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Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 31 Jan 2025

Top Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Ninja and the Game of Words In this game, Ninja is provided with a string STR that might contain spaces, and a list or array WORDS consisting of N word strings. Ninja's ...read more
  • Q2. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend to select any of the number between 1 to 3. Whoever reaches 20 first, wins. You have to tell the strategy ...read more
  • Q3. Wildcard Pattern Matching Problem Statement Implement a wildcard pattern matching algorithm to determine if a given wildcard pattern matches a text string completely. Th ...read more
View all 77 questions

Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Experiences

75 interviews found

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Rella Hemanth Reddy

posted on 22 Aug 2016

I applied via campus placement at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Linked list Algorithms
  • Ans. 

    Linked list algorithms involve operations on linked lists, such as insertion, deletion, and traversal.

    • Linked list algorithms are used to manipulate data stored in linked lists.

    • Common operations include inserting a new node, deleting a node, and traversing the list.

    • Examples of linked list algorithms include reversing a linked list, finding the middle node, and detecting a loop in the list.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Queue based questions
  • Q3. Probability based questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: Know all your course projects well.

Round: Test
Experience: Solved mostly quant section.
Tips: Solving at least one of the sections well will suffice.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Wasn't able to answer some fully .
Tips: Know all technical details of your course projects .

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Had to re-think again of all the possibilities .
Tips: Think of all possible ways . do not hurry towards the answer . approach to the problem is mainly what they see

General Tips: Know everything you wrote in the resume . do not hurry towards an answer . don't be biased in yhinking
Skills: Probabiity
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras
Motivation: The profile of the company

Skills evaluated in this interview

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Rupesh Bansal

posted on 12 Dec 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. He explained my what is call value and put value in finance and asked me to plot it so that user maker maximum profit
  • Q2. Find the magic number in an sorted array. magic number is the one whose value and index position is same
  • Ans. 

    Find the magic number in a sorted array where value and index are same.

    • Iterate through the array and check if the value and index are same

    • If found, return the value

    • If not found, return -1

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Given a 2d matrix sorted row and column wise, search an element
  • Ans. 

    Searching an element in a sorted 2D matrix

    • Start from the top-right corner or bottom-left corner

    • Compare the target element with the current element

    • Move left or down if the target is smaller or move right or up if the target is larger

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Design a newspaper subscription system
  • Ans. 

    Design a newspaper subscription system

    • Create a user registration system

    • Allow users to select subscription plan and payment method

    • Provide options for delivery frequency and start/end dates

    • Send reminders for subscription renewal

    • Allow users to modify or cancel subscription

    • Track subscription history and payment records

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. A person can climb 1 or 2 stairs. Find the number of ways to jump n stairs
  • Ans. 

    Number of ways to jump n stairs if a person can climb 1 or 2 stairs.

    • Use dynamic programming to solve the problem.

    • The number of ways to jump n stairs is equal to the sum of ways to jump n-1 stairs and ways to jump n-2 stairs.

    • Base cases: if n=0, return 1 and if n=1, return 1.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q6. How will you mane a LRU Cache
  • Ans. 

    An LRU cache can be made using a doubly linked list and a hash map.

    • Create a doubly linked list to store the cache items.

    • Create a hash map to store the key-value pairs.

    • When a new item is added, check if the cache is full. If it is, remove the least recently used item from the linked list and hash map.

    • When an item is accessed, move it to the front of the linked list.

    • When an item is removed, remove it from both the linked

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Suppose you and I are playing a dice game. The one who get the lesser number looses the games. The dice has n sides. If I start the game, what is the probablity of you winning?
  • Ans. 

    Probability of winning a dice game where the one with lesser number wins.

    • The probability of winning depends on the number of sides on the dice.

    • If the dice has an odd number of sides, the probability of winning is higher for the second player.

    • If the dice has an even number of sides, the probability of winning is equal for both players.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Given 3 functions, f which gives the first day of the current month, g gives the next working day and h gives the previous working day, conpute the 3rd working day? Compute the 2nd working day of the previ...
  • Ans. 

    Compute working days using given functions f, g, and h.

    • To compute the 3rd working day, apply function g three times to function f.

    • To compute the 2nd working day of the previous month, apply function h to function f, then apply function g twice.

    • To compute the 4th working day of the next month, apply function g four times to function f.

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 30 questions divided into 3 sections(Computer Science fundamentals, Mathematics and Machine learning) each containing 10 questions. Each question was of 3 points with the negative marking of 1 mark. 60 students were shortlisted from this round.

