Round: Test Experience: This was a simpler round, concentrating on basic questions like- 1. Deleting last 'n' nodes of a linked list 2. Check out the given tree is a BST or not. 3. If an array a[i] is a then a[i+1] would be either a+1, a-1 or a so in this array how do you search an element 4. write a ship quality code Total Questions: Online
Round: Test Experience: The questions were of this type-
1. Given a tree and all the leaf nodes form a double linked list ( complete tree is given ). How do you find the height of the tree? 2. an array of negative and positive numbers are given. find all contiguous subsets whose sum is equal to zero.
Round: Test Experience: The difficulty level went up, with questions like-
1. Find Longest Increasing sequence subject to some constraints. 2. An array is given of size n and the elements are in the range 1 to n. Some elements are missing and some are repeated. Find the missing elements and find frequency of all the repeated elements. 3. Three arrays A, B, C. find subset a in A, b in B, c in C such that a + b + c = 0
Round: Test Experience: Really tough test, with questions like-
1. A tree is given, make a linked list of leaves. 2. for amazon online store what data-structure is used. That is hierarchical structure 3. Asked about make file. How do you club into a single object file.
General Tips: Before making the shortlist, you'll have to sit for an Online written test. The test consists of two parts. One part will concentrate on aptitude and output of C programs. 1. aptitude, 2. C aptitude, 3. Operating Systems and Time complexities etc., Second part will be coding Questions 1. One Question on Trees - definitely 2. One more simple questions on string manipulation Skills: Algorithms, Puzzles, Data Structures College Name: IIT ROORKEE