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Interview Questionnaire 

4 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself
  • Q2. Just a min on T20 cricket
  • Q3. Improving quality of education in India
  • Ans. 

    Improving quality of education in India

    • Investing in teacher training and development

    • Increasing access to technology and digital resources

    • Encouraging parental involvement in education

    • Promoting vocational education and skill development

    • Addressing the issue of inadequate infrastructure and resources

  • Answered by AI
  • Q4. Question on B. Tech project

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Reasoning / Analytical : there were many questions on venn diagram.. relationships.. cube problem... etc etc... VERBAL: questions on correction of sentences... jumbled sentences.. series... etc etc....
Total Questions: 60

College Name: NIT WARANGAL

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Resume based shortlisting initially.

Round: Interview
Experience: 3 rounds of interviews (15-20 minutes each)
 All topics were Metallurgy related
 Heat transfer, Phase diagrams (very basic Fe-C diagram), FEM-based technical questions, are concepts asked.
Tips: If they look interested in a particular aspect, pursue it, and drive the interview.
Be ready to be grilled on the things mentioned in your resume.
 For consulting companies alone (McKinsey and BCG), look at certain case studies. The book "Case in point", is a really good source.
 For most other core companies (like Reliance, Tata Steel, etc.), refreshing Iron and steel and Mechanical Metallurgy courses will help a lot.

College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Questionnaire 

5 Questions

  • Q1. Based on a situation
  • Q2. Write a .small C code
  • Ans. 

    A C code that prints out the elements of an array of strings.

    • Declare an array of strings

    • Use a loop to iterate through the array

    • Print out each element

  • Answered by AI
  • Q3. Simple puzzles about colored balls probability
  • Q4. What Is the probability of it raining today in Chennai?
  • Ans. 

    The probability of rain in Chennai today depends on various factors such as season, weather conditions, and location.

    • The probability can be estimated by analyzing the current weather patterns and historical data.

    • Factors such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed can affect the probability of rain.

    • Local weather forecasts and satellite imagery can also provide insights into the likelihood of rain.

    • The probability of ra...

  • Answered by AI
  • Q5. Find the probability that India will win the next Cricket World Cup
  • Ans. 

    It is impossible to accurately predict the probability of India winning the next Cricket World Cup.

    • Sports events are unpredictable and depend on various factors such as team performance, weather conditions, injuries, etc.

    • Past performance of the team and individual players can be considered, but it does not guarantee future success.

    • Other teams participating in the tournament also play a significant role in determining t...

  • Answered by AI

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Fifty people appeared for the test out of which sixteen were shortlisted.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: How would you promote a newly launched product? What marketing strategies would you use? They asked very simple case studies.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Test was based on data analysis, mainly maths. The interview was to see how much 'C' and probability you know.
Tips: Customized preparation is must along with good CGPA.

Skill Tips: Work details about your internship helps!
Skills: General knowledge, Technical knowledge
College Name: IIT Madras

Skills evaluated in this interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: CGPA + resume + online test - based shortlisting

Round: Test
Experience: Online Test:Quant, DI, verbal, and coding45 minutes coding + 15 minutes verbal + 30 minutes quant
Tips: Time constraint will be the major problem. CAT preparation would sufficeBrush up your coding skills- concentrate in either C or C++ or whichever language you're comfortable withE.g.: The coding question- Write a function to find if a number is palindromeBrush up through basic data structuresGraph theory and few sorting algorithms
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: (2 interviews, 20 minutes each)Resume- basedCoding skills and the approach towards the problem will also be tested
Tips: Be thorough with the work done in your internships and projects. Be ready to answer why you are interested in the company.Maintain your confidence level in the interviews. They also look for good communication skills, and even leadership, which is evident from the way you conduct yourself through the interview.Practice quant questions, prepare answers for all the basic HR questions.Coding, go through sorting algorithms, FOR, Graph theory.Digital IC design is very important courses. You should be through with this courses if you are interested in digital profile.

College Name: IIT Madras

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Deloitte selection procedure involves a written test which is
same as CAT format (certainly not that tough). Though I had not joined any test series to prepare for it, but I must strongly recommend that you should actually join a test series (provided by Career Launcher or
TIME). This test series will actually help you to synchronize your mind to the format and moreover it would help to refresh the question solving skills which you used to exercise while preparing for JEE.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: general topic is given (mostly it is as to how you would go for implementing a new type of technology in a company, and hence you all have to decide the stepwise procedure for the implementation), then whole of the group is called in presentation room where each one is told personally to speak about the same topic as that of GD. This constitutes
second round. Finally, if you clear it, you get to face the interviews.
Tips: From now onwards, start reading newspaper daily. Just give at least one hour reading the editorials from newspaper and make it your habit. Not only for GD's, but for life in general, its very important that you should have a certain view about things happening around you and in the world and newspapers are the best thing which help you form your views and also know about the expert opinions on day to day topics. So, make sure that you read newspaper daily.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: For interview, main thing is that you should be well conversed about everything you have mentioned on your resume. So, before you go for any interview, just make sure that you can speak about for 5 minutes on
every single thing in resume. Deloitte is a company which is open for all the btech students and hence its mainly looking for the students who have a right attitude and are good at their interests.
Tips: have a perfect set of communication skills. I had not done
any special type of preparations for the interview or group discussions but all these skills actually developed during these years. I would advise that in order to gain more confidence at speaking, you should start taking challenges from now on and should actively participate in any sort of debates and GD.

