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10+ Samba Financial Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 5 Feb 2024
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Q1. Asteroid Collision Problem Description

Given an array/list ASTEROIDS representing asteroids aligned in a row, each element's absolute value identifies the asteroid's size, while its sign indicates the more

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Q2. Word Break II Problem Statement

Given a non-empty string 'S' containing no spaces and a dictionary of non-empty strings, generate and return all possible sentences by adding spaces in the string 'S', such that more

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Q3. Convert Binary Tree to Mirror Tree Problem Statement

Given a binary tree, convert this binary tree into its mirror tree. A binary tree is a tree in which each parent node has at most two children. The mirror more

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Q4. Wildcard Pattern Matching Problem Statement

Implement a wildcard pattern matching algorithm to determine if a given wildcard pattern matches a text string completely.

The wildcard pattern may include the more

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Q5. Longest Common Subsequence Problem Statement

Given two strings STR1 and STR2, determine the length of their longest common subsequence.

A subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by more

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Q6. Bipartite Graph Problem Statement

Given an undirected graph of 'V' vertices (labeled 0, 1, ..., V-1) and 'E' edges, the task is to determine whether the graph is bipartite.


A bipartite graph is more

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Q7. Valid Parentheses Problem Statement

Given a string 'STR' consisting solely of the characters “{”, “}”, “(”, “)”, “[” and “]”, determine if the parentheses are balanced.


The first line contains an more
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Q8. Trie Data Structure Implementation

Design and implement a Trie (Prefix Tree) which should support the following two operations:

1. Insert a word into the Trie. The operation is marked as 'insert(word)'.
2. more
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Q9. Left View of a Binary Tree

Given a binary tree, your task is to print the left view of the tree. The left view of a binary tree contains the nodes visible when the tree is viewed from the left side.


The more
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Q10. Left View of a Binary Tree Problem Statement

Given a binary tree, your task is to print the left view of the tree.


The input will be in level order form, with node values separated by a space. more
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Q11. Convert Array to Min Heap Task

Given an array 'ARR' of integers with 'N' elements, you need to convert it into a min-binary heap.

A min-binary heap is a complete binary tree where each internal node's value is more

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Q12. How would you implement undo and redo operations for MS Word?
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