Career Advice
3mo (edited)
An Ops Executive
Stability vs. Growth
I'm in a tough spot, and I need some advice! I've got two offers on the table:
Offer 1:
Pros: Great WLB, good culture, stable job, and a role I'm familiar with.
Cons: Slower growth and potential career stagnation.
Offer 2:
Pros: Higher pay, a strategic role in a hot industry, and a chance to learn a ton.
Cons: Toxic culture, poor WLB, and questionable job security.
I'm 24 and torn between these two very different paths. Part of me wants the peace of mind and stability, but another part craves the excitement and potential of the second offer.
Does sacrificing my mental health and work-life balance now pay off in the long run? Or should I prioritize a healthier work environment and a more sustainable career?
I'm really struggling with this decision, and any advice would be greatly appreciated
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You’re 24, you have plenty of time to make more money. Don’t pick offers based on the Salary, look for opportunities that will provide you with learning that matter for your future growth. I had no work-life balance when I started my career, there were days when I did night shift and went to office in the morning before anyone else, all it mattered for me was learning opportunity that it gave me. I slept in a internet cafe whole night just to complete assignments when I was learning.
Besides tech, I learned adaptability, ownership, built courage to go after challenges, built skills that helped me navigate different situations and teams.
Today, the biggest strength I have among others is not technical but rest all the skills that matter most , and these skills are putting me ahead everyday.
While doing all these things you can still figure a good plan for WLB, it’s completely possible.
Your LPA today would become CPA one day as they are the bi-product of your portfolio that you will build.
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If you're even considering an offer where you might kill yourself eventually, I'm not sure whether you have your priorities straight.
An Assistant Manager
Offer one hands down. Ops in fintech is pretty hectic by itself. Add over that the instability of wlb and you'll be mentally rekt eventually
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Read few comments, few advised take offer 1, others offer 2. Go with your gut mate. After you have carefully analysed the pros and cons of both the offers. Go with your gut. Even if it turns out to be a bad decision, atleast you will blame yourself rather than blaming a person here who has nothing to little to do with your life. Information Overload creates a lot of confusion in the end. Anyways you are 24, you have enough time to bounce back.
I am 23 btw, I am in a no position to advice you. But this is what i do when i am left with 2 choices atleast i have no regrets later that i influenced my decision
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Take offer 2
currently not working
Your mental health is your most valuable asset isliye soch samjh k decisions lena because job toh milti rhegi 😅
a senior executive
Offer 1 is the are young enough so explore and its alright if growth is slow....Always have options to switch ..Offer 2 is toxic ...if I were you I wouldn't go for it...Is this your first job?
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You are pretty young and at this age i feel one should look for growth and not stability.
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Growth is overrated. What’s the point of chasing growth if you’re mentally exhausted? Stability is peace
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I was in the same scenario. I am 26. I was working for a reputed TATA company earning 35K in my home city Tier 2 equivalent to earning 45K compared with tier 1. I took the 2nd offer and the hike was 30% 45K salary. I had a stable job with a yearly increment of 10% and an amazing leaves policy. I travelled a lot during my tenure enjoying my leaves but I have realised that if I continue like this I will never be able to live the lifestyle that I want and I will be stuck in this position forever. I decided that I need to make a career change to increase my CTC so I did and I even Moved to another tier 1 city. Now, I will give you the reasons why?
1• part of me wanted to take the offer, I don't wanted to live with the regret that I didn't make the choice & what if?
2• I'm young, Now is the time not think about settling. The more I acquire skills and learn the better.
3• thinking long term like 5 years... 5 years down the line where I would be in the current company and where I could be if I switch.
4• Risk taking! All the big shots have taken risks entire lives.
My suggestion would be don't settle now. You're young 🌱 . Explore!
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