National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela

Rourkela, Orissa

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Jan 2025

99 interviews found

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2017

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were three sets of question paper. We were sitting according to our roll number then question paper with rough sheet were distributed and we were allowed 1 hour to finish that. There was no negative marking.
Tips: For aptitude practice data interpretation and data sufficiency
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 30

Round: Group Discussion
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: Practice puzzles and case study for this round

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Be yourself

College Name: NIT Rourkela
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I was interviewed before Feb 2016.

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Questions: 90

College Name: NIT Rourkela
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: it was shortlisting on the resume. they just shortlisted top 40 student from civil on the c.g criteria in this round.
Tips: if u have good c.g nothing to worry.

Round: Test
Experience: the questions from aptitude section was average. it contained questions from probability, data interpretation, percentage and on basic mathematics. the English test was good. sentence correction, sentence reordering , summary was there.
Tips: there was 60 questions in 60 minutes on aptitude. so time was a great factor. so time management should be a helpful key.
there was 50 questions of English in 20 minutes. it requires great speed.
attempt every section because , there is a certain cut off from each section.
Duration: 80 minutes
Total Questions: 110

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: i told my area of interest- concrete & rcc. so all questions was based on these subjects. the questions were very easy . the interviewer was very cool.
Tips: confidence is the major key. don't hesitate, speak clearly and confidently. they want to see your confidence, if u don't know any answer clearly tell about it.
show them the interest of core knowledge.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: the hr questions was as expected. he wanted to know about personality. what made me to join l&t? i answered all the question with ease and confidence.
Tips: confidence is the key of success. show yourself as you are made for this company, u really want to join this company . do not tell anything wrong about yourself?

General Tips: be confident , attentive throughout the process. dont let the interviewer dominate over you. if u do not any answer , tell clearly that u dont know this. show dedication to join the company
Skills: Problem Solving Abilties, Basic Subject Knowledge, Extra-curricular Activities, Dedication, Leadership Skills, Teamwork, Confidence, Ability To Convince
College Name: NIT Rourkela
Motivation: it is the leading construction company in India.
it is very good company for freshers.
career growth for GET is very good.
working experience of this company is very good.

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2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Tech quiz consisted most of the questions from Electrical Machines (AC & DC Motors, Transformers).
English quiz questions were tougher than what other companies test on campus.
Tips: Be thorough with the theory of Electrical Machines. Practice English from TOEFL books.
Duration: minutes minute
Total Questions: 45

College Name: NIT Rourkela
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user image Rishav Chand

posted on 11 Dec 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first round was a pen and paper-based test. There were no specific problems that bothered me in the written test. I found the questions to be fairly decent and somewhat challenging. The questions in the 'quantitative ability' section were a bit on the tougher side, while the 'logical reasoning' and 'verbal ability' questions were quite easy. However, some questions were phrased slightly ambiguously and led to some confusion during the test.
Tips: For getting through the written aptitude tests, be sure to practice a lot of questions of different kinds and within a certain time limit. The earlier you start, the better it is. Calculation speeds matter a lot in this regard. Personally, I had just solved 15-20 questions in total, each question of a different kind, before the written test. You need to assess your specific strengths and strike the right balance between speed and accuracy.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I didn't resort to any elaborate preparation to get through the GD round. To start off, I was a bit nervous about this particular round. So, I focused on speaking at least twice during the GD round and concentrated on accumulating the views of other people and then putting forth my opinion. I avoided getting into a direct conflict with any of my group members and tried putting my point across while maintaining the harmony of the group. In the end, a majority of my group got selected for the subsequent rounds.
Tips: For the GD rounds, try to be in touch with day-to-day matters and have a basic idea about how different topics are shaping up all around the world. Focus on making valid and reasonable points in the GD and don't just blabber for the sake of speaking. Try to be a part of the group and the solution making process. The groups that have better understanding and consistency in the GD rounds are more likely to experience less eliminations.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The third and fourth rounds were personal interviews (PI) and both were elimination rounds. These rounds consisted of both technical and HR questions. For the HR questions, I ploughed ITC's official website and gathered information related to the work that they do and determined how my interests and abilities best suited their purpose. I focused on giving clear answers and avoided inconsistencies and confusions. The HR questions were quite straightforward and the interviewers were very friendly. I was asked about my hobbies and the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that I was involved in. They also sought to know if I had been involved in any leadership positions before and how I had managed my team. Lastly, they wanted to know my motivation behind applying for the company and asked me what role I wanted to take up if I was selected for the job.
Tips: For the HR interview, try to have a clear idea as to why you are applying for the given company and avoid inconsistencies in your statements. Make a rough sketch about the person you are, including your strengths and weaknesses and be presentable. In fewer words, stay simple and know yourself.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The third and fourth rounds were personal interviews (PI) and both were elimination rounds. These rounds consisted of both technical and HR questions. For countering the technical questions, I went through the major subjects and focused on the concepts that were most likely to be asked in an interview. I had done two summer research internships in my second year and third year (one in IIT Kharagpur and another in IIT-BHU). So, I went through the details of the work that I had done during those two internships and prepared myself for possible questions in that regard. I did a similar kind of preparation regarding the projects that I had been a part of within the institute. I was asked very detailed questions related to my internships and my other project works. They wanted to determine whether I was aware of the practical applications and the minute details of the projects that I had worked on. Apart from that, I was asked numerous technical questions related to 'Mass Transfer', 'Heat Transfer', 'Thermodynamics', 'Nanotechnology', etc. Overall, the technical interviews were quite extensive and rigorous.
Tips: Emphasize on conceptual clarity and applications rather than memorizing definitions or formulae. Go through the topics you have worked on during your internships and institute-level projects and have a thorough idea about the theory behind them and their importance and applicability on an industrial scale. Also, try to identify the core subjects that you are strong in and prepare accordingly, because they may ask you to select a subject of your choice and you would be asked the majority of questions from that part.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: This was the fifth and the final round of the overall process and consisted of a 'Skype' interview with two Chief Technical Officers (CTOs) of ITC-PCPB. This was a 15-20 minutes long affair and was basically a 'fit interview'. However, this also turned out to be an elimination round and only two out of four candidates were eventually selected. I was asked a variety of questions related to my daily life and the points that I had mentioned in my CV. I was also asked what my expectations were if I was selected for the job and where I see myself 4-5 years down the line after I join the company. Their reactions didn't seem very assuring or pleasing and I was quite apprehensive; however, things eventually went my way!
Tips: Be confident and know how to defend yourself without being aggressive or rude. You will be put under stress during the interview and the interviewers would try to get under your skin and seem to disagree with you on many points. Therefore, try to stay calm and stick to your point regardless of their disagreements. However, take care not to be rude or go overboard with your body language. Basically, your stress-handling capacity and your response under such situations are evaluated.

