Round: Test Experience: Verbal-correction of sentences, 2 passages,antonyms,synonyms logical reasoning - all models are in r.s agarwal Total Questions: 75
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Regular hr questions like tell about ur self,hobbies,strengths,any team activities, about paper presented and questions on that, questions on leadership qualities, asked to talk about 'conservation of energy' for few minutes, asked abouts functions or events organised.
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: The resume was as per the norms of our institute’s placement office. One should mention only relevant points in the resume because if they ask you something from the resume and you are unable to answer then they will reject you bluntly.
Round: Test Experience: In the written test the questions asked were mainly aptitude based. The company had sent us some sample question papers before the written test. The questions in the test appeared from those sample papers only. Most of the questions were tricky – questions were framed in a very lengthy manner and the answers or the data required to solve the question was hidden in the last few lines. Many students wasted their time analysing such questions completely. Out of the 80 odd students who appeared for the test only 11 qualified for the next round.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: In the technical interview he asked me whether I knew programming, I replied in the negative. He asked me to suggest an algorithm to a problem. The problem was based on swapping of numbers. At first I gave a very bland reply. The interviewer wasn’t convinced by my reply and gave me another opportunity to explain me the process. This time I managed to answer appropriately. The interviewer then enquired about my internship and my projects.
Round: HR Interview Experience: The HR interview was taken by some top company official. He asked me to narrate any challenging incident in my life that I had to struggle through to emerge out of it. One important thing to note here is that your CGPA would speak for you – if you have a good CGPA half the battle is won.
College Name: IIT ROORKEE Motivation: TCS recruits a large number of students from various colleges across the country. Knowing this fact beforehand I was not much interested in joining the company. I appeared for its process as a last resort. The company had organized a pre-placement talk. I attended the talk and before appearing for the first round I went through the brochure that was given out during the pre-placement talk.
You do not require any specific information regarding the company to ace the interviews or any questionnaire.
Q3. What are your greatest strength and weaknesses?
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Q4. What are your ambitions in life?
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Q5. When are you getting married?
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: Test Experience: PART ONE: Verbal Ability, uses of articles (a, an, the) and a RC. PART TWO: logical reasoning, standard IQ type Questions, was simple. PART THREE: An essay, one out of two, one choice was nuclear deal and the other was education system in India.
Round: Technical Interview Experience: Some regular puzzles were given, which were easy. A discussion on internship work.
Round: HR Interview Experience: They are looking for people with good aptitude, very good communication skills and strong desire to learn. Also, someone with good academic record and clear career goals. Tips: Do not panic in the interview.
General Tips: For GD, improve the content by reading and/or discussing among wing mates. Don't be aggressive but be assertive and ENERGETIC. College Name: IIT KANPUR
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: CGPA + resume + online test - based shortlisting
Round: Test Experience: Online Test:Quant, DI, verbal, and coding45 minutes coding + 15 minutes verbal + 30 minutes quant Tips: Time constraint will be the major problem. CAT preparation would sufficeBrush up your coding skills- concentrate in either C or C++ or whichever language you're comfortable withE.g.: The coding question- Write a function to find if a number is palindromeBrush up through basic data structuresGraph theory and few sorting algorithms Duration: 90 minutes
Round: Interview Experience: (2 interviews, 20 minutes each)Resume- basedCoding skills and the approach towards the problem will also be tested Tips: Be thorough with the work done in your internships and projects. Be ready to answer why you are interested in the company.Maintain your confidence level in the interviews. They also look for good communication skills, and even leadership, which is evident from the way you conduct yourself through the interview.Practice quant questions, prepare answers for all the basic HR questions.Coding, go through sorting algorithms, FOR, Graph theory.Digital IC design is very important courses. You should be through with this courses if you are interested in digital profile.
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: Fundae session by seniors and a resume workshop by some company. Also, sent resume to some seniors for their opinions and I think this was an important part of it. Tips: I suggest Pre-placement talks, are a must. What is more important is not to believe the PPTs completely and ask seniors about the level of fundaes (finance/tech/otherwise) and preparation required to crack the company. There is a lot of good material on ATKEARNEY and other website. Other than that I used the material available for years.
Round: Interview Experience: Final offers in my division were 12. There were two levels of case interviews. The first interview was to judge if I would be suitable for the Strategy and Operations profile or for the Technology and Integration profile. There were two interviewers. They explained to me both the profiles and asked me what I wanted to choose and why. Then asked me some general HR questions like why consulting, why you etc. Then started off with an informal case study. It was about a new company which wanted to start a new low cost airline and had no experience in this market till now. It has two options: either to acquire an existing company or to build up all processes on their own. I was first asked to qualitatively mention what all aspects I would consider. After that they asked me what new things could this company do. They were pretty satisfied with my answers and I was confident of getting listed in the next round. In the next round there was single interviewer who was looking quite senior. Asked some HR questions. One case study about a consumer durables dealer which was again qualitative. Asked some HR questions that's it.