2nd paper consisted of 3 questions in each section. Each section was of 30 points with each question of different weightage.
Tips: Time is more that sufficient. Focus on only one section but try to excel in that

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewers are very friendly and helped my if I got stuck anywhere

General Tips: Try to cover geeks for geeks as much as you can. It will help you a lot
Skills: Basics Of Machine Learning, Design Engineering, Probabiity, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Highly relevant work to my interests

Skills evaluated in this interview

Analyst Interview Questions Asked at Other Companies

asked in Capgemini
Q1. N-th Fibonacci Number Problem Statement Given an integer ‘N’, you ... read more
asked in Deloitte
Q2. Reverse a Number Problem Statement Given an integer 'N', write a ... read more
Q3. A 10x10x10 cube is made up of 1x1x1 cubes. Its outer surface is p ... read more
Q4. Ninja and the Game of Words In this game, Ninja is provided with ... read more
Q5. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend t ... read more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test had 2 parts. 1)Objective (90 mins) 2) Subjective (90 mins). Both the paper were divided into 3 sections 1) Computer Science 2)Math & 3)Data Science .

To get shortlisted you need to do well on only one of the section.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Probability Interview and discussion on projects that I have worked upon on in the institute.

Probability questions were given a quadratic equation whose coefficients are RVs , what is the probability that the roots are real.

College Name: IIT Madras

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Devendra Bendkhale

posted on 4 Dec 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Discussion on one of the project
  • Q2. Given a matrix containing several positive numbers find max path from bottom left to top right using only up and right steps
  • Ans. 

    Find max path from bottom left to top right in a matrix using only up and right steps.

    • Start from bottom left corner and move towards top right corner.

    • At each step, choose the maximum value between the cell above and the cell to the right.

    • Keep track of the sum of values in the chosen path.

    • The final sum is the maximum possible sum of values in a path from bottom left to top right.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Dice rolled several times until sum of outcomes till now comes greater than equal to hundred. What is most likely number to occur as final sum?
  • Ans. 

    The most likely number to occur as the final sum is 100.

    • The sum of the outcomes of the dice rolls will keep increasing until it reaches or exceeds 100.

    • Since the dice have equal probabilities for each outcome, the sum will have a higher chance of reaching 100.

    • The probability of rolling a sum greater than 100 decreases as the sum gets larger.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Cutting three random points on the circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0) . What is probability that point (1,0) lies in longest cut
  • Ans. 

    Finding probability of point (1,0) lying in longest cut of three random points on circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0)

    • The longest cut will be the one that spans the smallest angle between two of the three points

    • The probability can be found by calculating the area of the region where the longest cut includes point (1,0)

    • This can be done by finding the angle between (1,0) and the two other points and using trigonometry to...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 30 OBJECTIVE QUESTION 90 MIN . QUESTION LEVEL WAS TOUGH. GS Takes their tests very seriously
Tips: Do the section first which are you most famaliar with. They hire on section wise performance.

Skill Tips: Be calm . Approach is important than answer.

Skills: Analytical Skills, Coding Skills, Maths(esp Probability), Algorithm Analysis, Probabiity
College Name: IIT Guwahati

Skills evaluated in this interview

Goldman Sachs interview questions for designations

 Senior Analyst


 Operations Analyst


 Risk Analyst


 Fraud Analyst


 Data Analyst


 Quality Analyst


 Associate Analyst


 Research Analyst


Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image ArunKeshav Sridhar

posted on 23 Aug 2015

I applied via campus placement at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. How many ways can a king go from one end of the chessboard to the diagonally opposite square(The king can move only towards the corner and not diagonally)
  • Ans. 

    The king can move only towards the corner and not diagonally. How many ways can a king go from one end of the chessboard to the diagonally opposite square?

    • The king can only move towards the corner, so there are limited options for each move

    • The total number of moves required to reach the opposite corner is 14

    • Using combinatorics, the total number of ways the king can reach the opposite corner is 3432

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was very well designed with seemingly easy questions but which required deep understanding of fundamentals. I really enjoyed the quantitative part and the data analytics part.
Tips: I would suggest that you focus on the parts that you are good at . It is not necessary to do well in every part. So focus on your strengths.
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: I initially suggested a brute force method to solve this problem , which was correct but the interviewer asked for a smarter way to solve it using permutations. I initially struggled but i finally got the right answer.
Tips: Walk the interviewer through what you are thinking and think of the smartest way to solve it.

