Career Advice
currently not working

Disappointing Experience with Accenture's Hiring Process

Hi All After deciding to leave my organization, I spent 3 months job hunting. I was excited when I received an offer from Accenture, but my experience with their HR team was disappointing. The offer came without details like compensation, location, or joining date. Despite reaching out multiple times via email, calls, and text, I received no response. After my first DOJ, I got a call from HR promising a revised offer the next day. However, it took almost a week for them to respond, and the revised offer didn’t address my concerns. Once again, my attempts to follow up were ignored. A day after my second DOJ, HR called asking why I hadn’t joined. The lack of communication and follow-through left me feeling unvalued and unsure about joining the company. A simple request: please respond to candidates, even if the outcome isn't in their favor. It’s important to communicate and not leave anyone hanging, especially those who are genuinely interested in joining. Thank you for reading!
works at
Three months of job hunting is tough enough without this kind of nonsense.😑🙄 Just move on and find a company that actually cares.
An Assistant Manager
This is unacceptable! How dare they treat you like that? Three months of job hunting, two missed DOJs, and zero communication? This kind of behavior needs to stop
A Senior Software Engineer
That sounds like a really frustrating experience. Communication is such a crucial part of the hiring process, and it’s disappointing when companies fall short. Thank you for sharing your experience it’s a reminder for organizations to treat candidates with respect and transparency.
a sales executive
Yikes, sounds like Accenture needs to work on their 'people' skills! On the bright side, maybe this was a sign that a better opportunity is waiting for you.
a team lead
I'm curious, did you get any explanation at all, even after the second missed DOJ? Or did they just completely ghost you?
a sales executive
user 2
Did you really expect anything different? Seriously, this is standard operating procedure for some big companies. Anyone else have similar experiences?
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