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Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Updated 31 Jan 2025

Top Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

  • Q1. Ninja and the Game of Words In this game, Ninja is provided with a string STR that might contain spaces, and a list or array WORDS consisting of N word strings. Ninja's ...read more
  • Q2. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend to select any of the number between 1 to 3. Whoever reaches 20 first, wins. You have to tell the strategy ...read more
  • Q3. Wildcard Pattern Matching Problem Statement Implement a wildcard pattern matching algorithm to determine if a given wildcard pattern matches a text string completely. Th ...read more
View all 77 questions

Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Experiences

75 interviews found

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Kaushik Maran

posted on 10 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It had three sections namely algorithms, math and coding.
Tips: This is the most important step in the recruitment process. So prepare well and try getting shortlisted in more than one section.
Duration: 1:30 minute
Total Questions: 5+4+?

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: The logical abilities of one is tested. The questions asked do not require you to know any advanced concepts but just make you think in a non-routine manner. The topics covered were Pigeon Hole Principle, Dynamic Programming, Probability (Expectation Value).

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: The logical abilities of one is tested. The questions asked do not
require you to know any advanced concepts but just make you think in a
non-routine manner. The topics covered were (algorithm+discrete math), (probability+combinatorics).

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: This was a purely coding interview where the interviewer was just ensuring that I knew how to code. This interview is taken only for people who have nothing (not even courses) to show in the coding front. The questions asked were based on Data Structures and were pretty standard.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: Loads of puzzles were asked and a few questions on basic probability distributions as well.

General Tips: Prepare hard for the test and just be yourself during the interview,
Skills: Analytical Thinking
College Name: IIT DELHI
Motivation: The only job where I could put my mathematical abilities to work.
Funny Moments: I completed the first question for the first interviewer (he said the first few words and I completed the statement of the problem) and still couldn't solve the question.

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Rajlaxmi

posted on 15 Mar 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was divided in three parts Algorithms, Maths, CS (Operating systems, Database, etc.). They were fairly easy questions and if basics are clear the questions are doable.
Tips: Understand the basics in Algorithms, OS, Database, etc.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Test
Experience: It was again divided in three parts. There were many questions and less time. So manage your time beforehand. I attempted Algorithms and CS sections. Algorithms questions were of a bit easy difficulty (should be easy to answer if practiced from sites like GeeksforGeeks, etc). CS core question were of medium difficulty.
Tips: Study from GeeksforGeeks site for questions and for core CS subjects read slides of the subject before test. Try to manage time effectively. Dont write essays where they expect a brief answer.
Duration: 180 minutes

General Tips: Practice Regularly and be confident. Even in interviews if you dont know answer, try to show your thinking process. They may give you hints.
Skill Tips: For algorithms, clear the basics from Cormen book and then practice coding questions from Hackerrank, codechef, codeforces everyday.
Skills: Algorithms
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
Motivation: I was interested in application of CS in finance.

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Q4. Ninja and the Game of Words In this game, Ninja is provided with ... read more
Q5. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend t ... read more

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Mar 2015

I was interviewed in Jan 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

3 Questions

  • Q1. Questions were from Algorithms and Probability(probability distribution and expectations etc.), mathematical aptitude
  • Q2. Data Structures and Algorithms, Programming (language C/C++/JAVA, doesn't matter what language u know only they want to know how can u apply your concepts very well)
  • Q3. Question were related to projects mentioned in my resume. I felt in this round like previous rounds were too impressive that in this round they are likely to hire me

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: If you are good at problem solving it's easy to crack the written test
Tips: Subjects better if you prefer to study from standard books and have a clear understanding of concepts

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: If an interviewer is cool and very much interested to listen to you, then it's all about how easily you make him feel that you are the perfect candidate for them. Goldman Sachs interviewer are very cool and have a very good behavioral attitude. They are very interested to listen to you and at every moment they give you chance to prove yourself. It's up to you how you impress them
Tips: Feel interview like a techie discussion with your friend. Whatever you are thinking about say it loudly so that interviewer can listen what you are thinking. Better if you make it a discussion

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewer was very cool and very nice person

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewer was very cool and very nice person

General Tips: Do what you love and Love what you do. That leaves no regrets and doubles your performance. Always be hopeful, never give up. Even if you have less CGPA (even 5.3 has also worked that were mine), be confident to give your best.
Skill Tips: Before interview try to get cool. Get yourself away from the crowd, there shouldn't be any worries in your mind related to interview. More important believe on yourself that boosts your confidence.
At the time of interview let the interview know your strength and the area in which you have mastery. Once interviewer gets into your domain then the day is yours.
Note: Have strong faith on your skills. Because if you show your skills, it doesn't matter how worse is your CGPA, they will hire you. A guy with CGPA less than 5.5 can make it possible then why can't you!!
For preparation always try to follow concepts from standard books. Never try to study from local authors.