College Name: IIT Roorkee

N/A Interview Questions & Answers

HCLTech user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Other Interview
Experience: 1 round of 10 minutes duration.
Depends very much on what position they are trying to fill in and area of expertise of the interviewer(s). They asked me basic questions on Image Processing. Interview went decent

College Name: IIT MADRAS

Interview Questionnaire 

8 Questions

  • Q1. Tell me about yourself
  • Q2. Hobbies
  • Q3. Why it??? if u r from core
  • Q4. Prime number program
  • Q5. Fibonacci's program
  • Q6. Algorithm for the two program
  • Q7. Flowchart for the two program
  • Q8. Department questions such as equation to calculate thermal heat capacity. it will be twisted

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There will be 30 questions in each section and I would say standard of question was good
Tips: Time management is very important while solving questions. Your common scence and IQ is very important for solving questions specifically Quant's in cocubes. Don't panic
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: cocubes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: My favorite round. Very intellectual and exciting
Tips: Just say whatever relevant u know about the topic. Listen to others and give others time to speak don't interrupt others while they are saying something let him\her finish and then start. Don't speak too much just be appropriate
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Very comforting keep calm and rock it
Tips: This are the most asked questions so prepare some good answers for it

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Very stressful and frustrating section they just try to break you down but just don't keep calm and answer what you know
Tips: They may ask some puzzles also they asked me and the response time should be quick in that

General Tips: Be confident keep calm and be smart
Skill Tips: Just be confident keep your posture right and don't talk too much talk whatever is necessary and try to have a healthy interaction don't get frustrated
Skills: confidence , iq, presence of mind, bit programing skill for it
Motivation: This company has the best work culture

Interview Questions & Answers

Amazon user image Anonymous

posted on 21 Jan 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The written test was quite similar to the typical CAT pattern. It contained sections on Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Mathematics.

Round: Interview
Experience: There were 3 interview rounds:
There were 2 interviewers in the first interview, one was a technical guy and the other was from HR. They asked me a few
very simple puzzles, a few basic programming questions (swapping the value of two variables etc.), questions related to the development cycle of software products.  The HR guy asked stuff like what do you want to achieve in life? Strengths, weaknesses etc.
The second interview was resume based. He asked me about my thesis, internship, various projects, positions of responsibility etc. The third interview was the most important one (and I guess that was the deciding interview). The interviewer started with questions like why finance? Which companies are you sitting for? Then he gave me a case study: “As a banking organization, you have given house loans to a lot of customers. Given the current scenario, you have to profile the customers to which loans have been given based on the chances that they would pay back.” He started with this scenario and as I gradually started analyzing things and proposing models he kept on increasing the complexity saying you don’t have this data, you can’t make that assumption etc. Ultimately he narrowed down it down to a problem which was almost unsolvable. When I got stuck at that he told me that his idea was to just give me a taste of the toughness of problems they encounter in day-to-day business.

General Tips: After spending three or four years enjoying the IITK adventure, one suddenly feels a jolt when he/she arrives in the final year. You find yourself wondering at times, asking yourself the pertinent question, what next? And seriously, the best way to start preparing for placements, GRE, CAT or any other exam for that matter is answering this question honestly. Take a few minutes of your precious time and think what you want to do with your life? Where does your heart truly lie? I know it’s not that easy to decide on this but at least give this a good thought and prioritize your options. Make a list of them on paper if that helps. Once you are done with this, the real planning starts. Take each option one by one and do a truthful analysis of yourself from the perspective of that option. For e.g., say you have CAT as your first priority, and then analyze your strengths and weaknesses from CAT’s perspective. What all areas you need to improve on? How much time and effort would it take? How much time you have got left? By doing this exercise you will really get to know the work that needs to be done and will help you plan for the remaining time.

I am sure you would have heard it umpteen times but still I will repeat it to stress the point, take resume making seriously! A good resume would drive your interview in the direction you want it to go, a bad resume on the other hand might end the chances of you even getting interviewed! Start by trying to remember each and every achievement of your life and write it down. Spend a few days on this part till you are sure you have got almost everything. Now write it down properly in formal language in the form of a master resume. This would serve
as a repository of information for all your subsequent resumes. And on top of that, having a fresh memory of your achievements would help you in answering the questions in interviews (especially HR questions). Ideally you should have a separate resume for every company you sit for. The way to do this is make sector specific resumes and edit them accordingly for the different companies of that sector. For example, make a single resume for all the core CSE companies and then you can probably change the list of projects (or their order of appearance) targeting individual companies.