Skills: Problem solving abilities
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Madras

Get interview-ready with Top Goldman Sachs Interview Questions

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Aug 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: You are not supposed to know everything. If you do exceptionally well in one or two sections in each paper and even leave third section completely (which I did) then you are through. Third section was mainly for CSE guys. In subjective part Algorithm section had 5 questions and maths section had 4 questions. Questions in maths section were based on probability, linear algebra, differential equation and discrete maths. Randomized algorithm course taught by Baswana sir was really helpful in doing probability questions. Questions were doable if you knew the concepts well. For algorithms part concepts taught in basic Data structure and algorithm course were enough. Questions were based on linked list, binary tree, stack, queue, sorting, Dijkstra etc.
Duration: 75 minutes minutes

Round: Test
Experience: Each section in objective paper had 10 questions and there was negative marking. On the basis of test they selected 75 candidates.
Duration: 75 minutes minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was asked about my thesis 3-4 times as I had done some good work in Thesis and had submitted 2 paper based on it. Also as my work was on (Data Compression) Information theory which involves a lot probability and the problems I worked on was of theoretical nature, so I was able to relate it with them. So it was one of my plus point. They asked some questions from topics related to my thesis.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: They asked some algorithmic puzzles and some probability and other maths puzzles. At no point of time I was asked to write the code (but it totally depends on the team they are looking you for) I just had to tell them how to solve the problem.
Tips: Don’t hurry in interview and take your time to solve the problem. Also at every point keep interviewer engaged and keep telling him in which direction you are proceeding and also why you are doing this.

General Tips: Start preparing from summer itself. If you are targeting quant companies I will advise you start preparing even before for probability and puzzles as you can’t become good in these things overnight. I am not saying you to give 1 -2 hour daily for puzzles rather I will advise you to do just 1-2 puzzles whenever you have time and enjoy it.

Don’t leave everything for the last time you will for sure run short of time so finish the important tasks first. Make goals which are practically achievable.

Skill Tips: Focus on your Study.. Revise the subject that you have studied at the time of Interview
Skills: Technical Skills
College Name: IIT Kanpur

Analyst Jobs at Goldman Sachs

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Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The initial round is a written round consisting of
1. Around about 30 aptitude questions,
2. 15-20 questions based on error finding, writing outputs and debugging a given C/C++ code,
3. Two coding complete questions.
4. A short essay writing type subjective question.
The essay/ subjective question could be something like this:
a. If you meet Goldman Sacks CEO in an elevator, what will be your conversation to impress him/her.Remember you are in an elevator.
b. Why should Goldman Sachs hire you and not someone else ?The time given for all this is around about 25-30 mins. So be fast on your feets and don't be rusty.
Tips: The time given for all this is around about 25-30 mins. So be fast on your feets and don't be rusty
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The second round is the GD round. The topic is not very simple, but not very difficult either. Basically it tests that you have the ability to think on your feet. My topic was something like this:Say you are trapped in a deserted island where you are all by your own. You have been given a certain set of items but you can carry only some of them or else the weight will bog you down. You need to prioritize these items in the order of their needs for you to survive.In my case, the fact that I had seen Tom Hank's Cast Away proved to be quite useful as you can easily draw parallels between the two situations.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This is followed by a series of interviews which may range from 2 to 4 and sometimes even more.Remember Goldman Sachs folks are very thorough with your resume and they listen very closely to everything you say. So be very clear about what you have to say and what not.Best of luck guys like emoticon

College Name: BITS MESRA

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 11 Apr 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written test (Cut off: 7): The test consisted of 2 sectionsPart A (60 min): MCQ's with negatives on general aptitude, permutation & combination (P&C) and Probability.Part B (40 min): This was a subjective section. One or two problems on probability/P&C and few problems on data structures and algorithms (we were asked to write code).
Duration: 60+40 minutes

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 22 candidates were selected for interview which consisted of 2 or 3 rounds. First round: They asked me to explain my summer project. In the Second round, a few problems on P&C/Probability and couple of questions on DSA. Final round: An open problem. For example: estimate the population of Mangalore.