Confidence is also a major factor,Strongly Committed to face any kind of challenging problems and able to find some solution out of it. They test your approach of solving a particular question. Generally questions are tough.
Truthfulness: Be honest if you already know the answer for question, do tell them. If you don't know much about some topic let them know because they never want to judge you on what you are not good. They will assess you only in the area you are comfortable with.
Skills: Problem solving, Confidence, Truthfulness
College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: On one side Motivation comes from the Package offered by this company: Highest paying company along with Worldquant, Tower Research. I heard being a strats at Goldman Sachs is really tough task since they focus more on mathematical aptitude; probability, P&C etc. That motivates you to give your best efforts to see where do you stand in the world.
Designing algorithms for solving challenging business problems is the job of strats, that's what attracted me more towards this company.
Funny Moments: (Round1)Interviewer: Why do you have consistent poor performance; 77%(10th), 67%(12th), 65%(B.E.), 5.3CGPA(M.Tech.)?
Me: I don't study for marks, I study to learn the concepts and have feel of it. If I would have been wrong I wouldn't be here.
Interviewer: Introduce yourself !
(I never tried to prepare for such interview questions but at that instant what came out from my mouth was surprising for me)
Me: Sir, I am Praveen Jharbade, pursuing MTech in CSE from IIT Roorkee and I love numbers. I am a big fan of Srinivasa Ramanujan. If you will give me a series I can tell you the hidden patterns inside that series.
(In the end Interviewer was in doubt if I was inclined towards research or working in Industry)
Interviewer: Where do you want to see yourself in future; going for higher studies or in Industry?(Not exact question. I felt he meant to ask this)
Me: Sir, if I would have told you that I love Cricket you wouldn't ask this question. Sir, I love numbers and in my spare time I used to play with numbers and series.
Finally I would say 3 rounds taken by 3 different interviewer and I can say they are the awesome people and of course genius. I would say it would be my great pleasure to work under their supervision.

Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 19 Mar 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. First question always is "tell me about yourself", so If you can answer that in a way that it generates interest in any topic, half your job is done

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: General Aptitude Test comprises of basic questions related to quant which is very similar to other  companies but the catch here is cut off, which is 8 for all circuital branches.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interviews are pretty chilled, you just need to gel up with the HR and say no to further studies.
Tips: I didn’t do my homework hence wasn’t prepared enough also stumbled in first question itself, never took off from there.

Skill Tips: I learnt how an interview works and tricks to crack it. You should appear sharp and prepared, It impresses them a lot.

Goldman Sachs interview questions for designations

 Senior Analyst


 Operations Analyst


 Risk Analyst


 Fraud Analyst


 Data Analyst


 Compliance Analyst


 Valuation Analyst


 Associate Analyst


Analyst Interview Questions & Answers

user image Hussain Bharmal

posted on 22 Mar 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. 1. What is the probability that a person starting at 1 and who takes single steps ahead/back with equal probabilities reach 0 before 100?
  • Ans. 

    The probability is 1/2.

    • The person can either move forward or backward with equal probabilities.

    • The probability of reaching 0 before 100 is 1/2.

    • This is a simple random walk problem.

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Variants of using random number generators/Monte Carlo Simulations to generate value of Pi and other quantities
  • Ans. 

    Random number generators and Monte Carlo simulations can be used to estimate the value of Pi and other quantities.

    • Monte Carlo simulations involve generating random numbers to estimate a value or solve a problem

    • To estimate Pi, random points are generated within a square and the ratio of points inside a circle to total points is used

    • Other quantities can be estimated using similar principles, such as estimating the area u

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first half is objective. I believe the candidates need to clear a bare minimum in each section in order for their subjective papers to be checked. After 75-90 minutes, the objectives are collected and the subjective papers are distributed (again 75-90 minutes long). Everyone is allowed to finish both papers. You're allowed to leave in the middle of the duration if you don't want to attempt any further. Disclaimer: This has been the format more or less in the last 2 placement rounds ('13 and '14). It may/may not change.
Tips: The test is the most important part of getting an interview. People with very good CPI's and stellar resumes might not even get an interview if they don't do well in the test. The test is extremely conceptual and will grill one on the basics. Some resources which will help you to figure out the type of questions that can be asked: -----/



It would be advisable to take an algorithms and a probability class if you haven't studied them and want to do good in the test. MOOCs are also an option if you can't get a classroom course.
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: All interviews had a highly technical component again based on my quanti skills. Whatever quanti based technical skills I'd mentioned on my resume were thoroughly grilled upon along with the questions/puzzles asked.