General Tips: Assess yourself and determine which sector your abilities are best suited for and what kind of a job you would be interested in and satisfied with. Thereafter, try to gather as much information as possible about the sector that you would be opting for, including the job profiles and growth opportunities that are available. On the day of company visit, dress up crisply and look smart. Also, try to maintain a smiling face throughout and look energetic; no interviewer wants to see drooping shoulders and slacking expressions.
Skill Tips: Think clearly and present your views confidently and efficiently. Improve your communication skills and your technical knowledge, because the latter matters a lot. Lastly, try to convince the interviewers about your leadership skills and your ability to manage a team, while being under stress. In a nutshell, have a very clear idea about what you are getting into and try to show your best side and highlight your strengths.
Skills: Behavioural Skills, Clarity Of Concepts, Ability To Work In A Team, Leadership Skills, Knowledge Of Projects Undertaken, Internship Experience, Knowledge Gained Through Recent Research Project, Ability To Cope Up With Stress, Technical Understanding, Clarity In Arguments, Verbal Communication Skills, Group Discussion Skills, Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude
College Name: NIT Rourkela
Motivation: ITC is a pretty well-known brand and has been in existence for over a century now. Moreover, it's a core company and fits well with my interests. I am interested in doing research in an industrial environment and I am hopeful of getting a chance to work in the R&D division of the company in the future. To top it off, the compensation is pretty good too! Hence, ITC seemed to be the perfect option for me.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Draw engineering drawing for hexagonal head do you differentiate between left hend thresd and right thread in drawing? what is helix angle ?show in more
  • Q2. Draw and explain the mechanism used in shaper machine?two three more questions from that mechanism,from drilling,grinding etc
  • Q3. Question from iron carbon diagram like..%age of carbon in steel? maximum %age of carbon in iron?cast iron ,,eutectic ,eutectoid reaction
  • Q4. What is normalising ? temperature range,,,,soaking time for normalising?difference between annealing,hardening and normalising?
  • Q5. Which gear mechanism is used in watch?explain in detail?
  • Q6. Types of screw thread and more
  • Q7. Questions from som,,,
  • Q8. Give me a reason ,why should i not select you?
  • Q9. Despite knowing that your communication skill is not good ,why didn't u work on it?what if you don't get any job?
  • Q10. What do you do in spare time?
  • Q11. You are form madhubani bihar, what is famous in madhubani?asked about madhubani painting?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All 55 question were technical(no aptitude, no english). Questions were basic(no numericals) and from all subjects (like production, design, mos ,tom, i c engine, rac, Thermodynamics,power plant etc),0.5  negative marking was there for wrong answer.1 mark for each correct answer. i was 1st in this test with 45 marks.they were focusing on technical.they were looking for technically strong guy.
Tips: Mechanical hand book (Arihant or made easy) is sufficient for any type of written test................
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 55

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I am not good at english at all,,so it didn't go well.i didn't speak well but tried to listen was a very easy topic and i had a lots of point to say,,,but i was barely able to speak in english. As they were looking for technically sound student,,,,and there were huge gap of mark between who came 1st  and 2nd in the written test.i was 1st with 45 mark.guy who secured 2nd in the test had 25 marks.As i was exceptionally well in written exam so despite my poor performance in GD they selected me for interview round.
Tips: I will request all student who have problem in speaking english .you guys have time ,plz consider speaking english as your semester subject(you can't get rid of that).i have seen most of the people(including me) have only problem with speaking in english, we don't lag in ideas or points.
Duration: 10 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was 1st student to be interviewed .It was awesome experience,,i really enjoyed this interview....,i answered all question.during ppt they told that they would only ask from design,,but when they asked me about favourite subject, i told,,whole mechanical engineering(i will not suggest,,,i was lucky to be able to keep my word,,,, choose at least 2 subject as your favourite ),,,,so they asked me from Engg drawing, production, tom,som,material science(luckly i had done 4 oe from metallurgy  department ),heat,etc,and i answered every question correctly.
Tips: for eveready, you require deep technical knowledge,,hand book is not sufficient,,,,,,,go through books,,,,

Round: HR Interview
Experience: (1)give me a reason ,why should i not select you?,,,i answered,,,i perfectly fit in your work profile as u had mentioned during ppt,,so one and only reason may be my poor communication skill.(2)despite knowing that your communication skill is not good ,why didn't u work on it?what if you don't get any job?i answered,,if studied honestly and deeply,one semester is not sufficient for syllabus of one semester,so i don't get time for it...and a company looking for technically sound guy can't let me go from their hand.
Tips: i don't have much idea,,,,,i was answering honestly,,,no fake answers,,,,one thing definitely i will say that ,in hr interview if u keep yourself honest ,,then HR interview is nothing but talking to someone(in my case she was beautiful lady) in english.

