National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Your seniors at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Your seniors at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) helped you with their notes. Now they're helping you with their placement interview questions. 🙏
Interview Type
I applied via Campus Placement
Interview started with HR questions, I was asked about the previous panelist and the kind of discussions I had with her. I was again asked why I want to join Deloitte and if I had ever thought of switching Deloitte before joining NITIE.
Asked clarifying questions and gave them all possible criteria that can help identify the right processes which can be automated. Was asked to reason every criterion identified by me. I was then given data points to calculate the cost of automated processes and the current cost of manual operations involved to execute the same processes. Decision based on these calculations were to be made to conclude about the feasibility of automation. I was then asked about any questions I had for them.
An Investment Banking firm, operational in 50 countries is looking to implement RPA. How will you identify the processes which can be automated?
(45 minutes)
I applied via Campus Placement
CV questions.
Question on profitability (Which is more profitable for Starbucks - selling a coffee @33% discount or selling extra coffee at the same price?
10 min interview on CV.
A US based insurance company whose profits are declining. It provided insurance across 3 segments- auto, property and specialty. Initial discussion revolved around factors to be considered and why, the trends in overall industry and the data required to reach on to a conclusion. The data had 4 tables. Table 1 contained info about clients and average premium per client to analyse each segment. Table 2 contained info about risk calculation as per present scenario and brief info about the 5 systems used for risk evaluation. Table 3&4 had info of a new unified solution which could replace the current system and what could be the expected profit/loss. This had to be calculated using NPV. A brief summary was asked in the end.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
2nd round started with interviewers introducing themselves followed by the question tell me about yourself.
Next, there were a couple of CV Questions. After that, they straight away went to case.
A valve manufacturing company (safety valve) used primarily in Oil and Gas sector, a leader in North America wants to expand its presence in India. There were two questions
1. What factors should it consider,
2. Estimate the size of Indian market,
3. Using the previous calculations, estimate the size of other safety devises as well.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]
Not a very detailed case but relating to my mechanical back ground and work experience in core sector, I could relate it very well to the situation at hand. It was a case of market expansion.
C: I first summarized the case & then asked if there are any secondary objectives that we need to achieve.
I: No.
C: I would understand the economy of the country first. Looking at the present scenario, India looks to me as the only bright spot in this gloomy global economic scenario. Other factors that I would take into considerations are macroeconomic stability recent government’s reforms like GST legislation, ease of doing business rankings improvement, government stability, Pro business approach. Etc.
I: Looked satisfied and said other things apart from Economy.
C: Then I would look into the industry, the factors being:
• Performance of industry (trends),
• Market structure and number of players (both domestic and international if any) in the market and their market share,
• Ease of entry and exit,
• Public sector and private sector (public sector generally have a preference of MOUs with some government PSUs or MSMEs for purchasing while private sector is more focussed on cost).
I: I want you to figure it out my market size. Tell me the way to do it.
C: There would be two major segments: existing industries and expansion of the existing ones. Existing would already have these safety devises in place, so my preferred area would be upcoming plants. But there would be continuous requirement of valves even in the existing because of the life of a valve -It’s a safety feature and needs to be replaced at certain places based on the hours of its use or duration of its installation, whichever being earlier. To this the interviewer smiled and said You seems to know a lot!
I: Lets now look at new plants. How would u do a market sizing for me.
C: (After analysing the situation at hand) I would do some market research to find out the ratio of the price of these devises to the overall cost of the machinery. Different industry has different levels of safety consciousness and have according levels of quality of safety spares used. This ratio would help me to estimate the size of the expanding industry on the basis of their investment value.
I: That’s good. Provided me with the amount of investment of companies. And the ratio?
C: Figured it out and said the size.
I: Using this, Find out the size of other products in my portfolio, and decide what should be my priority. A table was presented with the ratio and the investment value of different sectors.
C: Figured it out on the basis of calculation and decided on the priority on the basis of market size.
I: CAGR of 3 industries were given (investment value), Now would your answer be the same?
C: Simple percentage calculation to arrive at the values.
Interviewer: That’s fairly decent!
After this, the case finished. He asked some more CV Questions and then asked if I have any question for him. I had discussed with my previous boss about the history of consulting firms association with SAIL, He narrated me a Mckinsey instance, wherein the changes suggested were not feasible and implementable. I asked them about differentiating factor in such a case, to which he explained me. I popped up a follow up question with approval, to which he answered in great details.
Overall a very smooth experience. At no point of time did I feel any stress. They made me really comfortable and guided in case I was either digressing or entering into greater depth than required (qualitative points).
I applied via Campus Placement
Topic: “China, the second largest economy faced a political coup which resulted in the blockage of trade with all other countries. What will be the effect of this scenario globally?”
