70+ Ohm Systems Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. 2)Given an n x n matrix, where every row and column is sorted in increasing order. Given a number x, how to decide whether this x is in the matrix. The designed algorithm should have linear time complexity. a)...
read moreAlgorithm to find if a number is present in a sorted n x n matrix with linear time complexity.
Start with the top right element
Compare the element with x
If equal, return its position
If e < x, move down (if out of bounds, return false)
If e > x, move left (if out of bounds, return false)
Repeat till element is found or returned false
Q2. 4)Given a set of integers, Display the non-empty subsets whose sum is zero. For example, given the set { −7, −3, −2, 5, 8}, the answer is the subset { −3, −2, 5} which sums to zero. This is the special case of...
read moreThe problem is to find non-empty subsets of a given set of integers whose sum is zero.
The problem is a special case of the knapsack problem and is known to be NP-Complete.
A brute-force approach would involve generating all subsets and checking their sums.
The brute-force approach has an exponential time complexity.
There is no known polynomial time solution for this problem.
Q3. Sub Divide a Rectangle. Given a Rectangle of M X N. U have many smaller rectangles of M1 X N1 and so on. You have to divide the greater rectangle in such a way to minimize the wastage. Rules of division are, ev...
read moreDivide a rectangle of M x N into smaller rectangles of M1 x N1 to minimize wastage.
Start by dividing the rectangle horizontally or vertically based on the dimensions of the smaller rectangles.
Continue dividing each resulting sub-rectangle until no further division is possible.
Consider the dimensions of the smaller rectangles and the remaining space to minimize wastage.
Keep track of the divisions made to reconstruct the original rectangle if needed.
Q4. Suppose there are ‘n’ trees (literal trees, not trees of computer science, suppose they don’t have any branch, more like a straight stick), each of them have some height. We want x length of wood. We have a woo...
read moreQ5. Beer overflow problem. Glasses are stacked like a pyramid onto a table. If you are given X liters of water to pour on the topmost glass, How much water will be held by each glass. Given, Xth glass an hold x lit...
read moreThe glasses are stacked like a pyramid on a table. Each glass can hold a certain amount of water, and the overflow is distributed equally to the glasses below.
The glasses form a pyramid shape, with the topmost glass being the first level and each subsequent level having one more glass than the previous level.
The amount of water held by each glass can be calculated by dividing the total amount of water by the number of glasses in that level.
For example, if there are 10 more
Q6. 5)Create a data structure where inserting, deleting and finding the minimum element all have O(1) time. i said we can use augmented stack where with each element we can augment the minimum element along with it...
read moreData structure with O(1) insert, delete, and find min without creating new structures
Use two stacks, one for actual data and one for minimum values
When inserting, push the value onto the data stack and push the minimum of the new value and the top of the minimum stack onto the minimum stack
When deleting, pop from both stacks
When finding the minimum, return the top of the minimum stack
Q7. Duplicate Elements in Array
You are provided with an array or list called ARR
, consisting of N
integers. These integers fall within the range from 0 to N - 1. Some elements in this array may appear more than more
Identify duplicate elements in an array of integers within the range from 0 to N - 1.
Iterate through the array and keep track of seen elements using a hash set.
If an element is already in the set, it is a duplicate and can be added to the result.
Return the list of duplicate elements found in the array.
Example: For input [1, 3, 1, 3, 4], output should be ['1', '3'].
Q8. Problem Statement: Sibling Nodes
You are provided with a Binary Tree consisting of 'N' nodes, where each node holds an integer value. Your objective is to identify and list all nodes that do not possess a more
Identify and list nodes in a Binary Tree that do not have a sibling.
Traverse the Binary Tree in level order to identify sibling nodes.
Keep track of nodes without siblings and output them in ascending order.
Handle cases where nodes have only one child or no children.
Consider the root node as a sibling node.
Sort the output list of nodes without siblings in ascending order.
Q9. Algorithms: Write an algorithm to list elements of a Fibonacci series; There are two unsorted arrays (with no repeating elements) – find the median of the combined array (use a 3rd array if you wish). Find the...
read moreAlgorithm to list Fibonacci series and find median of combined array with and without 3rd array
For Fibonacci series, start with 0 and 1, then add previous two numbers to get next number
For finding median of combined array, merge the two arrays and sort them, then find the middle element(s)
For finding median without 3rd array, use two pointers to traverse both arrays simultaneously and keep track of previous and current elements
Q10. Leaf Nodes Retrieval from Binary Tree
Given a binary tree, implement a function that returns a list of leaf nodes following their appearance from left to right. If leaf nodes are equidistant from the leftmost more
Implement a function to retrieve leaf nodes from a binary tree in left-to-right order.
