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I was interviewed in Dec 2020.
Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
Hackerrank is a good paltform and very flexible, our webcam was turned on in order to prevent students from cheating
If we observe a little, we can clearly see that only those integers, which can be represented as a power of 2 have a single set bit in their binary equivalent, and rest either have 0 or more than 1 set bits. Now, we only have to work on the integers which are a power of 2. We will start from the LSB end or the rightmost bit, and check every bit one by one.
One basic approach is to explore all possible steps which can be climbed with either taking one step or two steps. So at every step, we have two options to climb the stairs either we can climb with one step, or we can climb with two steps. So the number of ways can be recursively defined as :
countDistinctWayToClimbStair ( currStep, N ) = countDistinctWayToClimbStair ( currStep+1, N ) + countDistinctWay...
Round duration - 40 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard
Round was conducted on zoom platform. There were 40 students there and then each one of them were assigned break-out rroms for interviews.
What are your future goals? Tell me about your short term and long-term goals.
What motivates you?
Tip 1 : try to be optimistic and answer all the questions in a positive manner
Tip 2 : answer these kind of questions with positive intent and try to look at the brighter side of any situation
Tip 3 : express yourself with honesty; your body language should look compatible with what you are speaking and trying to convey to the other person
Tip 1 : try to keep only those things in resume on which you have very good command and you should be able to answer all of the questions(upto moderate level) related to your technical skills
Tip 2 : mention your projects with brief description, try avoiding very high level description because some times reader might not be able to understand your work, keep it descriptive and understandable
Tip 1 : major team project is helpful
Tip 2 : list down only the related achievements with the role you are applying for
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 150 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This first round was the Online test which was 1 Hour 95 Minutes Long. It was Divided
as Follows.
1. Aptitude Section (Arithmetic + Analytical) 14 Questions – 26 Minutes
2. Technical MCQs( Computer Science) 14 Questions – 19 Minutes
3. Coding Question – 20 Minutes
4. Coding Question – 30 Minutes
5. Coding Questions :
The main idea is to use sorting the given array in reverse order and then check for the candidates for the water to be removed.
Generate all the possible sum combinations using two loops. Store the sum of all the sum combinations in an array/list and sort the array/list in descending order.
Finally, return the ‘K’ max sub-combinations from that array/list.
The Steps are as follows :
Round duration - 150 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This was an Online F2F Technical Round conducted on CodePair : Hackerrank. So, Basically You have to Run and Submit ( Pass All Test cases) in the Interview Round also (Like normal Coding Test) in Codepair: Hackerrank & along with that You should have to explain your Code and Approach to the Interviewers.
Round duration - 150 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This was also an Online F2F Technical Round conducted on Codepair : Hackerrank.
Dynamic Programming Based Not So Easy Level:
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
Dynamic Programming Based Not So Medium Level
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
Dynamic Programming Based Hard Level
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
They asked me a Lot of Questions like:
How did you arrive at this Solution ?
Why is this Approach Right ?
Can You do this in Better time & space complexities ? (Although I have done in Best time Complexity but they asked this to check my confidence level on my codes).
A lot of Variants based on Constraints.
The main idea is to use recursion to reduce the big problem into several smaller subproblems.
This problem can be solved by solving its subproblems and then combining the solutions of the solved subproblems to solve the original problem. We will do this using recursion.
Basically, we have to buy the stock at the minimum possible price and sell at the maximum possible price, keeping in mind that we have to sell the stock before buying it again.
Below is the detailed algorithm:
Tip 1 : Solve atleast 300 coding questions.
Tip 2 : Have some good projects on resume.
Tip 3 : Be truthful.
Tip 1 : Have 2 or 3 good projects.
Tip 2 : Don't lie on your resume.
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 80 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy
This round was scheduled in the evening hours around 7pm at Hackerrank platform and all the participants were required to fill a form which was shared 2 days prior to the test date. This form was filled out probably for the security reasons and to ensure that no one disinterested participant gives the test.
Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard
This round was conducted on Zoom platform. I was shared the invitation link one day prior to the interview and also was told the name of my interviewer. I looked at the profile of the interviewer at and got a better understanding of what kind of person he was and prepared accordingly. The round was scheduled at 3 :00 pm on 20th August and I was eagerly waiting for the clock hands to reach 3 o'clock since morning and finally I went in front of him after wearing a white shirt and a black coat over it along with a tie over it.
Run two loops. In the outer loop, take all windows of size ‘K’.
In the inner loop, get the first negative integer of the current window.
Space Complexity: O(1)Explanation:O(1).
As we are not using an auxiliary space to store data. Hence, the Space complexity is O(1).
Time Complexity: OtherExplanation:O(N*K), where ‘N’ is the size of the array and ‘K’ is the size of each window.
There are...
There are 2 jugs with 4 litres and 5 litres of water respectively. The objective is to pour exactly 7 litres of water in a bucket. How can it be accomplished?
Tip 1 : Practice all DSA questions from interview bit
Tip 2 : Do Atleast 3 project one should be major, if it's in web dev it would be beneficial.
Tip 3 : Should be good in communication skills
Tip 1 : resume should be short and descriptive
Tip 2 : mention all the important projects that you have worked on
Tip 3 : better if resume is enclosed in single page
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard
This was a pure coding round consisting of three questions where time allotted for one easy question was 15 minutes while the other two questions were to solved in 30 minutes each.
total time = 15+30+30= 75 minutes
The only line of input contains a single integer N.
The only line of...
We are using constant extra space.
Time Complexity: O(logn)Explanation:O(log(N)), where ‘N’ is the given integer.
Since we are iterating through each bit of binary representation of the ...
The idea is to find strictly increasing subsequences for all the elements of the array once including the elements in the sequence and once excluding it. In order to do this, we use a recursive function, 'LIS_HELPER' which returns the length of LIS possible from the current element (maximum of the lengths of subsequences once including the current element and once excluding it).
Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard
There were 2 interviewers and the round was carried out on code pair platform of HackerRank
There can be four cases :
Tip 1 : Single page resume but brief
Tip 2 : Major team product is must
Tip 3 : Regular coding practice on GFG, Leetcode and coding ninjas type platforms
Tip 1 : Consists the brief of your skill set
Tip 2 : Github link of projects should be provided
Tip 3 : Mention clearly if you have done a team project
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
2 coding questions
The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then th...
Maintain three pointers next, curr, previous and at every stage make prev=curr, curr=next and next=next->next
At the end when null occurs, make curr as head and return head
Round duration - 45 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
Maintain three pointers next, curr, previous and at every stage make prev=curr, curr=next and next=next->next
At the end when null occurs, make curr as head and return head
Tip 1 : Practice more.
Tip 2 : Solve questions on Coding ninjas and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Make good projects.
Tip 1 : Keep it short.
Tip 2 : Mention your projects in brief.
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Hard
It was a coding round on Hackerrank.
Keep the maximum and minimum range of values that are possible for each and every node and keep on recursively calling the same function for the children of current node, if it's not satisfying at any point, return false
The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then th...
Maintain three pointers next, curr, previous and at every stage make prev=curr, curr=next and next=next->next
At the end when null occurs, make curr as head and return head
Tip 1 : Practice on gfg
Tip 2 : Compete on codechef
Tip 3 : Learn DSA
Tip 1 : Mention all projects
Tip 2 : Don't write anything that you don't know
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 90 minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
It was conducted in the evening at around 7:00 p.m.
The hackerrank environment is clearly the best for conducting coding exams as it provides a decent interface for debugging and testing purposes.
There were 3 questions- 1 of easy level and 2 of medium level.
This problem can be solved by solving its subproblems and then combining the solutions of the solved subproblems to solve the original problem. We will do this using recursion. We will keep track of the next ball we want to add in the line. Initially, we have three options, to begin with. We can start by adding A or B or C. After that, at each step, we have two options. We can find the number of ways to make t...