General Tips: If you don't know an answer, tell the interviewer the same. Lying would do more harm than good because they definitely know more than us and will find out very easily. It was Challenging and a great learning experience They test your fundamentals and don't ask too many difficult questions.
Skill Tips: If they ask you to explain what you did in your summer internship, explain it in as simple a language as possible so that even a person with no background in the subject will be able to understand it. Don't use complicated terms because they are looking for people who can express themselves well. Prepare for aptitude sincerely. You might neglect it thinking "It's just apti, what can they ask?". The problem will arise when you know how to solve the question but it might take a really long time to work it out. Practice makes a man perfect. For algorithms, code every question you have tried to solve. Interviewers look for people who can write efficient and readable code. ["Use proper names for variables"]. When they ask you a question, they don't expect you to arrive at the exact solution. They look for the structure in your solution i.e have you considered the necessary parameters and does there exist a logical progression from one step to the next. If you are asked an open problem, don't panic. Keep asking questions to get a proper understanding of the problem and try to give them multiple solutions and reason out why each solution might be right or wrong.
Skills: Probability, Apti, Algorithms, Aptitude questions

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Raaz Dwivedi

posted on 7 Apr 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: A Good Resume is the one with a clear message in one glance. One usually doesn't have much time go through the specifics. Also, most of the resumes look more or less the same if you start reading thoroughly. So what distinguishes you is how much you can convey to a third person in one glance. However a crucial point that one needs to keep in mind is - The third person may be an IITian or may be not. So your resume needs to be optimally elaborate and detailed. Good at glance and not boring with details.

Round: Test
Experience: Various tests aim at identifying different skill sets. And each skill set testing needs different approach and different preparation material and style. Also, not all tests are actually looking for excellent performers. So sometimes you might be surprised to see not so good performers being preferred over the best ones.
Tips: Keep calm during all tests. No need to panic after seeing unfavourable results. It's just the beginning of an entirely new world. For preparation, begin well in advance. Take as light load as possible in your placement semester. Talk to seniors and the placed ones about the preparation style for various skill sets. There are several great books on most of the skill set, and just like JEE if you spend quality time on a book on a particular skill set you are likely to do well. 

For your core jobs preparation, you need to revise your basic concepts and prepare specifically for various areas that you are mostly interested in. For example, in EE, you can have a look at various job roles - system designing, power systems, device and circuits, communication, computer vision and image processing etc, which companies have come in the past for what kind of roles. And what were there expectations from the candidates.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I sat for only one GD that was for ITC. I did not prepare at all for it and relied mostly on my speaking cum shouting skills that I developed over the years, thanks to my fundae sessions and most importantly TAship sessions. I enjoyed the GD which was a problem statement on a guy's death with a brief description of the circumstances, and was asked to discuss who was guilty for the guy's death. I enjoyed the discussion, and found the problem pretty exciting, but only to find out later that it was a routine problem for GDs.
Tips: My agenda was simple for the GD - I took it as yet another discussion session. Hearing others opinions and pointing out mine. Occasionally I also asked the quite ones to share their views. There are often several tricks that seniors tell the juniors - start early, take the lead, try to summarize, take everyone along etc etc. I like to put it this way - Don't speak non-sense, do speak some sense, let others speak, try to distinguish the sense and the non-sense from others views, and encourage the quite ones to speak a bit in order to have a sensible and wholesome group discussion. If you think you can lead, then lead. If you think you might want others opinions to kick start your thought process, then wait for some points from others. So basically do what seems sensible to you, but do something!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: All the questions that I was asked, I have already put up at my blog raazdwivedi.blogspot.in 

And I am in no mood to repeat them here by classifying. I would summarize some key points in the tips section.
Tips: Before I forget, usually at the end of interviews, the interviewers ask you if you have some questions about them, be prepared with some questions which can be like - what do you usually look for in a good candidate, what is the work culture at the company, the career path of the individual in the company or otherwise etc etc. You can google things, or you can be innovative. Innovation might pay off very well or it may just kill your chances. But that's life - more risk, more reward.

And another point, some of your interviews might be telephonic - in such cases, many more factors come into picture  which might spoil the mood of the interview ( I would let you to think about the possible glitches that you might have because of this technological advancement). But as usual, I would advice you to keep calm and just give your best. 

Puzzles Interview: Prepare from the standard blogs and books, like cseblog and heard on the wall street. Ask seniors about the trending books. For the interview, do what is asked of you. Try to solve the problem. If you have already soled the proble, try to outline the steps and the solution, but don't be over or under excited any time. Sometimes the interviewer might be curious about the steps, and about your thought process. He might be looking for how many different ways you can think of attacking the same problem (At times they give a wrong problem just to check that!). However at times, you might not be that lucky and the person in front of you might value only accuracy and speed - that makes the task tougher - you have to be quick and you have to be correct, I would suggest you to trying being accurate, even if the guy in front of you is checking your patience by bugging you about your speed. In all cases, keep your calm.