Traverse the binary tree in a depth-first manner, keeping track of leaf nodes encountered.
Store leaf nodes in a list while traversing the tree.
If leaf nodes are equidistant from the leftmost node, prefer the node at a lesser depth.
Return the list of leaf nodes in the order they appear from left to right.
Q11. Design a car sharing app. Create mockups, describe features. What is your customer acquisition strategy?
A car sharing app that connects car owners with people who need a ride.
Users can search for available cars in their area and book a ride.
Car owners can list their car and set their own price for the ride.
The app should have a rating system for both drivers and passengers.
Payment should be handled through the app.
Customer acquisition strategy can include social media advertising, referral programs, and partnerships with local businesses.
Q12. Recommendation engine: What factors will you consider while designing a recommendation engine for a news website like MSN?
Factors to consider while designing a recommendation engine for a news website like MSN.
Identify user preferences and behavior
Analyze user history and engagement
Consider content relevance and recency
Incorporate social media trends and user feedback
Use collaborative filtering and machine learning algorithms
Ensure diversity in recommendations
Optimize for speed and scalability
Q13. Dijkstra's Algorithm Problem Statement
Given an undirected graph with 'V' vertices (labeled 0, 1, ..., V-1) and 'E' edges, where each edge connects two nodes ('X', 'Y') and has a weight that denotes the more
Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest path distance from a source node to all other nodes in a graph.
Implement Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path distances from node 0 to all other nodes in the graph.
Use a priority queue to efficiently select the next node with the shortest distance.
Initialize distances to all nodes as infinity except for the source node which is 0.
Update distances to neighboring nodes if a shorter path is found.
Repeat the process more
Q14. Maximum Product Subarray Problem Statement
Given an array of integers, determine the contiguous subarray that produces the maximum product of its elements.
A subarray can be derived from the more
Find the contiguous subarray with the maximum product of elements in an array.
Iterate through the array and keep track of the maximum and minimum product ending at each index.
Update the maximum product by taking the maximum of current element, current element * previous maximum, current element * previous minimum.
Update the minimum product by taking the minimum of current element, current element * previous maximum, current element * previous minimum.
Return the maximum more
Q15. Postfix Expression Evaluation Problem Statement
Given a postfix expression, your task is to evaluate the expression. The operator will appear in the expression after the operands. The output for each more
Evaluate postfix expressions by applying operators after operands. Return result modulo (10^9+7).
Iterate through each character in the postfix expression
If character is an operand, push it onto the stack
If character is an operator, pop two operands from stack, apply operator, and push result back
Repeat until end of expression, return final result modulo (10^9+7)
Q16. Merge Overlapping Intervals Problem Statement
Given a specified number of intervals, where each interval is represented by two integers denoting its boundaries, the task is to merge all overlapping intervals more
Merge overlapping intervals and return sorted list of merged intervals.
Identify overlapping intervals based on start and end times
Merge overlapping intervals to form new intervals
Sort the merged intervals in ascending order of start times
Q17. Exclusive Time of Functions
We are executing a program containing 'N' functions on a single-threaded CPU. Each function has a unique 'ID' between 0 and (N-1). Each time a function starts or ends, a log is more
Calculate exclusive time of functions based on logs of function start and end times.
Parse the input logs to calculate exclusive time for each function ID.
Use a stack to keep track of function start times and calculate exclusive time when function ends.
Iterate through the logs and update exclusive time for each function ID accordingly.
Q18. You start with A. In every step, A gets transformed to AB and B get transformed to BA. You are supposed to tell how many ‘BB’ will occur at Nth iteration. E.G. A AB ABBA ABBABAAB … So on
The number of 'BB' occurrences at the Nth iteration of the transformation sequence.
At each iteration, A gets transformed to AB and B gets transformed to BA.
To find the number of 'BB' occurrences at the Nth iteration, we need to count the number of 'BB' substrings in the transformed string.
The transformation sequence follows a pattern: AB, ABA, ABAAB, ABAABABA, ...