HR was limited to tell me about yourself and why do you want to join the firm.
Tips: 1. Again a huge focus is on your tech skills (similar questions to the test), and:

2. From what I've gathered so far, the firm is an extremely team oriented  place. So if they feel you lack the adequate communication and team skills, that translates to a no-go. I wasn't asked specifically about experiences I've had in teams and other PORs I've held, but you can be sure that they will have a look at it in your resume and will also judge you during the interview based on the way you explain your solution/thought process to them. There are always examples of people who are technically proficient but don't pass the (coarse IMO) filter of soft skills. So do work on them.

General Tips: Placement process is important if you want to get out in the business/non-academia world. Clean your slates of all extraneous rubbish before the semester begins as each and every day of the semester is important. Starting from resume, going to PPTs, figuring out your companies, practicing apti tests, sharpening tech skills, acquiring case prep skills, GDs, giving tests, preparing for interviews/HR and finally going for it in December. It's a jam packed roller coaster ride and you don't want to miss out on the fun by engaging with something not driving you towards your goal. The learning curve in this semester can be exponential if you commit to it and it is indeed a lot of fun. There might be a bit of physical stress due to the number of hours you will possibly be putting into the process, but make sure you stay out of pressures of any kind: self imposed or peers.
Skills: Quant+Math
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
Motivation: I love my math and want to work in a place where I get to use analytical/quanti skills everyday. Finance is a good place to do this as I was told by my seniors (Disclaimer: I have practically zero finance knowledge as of now). Also I want to work with the smartest and the most analytical people. GS ranked the highest on both the fronts according to me among the companies that hire from mechanical. I knew people working there before the placements who told me about their positive experiences over there. Plus, it is an elite institution with a lot of perks and good compensation.

TL;DR: No-brainer.
Funny Moments: 1. String of night outs for 7-10 days for putting up a good resume: Close friends sitting a room with microsoft word in front of them and getting existential crisis about what they've done in their life. Finally a week of polishing the resumes and reading them: Man, I think I've done a decent job in IIT.

2. Last line of resume: avid fan of Led Zeppelin.

3. Day 0, T minus 12 hours: Majorly flunked a mock interview with a friend as I realized that I'd spent the previous week on non conentional HR like 'which animal best represents you and why' and was struggling with my tell me about yourself basics. Sat for the next 5 hours cooking up and mugging the answers to the standard HR questions. These is how I fared:

3. Towards the end of my very first interview (with a consulting firm):

Int: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Me: My favorite band is Led Zeppelin. I really, really love their songs.

Int: You got me there. (smiles).

Got the next interview right after that with the same firm.

4. In the next interview:

Int: So what do you think a consultant does?

Me:(I had decided the previous night to go ahead with this answer) A consultant is like Batman, and the clients are like commissioner Gordon. They flash the light when they're in trouble, and the consultant is always there when help is needed. They'll do they their job as quickly and efficiently as possible just like Batman. (I followed it up with the reasonable standard answer.)

5. When the HR head of GS told me in the last interview that they were planning to put my name in the final hiring list and I said I'd be glad to accept that and wouldn't plan to go for any other firm if they're planning to do so:

Me: So, should I stick around here now or am I free to go get my beer?

Int: Go ahead and get your beer :)

Skills evaluated in this interview

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Goldman Sachs Interview FAQs

How many rounds are there in Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?
Goldman Sachs interview process usually has 2-3 rounds. The most common rounds in the Goldman Sachs interview process are One-on-one Round, Coding Test and HR.
How to prepare for Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?
Go through your CV in detail and study all the technologies mentioned in your CV. Prepare at least two technologies or languages in depth if you are appearing for a technical interview at Goldman Sachs. The most common topics and skills that interviewers at Goldman Sachs expect are Investment Banking, Investment Management, Risk Management, Software Asset Management and HTML.
What are the top questions asked in Goldman Sachs Analyst interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Goldman Sachs Analyst interview -

  1. Good old standard problem: Playing number game with your friend to select any o...read more
  2. Given a tank with liquid, and there are flows in and out, inflow is U and outfl...read more
  3. Given we have a (un)biased die, with given probabilities, and we toss it till w...read more
How long is the Goldman Sachs Analyst interview process?

The duration of Goldman Sachs Analyst interview process can vary, but typically it takes about less than 2 weeks to complete.

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Goldman Sachs Analyst Interview Process

based on 38 interviews

7 Interview rounds

  • Technical Round
  • HR Round
  • Aptitude Test Round - 1
  • Personal Interview1 Round
  • Aptitude Test Round - 2
  • Aptitude Test Round - 3
  • Puzzles Interview Round
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