If you are serious about getting job in a company, you cannot afford to miss its pre placement talk. PPT is not only an opportunity to know about the company, but it also gives you the chance to know what the company is looking for. This will give you the basic idea around which you should structure your resume and preparation for that company.
Core Computer Science Companies: All the core CS companies first take a written test which contains questions on C/C++, may have JAVA, UNIX, Algorithms, Data Structures, basics of Operating Systems and Compilers, some questions on basic networking in case the company works in that field. Almost all the companies have a couple of questions in which you are required to write code on paper. Some companies also have a few questions on aptitude, simple maths or data interpretations. You can find the company specific details in the placement feedback guide. This is the major
shortlisting step for core companies, so you cannot take it lightly. You can start preparing by revising the relevant courses you did (like Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, and Compilers). Practice a few questions available in the various placement preparation guides on LAN. Most importantly, practice writing code on paper. This is something we are not used to and requires some practice. This not only will do you good in the written test, but also help you in the interviews.
Non Core Companies (Finance, Consulting, and Analytics):
The written tests of most of these companies are quite similar to CAT. So if you are not preparing for CAT, get hold of some CAT preparation material for practice. These tests are more speed based than knowledge, so practice is absolutely essential. Revising some basic mathematics (like probability, progressions etc.) would also do you good. Apart from that, you need to have some basic knowledge and understanding of the field the company works in. For example, if you are appearing for a finance company, learn the basic concepts and common terminologies of finance. The least it would do is show that you are sincerely interested in the field the company works in.
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Banking Interview Questions & Answers

ICICI Bank user image Anonymous

posted on 24 May 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

18 Questions

  • Q1. How would your friends describe you?
  • Q2. Are you a low/medium or high risk taker? Substantiate your stand
  • Q3. Are you are loner?
  • Q4. Are you an imaginative person?
  • Q5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Q6. What is your family background and what have you learned from it?
  • Q7. What profile are you looking for?
  • Q8. Why are you fit for investment banking and not corporate finance?
  • Q9. Why do I want to get into ICIC and what do I know about it-
  • Q10. Why ICICI?
  • Q11. What do you know about the company?
  • Q12. What interesting projects are there on your CV? Explain one of them?
  • Q13. Discussed in and out on valuation specific questions related to a project like what projections for Sales, growth Rate, S&A, how to calculate cost of capital?
  • Q14. What approach did you take?
  • Q15. What lines of businesses did you value and how?
  • Q16. What are other competitors doing and how are they growing?
  • Q17. If you are the CEO of the same company what measures will you take to make the company grow to the next level?
  • Q18. What is the difference between bank and private investor?

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Company was very impressed and wanted to make an offer but with a different profile in the interview itself but I was consistent on what I wanted and through strong negotiation finally convinced them that I am fit for Investment banking or global markets and hence that worked
Skills: Economics, Banking
College Name: NA

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There was an apititude test basically in line with CAT pattern. It was conducted online for about 45 min duration. The questions were rather simple but each question was time bound (around 45 sec or so).
Tips: As such I did not have any structured study plan. I did refresh some of my basics in mechanics and analysis. I was more inclined to get a job in aerospace division. Read as per your interest.
Duration: 45 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Initially, we are seated randomly in a circular manner and each one was given two minutes to describe the topic. It was followed by an tense debate where participants converged and diverged on different sets of issue. They were particularly looking for interpersonal skills and out of the box thinking.

Round: Interview
Experience: The interview was purely management type.More questions were thrown at team building, bio-data, why this company? , project, what you Can contribute for the firm?, where you see yourself in next 5 -10 years, ambitions, some amount of optimization tools and techniques, concluding remarks....Interpersonal skills and clarity in answering where mainly
IBM was a more relaxed interview, which basically dealt with management and interpersonal skills. Questions like “if one of our team mate is very stubborn, lazy, adamant, how will you tackle the situation” were asked.
Tips: College (B Tech) curricular activities, NTSC certificate, Math Olympiad certificate, all India quiz competition awards were noted and appreciated. That really was a booster. That helps in implanting an idea that you are not just blah blah blah.

Skill Tips: Be very sure about your mechanics, analysis and design. These three are the fundamentals.
I haven prepared for placements exclusively. Here were combined discussions. However, it really helps if you can revise and make your fundamentals were clear. The basic understanding should be there. An hour every day for two months will do the trick.
Be really choosy of the company you want to be in. Learn a lot more of the company and get an idea of what they are actually looking for. But still don’t freeze your mind to those realms alone.. Be open minded and cheerful. The first few questions will set the mood of the interview. If you are bale to crack that, then things will be really smooth. Really concentrate on your fundamentals, especially analysis and design.
Skills: Mechanics, Analysis , Design
College Name: IIT-Madras

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