General Tips: Lack of interaction with seniors throughout IIT stay was one thing for which I had to pay. I had no seniors in my wing and I had no fundae of the amount of preparation required. So make sure that you have certain information. College Name: IIT-Bombay
Round: Test Experience: One written test. It contains four sections. Each section is of 15 minutes duration. Tips: Prepare for general aptitude and learn the basics of C, C++ and Java. Duration: 60 minutes
Round: HR Interview Experience: General HR round questions were asked. Tips: You must show your confidence and maintain eye contact with the interviewer.
General Tips: Brush up all the basics of your core subjects. Skills: Good technical skills., Good communication skills. College Name: NA
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: This is the first step of being eligible for the company.It depends upon the eligibility criteria given by the company. Tips: Most companies ask for 60% right from 10th to the present degree..make sure you have 60% uptil present degree
Round: Test Experience: This is the first feel good experience in the entire selection process,getting thtough the aptitude and getting shortlisted is the first step which takes us to the other rounds. Tips: Here managing the time is really important thing..being smart is what all matters...Every section should be given equal importance as there would be sectional cutoff. Total Questions: 90 mins
Round: Group Discussion Experience: The topic is infact related to us in common..we all know about smart phones advantages and disadvantages..i spoke both pros and cons with confidence nd without deviating from topic. Tips: Utilise the time when u get to speak.Dont be over confident or show attitude towards others or fight with your group people..if anyone is deviating from the topic you hav rights to say in a polite manner. Duration: 30 mins minutes
Round: HR Interview Experience: My interview is combined technical and HR interview which is infact really cool..1 question is related to technical..other is about my personal went on like interview is nearly for an hour because i am the 1st candidate to attend interview for capgemini after the group discussion Tips: Be cool..relaxed..make up your mind..have a pleasant smile on your face..dont be tensed..if you dont know anything..just reply sorry sir/ confident..your every move is noticed by polite.
General Tips: This is easy to achieve when you have good communication skills,time management and analytical ability..just prepare yourself with these and be confident Skill Tips: Prepare yourself with lots of logical questions and make sure you have good communication skills Skills: Logiacal ability , Communication College Name: Sathyabama university Motivation: The company's preplacement talk made me feel really good and the motives of the company are awesome..the way they organise activities and treat employees made me to apply for capgemini Funny Moments: In the group discussion round the judge asked us to give marks for ourselves for what we have spoke..i hv given 9 marks and those are the final marks given for us..
Round: Test Experience: Coding questions were comparatively easy. There were three questions.1. Given a string map each character of which to the corresponding digit in a 10 digit mobile phone keypad.2. Don't remember, will add when it comes to my mind.3. Don't remember, will add when it comes to my mind.
Skills: Coding ability, Complete knowledge of working of internet., College Name: IIT Bombay
Q1. Questions were all resume based. Gave importance to Posiions of responsibilities
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Interview Preparation Tips
Round: Group Discussion Experience: I talked second and took a stance of defence with development. I tried to talk intermittently for a duration of approx 40 sec each time and for a total of 5 times. Tips: U should be the guy who had talked the most in GD but care should be taken not to dominate it. Try to tell maximum number of points and try to exhaust all the points when you get your first opportunity. Duration: 8 minutes
Round: Interview Experience: They were just checking whether you have the necessary communication and managerial skills and how well you handle the stresses of interview. Tips: Being thorough with the nooks and corner of your resume and keeping your head cool alone will ensure you get shortlisted.
General Tips: Stay coool throughout the process :) College Name: IIT Madras
Round: Resume Shortlist Experience: CGPA > 8 is necessary
Round: Test Experience: Online Test + Written Test Online Test - Duration 90 minutes + Written Test 30 minutes for Hardware profile Online Test -Quants, Number Series ; Calculators were not allowed Written Test - Semiconductor Basics
Round: Interview Experience: Interview is held in either 1 round for non-core profile or several rounds of technical interviews for Hardware. Technical round consisted of questions form topics like VLSI, Semiconductors (BJT, MOS), ASIC Design Flow, CMOS Process Flow.
Round: Group Discussion Experience: Group Discussion is held for non-core profilesDuration varies from 20-30 minutes with 11 members.
General Tips: Never ever mention GRE or MS or any higher studies, for that matter, in any placement interview if you want to get placed in that company Practicing quant, puzzle solving and GD from early in the semester would definitely help Core placement: be thorough with the core fundaes Practice general quant questions without a calculator Skills: Quants, Puzzle Solving College Name: IIT MADRAS