Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati

Guwahati, Assam

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

79 interviews found

user image Aman Tomar

posted on 17 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The test basically tests your ability to solve questions as quickly as possible as it's a 60 minute test for 60 questions. The level of difficulty is pretty decent, so one just needs to be focused right from the beginning. English can trouble a bit, so some practice in English sections is also advisable.
Tips: Prepare from Arun Sharma Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning for CAT. It's a wholesome book and has enough questions to practice and build concepts. Join a test series so that you get a timed analysis of your performance, the ability to skip tough questions and to score as many marks as possible.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It went pretty well. We had a great discussion. The approach was to list out all the problems one by one and think of probable solutions for each of them. During this, general group dynamics should be taken in consideration. Respect the views and thoughts of other people. Add value to the discussion by thinking critically and bringing new content every now and then. Always be specific and speak to the point.
Tips: Read. Read and Read.
Follow google news, read relevant articles in newspapers, magazines, social media sites or any other place.
Follow Quora, It'a an amazing source to boost your knowledge around any topic.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Be spontaneous, little humorous and lastly very confident. Communication skills improve with time, so start as early as possible. Take part in discussions. Speak up !
Tips: Have a sound knowledge about the industry and the company. They just check your approach. So be very clear and critical on the approach. Have good reasons to back what ever you present. Rest will be fine.

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: A very commonly asked guesstimate problem. Ask as many questions as possible to clear out the situation for yourself and get enough hints to solve the problem. Break it down into smaller sections and solve each section individually.
Tips: Follow "case in point", Analytics Vidya and similar blogs and websites to practice more and more guesstimates.

General Tips: There are so many opportunities. You just need one. Be focused on that ONE.
Skill Tips: Take part in discussions among your friends. Read books and quora to get more content. Practice as many questions as possible for aptitude. Discuss problems and have critical analysis sessions to understand things with a company's perspective.
Skills: Communication , Aptitude, Business Acumen
College Name: IIT GUWHATI
Motivation: To learn the operations and Logistics of the e-commerce industry.
Funny Moments: There will be many while you'll be preparing with your friends. :D
All the best.
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posted on 13 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Less time
Tips: Practice hard to do fast calculations

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: You get less chance to chance
Tips: Try to start with valuable point, if you could not then enter atleast 3-4 times in gd that too with some examples, if the topic is completely unknown for you then listen carefully to all the participants and conclude at last, it will give you plus points

Round: Interview
Tips: BE Confident, positive and careful

College Name: IIT GUWAHATI
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user image Soumya Patro

posted on 12 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Coding Questions were fairly standard ones.
Duration: 75 minutes
Total Questions: 42

Round: Interview
Experience: Networks based questions, firewalls, TCP/IP and other OSI layers

Round: Interview
Experience: Coding questions. Asked to code on paper. Questions on Object Oriented Design.

Skills: Networks basics, OOPs basics, Coding Skills
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: Profiles offered, Package, Location
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user image Amber Madvariya

posted on 12 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Myntra had conducted a coding test on campus before the start of the placement season with 2 questions, one on stack and other on DP. The eligible branches were Computer Science & Engineering, Mathematics & Computing, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering. I couldn't give the test because my branch was Engineering Physics. However, when they visited campus for interviews on day 2, everyone who had cleared their test was already placed. They looked over some resumes for interviews and decided to interview me, since i had some projects in Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Tips: For the test, the DP question asked was pretty standard, on Longest Common Subsequence. The question on stacks, i dont remember what it was but it was also pretty straight forward. For the test, i would reommend to solve problem from geeksforgeeks. If they do come to resume shortlisting, they are looking for people who have done good projects and internships.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview started off with questions on my general interest in Software Development. The first round had two coding questions, i was supposed to write the code on paper. The first question was to add two numbers represented by linked lists - -----/. They gave a specific input and asked me to demonstrate step by step in my code, how it would lead to the correct answer. I dont remember the second question, but it was also an easy one on linked lists.
Tips: It's ok if you can't code a general solution, if you can write a code which works for the particular input they have given then also it's ok with them. But be thorough with Data structures.

Round: Interview
Experience: I wasn't asked to write any code in this interview. They asked me some questions on Machine Learning, because of my projects in them. Then they asked me if i knew graph algorithms. Since i knew BFS and DFS, i told them. They asked the difference between the two. Then they asked me if i knew how to find the shortest distance between two points in a graph. I didn't know Djikstra's properly but i knew it worked on the greedy approach so was able to tell that. Then they asked me how would i find the second shortest path. I tried to answer it with the same greedy approach, but couldn't arrive at the complete solution.
Tips: They ask a tough theoretical question. It's ok if you don't know the answer, they only look for your approach.

Round: Interview
Experience: They asked me to code one question which was on stacks, i don't remember the question, but it was also not difficult, and i wrote the code for that. Then they started to drill me on my resume, on every project that i had done, every miniscule detail.
Tips: Be very thorough with your resume. It's a clear red flag for them if you can't explain something you have written on your resume.

General Tips: Be thorough with Data Structures and Algorithms and also with your resume.
Skill Tips: They generally stick to coding only.
Skills: Coding
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: Wanted a job in Software Development.
Funny Moments: My third round started pretty late in the night around 11:30 PM. So, had a walking interview in front of the canteen because the interviewer thought i looked tired and should have a cup of coffee.
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posted on 12 Jan 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. High Strength Concrete with special reference to Fibre Reinforced Concrete- Small Technicalities such as the strength, ductility etc.
  • Q2. Basic Details and how'd I be an asset to the company

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Fairly easy, those preparing for CAT would ace the first section pretty easily. For the second section, you'd require an ample experience of reading standard comprehension passages. Online reading resources such as the Op-Eds on TIME, The Hindu, NYT would help big time.
Tips: Be composed and conscious of the time. This test is all about pacing ahead of time and hence a hands on practice on all the relevant sections would really help. There are a good amount of resources for both the sections on the web. So be calm and prepare good.
Duration: 120 minutes minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: It was based on what I had mentioned on the pre-interview proforma, which, they usually ask every candidate to fill. A couple of bullets from my resume provided them enough material to frame their questions. Since L&T ECC heavily deals in concreting operations throughout its projects, having studied FRC greatly helped my case. The experience during my internship also helped me to elaborate my experience. They asked some basic questions pertinent to the grade of the concrete, cement employed and the ductility achieved and some general questions such as what are its advantages over normal concrete and how would it help me in contributing positively to their company.
Tips: Nothing much! Just prepare your resume bullet points in and out. Do not add anything new on the proforma. You never know that it might just go against what you say in the interview. People usually flounder in interview because they try to condense a lot of information in a short span of time. Instead just try to be concise and explicit in you writing so that you can elaborate your experience exactly the way you may want to elaborate in the interview. Strictly adhere to the lines mentioned in the proforma.

Round: Interview
Experience: Standard replies did good for me. Just try to mention all the positives in your resume. This is where you will be, more often than not, given opportunity to elaborate on your extracurricular activities and responsibilities. L&T especially with their MT profilers would always want a diversified group who can carry out both Management and Engineering with ease.
Tips: Nothing much. If you survived till here you are highly likely to get through this as well. All the best!

General Tips: Stay Calm. You may not get through companies which your counterparts in Computer Science or other branches would. But if you keep fretting over your past you'd probably ruin your present and it will drastically affect your future. Don't judge yourself by the package you get in the starting. Companies like L&T usually ground their freshies but the longer you stay the more you are of value to the Company. Ask anyone who's been around in the ECC for more than 10 years and they'd tell you the rest. Stay used to of being awake till the wee hours of the morning (for placements at least) as I was not. It did hamper my chances on the first night of the placement. (which is an entirely different experience to share) :P
Skill Tips: Just be prepared with all the tests that you performed in your Concrete/Materials Laboratory. Concrete Mixers, Bleeding prevention mechanisms etc.
Skills: Practical Expertise with your laboratories
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: L&T ECC is known as one of the most gritty companies and provides an avenue for being a party to challenging projects. The work, its type, and its impact is what drove me personally to apply to it.
Funny Moments: I don't know if it sounds funny, but after sitting in a big shot finance company on day zero at 1 am in the night, and finally succumbing in round 3, it was almost a draught of 7 days before this opportunity came. And interestingly I had not applied for any other company. So, in the hindsight, I actually find myself lucky enough to have got through. Had this gone then.... :D
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user image anurag mishra

posted on 12 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Cut-off was on the pointer basis for Tata. It was 6.0 Only

Round: Test
Tips: Time ManagementProper practice of the sections mentioned above
Cut-Off will be high because od moderate level of questions

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It is one of the challenging round,because you have to show your talent to speak confidently and politely, listen curiously and show your leadership skills to gauge the results in a concluding remark.
I have spoken only for 30-40 seconds after 8 minutes in 10 minutes GD but i have given a new dimension and guided the GD in a appropriate direction so got selected.
Tips: Must work on communication skills. 
Quality of content is very important not the quantity.Your thoughts should be clear and audible.Try to take the initiative and to summarize the GD.

Round: Interview
Experience: Panel was very supportive and they will try to make you as comfortable as possible.
Tips: Make a honest self-analysis and try to sell yourself in the best way possible as per the need of the interviewer and the post for which they are looking the people.

Round: Interview
Experience: It was nice.I have seen them my full detailed phase1 report and explained them, in the best possible way.
Tips: Do your project sincerely take a few subjects and prepare them in the best possible way.
They will definitely ask about your favorite subjects and ask very basic questions and major practical applications.

Round: Interview
Experience: i have told IC engines. So they asked me how can you increase the power of the IC engines without doing any major modifications in the engine just by using design of it?
Tips: Your approach is very much important than your correct answer. So give the proper logic behind your answer.Try to be cool, calm and confident even in the worst situations.So many times,they intentional try to puzzle you and observe your approach & reaction.

General Tips: Be confident. It is the one thing without which having all you can't sail out the competition.
Prepare common HR questions honestly like- tell me about yourself?
Why we should hire you and where do you see yourself after 5 years?
Be confident in GD.If not then take some mock GD with friends.
Skill Tips: Your body language and soft-skills matters a lot. So please try to work on it sincerely.
Be honest in the interview. Prepare your projects and industrial training sincerely.Tell them, why they should take you?
Sell yourself in the best way possible. Try to take the control of the interview in your hands and bring them in those areas where you are really strong and talk in those areas as much as possible.
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: Great place to work and learn especially in R&D.
Automobile world,one of my favorite areas of interest.
Work-life balance and nice location like Pune, Lucknow.
Social initiatives to make a large impact for social-welfare.
Funny Moments: My interview has gone just for 10 minutes.I was successful to make a good 1st impression. They have asked only a few questions and honestly telling i was not able to tell them accurately and they said ok' now you can go.
I thought i am completely out of the game because my colleagues interviews have gone much longer.I was waiting outside of my biggest failure but was shocked to listen my name 4th in the list of 8 people.
The best moment of my life i got selected in my dream company with my best friend..............:)
All the best
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user image Parth Sabharwal

posted on 14 Jan 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was a little long according to the time allotted, but that's part of the challenge.
Tips: Revise basic mathematical concepts, like geometry and puzzles. Work on vocabulary, which was slightly below GRE level.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The moderator actively participated in the discussion, starting with outlining the broad topics of discussion, pointed out by the candidates themselves. He then proceeded with 2-3 minutes discussion on each of the 8 topics.
Tips: Stay in touch with the developments of the e-commerce industry and the business model of the company.
Duration: 30 minutes

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: Standard HR questions and guesstimates are asked. Assessment of the candidate is done and the feedback is forwarded. Unlike a stress interview, the atmosphere was very relaxed, with the conversation often venturing into informal areas.
Tips: Try to put forth your best front, and focus on the best points in your CV.

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: One question was asked, which involved making estimates of the practical, day to day functioning of the company, on topics ranging from finances, work force, strategy etc.
Tips: Knowledge of logistics and working off start ups will help.

Skills: Practicality, Managerial Skills, Work Experience
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Funny Moments: My mobile rang during the first interview, though I was sure it was off. But the interviewer was nice enough to let it slide, and have me a good feedback.
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user image Sachin Aglave

posted on 14 Jan 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about your internship, B.Tech project(BTP), CV
  • Q2. Implement LRU cache.
  • Q3. What is virtual memory? Will we need virtual memory even if we have infinite amount of RAM?
  • Q4. Given an array, Find out maximum length of subarray where max of subarray <= 2*min of subarray

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: No CPI cut off and It was open for all departments.

Round: Test
Experience: In muliple choice question Mostly questions were base on maths, probability, c programs, algorithms, Systems. If you are prepared then Questions were not that much tough. Keep strong concepts of Operating systems. For subjective part, Some problems were from maths proofs, some were from probability, some were from algo. We had to write algorithms. etc
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Problem Statement
Experience: Questions were doable.

Round: Interview
Experience: Everyone was cool, They made me feel comfortable and then started asking questions.
Tips: If you have good rank in online coding competition, do mention it in CV.Most of the students think that GS asks only probability-puzzles. They did not asked me any question on probability or puzzle. Everything they asked was based on Algorithms problems and Operating system. I think it depends on team for which they are hiring. Most important point is don’t lose hope because you have low CPI or you are not good at something. Keep Operating systems fundamental concepts strong.

General Tips: We should balance in Placement and Compititive online coding. Keep in mind Placements and Compititive online coding are some what different things. Keep on improving our mistakes on daily basis. I would strongly suggest you to do introspection daily it will help you to find out your weaknesses and strong points, where we are going wrong etc. There are two thing on which we shoud focus.1. Preparation (I have told everything requered for preparation).2. Get output of all hard work. How to keep our mind on 100% output while the actual exam(placement).For this, I used to go for physical exercise daily in the morning and medidate for 20-30 minutes. Along with exercise i used to do Sudarshan Kriya(Art of Living). Meditation has lot of power :).
Skill Tips: Keep your OS fundamentals strong. To improve codgin skills practice as many problems as you can. Regularly participate in online coding competitions it really helps to solve or approach any new problem. Many time instead of correct answer the approach to solve the problems is very important. How you think, How you approach the problem is checked in interview.
Skills: Coding Skills, Operating Systems , Problem solving skills
College Name: IIT Guwahati
Motivation: The name GS itself enogh for motivation.
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user image Priti Choudhary

posted on 14 Jan 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It can get pretty chaotic before you know it.
Tips: If you no idea about the topic being discussed, wait for people to talk its always necessary to start a discussion. try summarizing what others are saying or coordinating if possible. Its important to speak but its also very important to listen.
Duration: 20 minutes

Skill Tips: ""
College Name: IIT Guwahati
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