Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Interview means impressing the interviewer according to requirement.
There are some points on which we need to be careful.
1) Basic information or knowledge:-
Whenever we r going for an interview make sure u have proper knowledge about the company, post, eligibility, and work.
2) Eye contact:-
Whenever we go for an interview we are often nervous, and we get rejected.
But making an eye contact with the interviewer shows you are confident to face anyone. Which shows a positive impact.
3) Face expression:-
Many times it happens whenever we can't give some response our smile extincts and clearly shows that u r not confident.
We all know the results either they will select or reject but without confidence they will definitely reject.
4) Voice tone:-
Proper voice is required so that the interviewer listen it clearly and understand it properly.
5) Body language:-
The most important way of not getting nervous and showing yourself confident is your body language.
6) Feelings:-
We go in interview for getting selected and become the part of that organization/ company/ industry...
And for this we really do hardwork but whenever we are in an interview we perform by our mind, which never show wat does that post/ organization/ company/ or industry really means to you.
Whenever you go for interview perform it by heart and show wat does that post/ organization/ company actually mean to you.
7) Hyperness:-
Always be Selfish tackler and hyper for what you want.
Hope this may be useful for you. If possible please give feedback on WhatsApp XXXXX