General Tips: overall ,they were very friendly.every interview panel remains friendly,,opposite to our viva in front of our institute teacher,,,so you will feel more comfortable than a viva there,they will give you sufficient time to answer .you can use paper  and pen to explain something if required,so if u r 1st timer then don't take even a bit of tension ,,,keep all your attention on preparation.
Skill Tips: go through books. all books what your senior recommends you, i.e books which are used in our nit
Skills: deep knowledge of subject
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: work was related to production and design.
Funny Moments: after GD i was such a down(got frustuuuuuuuu) that i didn't even wait for result and came to hostel,,,,,,later pc called me for interview.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: There were total of 3 rounds 1.Shortlisting based on CV 2.Group Discussion 3.Interview (Tech + HR Interview)

Round: Test
Experience: There wasn’t any written round.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: I didn’t do any special preparation for GD. Just went through the news once

Round: HR Interview
Experience: I got my mind ready for the HR questions and discussed some of the technical concepts with my friends. The interview round was overall easy with most of the questions coming from HR side
Tips: NA

General Tips: Target the type of company and job profiles you want and start preparing accordingly. And be confident with whatever you say in GD or PI. A major part of the decision depends on the personality of the candidate.
Skill Tips: This time the placement scenario is much better. Numerous companies providing various job profiles have opened up lots of possibilities for the present as well as the upcoming batches
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: I am happy and satisfied with the company I am placed in. I got more than my expectations.
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NA Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: There was no written round. Selection to 2nd round was purely on the basis of CV. I worked on my CV and presented only the points that I wanted the interviewer to know. I had to cut off 2 of my projects from the CV as those were not relevant to the Job Position they were offering

Round: Test
Experience: There was no written round. Selection to 2nd round was purely on the basis of CV. I worked on my CV and presented only the points that I wanted the interviewer to know. I had to cut off 2 of my projects from the CV as those were not relevant to the Job Position they were offering

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: For technical rounds, I didn’t do much preparations. They were looking for people having knowledge of data analysis. So I just went through the various concepts of Data mining and DBMS. Though these were never asked in the interviews. The questions were all from Data Structures. For case study I prepared from a book called “Case in Point”
Tips: Clear your concepts from the beginning. Keep practicing a lot. I won’t suggest you to spend most of the time in summer in preparing for the interviews. I think internships are more important than preparing for the company as you gain a lot from the internships.

General Tips: My experience : It was frustrating especially with all the rejections. Some rejections with the pretty lame excuses were hard to buy. However all well that ends well.I am pretty relieved with this offer now.         I would suggest the placement season to start from August 1 st week instead of hustling and starting with the season right from the 1 st day of the institute re-opening.
Skill Tips: You can follow online blogs for data mining and DBMS lectures. Also do not ignore Aptitude and Quantitative questions as they do contribute to the total score and often they are the key factor in deciding candidates for the next round.
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: Yes. PwC is part of the Big Four and is one of the top Fortune 500 companies. I am pretty much satisfied with this offer. I will be trying for more of Investment Banks but as for now I am satisfied with PwC
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. It was PI which is both (tecchnical+ HR Interview)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: As far as Johnson Controls is concerned, the aptitude questions were the easiest ever I faced in a written round but the technical questions were based on general engineering, so there were questions from electrical, mechanical, electronics and project management. You need to know something about everything to get through this round
Tips: I did my schooling in a small mining town in Keonjhar, hence I never got an opportunity to write any aptitude or maths based exam like NTSE, RMO or JMO, etc so these aptitude tests were completely new to me. I did a research internship at IIT Kharagpur in the summer prior to the placement season so I did not get any time to work on my aptitude skills. Preparing for these aptitude tests as well as balancing class hours was a real difficult task. But I am thankful to God that except for very few instances I have never been rejected in the written round. I was really very depressed when I could not clear the Mu Sigma written round but my confidence was restored when I made it to the final round of Futures First. After that there was no looking back!!