HR Interview:Technically, I didn't give an HR interview (at least I don't think I gave one!) but standard preparation includes questions of the sort - walk me through your resume, tell me about yourself, tell me about yourself BEYOND the resume (meaning what is not covered in the resume), strengths and weaknesses, your learning experience, capabilities as an individual, team player and team leader, some illustrations of them, why the XYZ role in ABC company probably over DEF company, why not higher education, why a job of this pay scale, your expectations of the firm etc

Case Studies and Guesstimate:The only thing that I can think about such interviews (I had only one and I didn't do very well) - during some stage of preparation preferably 60-70% of it, prepare and discuss in groups, work many problems, and learn from your mistakes. As usual try to value the thought process than the answers only!

Round: Summary
Tips: There are many things that I would like to convey to the students regarding the placement process.On the preparation side, one must give his best - visit websites, read blogs, attend presentations and various related sessions, ask seniors who have been placed, talk to anyone who you think can provide some help. These practices will give you enormous data - and your job is to filter and use it wisely, at your own discretion. Read relevant material from books and internet, practice problems and tests, do mock interviews and GDs with your friends, prepare your resume well - in short - do what is to be done. Depending on job pro files that you target, the preparation keeps varying, ask around and work hard.

With that being said, I would like to say that placement is not simply about merit - independent of whether you appreciate this fact or not. Various companies value compatibility over the merit of the student (which is quite logical thing to do!) and sometimes you may under-qualify and sometimes over-qualify on those standards - and rarely will you be just at an optimal level. Consequently, many results(in fact most, to be even more precise all except one) will not go in your favour - either accept them or challenge them (if you think you have been denied of something that you truly deserve) but never lose your heart - this is simply a welcome song to the real world. In the long run, this short and (most likely a difficult and) tough experience will prove to be one of the most memorable and a great learning experience.

In a nut shell "Keep Calm and Give your Best! - Karm karte raho, fal ki chinta mat karo."

Round: Puzzle Interview
Tips: Prepare from the standard blogs and books, like cseblog and heard on the wall street. Ask seniors about the trending books. For the interview, do what is asked of you. Try to solve the problem. If you have already solved the problem, try to outline the steps and the solution, but don't be over or under excited any time. Sometimes the interviewer might be curious about the steps, and about your thought process. He might be looking for how many different ways you can think of attacking the same problem (At times they give a wrong problem just to check that!). However at times, you might not be that lucky and the person in front of you might value only accuracy and speed - that makes the task tougher - you have to be quick and you have to be correct, I would suggest you to trying being accurate, even if the guy in front of you is checking your patience by bugging you about your speed. In all cases, keep your calm.

College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Raaz Dwivedi

posted on 7 Apr 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Walk me through your resume
  • Ans. 

    I have experience in marketing and sales, with a focus on digital marketing and social media.

    • Started as a marketing intern at XYZ company

    • Managed social media accounts for ABC company

    • Developed and executed digital marketing campaigns for DEF company

    • Increased website traffic and lead generation for GHI company

    • Trained and managed a team of marketing associates at JKL company

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Discussion on my CPI, future plans and about work and culture at GS
  • Q3. Discussion about a course Project related to guaranteed funds
  • Q4. How good am I at programming?
  • Ans. 

    Your programming skills are impressive.

    • You have a strong understanding of programming concepts.

    • You are able to write efficient and effective code.

    • You are able to solve complex problems with programming.

    • You are always looking to improve your skills and learn new technologies.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Questions on Fourier Transform and Fixed points
  • Q6. Efficient algorithms on calculating Fibonacci’s Sequence
  • Ans. 

    Efficient algorithms for calculating Fibonacci's sequence

    • Use dynamic programming to avoid redundant calculations

    • Implement matrix exponentiation to reduce time complexity to O(log n)

    • Use memoization to store previously calculated values

    • Iterative approach using constant space complexity

    • Binet's formula for direct calculation of nth Fibonacci number

  • Answered by AI
  • Q7. Different efficient ways to implement product and summation of n numbers. And limitations
  • Ans. 

    Efficient ways to implement product and summation of n numbers with limitations.

    • For summation, use a loop or built-in functions like sum() or reduce().

    • For product, use a loop or built-in functions like prod() or reduce().

    • Limitations include overflow errors for large numbers and memory constraints for very large arrays.

    • Using parallel processing or vectorization can improve efficiency.

