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State Bank of India

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an assistant manager
Fake SBI Branch Scam Uncovered in Chhattisgarh!🤷‍♂️
A fake State Bank of India branch was operating in Chhapora, Chhattisgarh, deceiving locals for 10 days before police intervened. Six individuals were recruited under false pretenses, complete with fake training and setups. Four suspects have been identifie... read more
A Team Lead
Just Read, SBI hiring big! 12,000 techies across India!
State Bank of India is on a hiring spree looking to fill 12,000 roles, including IT specialists. But here's the thing... Is SBI a techie paradise, or is it more like a traditional bank with a sprinkle of tech?😅 Anyone here ... read more
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I don't want to dampen anyone's excitement about India's growth, but here's a fact check for your nationalistic sentiments - State Bank of India is the most profitable Indian company (as of 2024). And, it made a profit of ONLY $8.1 billion (INR 65,407.50 Crores). Bye!
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Hey guys, if you're thinking of becoming a banker, go for SBI. It pays well compared to other PSUs and private banks. But beware, work-life balance is non-existent for officers. There's too much clash of egos and frequent transfers to tough postings. The officer's life ... read more
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