Points highlighted:
• China being the second largest economy, blockage of trade means a financial crisis.
• Devaluation of Chinese currency, Yuan and its effects on US dollar.
• Stock market crash across the world due to abrupt selling of shares by investors.
• India, the biggest trade partner of china will become the worst affected.
• Chinese organizations shifting operations to other countries which benefits emerging economies like India in the long run.
• Unemployment in china as well as other countries due to market crash.
Note: GD was the primary selection criterion. Bulk of the elimination was from GD.
I applied via Campus Placement
I applied via Campus Placement
Basic HR questions on introduction.
Why MBA?
Why consulting?
What do you know about the firm?
Something about you that’s not written in CV.
A case on Market entry: A hair product company wants to enter food products market. You have first meeting with CEO. List down all the questions that you will need to ask him to come to a recommendation. Explain the rationale behind every question.
Suppose you write a novel on your biking experiences 10 years down the line, estimate the market for your novel then.
A case on pricing: How will you price your novel?
I applied via Campus Placement
Brief about the interview including interview questions.
A quick intro.
How has NITIE been so far?
Did you like the presentation? what would you suggest making that better?
Case - A food preservatives company is seeing losses but the market share is increasing.
I was asked to find out the reasons for losses and make the recommendations.
Since, it is a standard profitability problem. I started by dividing the factors into external and internal ones. Tricky bit was that market share was increasing and the competitors were leaving the market. Apart from this, procurement costs also increased due to some R&D at supplier’s end.
Asked to conclude the case at this point.
Suggestions included:
1. To have a check on the industry health.
2. Negotiating with the supplier and find out if rend cost was just one-time cost. Also, analyze if there are going to be any benefits of the rnd.
3. To acquire the competitors who are leaving the market.
Quick Intro.
Case - Magnum has released its world-famous bar in India. Their sales for the first 6 months are given below:
60000, 55000, 55000, 25000, 20000, 15000.
Consider yourself as the sales rep and figure out the approach to find out the issue. You have 3 months to resolve the issue.
With such problem, initially I came under huge pressure because I never saw any such problem and it was not possible to apply a framework to the issue.
After taking 2 minutes to formulate the strategy, I inquired about factors such as industry as a whole, Product info, marketing strategy, seasonality. They turned out to be not important here.
Then he guided me to consider the survey strategy at customer end where I was to formulate 4 questions related to the product and ask these to the customer.
My questions with interviewer’s answer are given below in the exact order:
-Do you like the taste of magnum?
Customer response: Yes, it is very good.
-What do you think will make the ice cream better?
Customer response: It melts very fast.
-How frequently do you buy it? (This was probably not relevant).
Customer response: twice in a week.
-Do you think it is expensive?
Customer response: it is apt to the brand and taste.
After concluding the problem of ice-cream melting too early we considered various option of correcting that issue.
Finally, the data given was that normal ice cream is maintained at -6C for freezing, while magnum needs to be frozen at -8C for better experience.
We closed the case by considering the feasibility of putting dedicated freezers for magnum at all the stores. This involved looking at each type cost incurred by company, their profits and break-even point.
Quick Intro.
We started the round with the guesstimate:
Indigo wants to start its flight between Mumbai and Chandigarh. So far only one air carrier operates on this route. Find out the fleet strength, indigo should start with.
After finding out the potential client base, I arrived at the fleet strength needed.
Now the guesstimate was converted to a case and the problem statement was that indigo is not seeing the expected revenue on this route, hence I was asked to find out the issue.
I started with the external factors (industry and economy).
Later, I moved on to all the sources of revenue and cost. This got a bit difficult when the interviewer asked me just to list out each revenue and cost associated with the airline industry.
Once the listing out of all the revenue and cost avenues was done, I was asked to conclude the case.
I applied via Campus Placement
Find out the number of pencil cells sold in India every day.
Broke the problem into 3 heads.
Batteries used in A.C. Remotes.
Batteries used in T.V. remotes.
Batteries used in other applications (Toys, Torch, etc.).
Then did 3 guesstimates for different heads and added up.
Used population approaches. Interviewer asked me don’t you think that people with higher income group will be having more than 1 AC at their home.
Me: For the sake of ease of calculation I have considered linear distribution I will later add an error allowance of 10%. There will be offices buildings etc. where we have more number of AC and TV etc.
TESLA company have made a Teleporting Machine, and they want to sell it to a company A. You have been hired as a consultant for tesla to suggest them a price that to be quoted to A.
[Please note that I stands for Interviewer and C stands for Candidate]
C: What does this teleporting machine do? Is it the only self-sufficient machine or it requires some regular accessories updates etc.
