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VISA Steel Graduate Engineer Trainee (Get) Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 3 Mar 2016

VISA Steel Graduate Engineer Trainee (Get) Interview Experiences

1 interview found

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: normal topics ,socials topics mine was "wll u become a politician" ? .we were 10 in group ,but the no may vary frm collge to college but max is 10 .they selected 5 out of 10 frm my group becoz everyone spoke in an awesome way but the average was 3 or 4.
Tips: Try to start the gd becoz they do see who isstarting the gd .Try to speak 2 to 3 times with valid points try to conclude .
Duration: 9 minutes

College Name: KIIT University

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Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. HR interview and technical interview were merged

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Almost every one was shortlisted for appearing in test. Test was technical+ quantitative aptitude+ reasoning+ comprehension. Technical obviously held most of weightage.
Tips: Be thorough with the concept. Iron and steel making, casting, forming are the most important topics.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Basic question to check your common sense. Mostly the work flow, procedure to do certain experiment or casting or test.
Tips: must have basic knowledge about company. please go through website before appearing for interview. Know your resume thoroughly.All the best!

Skill Tips: Don't try to remember too many things. Try to understand the basic concepts.
Skills: confidence, Understanding about subjects

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Only Technical Interview; no GD+HR Interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All applicants were called for online test conducted by Cocubes.com. Test was Quantitative Aptitude+Reasoning+Comprehension+Technical. Test was quite easy. Basically it was an elimination round.
Tips: Question Paper was lengthy. So, speed is the only important factor.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My interview lasted around 40 minutes. They asked questions only from two subjects a)Design of RC Structures b)Structural Analysis. In case of RC Structure they asked each and every topic which were there in our syllabus. And from Structural Analysis part they gave me some numerical problems and told me to explain step by step procedure.
Tips: Go through all the theories and concepts of these two subjects.

General Tips: Try to speak as much as you can in the interview. They basically check the confidence in you.They are more interested at the practical things than the theoretical parts. Be prepared for the interview and be confident.
Skill Tips: Both RC Structure (CE31001) and Concrete lab (CE39007) are very very important.
Skills: Confidence , SAP 2000 basics, subject understanding
Motivation: JSPL is a reputed company and also a core company for our department.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All those who had applied were called for online test conducted by Cocubes.com. Duration of the test was 1.5 hrs. 45 aptitude questions and 45 core civil engineering questions were asked. The written test round was an elimination round.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: It was not an elimination round and the topic was "Control of Corruption OR Growth of Economy?" Others GD topics were Lokpal Bill etc. the round was to judge people and their ability to stand in a group and to earn the team dynamics of people.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There were both HR and technical questions in my interview. In the HR question there was no such out of the blue question. They asked about me, my strengths and weakness, about my interests. They also asked me about my long term and short term goals and examples on my ability to handle crux situations.
In the technical questions they asked me questions about :Geotechnical Engg. (All basics)
Hydraulics Engg. (Basics of pipe flow and channel flow)Structures (BMD etc.)
They just wanted to check you knowledge or your core areas. The interviewer who was asking me questions was very knowledgeable. He was a great fan of Professor A.K.Jain (a faculty member at IIT Roorkee) and his book, and hence talked a lot about him.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume is more than just mere personal information form – it should give a complete picture about the candidate since it is the first impression the interviewer gets about you.I wanted to get recruited in a core sector company. I wanted to work in a company related to power sector consequently I designed my resume accordingly.
Tips: Useful tip: Do not lie. In case if you fail to respond to questions asked from the points that you mentioned in your resume you might squander your chances of getting recruited to the company. Hence be truthful when you mention anything in your resume, at the same time be concise and precise because the interviewer cannot spend a lot of time on a single resume.

