Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati

Guwahati, Assam

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

79 interviews found

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. The panel comprised of 3 members. The interview panel was very cordial. They first asked me about my birthplace and some famous tourist locations in my state.
  • Q2. Then they started reading my resume line by line and asked in details about every project and internship that I have done.
  • Q3. It was my publication in IEEE that impressed then the most.
  • Q4. They asked me my favorite subjects and asked some questions from it.
  • Q5. Then they asked me solutions to some of the practical problems that they face. In this round they basically want to judge your approach to the problem.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Was very lucky to get shortlisted. My projects and internship might have impressed them.
Tips: Try to make your resume very specific to their ongoing work.

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: The interview went for around 40 minutes.

College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Md Faiyaz Alam

posted on 18 Jan 2017

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

College Name: iit guwahati
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user image Chandra Kiran Anem

posted on 7 Dec 2016

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Dec 2016.

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The first round was just a resume shortlist, People with a CPI of >7 were shortlisted. It apparently appeared that CPI was not the only criteria but the projects done had also carried some weight.
Tips: If you are targeting ISRO, having some projects in the areas of IC design or Signal Processing or Communication can sharpen your chances

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They looked at my Resume and came to a correct conclusion that I was interested in IC design, in general, which was indeed true. They have asked about the courses undertaken in the last 7 semesters. They indeed paid careful attention to every course I had mentioned before them. They enquired about my interest (Analog IC design) and started switching gears, followed by a stream of questions.
Tips: They keep extending the question, even if you answer them correctly. You just have to maintain your composure and carry on.
For further queries drop a mail to *****, Happy to help !!

College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Aman Jain

posted on 27 Mar 2016

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Algorithmic coding test was conducted on hackerank platform. Around 60 students gave online test. There were 4-5 algo questions to be done in 90 mins duration.

Tips: Try to do at least 2 questions.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: First Interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then he asked me questions on data structures & Algo. He asked me about tree data structures, why it is used, time complexities of various operations on tree, balancing of tree, AVL Tree. He asked me write AVL Tree insertion, deletion, update code. Then he jumps to BTree, B+Tree and asks me write code on paper for various operations. Questions were asked on indexing, various types of indexing, how it is used in databases, etc. Then he briefly asked about the project I done in my internship.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interviewer asked me how was my 1st round, I said it was great. He first asked me introduce myself. Then he asked about my projects mentioned in my resume. I done a project in machine learning on spam webpage detection. He was interested in that. He asked me what language, libraries I used to implement that project. Then he gave me real time scenario to predict whether an item is explosive or not. Then I approached this problem and asked information related to problem. He was impressed by the approach I target the problem. He asked me what machine learning model will be best and what are their pros and cons. Then he asked me question that given 100 sorted linked lists, you have to merge them and return single sorted linked list. I gave 3-4 solutions with their time & space complexities.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interviewer asked me common HR questions like tell me about yourself, my family background, why do you want to join the company, what impact you can make in Snapdeal, why should we hire you. After that he congratulated me for the role of SDE at Snapdeal. I was very happy at that moment.

All the 5 students cleared this round.

Skills: SQL, ML, Algorithms And Data Structures, Python, Basic C/C++
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Tharun Kariveda

posted on 3 Jan 2016

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: No negative marking. Ensure you mark every question
Time for each section was fixed. You can attempt only one section in the allotted time.(cannot traverse through sections)

Section 1: Aptitude questions were time taking. You have to be choosy to solve questions. There were paragraph questions(which were easy, analyze question quickly). You have to be fast in solving them.
Difficulty: Moderate

Section 2: OOPS output questions, output for codes were asked. Questions were tricky.
Difficulty: Moderate

Section 3: Basic questions
Difficult:Tough (I didn't prepare these topics)
Tips: Practice from geeksquiz, indiabix, CAT preparation will be useful. Learn important shorcuts for some model questions. Practice a lot of questions.

Learn OOPS very thoroughly. Solve from geeksquiz. Solve them thoroughly
Learn OS and networking.
Duration: 75 minutes
Total Questions: 50

College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Prashant Kumar Sinha

posted on 8 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself ?
  • Q2. Questions on Projects (B.Tech Project) and Internship Experience
  • Q3. Find if duplicates exist in a Linked List? (With and Without using extra space)
  • Q4. OOPs(Abstract Class,Pure Virtual Functions), Mutable and Immutable in C++
  • Q5. Asked me give my own Task Scheduling Algorithm and improve it further
  • Q6. Supervised and Unsupervised Learning with examples
  • Q7. Asked to critique my current B.Tech Project
  • Q8. Questions on BIT Operators in C++

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Standard Aptitude Questions.
Output questions in OOPs.
Time Limit in each of the sections.
Difficulty Level :Moderate

Tips: Prepare for OOPs.
Duration: 75 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Answering all the question perfectly was not important they were checking your approach in open ended questions like Task Scheduler. Do prepare for OOPs they ask a lot of questions on that. It very important how are presenting your projects to them. They were looking for projects in which you have Hardware and Software experience at the same time. Questions on BIT operators were asked to my friends. There were 4 rounds 3 technical and 1 HR +Technical .

