Amazon Interview Questions and Answers
You are given an array “ARR” of N integers. You are required to perform an operation on the array each time until it becomes empty. The more
Implement a queue data structure which follows FIFO(First In First Out) property, using only the instances of the stack data structure.
1. To implement means you need to complete some more
Q3. What is T code to Vendor Invoice processig
The T code for Vendor Invoice processing is FB60 in SAP.
T code FB60 is used in SAP for Vendor Invoice processing.
FB60 allows users to create, change, display, and post vendor invoices.
Users can also perform other functions related to vendor invoices using T code FB60.
Example: To process a vendor invoice, enter T code FB60 in the SAP command field.
Q4. What is aerodynamic. What types of engine used in aeroplane and military fitter jet's.
Aerodynamics is the study of how air flows around objects. Airplanes use jet engines, propeller engines, and military fighter jets use afterburning turbofan engines.
Aerodynamics is the study of the motion of air and the interaction between air and solid bodies moving through it.
Airplanes typically use jet engines, which are powered by the combustion of fuel and air to produce thrust.
Propeller engines are also used in some airplanes, where the propeller is turned by a piston more
Q5. Where do you think the aviation industry is headed?
Q6. What are the applications of over-expanded and under-expanded nozzle flows?
Q7. Types of cycle on which engine works
The engine works on two main types of cycles - Otto cycle and Diesel cycle.
Otto cycle: used in gasoline engines, consists of four processes - isentropic compression, constant volume heat addition, isentropic expansion, and constant volume heat rejection.
Diesel cycle: used in diesel engines, consists of four processes - isentropic compression, constant pressure heat addition, isentropic expansion, and constant volume heat rejection.
Q8. What are shock diamonds?
Q9. Explain the physics of a C-D nozzle
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