for me. So I would like to share some internship experiences here. Our work was purely technical (using java, struts, xml, java script etc).We had to make software that would assist the company in its financial functions, thereby giving us an exposure to the financial arena too.
Tips: So if you are a passionate programmer, GS provides you with umpteen number
of opportunities. And at the same time you will understand the workings of an investment bank, which is an added benefit for now and also for your future.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1.Analytical and logical reasoning. 2.Basic C/C++. 3.Data Structures. 4.Coding section -2 programs were given to be coded in any language c/c++/JAVA. 5.Essay topic- ' Should government run business'.
Total Questions: 40

Round: Group Activity
Experience: A situation wherein a big ship is about to collapse . For the lifeboat provisions team we group of six people have to decide a chief and deputy from among the six people on board given in the problem. I made a list of the skill sets of all six people and finally decided with others to come upon a conclusion.

Round: Interview
Experience: 1.programs given in the coding section of the aptitude paper. 2.project work. 3.sorting an array consisting of only 0's and1's in least time complexity. 4.reversing a singly linked list 5.a puzzle on some 100 doors which are toggled in 100 passes. 6.quicksort.

Round: Interview
Experience: 1.give 3 reasons why GS should hire you? 2. give 3 reasons why GS should not hire you? 3.a puzzle on two ropes which burn at unequal rates. 4.hobbies. 5.why GS?

General Tips: Though it was in the late night i didn't feel sleepy at all the selection process was really good and the interviews were pretty cool as in i didn't get stressed or confused at any of them.
1.Be confident. 2.Work hard at your analytical skills.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 Feb 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: I was lucky enough to get a ppo from Goldman Sachs. As an intern it was great fun working there. That was basically one of the main reasons that i didn't sit for any companies even when the ppo hadn't come to college. It is purely technical work there and not that of finance or marketing. But one of the advantages you get while working at GS is that your finance knowledge increases tremendously and perhaps that experience can help you at a later stage. Secondly the brand of GS is huge and is very well know.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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