Tips: Prepare your Resume thoroughly.

General Tips: Keep Calm.
Skills: Basics Of Machine Learning, Operating System Basics, C++, Basic C/C++, OOPS Using C++
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Basic verbal and logical reasoning questions were asked and provided time is sufficient enough to complete.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Test
Experience: This test is to measure individuals metal capabilities and behavior styles. Be frank in answering them.
Tips: Go for the answer that came across your mind first. Never think deeply for these kind of tests.
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: By this time I was familiar with how to form a good group discussions. So, I waited for every one to come up with their points first and then channelized them to particular direction This made none of them to loose track. I used to back their points if others are moving away from the topic. Finally I concluded and everyone agreed upon it. It was peaceful discussion. After that I was the first one to get shortlisted for PI.
Tips: Never move away from the topic. Always try to channelize your points for a better understanding and for a peaceful discussion.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical + Hr Interview
Experience: It was one of my best Interviews so far during our placement season. Both HR and Technical guy made me comfortable. It started with some basic HR questions like "Tell me about yourself?" followed by my internship projects and automobile industry questions like SI engines, Otto cycles, emission norms in India, power train, suspension. While I was answering my technical questions, HR was observing the way I was answering and depending on them, HR started asking some situation based questions. As I was fully prepared for HR questions I gave them spontaneously and frankly. Both HR and Technical guy were really impressed. Interview went on for 1:30 hrs and then I was given a chance to ask questions. Which I utilized very much, by asking them various company related questions. I was the only one to get selected from IIT G.
Tips: Be frank. Never answer a question if you know only half of it, it does no good. Be confident.

Skills: Behavioural Skills, Technical Skill And Speaking Skill, Leadership Skills, Confidence
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: GM is an American multinational corporation headquartered at Detroit. Rich 107 years of history, with a market share of 19%. It is one of the world's 3rd largest automaker with four major brands: Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC and Buick. A dream company for any mechanical engineer.
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user image Sonakshi Verma

posted on 5 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test was MCQ type. It comprised of questions from Operating Systems, Data Structures, Microprocessors, logical Reasoning, Aptitude and Computer Networks. No negative marking was there.
Tips: One needs to be fast as you can't spend much time on one question.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was given 2 coding questions to solve and basics of oops, operating systems, data structures and networks were asked. 3-4 questions were asked in each topic mentions above. The interviewer also asked 2 puzzles which were the standard ones. He first asked me if I knew the topic or not, then only he asked me questions about it. But that doesn't mean that you can skip all the above mentions topics.
Tips: Be relaxed and confident and try to discuss your approach with the interviewer.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 2 Coding questions and 3-4 questions from operating systems and networks.Questions also from the mentioned projects.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Standard HR interview with questions like what Cisco does and why they should hire you. He also asked me questions from the CV.

Tips: Be confident and mug up your cv well

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was just a formality where he just asked about my background and whether I would be able to move to bangalore and Why I want to join Cisco.

Skills: Confidence, Problem Solving Skills, Operating System Basics, Coding Skills, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics, Computer Networking, Data Strrutures
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Devendra Bendkhale

posted on 4 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q4. In an Array of size 95 contain numbers in range 1 to 100. each number is at max once in the array. find the 5 missing numbers in array between 1-100
  • Q5. Given sudoku as id array of size . in a given empty cell find the possible numbers that could be possible. Asked me to write code for it
  • Q6. Given 4 unsigned integers find their integer average (eg. (2,2,2,3) => (2+2+2+3)/4 = 2) consider integer division ) without typecasting
  • Q7. Write a code to identify wheter given processor is of 32 bit architecture or 64 bit architecture
  • Q8. Convert a binary number into base 64 integer

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Skills: Analytics And Coding
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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user image Devendra Bendkhale

posted on 4 Dec 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Discussion on one of the project
  • Q2. Given a matrix containing several positive numbers find max path from bottom left to top right using only up and right steps
  • Q3. Dice rolled several times until sum of outcomes till now comes greater than equal to hundred. What is most likely number to occur as final sum?
  • Q4. Cutting three random points on the circle of radius 1 centered at (0,0) . What is probability that point (1,0) lies in longest cut

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 30 OBJECTIVE QUESTION 90 MIN . QUESTION LEVEL WAS TOUGH. GS Takes their tests very seriously
Tips: Do the section first which are you most famaliar with. They hire on section wise performance.

Skill Tips: Be calm . Approach is important than answer.

Skills: Analytical Skills, Coding Skills, Maths(esp Probability), Algorithm Analysis, Probabiity
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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