The number of 'BB' occurrences doubles with each iteration: 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
To calculate the number of ' more
Q19. Box Stacking Problem Statement
Consider you are provided with 'n' different types of rectangular 3D boxes. For each type of box, you have three separate arrays: height
, width
, and length
that define the more
The task is to stack different types of rectangular 3D boxes to achieve the maximum possible height.
Iterate through all possible rotations of each box type.
Sort the boxes based on their base dimensions in non-increasing order.
Use dynamic programming to find the maximum height achievable by stacking the boxes.
Consider the constraints while implementing the solution.
Example: For input [3, [4, 1, 4], [6, 2, 5], [7, 3, 6]], the output should be 15.
Q20. 1)There are three types of balls arranged linearly in a random order Red, Green and Blue. Now your job is to sort them so that the Red balls are in front follwed by the Green balls and the Blue balls are pushed...
read moreSorting an array of 0, 1 and 2 can be done in O(n) using two pointers.
Use two pointers, one for 0 and one for 2, and a current pointer to traverse the array
If the current pointer encounters a 0, swap it with the 0 pointer and move both pointers to the right
If the current pointer encounters a 2, swap it with the 2 pointer and move the 2 pointer to the left
Repeat until the current pointer meets the 2 pointer
Q21. Find Triplets with Given Sum Problem Statement
Given an array ARR
consisting of N
integers, your task is to identify all distinct triplets within the array that sum up to a given integer K
An more
The task is to find all distinct triplets in an array that sum up to a given integer.
Iterate through the array and use a nested loop to find all possible triplets.
Use a set to store unique triplets and avoid duplicates.
Check if the sum of the triplet equals the target sum.
Return the list of valid triplets or -1 if no such triplet exists.
Q22. Stock Buy and Sell Problem Statement
Given an array/list 'prices' where the elements represent yesterday's stock prices at each minute, determine the maximum profit possible from a single buy and sell action. more
Given an array of stock prices, find the maximum profit from a single buy and sell action.
Iterate through the array and keep track of the minimum price seen so far and the maximum profit achievable.
Calculate the profit by subtracting the current price from the minimum price seen so far.
If the profit is negative, set it to 0 as we can't sell without buying first.
Q23. How much should BookMyShow bid for an AdWord that will figure as the top result in a Google search?
The bid for the AdWord should be based on the value of a click and the conversion rate.
Calculate the value of a click by estimating the revenue generated per click.
Determine the conversion rate of the website to estimate the number of clicks needed to generate a sale.
Consider the competition for the keyword and adjust the bid accordingly.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to estimate the bid range for the keyword.
Regularly monitor and adjust the bid based on performance. more
Q24. Ad fraud: How is ad fraud carried out? How will you detect a bot’s fraud (list all mechanisms).
Ad fraud and detecting bot fraud mechanisms
Ad fraud can be carried out through click fraud, impression fraud, and conversion fraud
Detecting bot fraud can be done through analyzing user behavior, IP addresses, and device information
Other mechanisms include using machine learning algorithms and third-party verification tools
Examples of bot fraud detection tools include WhiteOps, DoubleVerify, and Integral Ad Science
Q25. You have an undirected weighted graph, given input ‘x’ and ‘y’, which are any two vertices of the graph, you have to output all the edges that are in any of the shortest path from x to y. Note that there can be...
read moreOutput all edges in any shortest path from x to y in an undirected weighted graph
Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find all shortest paths from x to y
Store the predecessor of each vertex to reconstruct the paths
Output all edges in any of the shortest paths found
Q26. Maximum Sum Subarray Problem Statement
Given an array of integers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray within the array.
array = [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86]
Explanation: more
Find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray within an array in O(N) time complexity.
Use Kadane's algorithm to find the maximum sum subarray in O(N) time complexity
Initialize two variables: max_sum and current_sum to track the maximum sum subarray
Iterate through the array and update current_sum by adding the current element or starting a new subarray
Update max_sum if current_sum becomes greater than max_sum
Q27. Occurrence of X in a Sorted Array Problem Statement
Given a sorted array of integers of size N and an integer X, determine the total number of occurrences of X in the array.
The first line of the input more
Count occurrences of a given integer in a sorted array.
Use binary search to find the first and last occurrence of X in the array.
Calculate the total occurrences by subtracting the indices and adding 1.
Handle edge cases like X not present in the array.
Time complexity can be O(log N) using binary search.
Q28. Give a brief of the features suggested in the case solution submitted.
The case solution submitted suggested features such as personalized recommendations, social media integration, and a user-friendly interface.
