2mo (edited)
a marketing manager

Toxic work culture ft. Zepto

I have been working with Zepto for a year now. It is the most toxic work culture. I want to post this now because A: It is an anonymous platform. B: The firm has lots of publicity but only we know how bad things are: A lot of fake data is given to media and employees are encouraged to keep posting this material on Social Platform. Even social media copies and images are given to employees to help with pr. There are massive cases of fraud that i cant disclose without revealing my position. At least 10 people leave the company every week and 20 more young people are hired.
2mo (edited)
An Ops Executive
Guys my brother has been working with Zepto for a year now. It is the most toxic work culture & the info posted here is all true.... Aadit starts to work only at 2 pm because he cannot wake up early and meetings are setup at 2 am in the mornings because of that people start work only at noon and because of this hr is trying to give free breakfast so people start work at 10 and finish work at least 11 pm in the night. All meetings are delayed no meetings happen on time and they keep getting postponed including townhalls.
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works at
OMG, I was going to apply to Zepto, but thanks for sharing this information with us! You saved me!😓😓😓
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Bold of u to post bro ! This shit should go viral
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student at
IIT Madras
A friend left Zepto a while ago; can vouch for everything above. Additionally, The workplace is a cesspool of politics. Someone in your team will try to take credit for your work. Massive funding is leading to massive hiring; the cultural fit is not present in the teams Because there is massive hiring, there is no room to grow or get promotions to upper roles because people have been already hired for them. Their employee churn ratio is abysmal.
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A Team Lead
Next Byju's in the making 🤔
currently not working
Don't spread such rumors for such big company. Do you have any evidences or you are just trying to tarnish the image ?
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