Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Kharagpur, West Bengal

What if you can't knock at your Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 12 Jan 2025

310 interviews found

user image Rupesh Bansal

posted on 12 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were 30 questions divided into 3 sections(Computer Science fundamentals, Mathematics and Machine learning) each containing 10 questions. Each question was of 3 points with the negative marking of 1 mark. 60 students were shortlisted from this round.

2nd paper consisted of 3 questions in each section. Each section was of 30 points with each question of different weightage.
Tips: Time is more that sufficient. Focus on only one section but try to excel in that

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewers are very friendly and helped my if I got stuck anywhere

General Tips: Try to cover geeks for geeks as much as you can. It will help you a lot
Skills: Basics Of Machine Learning, Design Engineering, Probabiity, Algorithmic Approach To Problem Solving
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Highly relevant work to my interests
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user image Nevin Kollanoor

posted on 11 Dec 2015

I applied via Company Website

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First round was rather peaceful. Questions were emphasized on my coursework and a few on my projects. Knowledge and grip on basic concepts is tested here.
Tips: I believe clarity on Probability and Statistics, frankly admitting I didn't know when asked on unfamiliar concepts got me through this interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was HR cum Technical. Questions varied from my hobbies to clear details on one of my previous internships. Interviewer was happy about extra-acads. No much cross questioning was involved except for what-why-how queries on PORs and on one internship
Tips: Nothing to worry about. Being thorough with CV and keeping calm should get you through this provided your profile is good.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was thorough technical interview. I was grilled upon all my previous internships and projects. Questions involved reasoning and cross questioning for almost every assumption in my projects/internships. Interview was concluded with above questions asking for justification in my interest.
Tips: Interviewer was very knowledgeable and was satisfied only upon proper justification for various details of my projects. Being thorough with your CV is a must. Revision of previous works before the interview is highly recommended.

General Tips: Decent projects/internships and good knowledge in machine learning is a must. This was the focus of all the three interviews.
Skills: Machine Learning, Probability And Statistics
Duration: 2
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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posted on 11 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: one simple coding question which could be solved in 10 mins, on array having negative nos and positive nos, we had to find the central positive number.
it was around 30 mins
45 minutes English and analytical reasoning
both exam were conducted by cocubes
Tips: try to complete the coding

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: aksed about my mtp
they were confirming whether i will stay or not as i didnt have anything regarding coding.
Difference between pointer and link list
Why use pointers
Different types of calls
Tips: Be bold if don't know the answer say simply

Round: Hr round
Experience: Tell me about yourselves
Simple managing questions
Weakness and strengths

College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Conducted through cocubes with webcam enable CCTV monitoring. Ques were easy, but calculations should be done quickly else u'll feel short of time.
Mechanical- thermodynamics, IC engines, solid mech, Theory of machines, Manufacturing.
Tips: Many ques in mech were formula based & numerical intensive, so U really need to revise formulas from above topics.
Quant - general prepation from CAT books/ online is good enough.
Duration: 45 + 30 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewer thoroughly grilled my CV. I even fumbled many places. He was checking what functions/commands/ toolbox I was using in MATLAB/ solidworks.
Asked me why I choose Annealed steel in my project? Define other heat treatment processes also.
Justify your role in your project(for team project).
Tips: Clearly mention your role in project & how u invested time/ energy. Clearly mention & Justify the title of project.
Relevant projects in CV is a + point.
Don't mention software related things in CV.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Continuous flow is reqd: yourself, father, mother, sibling. "I had my internship at XYZ company with project titled ABC". Currently I am pursuing my masters project entitled PQR. My hobbies are ___,.
Que asked:
Why Mahindra?
Why do u choose %xyz% specialization?
How do u see urself in next 5 yrs?
so on....
Tips: Mention about some porduct of mahindra , it would be impressive. Dont go to technical secs.
Dont ever miss a telephonic interview. Pick the call first time-- gives good impression.

Skills: Presentation Of Your Btech & Mtech Project
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: It was completely what I aspired to do in my career.
Funny Moments: Before begin of my HR interview, I asked her name. She felt nice.
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user image Avinash Sappidi

posted on 9 Dec 2015

7 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I t was resume shortlist.They shortlisted on the basis of CGPA and POR's.
Tips: Maintain a decent CGPA. This profile is purely a management profile.So showcase your POR's( :P).