    • Consider using data structures like ...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q8. Find integer solutions of x^y=y^x.
  • Ans. 

    Find integer solutions of x^y=y^x.

    • If x=y, then x^y=y^x=1

    • If x

    • If x>y, then x^y>y^x

    • Only solution is (2,4) and (4,2)

    • Use logarithms to prove

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: A Good Resume is the one with a clear message in one glance. One usually doesn't have much time go through the specifics. Also, most of the resumes look more or less the same if you start reading thoroughly. So what distinguishes you is how much you can convey to a third person in one glance. However a crucial point that one needs to keep in mind is - The third person may be an IITian or may be not. So your resume needs to be optimally elaborate and detailed. Good at glance and not boring with details.

Round: Test
Experience: I screwed up GS's test but I guess my CPI and resume lured them to shortlist me for interview.Various tests aim at identifying different skill sets. And each skill set testing needs different approach and different preparation material and style. Also, not all tests are actually looking for excellent performers. So sometimes you might be surprised to see not so good performers being preferred over the best ones

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Keep calm during all tests. No need to panic after seeing unfavourable results. It's just the beginning of an entirely new world. For preparation, begin well in advance. Take as light load as possible in your placement semester. Talk to seniors and the placed ones about the preparation style for various skill sets. There are several great books on most of the skill set, and just like JEE if you spend quality time on a book on a particular skill set you are likely to do well.For your core jobs preparation, you need to revise your basic concepts and prepare specifically for various areas that you are mostly interested in. For example, in EE, you can have a look at various job roles - system designing, power systems, device and circuits, communication, computer vision and image processing etc, which companies have come in the past for what kind of roles. And what were there expectations from the candidates.

General Tips: There are many things that I would like to convey to the students regarding the placement process.On the preparation side, one must give his best - visit websites, read blogs, attend presentations and various related sessions, ask seniors who have been placed, talk to anyone who you think can provide some help. These practices will give you enormous data - and your job is to filter and use it wisely,at your own discretion. Read relevant material from books and internet,practice problems and tests, do mock interviews and GDs with your friends,prepare your resume well - in short – do what is to be done. Depending on jobprofiles that you target, the preparation keeps varying, ask around and workhard.With that being said, I would like to say that placement is not simply aboutmerit - independent of whether you appreciate this fact or not. Variouscompanies value compatibility over the merit of the student (which isquite logical thing to do!) and sometimes you may under-qualify and sometimes over-qualifyon those standards - and rarely will you be just at an optimal level.Consequently, many results(in fact most, to be even more precise all except one)will not go in your favour - either accept them or challenge them (if you thinkyou have been denied of something that you truly deserve) but never loseyour heart - this is simply a welcome song to the real world. In the longrun, this short and (most likely a difficult and) tough experience willprove to be one of the most memorable and a great learning experience.In a nut shell "Keep Calm and Give your Best! - Karm karte raho, fal kichinta mat karo."
College Name: IIT BOMBAY

Skills evaluated in this interview

Goldman Sachs Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?
Goldman Sachs interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Goldman Sachs interview process are One-on-one Round, Coding Test and HR.
How to prepare for Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Goldman Sachs. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Goldman Sachs expect are Investment Banking, Investment Management, Risk Management, Software Asset Management and HTML.
What are the top questions asked in Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Goldman Sachs Analyst interview -

  1. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend to select any o...read more
  2. Given a tank with liquid, and there are flows in and out, inflow is U and outfl...read more
  3. Given we have a (un)biased die, with given probabilities, and we toss it till w...read more
How long is the Goldman Sachs Analyst interview process?

The duration of Goldman Sachs Analyst interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Process

based on 38 interviews

7 Interview rounds

  • Technical Round
  • HR Round
  • Aptitude Test Round - 1
  • Personal Interview1 Round
  • Aptitude Test Round - 2
  • Aptitude Test Round - 3
  • Puzzles Interview Round
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Goldman Sachs Analyst Salary
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₹12.7 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr
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Bangalore / Bengaluru

1-4 Yrs

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Bangalore / Bengaluru

1-2 Yrs

₹ 4.5-6.5 LPA

Risk-Bengaluru-Analyst-Business Audit

Bangalore / Bengaluru

1-4 Yrs

₹ 3-35 LPA

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₹10.9 L/yr - ₹41 L/yr

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₹12.7 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr

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₹19 L/yr - ₹71.7 L/yr

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₹5 L/yr - ₹20 L/yr

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