Node Js Backend Developer
40+ Node Js Backend Developer Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. complete the following program: class MyEventEmitter { /// ..... } const emitterInst = new MyEventEmitter(); emitterInst.on("message", () => console.log("message event | callback 1")); emitterInst.on("message",...
read moreImplement a custom event emitter class in Node.js
Create a class MyEventEmitter with methods 'on' and 'emit'
Store event listeners in an object with event names as keys and arrays of callbacks as values
Implement 'on' method to add event listeners to the object
Implement 'emit' method to trigger all callbacks for a given event
How does Node JS work?
Node Js Backend Developer Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
Q3. what is closures? Problem of promise with settimeout
Closures are functions that have access to variables from their outer scope, even after the outer function has finished executing.
Closures are created when a function is defined inside another function.
The inner function has access to the outer function's variables, even after the outer function has returned.
Closures are useful for creating private variables and data encapsulation.
They can be used to implement callback functions and maintain state in asynchronous operations.
List down the two arguments that async.queue takes as input?
What are promises in Node.js?
What is Event Emitter?
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Q7. What is node js and how does it handle concurrency?
Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.
Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome.
It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient for handling concurrent operations.
Node.js uses the libuv library to handle asynchronous operations and manage event loops.
Concurrency in Node.js is achieved through event loops and callbacks, allowing multiple operations to be processed more
Q8. How many years of experience with Node.js do you have?
I have 5 years of experience working with Node.js in various projects and environments.
5 years of hands-on experience with Node.js
Developed multiple backend applications using Node.js
Familiar with popular Node.js frameworks like Express.js
Experience in optimizing performance and scalability of Node.js applications
Worked on integrating Node.js with databases like MongoDB and MySQL
Node Js Backend Developer Jobs
Q9. How can we make use of multiple threads with node.js
Node.js is single-threaded, but we can utilize multiple threads using worker threads module.
Node.js is designed to be single-threaded for better performance and scalability.
However, we can make use of the worker threads module to run JavaScript code in separate threads.
Worker threads allow us to perform CPU-intensive tasks without blocking the event loop.
We can create new worker threads using the Worker class from the worker_threads module.
Communication between the main more
What are middlewares?
Q11. Is Node.js Single threaded or Multi threaded?
Node.js is single threaded, but it can support concurrency through event loop and non-blocking I/O operations.
Node.js runs on a single thread and uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
It can handle multiple requests concurrently by leveraging the event loop.
Node.js uses callbacks or promises to handle asynchronous operations.
The event loop allows Node.js to efficiently handle I/O operations without blocking the execution of other tasks.
Node.js can scale well for more
Q12. 3rd Highest number in an array without using any sorting method/algo.
Find the 3rd highest number in an array without sorting.
Iterate through the array to find the highest, second highest, and third highest numbers.
Keep track of these numbers as you iterate.
Return the third highest number once the iteration is complete.
Q13. How is MySQL Different from MongoDB? What would you prefer MongoDb or MySQL
MySQL is a relational database management system, while MongoDB is a NoSQL database. Preference depends on project requirements.
MySQL is a relational database, while MongoDB is a NoSQL database.
MySQL uses tables and rows to store data, while MongoDB uses collections and documents.
MySQL is better suited for complex queries and transactions, while MongoDB is more flexible for unstructured data.
MySQL is ACID-compliant, ensuring data integrity, while MongoDB sacrifices some of more
Q14. Do you have experience with GraphQL?
Yes, I have experience with GraphQL.
I have worked on implementing GraphQL APIs in various projects.
I am familiar with creating schemas, resolvers, and queries in GraphQL.
I have used tools like Apollo Server and GraphQL Playground for development.
Q15. Do you have experience with PostgreSQL?
Yes, I have experience with PostgreSQL.
I have worked on multiple projects where PostgreSQL was used as the database.
I am proficient in writing complex SQL queries and optimizing database performance.
I have experience in setting up and maintaining PostgreSQL databases.
I have used PostgreSQL in conjunction with Node.js for backend development.
Q16. What is a closure in Javascript?
A closure in Javascript is a function that has access to its own scope, as well as the outer function's scope.
A closure allows a function to access variables from an outer function even after the outer function has finished executing.
Closures are commonly used to create private variables and functions in Javascript.
Example: function outerFunction() { let outerVar = 'I am outer'; return function innerFunction() { console.log(outerVar); }; }
Q17. What is MongoDB Aggregation? Which Aggregations have you used?