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: I answered every question positively."I have technical knowledge as well as management experience(Inter IIT Tech meet Co-ordiantor).So why shouldn't i be suitable for this role?"Questions based on CV and my education background.
Tips: Be confident while giving interview.Always maintain a smile in your face. Don't give lame answers.Answer to the point what they asked. Don't be over smart.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: I answered questions very positively.Generally area manager must look after the inbound and outbound logistics.I have some experience in this filed.Then I explained them about an event Messier Marathon which requires telescopes.He has given two puzzles.I din't solve first puzzle.But he liked my approach towards puzzle.Second puzzle I solved it in few seconds.At last he asked me if I was having any questions,then I asked him about the work experience as area manager and about his apple watch(:P).
Tips: Answer the questions in positive manner.
You should not get panicked if you don't know the answer.
Be positive.
Practice puzzles.They are available in many websites and apps.
Maintain eye contact through out the interview.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Experience: He has gone through my CV.Explain yourself in one word?
There were many cross questions.What makes you suitable for this?
Why should I take you?convince me.I answered every question.
In your work place you will be having managers from different backgrounds.How do you tackle them?I answered that I will learn from them.Questions on CV.
Tips: Practice puzzles very well.
They will try to panic you and will try to take you into critical way.Be confident and stay positive.
While answering puzzles,don't do calculations in mind rather speak while solving.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: This is a telephonic round.It was about 25 minutes.Tell one instance where you gone wrong and tried to correct it later?
Weakness?Strengths?Most stressful situation?
Crucial decision taken?
Leading team?
Tips: Before the interview get prepared for these types of questions.At every stage be confident.Here confidence matters in every round.Basically try to see the confidence in you in stressful situations.

General Tips: Stay Calm
Be confident
Be Positive
Always keep smiling
Don't loose your heart if you are not shortlisted /selected.
and finally "Everything happens for a reason."
Skills: Ability To Cope Up With Stress, How Can You Adapt The Solution To A Simple Problem To A Much Larger/complex One, General Aptitude, 1)communication
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: I am interested in managing events and getting thins done before stipulated deadline.This role requires people who are good at managing and able to do well in stressful situations.
Funny Moments: I asked one HR "Are you married sir?How is your married life?are you able to manage both married life and manager life?"He laughed at these questions and answered humorously.
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user image Sai Bharadwaj P

posted on 9 Dec 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was asked to explain each and every project in my CV and was asked cross questions. The interviewer also asked questions based on the topics related to my projects. I was also asked about various softwares I know which I mentioned in my resume. Most of the questions asked were related to hardware and practical applications. Most of the interviewers ask us to choose a topic in which we are comfortable and then ask us questions in that topic.
Tips: Be very confident and also very clear with the resume. Be prepared with the major subject of the projects. For example, if you have done a project on designing a controller for some system, then be thorough with control systems part.
When the interviewer asks if you have anything to ask him, ask him very specifically about his work and his team and it would be nice if the interviewer is asked some questions from you in return.
I even asked him the answers to most of the questions he asked me and also which I couldn't answer. He clarified my dubts and we had a great time.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Very simple interview. Typical HR questions. HR interview was just a formality. Just need to convince him that you won't leave the company and also if going for higher studies, you would go through GE only.
Tips: Smile and be friendly to the HR. Try to be a little informal.

General Tips: Clarify the interviewer about what topics you are not comfortable with.
Skill Tips: Be thorough with the projects done and the corresponding fields they are related to.
Skills: Power Electronics, Electrical Machines
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resume fitting for a data analysis profile are shortlisted. So writing R, Python and programming skills in the cv should help you getting shortlisted.
Almost 200 students were shortlisted for the test
Tips: Make sure you mention your courses or projects related to data analysis in the resume

Round: Test
Experience: The test was on
It was a very easy test which judges your quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning (find the next shape, find the missing number). Questions like "find the least no to be multiplied by 100! such that is its divisible by 3^50?" , "find the probability of dice rolled three times to sum up as 10?".
Tips: Preparing for CAT would do. It is a very easy test. You need you ensure that all ur questions are correct as there was a lot of time.

Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 20

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I expected a very technical round with all sorts of questions on statistics and data analysis. But it was soft spoken interview. They literally want to know why you want to join data analysis and Why Amex? And how passionate are you towards work?
Interview is taken by very experienced people from the company and is more of a discussion about ur cv and projects related to data analysis. They listen to whatever code or piece of programming you have done and how well you know.
I talked about the courses I took to learn data analysis on coursera, my MTP project on optimization and its algorithms and why i wanted to join Amex.
My interview ended with a puzzle which was "There is weight balance and i want to measure from 1 kg to 100 kg. So what is the minimum no of stones and their weights required to measure any material with weght between 1kg to 100 kg.". I solved the problem and then he asked me why do you think this is the most optimum way. I answered it a bit and then he made my problem difficult by adding a information that "we can put weights on both sides". I was not able to solve it but defined the strategy should be used to find solution. My interview ended with my interviewer helping me solve the problem and explaining me the answers clearly. He said he will talk to HR but no HR round happened and I got selected. I would suggest to check with others about the kind of HR questions they ask.
Tips: Be confident, talk about what you know. I started my data analysis in the last semester but was really amazed with the things I studied. So, most important thing is to find out if you like the domain or not. If the domain fits you, its the matter of showing interviewers the enthusiasm towards the subject genuinely.
Knowing data analysis obviously helps but company expects you learn and grow rather learn in the company from most experienced people itself :).
All the Best

General Tips: Placement is the matter of the interviewer understanding your motivation to work with the firm. So show them what you got for them.
Skills: Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
Motivation: Well, I heard its the best company to work in. The very statement motivated me to work with such a firm.
Funny Moments: After my interview, they asked me to have some cashew nuts which they were eating as it was late and they were hungry. So, I took one and also said that "the whole day was so hectic and I was so hungry :P ". So they asked me to take the whole packet with me and I took.
I came outside with a packet of cashew nuts in my hand with motion of chewing and everyone was like "WTF seriously, did u just come from an interview :P "
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Engineering Graduate Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 8 Dec 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions from basic strength of materials and structures.
1. Normal stress on a cube (Force was given on 1 face)
2. Does natural frequency depend on boundary condition?
3. What is true air speed?
4. Plate with hole- stress distribution formula.
5. Difference between true and engineering stress/strain
6. Area under stress-strain curve.
Tips: The questions are very basic, no lengthy calculations required.

