National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Your seniors at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Your seniors at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Interview Type
I applied via Campus Placement
The interview began with a general introduction and then the interviewer asked me about my interests.
He asked what attracted me towards consulting as a domain for which I gave a prompt response. (Be prepared for such questions). He then gave me a
case based on one of my interests – Movies.
Case: Should Netflix launch Sacred Games season 3 in India? Why/Why not?
I began with reciting the case back to the interviewer. It served dual purposes of helping me grasp the case accurately and if not, then giving the interviewer a chance to correct me. I began with asking the interviewer some preliminary questions such as if there were any other objectives to the case and what other competitor OTT platforms were to be considered.
As I had watched the show, I was aware of its global reach with the number of viewers outside India much greater than within India and the dramatic cliff hanger season 2 ended with.
Interview Experience:
I defined some relevant factors for analysis based on a few standard frameworks and attempted to conform my answer to the same.
Throughout the solving process, I kept the interviewer in loop. He asked contradictory questions at times to put me in a stressful situation and analyse how I dealt with it.
By identifying the factors, I presented the interviewer with a decision framework and based on that I concluded that Netflix should release season 3 to satiate the anticipation of the viewers.
I applied via Campus Placement
First phase of shortlisting for Deloitte was video interview. We were supposed to answer 4 questions, each having a time limit of around 2-3 minutes. The shortlisted candidates were given calls for physical interviews.
Interview started with a brief intro and my work
experience. Post that, a mini-case was given.
You are the chairman of IPL and one of the teams is alleged to have involved in match fixing. As a chairman, you should make sure that you don’t lose upon sponsors and viewers. How do you approach? What are the factors you consider? How can you use analytics to address this issue? Can you predict which players might get involved in match fixing?
Approach - I thought for a minute and started solving the case with stakeholder segmentation i.e., divided all the stakeholders related to IPL into 3 categories – sponsors, players and viewers. Asked questions to find out the reason for match fixing (is it a single player or the owner of the franchisee involved in match fixing).
Solution Proposed - If it was individual one or two players involved in match fixing, then those players must be banned for a specific period of time. Also, contracts must be made with sponsors to make sure we don’t lose on them. For the question on analytics usage, I suggested the use of analytics in recording historical data of players, their batting length and other metrics and compare it with their best performance to identify any abnormalities in the player’s behavior.
At the end of interview, I was asked to summarize my case.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Introduce yourself.
Started with basic introduction about self and focused on work experience.
Question from Resume.
I had mentioned an 80% improvement in process - Explained what process was followed, how the improvement was suggested and implemented.
Follow up question on the challenges I faced.
Mentioned about people and skill set mismatch related challenges.
Guesstimate the number of Towers(BTS) in Mumbai - Clarified on the Towers meaning BTS – Base transceiver station for Mobile telephony only, or for other Radio transmission as well.
Number of Users - Started off with the population, number of users based on the telecom penetration.
Number of requests per user – Assumed a number, taking my own example as a general user.
Capacity of a tower - Number of requests a Tower can handle per minute, extrapolating to a day.
Assuming the towers are designed to cater to the demand per day, User Requests / Tower Capacity as the desired number of Towers.
I applied via Campus Placement
Our case was about a FMCG company which had more than 100 product and market presence in more than 50 countries including BRICS. The company had plans to become marked leader especially in BRIC, but were facing some serious issues such as rising overhead costs, indirect costs, decrease in earnings per share etc. The company had a traditional ERP system in place. The CFO wanted to go for an advanced ERP system and he had to pitch for the same to the Board of Directors.
The case had 3-4 specific question that were supposed to be answered.
The group discussion was more of a case based activity. In my group there were 8 members. All of us were given a case to read. Two minutes were given to read the case and then 20 minutes were given to discuss the case and prepare a presentation on a piece of chart paper. At the end of 20 minutes the current panel went out and a different panel came in. The team had to present the case presentation to the new panel which was then followed by Q&A.
I had only one round of interview. My interview was purely CV based. I was asked different questions, with most of them being purely from my previous work experience. There were some HR questions like your biggest achievement and challenge in Tata Motors etc. Then at the end I was asked questions like why consulting and why the particular firm.
I applied via Campus Placement
Our Client is an automobile manufacturer in Japan & facing an issue in decline in spare parts sales. He has provided me plenty of data & asked what my thoughts are after analyzing data.
I asked a few preliminary questions. Discussion on warehousing & vendor-managed inventory? After 15 minutes of discussion, he told me to synthesize the case without finding the root cause.
I applied via Campus Placement
Water purifying company wants to entre Indian Market, analyze and suggest whether they should go ahead with market entry or not?
Panelist were more focused on analysis of data than strategy. Sensing the same, I focused on analytical aspect of the case and calculated payback period and based on that I arrived at a conclusion.
I applied via Campus Placement
1. A fitness company is planning to acquire a nutrition food retailing company. The food retailing company provides semi-cooked and cooked meals. What are the different synergies in the transaction.
2. Assume that the fitness company serves high income group only and is a major market share holder across India. Do a guesstimate to come to an approximate annual synergies generated.
Round 1 - 20 minutes
An Investment Banking firm, operational In 50 countries is looking to save cost by implementing RPA. Analyse what are the processes which can be automated and result in cost saving. How will you implement RPA.
(20 minutes)
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement