...e and they are not good on this platform because there is to much prices issues. I tell you one thing if you are a customer and you select a Washing machine and told them the croma staff that give me a best discount i want this and you talk to your manager that customer want a discount and you now what he said his firt word is there any warrant yes or no if you say i have pich him warranty and he is not interested to take warranty so your manager didn't give you best price most of the time because he has pressurised with store manager and store manager pressurised with the cluster manager so this is not a way of selling products if customer need a warranty so he will Definitely take it and if you pressurised him to take warranty so he fells uncomfortable and he will left to your store and he will not coming again Definitely So please please make it on a proper manner way and please respect your staff and incrise ther salaries because they cany service on that much salary If i tell you that you are join croma as a sales staff and your salary is fresher 11500 and experience 16500 could you service in a month because your personal pocket money i thing 5000 minimum what salary you provide to your family your house retn 5000 your electricity bill 1300 and your rasion bill 5000 minimum and if in your family member have any illness or other problems so you can not manage your life is going to hell so please incrise croma staff salary Atlisit 24500 please guise try to understand. Thank you
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