MongoDB Aggregation is a framework for performing data processing operations on MongoDB documents.
Aggregation pipeline stages like $match, $group, $project, $sort, $limit, $lookup, etc.
Used for data transformation, filtering, grouping, sorting, joining, and more.
Allows for complex data analysis and reporting.
Example: db.collection.aggregate([{ $match: { status: 'A' } }, { $group: { _id: '$category', total: { $sum: '$quantity' } } }])
Q18. Difference between find and filter method in js
find method returns the first element that satisfies the condition, while filter method returns all elements that satisfy the condition.
find method returns the first element that satisfies the condition
filter method returns all elements that satisfy the condition
find method stops iterating once it finds a match
filter method iterates through the entire array
find method returns undefined if no element satisfies the condition
filter method returns an empty array if no element more
Q19. what is closure? what is hoisting?. find the second largest number without sorting.
Closure is a function that has access to its own scope, as well as the scope of its outer function.
Closure allows a function to access variables from its outer function even after the outer function has finished executing.
Example: function outerFunction() { let outerVar = 'I am outer'; return function innerFunction() { console.log(outerVar); }; }
Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope before more
Q20. What is a pipe in Node.js
A pipe in Node.js is a mechanism that allows you to connect the output of one stream to the input of another stream.
Pipes are used to read data from a readable stream and write it to a writable stream.
They are created using the pipe() method.
Pipes help in simplifying the code by avoiding nested callbacks.
Example: readableStream.pipe(writableStream);
Q21. How event loop works?
Event loop is a mechanism in Node.js that allows non-blocking I/O operations to be performed asynchronously.
Event loop continuously checks the call stack for any functions that need to be executed.
If the call stack is empty, event loop checks the callback queue for any pending tasks.
Event loop moves tasks from the callback queue to the call stack for execution.
This allows Node.js to handle multiple I/O operations concurrently without blocking the main thread.
Q22. What is temporal dead zone?
Temporal dead zone is the period between entering scope and being able to access a variable.
Occurs when trying to access a variable before it is declared
Caused by hoisting in JavaScript
Example: accessing a let or const variable before its declaration will result in a ReferenceError
Q23. What is NodeJS? Why do we use it?
NodeJS is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.
NodeJS is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
It is used for building scalable network applications.
NodeJS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model which makes it lightweight and efficient.
It is commonly used for building web servers, APIs, and real-time applications.
NodeJS has a large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks such as Express,, and Sequelize.
Q24. Difference between SQL and NoSQL.
SQL is a relational database management system, while NoSQL is a non-relational database management system.
SQL databases are table-based and have a predefined schema, while NoSQL databases are document-based, key-value pairs, graph databases, or wide-column stores.
SQL databases are good for complex queries and transactions, while NoSQL databases are better for hierarchical data storage and real-time web applications.
Examples of SQL databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more
Q25. Do you know the difference between put and patch
PUT is used to update or replace an entire resource, while PATCH is used to update or modify a part of a resource.
PUT is idempotent, meaning multiple identical requests will have the same effect as a single request
PATCH is not necessarily idempotent, as multiple identical requests may have different effects
PUT requires the client to send the entire updated resource, while PATCH only requires the client to send the specific changes
Q26. What is event loop?
Event loop is a mechanism in Node.js that allows non-blocking I/O operations to be performed asynchronously.
Event loop is responsible for handling asynchronous operations in Node.js.
It allows Node.js to perform multiple operations concurrently without blocking the execution.
Event loop continuously checks the event queue for new events and executes them in a non-blocking manner.
Example: When a file is being read asynchronously in Node.js, the event loop allows other more
Q27. What is hoisting?
Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during compilation.
Variable declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope but not their initializations.
Function declarations are fully hoisted, meaning they can be called before they are declared.
Hoisting can lead to unexpected behavior if not understood properly.
Q28. Explain Event loop in node.js
Event loop is the core of Node.js runtime that handles asynchronous operations and ensures non-blocking I/O.
Event loop is responsible for executing callbacks and handling I/O operations.
It allows Node.js to handle multiple requests concurrently.
Event loop uses an event-driven architecture to efficiently manage resources.
Callbacks are added to different queues based on their type and priority.
Event loop continuously checks the queues and executes the callbacks in a more
Q29. What is the expected income?
The expected income for a Node Js Backend Developer can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and company size.
Income can range from $60,000 to $150,000+ per year.
Factors influencing income include years of experience, level of expertise, and the specific industry.
Location can also play a significant role in determining salary, with higher salaries typically found in tech hubs like Silicon Valley.