Round: Test
Experience: First I contacted some of my seniors who were working with the company. It is from them that I learnt that a lot of questions from power system protection are asked in the written test. In general if you search the internet about the type of questions asked in these tests you might get some awry information. The main reason being that the same company might turn up in different colleges with different profiles consequently the questions asked in their tests might vary from college to college; hence in order to avoid such discrepancy it is always suggested to consult some of the seniors.The company conducted a technical written test. The questions were majorly from control systems and further from PID (Proportional Integral Differential) control systems. There were also some basic electrostatic questions. Few questions were also asked from power and machining, though we were expecting a higher proportion of power related questions. The company had come to the campus to recruit for their steel unit and power unit, consequently knowledge on control system and power was a must.The test was an objective online test – but it was not an elimination test.
Tips: Useful Tip: A candidate appearing for this company’s written test should have good level of knowledge in control systems and power.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Group Discussion:I along with my friends practised for the GD. We would conduct the mock GD amongst ourselves.The GD topic that was allotted to my group during the GD round was FDI in retail. The topics allotted to other groups were on cricket and the ongoing (at that time) Anna Hazare movement. The GD was again not an elimination round.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The first interview was conducted by an alumnus of our institute. He began by asking me for a brief introduction. He wanted a brief reply. Then he enquired about my 3rd year internships. I had done my internship as a project manager in L&T power. The work that I did there was based on how an idea or a concept is translated into reality. He asked me to explain the kind of work that I did there and why I chose that internship. He also asked me to explain the SLD of a power plant. SLD stands for a single line diagram and is drawn for study of huge power plants and refineries. An SLD is analogous to the electronic diagrams drawn to study electronic circuits. He was surprised at how much I managed to learn from the internship that lasted for duration of only two months. I replied that the underlying principle behind whatever I learnt there was the concept of “relaying” which I was quite proficient in.Next he started asking me questions that I had not anticipated. He asked me to explain the differences that I thought existed between the kinds of work that I did in L&T and the work I would be expected to do in Jindal steel. I replied to it by explaining the differences in the kind of business the two companies did.He enquired whether I had questions to ask.
Generally people tend to ask some crappy questions like ‘What is the growth of the company?’ and the likes, but i earnestly suggest that if you have attended the PPT then ask some questions from the points mentioned during the PPT which showcases your attentiveness as well as genuine interest in the company’s work. During the PPT I had learnt that the PLF (Plant Load Factor) of the company is very high I asked him to explain me the reason for this this; also the company had a huge ongoing project in Orissa I asked him about the future plans of the company in Orissa and the problems that the company is facing with respect to the development of a current project. I asked these questions to show him my level of interest in the company and also that i was attentive during the PPT.Then he moved over to my 2nd year projects. I did my 2nd year internship in NDPL (North Delhi Power Limited). He asked me to explain the kind of work I did in this internship. Power companies are generally involved in one of the 3 businesses: generation, transmission or distribution. NDPL is involved in distribution of power. I told him that the project i worked on was minimization of harmonics in distribution system. He asked me explain the reason for these harmonics in the distribution system which is a major headache in such companies. I told him that the non-linear loads like the refrigerators and air conditioners were the major cause of such harmonics.
Next i told him the measures that were adopted by NDPL for control of harmonics.He then moved over to the minor project that i did. The project was a simple one and this aroused his amazement. I explained that the project was allotted only 2 credits and also told him that through the project i learnt the usage and properties of various components like capacitors, resistors and the likes. He was convinced with my reply.Important Tip: I would recommend that one should do a thorough research on the kind of business of the company in which one did his internship in or is applying for a job because it is very essential to know the place where one did his internship in and where one is going to go to.

Experience: This interview was supposed to be an HR interview but the interviewer eventually drifted over to technical aspects. He guessed that since I had done all my internships in the past in power sectors my area of interest would be power and also since the company had very little to do in power sector and more in the mining sector I would have to go a through a new beginning all together.
I explained him that the internship I did was not about power generation or distribution, but was about protection and relaying; I told him I did the work that a maintenance engineer would do. He was convinced that the power industries do indeed possess a wider scope.
He asked me about my birth place and also enquired about my family background.He then asked me to explain my major project. I told him that we were supposed to do our major project in the next semester. However, I still gave him a brief idea about my major project. I told him about the future prospects about my project and also the kind of difficulties that I was likely to face. He asked me some basic questions pertaining to the project which I managed to answer quite easily.I had also mentioned photography as my area of interest. He asked me to explain the specifications of the camera used in the photography section in the hobbies club.
He lastly asked me to specify that if given an option to work either in a well-established company or in a growing company where work would be more but incentives would be less then where would I prefer to work. I replied that I would be prefer working in a growing company like Jindal steel because that would enable me to learn more and also deal with newer technologies because in established companies still obsolete technologies are used.Any Specific Preparation:I had prepared for some HR questions like:Tell me about yourself.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
What are your goals?I managed to find these questions from some websites.
Tips: I would suggest that one should never refer any website for framing answers to HR questions. You have to speak about yourself only and frame your answers after giving a detailed thought to your abilities/strengths/goals etc. Also it might prove to be beneficial to consult some seniors who has been working in the same company or has some experience with HR interviews.