Personalized recommendations based on user behavior and preferences
Social media integration for easy sharing and promotion
User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and clear calls to action
Integration with third-party services such as payment gateways and shipping providers
Robust analytics and reporting tools for tracking more
Q29. Suppose there are two piles of plates in the table. One has ‘m’ RED plates and other has ‘n’ BLACK plates. In his/her chance, a player can either pick any number of red plates or any number black plates or equa...
read moreQ30. Suppose you are given a string of length n and a set of pairs(i, j such that 0 <= i < j < n). Pair “i, j” (0 based indexing) means that you can swap the i’th and j’th character in the string any number of times...
read moreGiven a string and pairs of indices, output the lexicographically smallest string after swapping characters.
Sort the pairs based on the first index in ascending order.
Use union-find data structure to keep track of connected components.
Swap characters in the string based on the connected components.
Return the lexicographically smallest string.
Q31. Pick the feature that is a revenue stream and estimate the revenue generated in a year.
The subscription feature is a revenue stream.
Subscription feature allows users to pay for premium content or services.
Estimate revenue based on current user base and potential growth.
Consider pricing strategy and competition.
Example: Spotify Premium generates $1.5 billion in revenue annually.
Q32. If we are given a matrix such that its rows and column are sorted search a number in o(n+m) complexity....
Use binary search starting from top right corner to find the number in O(n+m) complexity.
Start from the top right corner of the matrix
If the current number is greater than the target, move left
If the current number is less than the target, move down
Repeat until the number is found or out of bounds
Q33. If we are give a link list such that a few nodes from end are common....and both are of unknown different to find first common node....
Q34. int x=5; fun() {x++;} if 3 threads run this function and am reading x at last, what will be value of x?
The value of x will depend on the execution order of the threads.
The function fun() increments the value of x by 1.
If all three threads run the function concurrently, the final value of x will be 8.
If the threads run sequentially, the final value of x will be 7.
Q35. Suppose we have a huge CSV file having ip-address ranges and its corresponding country code, given any ip-address how will we find the country which it belongs to
To find the country of an IP address from a CSV file, we can use a lookup table based on the IP address range.
Create a lookup table from the CSV file with IP address ranges and corresponding country codes
Parse the given IP address and match it with the ranges in the lookup table to find the corresponding country code
Use binary search for efficient lookup in the IP address ranges
Handle cases where the given IP address falls outside the ranges in the lookup table
Q36. What do we use for IPC if processes run on different systems?
Q37. If we r given time in hh:mm find the angle between hr hand and minute hand.
Design a streaming service like Netflix and explain content onboarding process.
Create a user-friendly dashboard for content providers to submit new content.
Implement a review process to ensure quality and compliance with guidelines.
Use algorithms to categorize and recommend new content to users based on their preferences.
Negotiate licensing deals with production companies to acquire new content.
Regularly update the library with fresh content to keep users engaged.
Q39. why dont we store cookies details in server instead of storing in client system?
Storing cookies on the client system allows for personalized user experiences and reduces server load.
Storing cookies on the client system allows for faster access to user data without the need to constantly query the server.
Cookies can store user preferences and login information, making the browsing experience more personalized.
Server-side storage of cookies would require more server resources and could slow down the website's performance.
Client-side storage also allows more
Q40. i can run concurrent process. then why should i use threads?
Threads allow for more efficient use of resources and better performance compared to running concurrent processes.
Threads are lighter weight than processes, requiring less overhead to create and manage.
Threads share the same memory space, allowing for easier communication and data sharing between threads.
Threads are more efficient for tasks that require frequent communication or synchronization.
Threads are commonly used in GUI applications to keep the user interface more
Q41. can we implement overloading using different return types of function and Why?
No, we cannot implement overloading using different return types of function.
Overloading is based on the number and types of parameters, not the return type.
If we have two functions with the same name and parameters but different return types, it will result in a compilation error.
Return type alone is not sufficient to differentiate between overloaded functions.
Q42. What are threads. Why do we use them ?
Q43. How to find nth node from end in a link list in only one scan
Q44. You have a huge linked list, how will you detect any loop in the linked list
To detect a loop in a linked list, we can use Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm.
Use two pointers, one moving at twice the speed of the other
If there is a loop, the two pointers will eventually meet at some point
Alternatively, use a hash set to store visited nodes and check for duplicates
Q45. You are given a n*n matrix having 1's an 0's in them an given an integer k. You have to find a rectangular region such that it has k 1's in it
Find a rectangular region in a binary matrix with k 1's.