Round: Test
Experience: 1 situation is given and your are give 30 minutes to write your response for that situation. Eg. A new design gets very famous but it has some flaw. You as a manager have 2 options - temporary fix and launch the vehicle as per schedule or second proper solution that would delay the launch by 6 months and would also alter the design.
what would you do and why?

Round: Test
Experience: There were 7 different graphs and 37 questions at the end of those graphs. Questions are very simple and can be answered from looking at the graphs, calculations (if any) are limited to basic percentage increase/ decrease. (Speed required)
Duration: 12 minutes minutes
Total Questions: 37 questions

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Numerous hints are given in case you are not able to answer. Questions are mostly conceptual.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: The presentation is very peace, questions are asked mostly from what you mention in your presentation. Be prepared to back-up all the skills you mention with good examples. The interviewers were friendly and the overall experience was very good.
Tips: Do not make up stuff! Try to keep it simple.

College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: For B.Tech Students, there will be an initial round of Test (Aptitude+ Core) for 1 hr. For Dual Degree and M.Tech Students, Tata Steel goes for initial CV Shortlisting. Shortlisting is mainly based on your academic Projects, Internships and a fare GPA ( 7.0 +) . Be thorough about your Core Internships and Projects done in B.Tech and M.Tech. PORs or any extra academic activities will be a bonus but that is not compulsory/required for initial shortlisting.
Tips: Make your CV in such a way it can clearly highlight your works done in Internships and Projects and also clearly states about your achievements in those projects. Be thorough about the projects with an aptitude for applying core knowledge in industries. Always try to link your works with industrial applications and how it is addressing the current engineering challenges.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My interview experience was quite interesting. It went on a light and chill note throughout the interview session. Initially they (the interviewers) greeted me, followed by my initial introduction, followed by my narration about myself - I mean what you did in your 4/5 years of stay at IIT Kharagpur be it projects, internships or extra acads. After that they asked me about my B.Tech and M.Tech Projects at IIT Kharagpur. They will grill you on each and every small basics of your Projects. In between the discussions, they asked me fundamental Questions in Mechanical Metallurgy- What is Hall Petch Relation? What is precipitation hardening? What is electrodeposition? (because my project was on electrodeposition) and similar questions. After that they asked questions on my M.Tech Project on simulations and modelling ( as my project was on simulations). Then they asked me questions on my Internship which I did at Tata Steel. They asked me about the project done at Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, how I approached the problem, what technical details I considered before recommendations and what final result/outcome I achieved based on my suggestions. They actually wanted to see my aptitude to solve industrial problems. They were quite impressed by my Projects and Internships but they had intriguing question about how the two ( Projects -which were mostly research based & Industrial Intern) will help me create value for Tata Steel as both were on different domains - projects were based on Advanced Materials (Research Based) and Intern was based on Classical/Industrial Metallurgy- Iron and steel Making. That's why they asked me -What do you like most - Technology or Research ? I replied that for me technology is the most fascinating part as this gives me the engineering mindset to solve problems be it industrial, research or any other academic project. Technology is the intersection of every professional domain and I want to grow my career in this field by becoming a emerging technocrat in a leading industry like Tata Steel. Later on to further inquire my interests in the manufacturing industry they further asked - Why do you want to join Tata Steel ? I replied that Tata Steel is the 11th largest steel industry in the world. Working with with such a global organisation will provide me a steep learning curve in my core engineering domain. Also it wide cultural diversity will help me develop my personal and professional skills. I can create value to the organisation as well as to the social community using my problem solving skills and engineering aptitude. That's why I want to join Tata Steel .
Tips: Just be Confident ! Its your confident and attitude in Placement Interviews that matters most and remarkably distinguishes you from others. Be thorough about your Projects and Internships - they will ask every subtle task that you have done during your project or internship work. Make sure keep your cool and take a breath while answering. Never hasten. They like smart, cool minded people. Also show your genuine interest in that industry specially that company - Why do you want to join that company ? Answer honestly and tell your passion for engineering by citing examples from the past. They really like young technocrats having an urge to do something new for technology. That's all. All the best !

General Tips: Be thorough about your Internships and Projects. That sums up all. Keep Your cool and take a breath while answering, never hasten while answering. They just want to see your engineering mindset to solve industrial problems. That's it! All the Best !
Skills: Team Working Ability, Verbal Communication Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Leadership Skills, Analytical Skills
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Skills: Resume, CGPA
College Name: IIT Kharagpur
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