Working for a large tech company or a startup can also impact more
Q30. What is Socket io? is a JavaScript library for real-time web applications that enables bidirectional communication between clients and servers.
Enables real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and servers
Supports multiple transport protocols like WebSocket, AJAX long polling, etc.
Facilitates event-based communication between client and server
Used for building chat applications, online gaming, real-time analytics, etc.
Q31. Node js async/await vs promised
Async/await simplifies asynchronous code in Node.js by using promises under the hood.
Async/await is syntactic sugar built on top of promises in Node.js
Async/await makes asynchronous code look synchronous, making it easier to read and write
Promises are still used under the hood with async/await, providing better error handling and chaining
Q32. what is node js ?
Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.
Node.js is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
Node.js is commonly used for building scalable network applications.
Q33. why nodejs is asynchronous
Node.js is asynchronous to handle multiple requests efficiently without blocking the execution of other code.
Node.js uses non-blocking I/O operations to handle multiple requests concurrently.
Asynchronous programming allows Node.js to execute code while waiting for I/O operations to complete.
Node.js event loop helps in managing asynchronous operations efficiently.
Callbacks are commonly used in Node.js to handle asynchronous operations.
Example: Reading a file while processing more
Q34. Explain Node Js architecture.
Node Js architecture is based on event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
Event loop handles all I/O operations asynchronously
Single-threaded event loop allows for high scalability
Modules and packages can be easily added through NPM
Uses V8 engine for efficient JavaScript execution
Q35. Middle-ware in node js
Middleware is a software layer that sits between the application and the server, allowing for additional functionality to be added.
Middleware functions are executed sequentially, and can modify the request and response objects.
Common middleware includes body-parser, cookie-parser, and express-session.
Custom middleware can be created to add specific functionality to an application.
Middleware can be used for authentication, logging, error handling, and more.
Q36. Merge overlapping intervals
Merge overlapping intervals in an array
Sort the intervals based on their start times
Initialize an empty result array
Iterate through the sorted intervals
If the current interval overlaps with the previous interval, merge them
If not, add the previous interval to the result array and update the previous interval
Add the last interval to the result array
Return the result array
Q37. Average nodejs api design
The average Node.js API design involves creating modular and scalable code, using RESTful principles, and implementing error handling and authentication.
Use modular code structure to separate concerns and improve maintainability
Follow RESTful principles for designing API endpoints and handling HTTP methods
Implement error handling to provide meaningful error messages and handle exceptions
Include authentication mechanisms like JWT or OAuth for secure access to API endpoints
Q38. What is callback
A callback is a function passed as an argument to another function to be executed later.
Callbacks are commonly used in asynchronous programming to handle tasks that take time to complete.
They are often used in event handling, timers, and AJAX requests.
Callbacks can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on when they are executed.
Example: setTimeout(callback, 1000) will execute the callback function after 1 second.
Q39. What is middleware
Middleware is a software component that acts as a bridge between an application's request and response.
Middleware functions have access to the request and response objects
They can modify the request and response objects
Middleware can be used for tasks like authentication, logging, error handling, etc.
Q40. What is promise
A promise is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
They can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
Promises can be chained using .then() to handle success and .catch() to handle errors.
Example: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => resolve('Done!'), 1000); });
Q41. What is promise.all
promise.all is a method in JavaScript that takes an array of promises and returns a single promise that resolves when all of the input promises have resolved.
Used to handle multiple asynchronous operations at once
Returns a single promise that resolves when all input promises have resolved
If any of the input promises is rejected, the returned promise is rejected with the reason of the first rejected promise
Q42. code optimization techniques
Code optimization techniques improve performance and efficiency of code.
Use efficient data structures and algorithms
Minimize the number of database queries
Avoid unnecessary loops and function calls
Optimize memory usage by avoiding memory leaks
Use caching to reduce redundant computations
Q43. Even loop in node
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.
Node.js event loop is a single-threaded loop that listens for events and executes callbacks
It uses non-blocking I/O operations to handle multiple requests simultaneously
Event loop has phases like timers, I/O callbacks, idle, prepare, poll, check, and close callbacks
setImmediate() and process.nextTick() are used to schedule callbacks in the event loop
Q44. Destry an Array
Use the splice method to remove elements from an array in JavaScript.
Use the splice method with the starting index and number of elements to remove.
Example: array.splice(2, 3) will remove 3 elements starting from index 2.
Make sure to assign the result back to the original array if you want to update it.
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