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: there were no GD's
Tips: No GD round for this company. But I have attended many GDs and from my experience; you need to express yourself in simple but correct English, you need to be a good listener and you should never argue. I never prepared for any GD, rather learnt by experience but I am an avid reader of newspaper editorials and this has helped me communicate well in English.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: First of all learn a lot about the company. Read from wiki, search in google about their recent achievements, know how old the company is and who was the founder. If you do so, the interviewer rests assured that you are really interested to work for the company and that is what matters the most. Technical questions asked in PI were really very simple in most companies, so was the case with Johnson controls, but in Johnson controls the interviewer asked me questions from the written round question paper to make sure that I has done all of it myself. He was very much interested in everything I wrote in my CV and asked detailed questions about even the smallest thing I has mentioned there. So mention those things which you can explain properly.
Tips: HR questions are tricky and there is no correct answer, it’s better to take a neutral stand. I won’t advice you to be too outspoken in the interview, be witty. Read some HR interviews from internet. Subscribe to “placementgrid” on you tube and watch the videos. Read various experiences of people from Quora, it really helps. This was how I prepared for PI rounds.

General Tips: Pay attention to basics and fundamentals of whatever you are studying.Learn speaking and writing correct English, reading newspapers will help you master this language. Practice aptitude questions during summer vacations prior to the placement season. Love at least one subject from your department and make it your area of interest. Do a few software courses from institutes like CTTC or if you are too good then learn them yourselves. Don’t ever be overconfident. When you are rejected by any company, don’t lose heart, and keep it in mind, the probability of getting placed in the next company always increases, you just have to keep working
Skill Tips: I have been rejected by about 7 companies after making it to their PI rounds. There are several reasons, but most important one is me doing a research summer internship at IIT Kgp. If you badly want a job, research internship is a strict NO!! Your job profile must match with the kind of person you are. In most of the cases I was found to be perfect mismatch, for instance, in Hero Motocorp I old them that I want to get into the R&D sector of their company but what will an electrical engineer do in the R&D divison of an automobile company? I did not understand it then and I was rejected and finally a guy who had some expertise in operations and production was selected from my branch. So the morale is you may get rejected if the job profile does not match with your personality, your likes and dislike. What you expect from the company is more important than what the company expects from you. Be patient, you will get what you want
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: Yes, very much. Control systems has always been my favorite subject, it’s really fortunate to finally get placed in a company which offers the profile of your interest. I always seek more but unless it is ABB, Siemens, GE or Honeywell, I am very much at peace with this company.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 1 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were three rounds, first one being the written round consisting of 50 technical questions and 50 English questions. They were fairly easy.  I had a rough idea of technical knowledge, plus English was quite elementary. So no preparations required
Tips: NA
Total Questions: 100

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The next round was GD with 10 people in a group
Tips: The main aspect of a GD is to either start it, or conclude it. This is from personal experience of successes and failures and they see the confidence in which you present your points. I had started the GD this time and I was also asked a question post GD related to one of the participant’s views. So being alert and aware throughout the GD helps a lot.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Since I had a lot of extra-acads in my resume, I worked on them, preparing myself to speak fluently about every one of those and possibly connecting them with the roles and responsibilities in the job. The interviewer clearly gave a lot of importance to communication skills, so I made sure I was clear and crisp in my expressions. There were a few technical questions and I was able to answer all of them, as they were all basic chemical engineering stuff and few questions related to my project and internships.
Tips: Whenever asked at the end of a PI, “Do you have any questions for us?” make sure you prepare a sturdy question that impresses the panel. I had prepared 2 questions before I entered the interview room and when posed with the questions, we had a discussion for about 10 minutes by which the interviewers were visibly impressed, because I showed interest in their company, and that creates a positive impact. Be confident even when you don’t

General Tips: Yes! Start preparing and focusing on your expressive and communicative skills, as it will not only boost your personality during GD/PI but also help you in the long run. Don’t just cram to become a 9 pointer, but try to be  excellent in all that you do. Make sure you are involved in a variety of activities so that your resume boasts of diversity.
Skill Tips: Overall my placement experience was a very challenging, yet enriching experience. The placement scenario was a “survival of the fittest” contest, so the key lies in not being disheartened even after multiple failures, and keep trying until you finally hit the mark. There ought to be some company which would prefer you over others, and with that spirit, one should be prepared, for the good, and the worse.
College Name: NIT ROURKELA
Motivation: Chemical being an underrated (although prosperous) department in NIT, so being the placements, I couldn’t have expected a better offer
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