I: It’s a one-time install, it transports a person from one place to other in a blink of an eye. The person should stand on the machine and type the name of the drop location and he will reach there after pressing the GO button.
C: How does he come back?
I: He has a remote and after pressing the return button he comes back to original location.
C: Is there any other company working on the same project? Do we have anything of this kind in news or can we expect similar product by other companies soon?
I: No, it’s an innovative product. First of its kind in the industry. As far as the innovations are concerned all companies are working on innovations but as of now only TESLA has developed such products.
C: Well, that sounds interesting, give me some times to collect my thoughts.
I: Sure, (and he walked out of the room for 3~4 minutes).
C: Since this is a case where no other price for reference is available in the market and this is first time pricing for the company and no such product is available is the market so the company should go for price based costing, i.e. the price that customer is willing to pay.
I: Yes, you got it right. Now go ahead.
C: Now I will find out the monetary saving by A by using this machine in their daily purpose. And after adding some profit margin I will reach on to some amount to be quoted.
Before going further, I want to ask few questions about the investment cost.
I: Negligible.
C: Fine, Since A is a consulting company and consultants are always on the move so the company, by using teleporting, will be able to save travelling expenses and the consultant-hours (Time).
I: That right, how would you go ahead now?
C: At this point, to show them that I have studied about the company, I told him that A has XXXX number of employees and out of these I assume 40% are travelling.
I: Do not assume data, always ask.
C: Sorry, can you please tell me the number of employees in A?
I: So, there are 200 employees in U.S.A and 300 in India.
C: And how many of them travel and how often. Any further details about their travel?
I: U.S. office employees travel regularly every week to the domestic clients that is to the local U.S based clients only, and the India office employees travel to U.S. office once in every 6 months on an average.
C: Okay so I will first consider the U.S. employees travel domestically to local clients. Tell me something more about their travel. When they leave, how they travel, client’s location from the airport etc.
I: A consultant leaves on Monday and comes back on Thursday. He uses taxi to move from office to airport. Then takes a flight and takes a rental car after reaching at client’s location airport.
C: So, can you tell me, what are the charges of the taxi, for the air travel and for the rental car that he takes?
I: The taxi charges are negligible as compared to air tickets. The flight costs $1600 to and fro. The rental car that he takes with him costs $100 per day.
C: Okay so the total saving in the Mon-Thu stay will be 1600+(100x4) = 2000.
I: You are missing something. What you do when you go to a place take a rental car, what else?
C: I will stay in a hotel. Okay so what are the hotel expenses?
I: $300 per day.
C: So now the figure goes to 2000+(300x4) = $3200.
Apart from this, the consultant will also save time. So, I would like to know about the utilization of consultant during the travel time. Does he work in the flight or taxi?
I: No, during travel nobody likes to work. And here employees also do the same.
C: So, what is the per hour salary of consultant and how many hours he saves?
I: per hour salary is $40 per hour and in the to and fro flight and taxi, he saves 8 hours.
C: So, he additionally saves $320.
So, total money saved on one consultant per week is 3200+320 = $3520 Per year saving on one consultant= 50 weeks x 3520 = $17600. (I have considered that there will be holidays, X-mas, Easter etc. so number of weeks rounded off to 50) Total saving on USA consultants = 200 consultants x 17600 =3520000 Interviewer: so, for the sake of ease you can round it off to $3.5 Million.
C: Now I will work on the same approach for Indian employees (in the same way, asked questions for India and calculated for 6 months and 300 employees it came out to be $1 Million so the annual expenses $2 Million).
C: Total saving per year is $3.5 Million+ $2 Million = $5.5 million.
After this I asked multiple questions enquiring about any further charges that the TESLA company will be charging for. I asked for Licensing type (open, single user, transferrable/ non-transferrable). I asked for utility support charges (Maintenance, upgrade etc.). I asked for resale value.
Finally, he made me to consider only $5.5 Million.
C: What is the life of the equipment?
I: 10 years.
C: So, the net worth will be $ 5.5 Million x 10 = $55 Million.
I: That’s good you have reached out to a final figure. Now Tesla can sell it on this price only or with some margin. Thanks, you have followed a proper approach and reached on to the conclusion.
I applied via Campus Placement
Estimate the market size in US of Premium foldable phone Iron Man Limited edition. Also give recommendation weather to make new facility in US or outsource to China and why.
(20 minutes)
2 Pharma companies have merged, with facilities and market all over the world, one is specialized cancer drug making company and other is making generic OTC drugs. Establish operational synergies, cut costs in supply chain and give 30 second elevator pitch to the CEO on your recommendations (lot of data for analysis was given to find area of improvement).
(30 minutes)