Iterate over all possible rectangular regions and count the number of 1's in each.
Use a sliding window approach to efficiently count the number of 1's in each rectangular region.
Use dynamic programming to precompute the number of 1's in each sub-rectangle and answer queries in constant time.
Q46. What r all complex data structures you have implemented?
Q47. Formulate the angle between the hour hand and minute hand of the clock for any given time
The angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock can be calculated using a simple formula.
The angle between the hour hand and minute hand is given by the formula: |(30H - 11/2) - 6M| degrees
H is the hour hand position and M is the minute hand position
If the result is greater than 180 degrees, subtract it from 360 degrees to get the acute angle
Q48. what is overriding and why using it? again to networks
Overriding is a concept in object-oriented programming where a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by its superclass.
Overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass.
It is used to achieve runtime polymorphism in object-oriented programming.
The method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameters as the method in the superclass to override more
Q49. write query to find 3rd highest mark of students in student table with name and marks? Then he asked my favourite language and replied “OOPSC++”
Q50. what is index & why we are using it in Database?
Q51. is parallelism possible in merge sort using threads?
Q52. what is HTTP and why it is used?
Q53. Find any duplicate number in an array of very big size
Find any duplicate number in an array of very big size
Use a hash table to keep track of visited numbers
Iterate through the array and check if the number is already in the hash table
If it is, return the number as duplicate
Q54. In an array find maximum non consecutive sum sequence...
Q55. Given an array. Find indices i and j such that A[i]>a[j] and i>j such that ij is minimum
Find indices i and j such that A[i]>a[j] and i>j such that ij is minimum
Iterate through the array and keep track of the minimum value and its index
Iterate through the array again and check if A[i]>min and i
If yes, update the minimum index to j
Return the minimum index
Time complexity: O(n)
Q56. what is purpose of virtual keyword?
The virtual keyword is used in object-oriented programming to indicate that a method or property can be overridden in a derived class.
The virtual keyword allows for polymorphism, where a derived class can provide its own implementation of a method or property inherited from a base class.
It enables the concept of dynamic dispatch, where the appropriate method implementation is determined at runtime based on the actual type of the object.
The virtual keyword is typically used more
Q57. How do we synchronize our programs?
Q58. What are deadlocks. Give some example.
Q59. what is cookies and why it is used?
Q60. what is inheritance and why using it?
Q61. what is polymorphism and why using it?
Q62. what is overloading and why using it?
Q63. Why do we prefer oops?
Q64. explain sliding window protocol?
Sliding window protocol is a technique used in computer networks to ensure reliable and efficient data transmission.
Sliding window protocol is used to manage the flow of data between sender and receiver in a network.
It divides the data into small packets and assigns a sequence number to each packet.
The sender sends a fixed number of packets and waits for acknowledgment from the receiver before sending more packets.
If an acknowledgment is not received within a certain time, more
Q65. significance of thread over process?
Threads provide a lightweight way to achieve multitasking within a process.
Threads share the same memory space, while processes have separate memory spaces.
Threads are faster to create and terminate compared to processes.
Threads allow for efficient communication and synchronization between different parts of a program.
Threads are commonly used in applications that require concurrent execution, such as web servers or multimedia software.
Example: In a web server, multiple more
Q66. Finding majority element in an array
Finding majority element in an array
Use a hash table to store the frequency of each element
Iterate through the hash table to find the element with frequency greater than n/2
If no such element exists, return -1
Q67. How was the ppt?
Q68. NonConsecutive Maximum Sum problem
Find the maximum sum of non-consecutive elements in an array.
Create an array to store the maximum sum up to each index.
Iterate through the array and calculate the maximum sum at each index.
Return the maximum sum at the last index of the array.
Exclude consecutive elements by skipping the previous index in the sum calculation.
Q69. Difference between BST and tries
Q70. Any higher studies plan?
Q71. Maximum Sum SubArray Problem
Maximum Sum SubArray Problem is to find the contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sum.
The problem can be solved using Kadane's algorithm in O(n) time complexity.
Initialize two variables, max_so_far and max_ending_here, to 0.
Loop through the array and for each element, add it to max_ending_here.
If max_ending_here becomes negative, reset it to 0.
If max_so_far is less than max_ending_here, update max_so_far.
Return max_so_far as the more
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