General Tips: It would be beneficial to contact your seniors because they would give a good insight about the recruitment process of the company.Don't get intimidated by Training Experince . Woh to Bas asiehi . At the End of the day knowledge matterssmile emoticon. BEST OF LUCK !!!
College Name: BITS MESRA

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

Interview Questionnaire 

1 Question

  • Q1. Less Technical but more of HR like Why Manufacturing job, Why Jindal? Will You stay with us long?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical + HR Interview
Experience: They were mainly interested in people who are willing to work in their company for a long time. You have to convince them that you are really interested in core job and you will stay long. They did not ask technical much as my CG was high.

College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Average level of difficulty.
Tips: Study mechanical and physical metallurgy as well as iron and steel making properly.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: There were 12 candidates in my GD group including me so you need to speak enough over the topic and you need to show some good GD atticates which will work in your favour.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: My PI consisted many ups and downs I.e. Silence of half an hour and then continuous speaking of about 20 min. As it was a kind of group interview but the questions were asked to individual and questions were not passed to the other candidate I.e. It was 3(HR) on 1 interview but two other candidates were also listening your interview.
Tips: My interview was based only on my industrial project and nothing else. Just know your project very well do it very seriously so that you are answerable to each and every question that will be bombarded over you!!!
And discover your passion till fourth year and accordingly choose the company. Do not experiment with your life and if confused talk to your seniors.

General Tips: The most important thing which matters is how passionate and how eager you are to work with them. Also most important is positive attitude towards every problem.
Skill Tips: If you ask any senior about cpi and if he says that it doesn't matter then he is definitely misguiding you!!!! Weightage of cpi and your technical is equal. If he says make your technical sound and you will be selected then it happens very rarely at least in our college. They want to see your performance in your academic session. They want to see how consistant you will be in their company and how serious you are towards your work and also towards your career. Less cpi even if you are constant through out, tells them that you will not grow after some point of time so they want growing and consistently growing performance which help them in their company. And backlog history matters more then your cpi because companies are nowadays asking for no backlog history so if you are not eligible for company then to whom you will show your pointers???
Skills: CGPA, Eagerness to work, Positive attitude
College Name: NIT RAIPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview

In my interview,they asked:Why all the lights were lit and fans were on just for 2 persons.I said its for you Sir.Whenever any person comes to our home it is our duty to make him comfortable and happy because mehmaan bhagwan hota h and also I said that it is not correct to waste energy and I switched off the lights and fans.

1.My subject was heat treatment(specialization)

2.They asked about hadfield steel,cct,ttt,annealing ,normalizing,tempering,cooling curves,why bainite not formed in cct

3.You should remain cool,calm and composed.

4.You should be spontaneous in your answers.

5. Be concise and clear.

6.Always tell the truth .If you don’t know the answer to any question simply admit it don’t stretch it.You can give the direction to the answer if you don’t know it fully.

7.Prepare training and project with full accuracy.
Tips: Try to achieve mastery in 1 or2 subjects so that u are able to crack all of the questions regarding to that and it will help a lot in ur interviews and try to keep ur cpi above 8 .I wish u all the best for ur future and hope all of u reach new heights.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview

In HR interview they asked me about

1.Training and project

2.My achievements

3.Be cool and calm in HR interview ,they try to confuse you. Be confident.

