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10+ Sofa Manufacturing Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 16 Jul 2024
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Q1. Given the code to flat the array ex : Input - [2,3,[4,5,[6,7],8,9,[0]]] Output : [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]


Flatten a nested array into a single-level array.

  • Use recursion to iterate through each element of the array.

  • If the element is an array, call the function recursively.

  • If the element is not an array, add it to the result array.

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Q2. Write a code whose output should be 72 by making a call like this add(5,3).mul(9).calc();


Code to output 72 by calling add(5,3).mul(9).calc()

  • Define a class with add, mul, and calc methods

  • add method should add two numbers and return the class instance

  • mul method should multiply the result with a number and return the class instance

  • calc method should return the final result

  • Call the methods in the given order to get the output 72

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Q3. write a code to convert an account number to asterisk ex: Input : PY12345 Output : PY***45


Code to convert account number to asterisk

  • Create a function that takes in an account number as input

  • Use string slicing to replace characters with asterisks

  • Return the modified account number as output

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Q4. Create a dropdown(HTML Select tag) custom component in react.


Creating a custom dropdown component in React using HTML Select tag.

  • Create a new component and import React

  • Use the HTML Select tag to create the dropdown

  • Use the map function to loop through the array of strings and create the options

  • Add an onChange event to handle the selection and update the state

  • Pass the array of strings as props to the component

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Q5. Js Code/React component to create a folder and file structure


Use Node.js fs module to create folder and file structure in React component

  • Require fs module in React component

  • Use fs.mkdirSync() method to create folder

  • Use fs.writeFileSync() method to create file

  • Use path.join() method to join folder and file paths

  • Handle errors using try-catch block

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Q6. Write a js code to convert Roman to decimal number


JS code to convert Roman to decimal number

  • Create a map of Roman numerals to their decimal values

  • Loop through the Roman numeral string from right to left

  • If the current numeral is less than the previous numeral, subtract it from the total

  • Otherwise, add it to the total

  • Return the total

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Q7. Write a Polyfill for flat function


Polyfill for flat function

  • Create a function that takes an array and a depth as arguments

  • Use recursion to flatten the array to the specified depth

  • If depth is not specified, flatten the array completely

  • Return the flattened array

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Q8. Create a Todo list component in react


Creating a Todo list component in React

  • Create a new React component for the Todo list

  • Use state to store the list of tasks

  • Render the list of tasks using map()

  • Add a form to add new tasks to the list

  • Add a button to delete tasks from the list

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Q9. make a counter and a to do app on the codesandbox platform.


Create a counter and a to do app on codesandbox platform

  • Create a counter component with buttons to increment and decrement the count

  • Implement a to do app with input field to add tasks and a list to display them

  • Use React or any other front-end framework/library for building the apps

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Q10. Polyfill for promise.all()


Polyfill for promise.all() is a code that adds support for promise.all() in older browsers.

  • Polyfill can be implemented using a combination of Promise and Array.prototype.reduce()

  • The polyfill should return a promise that resolves when all promises in the input array have resolved

  • If any promise in the input array rejects, the polyfill should reject with the reason of the first promise that rejected

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