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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What are the types of state management in react?
Types of state management in React include local state, props, context API, Redux, and MobX.
Local state: State managed within a component using useState hook.
Props: Data passed from parent to child components.
Context API: Allows sharing state across multiple components without prop drilling.
Redux: External state management library for managing complex state in large applications.
MobX: Another external state management library that uses observables to manage state.
Q2. What are HTML and CSS?
HTML and CSS are languages used for creating and styling web pages.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used for creating the structure of a web page.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used for styling the elements on a web page.
HTML uses tags to define different elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and links.
CSS allows for customization of colors, fonts, layouts, and other visual aspects of a web page.
Both HTML and CSS are essential for web devel...read more
Q3. What is prop drilling?
Prop drilling is the process of passing down props from a parent component to nested child components, even if the intermediate components do not use the props.
Prop drilling can lead to unnecessary passing of props through multiple levels of components.
It can make the code harder to maintain and understand.
One way to avoid prop drilling is by using context API or state management libraries like Redux.
Example: Parent component passes a prop to Child component, which then passe...read more
Q4. What is Reconcilation?
Reconciliation is the process of comparing two sets of records to ensure they are in agreement.
Reconciliation involves verifying and adjusting financial transactions to ensure accuracy.
It is commonly used in accounting to match transactions in bank statements with internal records.
Reconciliation helps identify discrepancies and errors that need to be resolved.
Examples include reconciling credit card statements with receipts and reconciling inventory records with physical coun...read more
Q5. What is React JS?
React JS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
React JS is developed and maintained by Facebook.
It allows developers to create reusable UI components.
React uses a virtual DOM for better performance.
It follows a component-based architecture.
React can be used for building single-page applications.
Q6. Explain Redux and Context API
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Context API is a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually.
Redux is a state management library commonly used with React to manage application state in a predictable way.
Redux follows a unidirectional data flow pattern, where the state of the whole application is stored in a single store.
Actions are dispatched to update the state in Redux, and reducers specify how the state...read more
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