ABOUT myself

General Tips: Regarding effect of CPI, I think every company has some consideration about CPI,as it tells them that student is sincere in whatever field he is in.But in this selection I have observed that they haven’t selected on the basis of CPI. I have observed that they have taken some weightage of the written and interview and combined their score as a whole.AND you should be superb in your technical interview specially and hr interview too.*Be confident,composed,and express to HR that u really want to join this company.Make them believe that you are fit for this company and you strongly wish to join the company.ALL D BEST 
Skill Tips: Initially I had been very shy and participated very little in any conversation but I worked hard to overcome that.I started speaking to myself in front of mirror and learned to keep eye contact with others and developed a lot of confidence.Also I tried to have a lot of conversation with my friends.I practiced a lot at home, prepared for resume and PI.Also I tried speaking English with my family members.So I think a lot of practice help me improve gradually.
College Name: NIT RAIPUR

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was a written test which had both aptitude as well technical questions. The test was an elimination round and you had to perform above average to make it to the GD.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD was not an elimination round. They had generally the most recent topics for group discussion like Lokpal Bill. They were only testing one’s communication skill (they wanted basic communication ability) rather than eliminating someone on the basis of it.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the interview round they asked me questions about me and how do I mange difficult pressure situations. They also asked me about how am I different from others. They also asked me about my low CGPA and its contradiction with my high 10th and 12th class percentage. In an interview if you have a low grade you should be prepared to defend your poor grade.
Beside these general questions, they asked me about my internship and projects. I would suggest going through you project reports in detail so that you are able to answer even in depth questions (one or two such questions might come up). They asked me about the use of copper in steel. They also asked me to explain metallurgy to someone who had no idea about it.
My internship was on defects in rolled products. So they asked what did I do to control them and what were the results I achieved.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. What are your career goals?
  • Ans. 

    To become a skilled engineer and contribute to the growth of the company while continuously learning and developing my skills.

    • To gain experience in various engineering fields

    • To take up leadership roles and manage projects

    • To stay updated with the latest technologies and advancements

    • To work towards achieving professional certifications

    • To build a strong network of industry professionals

  • Answered by AI
  • Q2. Which job do you consider as a perfect job?
  • Ans. 

    A perfect job is one that aligns with my skills, interests, and values while providing opportunities for growth and development.

    • A job that allows me to utilize my skills and strengths

    • A job that aligns with my interests and passions

    • A job that provides opportunities for growth and development

    • A job that has a positive impact on society

    • A job that offers a good work-life balance

    • Examples: software engineer, environmental sci

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I used a single resume for all the companies that I applied to. I mentioned my extra-curricular activities and my projects with the projects relevant to the profile on offer getting a higher priority.

Round: Test
Experience: The first round In Jindal Steel and Power Limited was a written test. The test was a completely technical paper, there were no aptitude questions asked in the test. Questions were asked from fluid machinery, stresses in beams, heat and mass transfer, manufacturing techniques and material properties. The duration of the test was 60 minutes and the numbers of questions asked were also 60. In total, 11 candidates were shortlisted for the Interview round.
For the technical questions I studied topics like fluid machinery and IC engines.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: For the HR Interviews I prepared sample answers to some questions like:Tell me about yourself.
What are career goals (both short term and long term)?Before asking me any technical questions the Interviewers asked me to specify my areas of Interest, I said fluid machinery and IC engines. They began by asking me questions from fluid machinery ‘What Is the difference between a reaction turbine and a repulsive turbine?’ I specified some basic difference. Next they asked me to specify the differences between the principles of operation of the two turbines. I managed to answer this question as well. From IC engines they asked me to specify the reason for the occurrence of knocking In IC engines.

Further they ventured out of my areas of Interest and asked me questions like ‘Why Is fatigue test done?’  They also asked me questions from material properties; I bluntly replied that material properties are not in my area of Interest.
They asked some questions from my resume as well. In my resume I had mentioned about some of my projects, these projects were related to railways. They asked me about my experience that I gained while working on these projects. Based on these they also asked me questions on lathe machines; these are the topics that I had studied in the second year of my course.
The company recruited 3 students from mechanical department.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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