1. It was a variation of a direct standard problem so I solved it on the go though it was of medium level.
2. The exact approach I applied is given in the link given in the problem statement.
Round duration - 60 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy
The round was conducted on CodePair platform which provides a IDE along with a video call for interviews.
There were 2 interviewers and both were friendly.
I was first asked about the various subjects I have studied in my curriculum. Then I was asked about my favourite programming language to which I answered Python.
After this, they asked various confusing questions based on function calling, argument passing and pass by object reference concept in Python.
Then they asked about the implementation of dictionary in Python and wanted me to design one with the help of lists(arrays) and optimize its search, add and delete operations. (Could be done with hashing and probing).
Then they asked questions from subjects like Computer Architecture and Theory of Computation (Basic questions were asked so you should just remember the key topics in the subject).
Assume that the Indexing fo...
1. Firstly I asked the interviewer if there was any other node reference given in the linked list.
2. Then I asked if it was a singly or doubly linked list.
3. After that, I was stuck as I was attempting to delete the node memory from the linked list but on expressing my problem the interviewer guided me that I should just delete the data in that node.
4. Then I instantly replied with an algorithm to swap the data of the ...
Tip 1 : For an intern position in any big company, the most important thing is practicing data structures. Solve as many questions as you can on platforms like Coding Ninjas. First start picking up questions topic-wise and once you gain a decent confidence in every topic, start hitting harder questions randomly on various platforms. (Practice a minimum of 300 questions).
Tip 2 : If you are stuck at solving any question, instead of looking up for a code solution try to read discussions and see various approaches people are applying. This will surely make you prepared for the way in which the interviews are designed. Always keep a clock ticking while solving a problem as spending too much time while practicing surely makes you slow in the Online Tests and Interviews.
Tip 3 : Again specifically for internship preparation, focus mainly on the subjects that have been taught to you till now. As in many colleges Database Management, Operating Systems and Computer Networks are not taught till the 4th semester so you could easily focus on subjects in your curriculum. OOPS concepts are very important!
Tip 1 : In On-Campus internship drives it is generally not required to have a very charming resume with a load of projects as the companies understand the candidate as a 4th semester student.
Tip 2 : But still if there is even a single decent project genuinely build by the student then it is more than sufficient.
I was interviewed before Sep 2020.
Round duration - 75 minutes
Round difficulty - Easy
Smooth platform of Hackerrank.
Nice user interface.
The given linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4-> NULL. Then th...
The brute force approach is to use recursion. First, we reach the end of the Linked List recursively and at last node, we return the last node, which becomes the new head of the partially reversed Linked List. While coming back from each recursion call we add the current node in the current recursion call to the last node of the partially reversed Linked List and assign the current node to null.
Tip 1 : Do at-least 2 projects.
Tip 2 : Practice on coding ninjas.
Tip 1 : Mention if you have any experience in past.
Tip 2 : Put your competitive profiles URL.
I was interviewed before Apr 2021.
Round duration - 90 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
This round had 3 coding questions to be solved under 90 minutes. I found the questions to be of Easy to Medium level of difficulty and anyone who has practised enough from LeetCode or CodeStudio would be able to pass this round.
Approach :
Our intuition is : How can we reach “currStep” step in taking one step or two steps:
1) We can take the one-step from (currStep-1)th step or,
2) We can take the two steps from (currStep-2)th step.
So the total number of ways to reach “currStep” will be the sum of the total number of ways to reach at (currStep-1)th and the total number of ways to reach (currStep-2)th step.
Let dp[currStep] define the total n...
Approach :
1) Sort the array(waters array) in descending order.
2) Assuming every bucket as a candidate finds the minimum amount of water needs to be removed. The result will be a minimum amount of water, among that.
3) Every bucket which is on the left of the current bucket has more water than a current bucket, and every bucket which is on the right of the current bucket has less water than an existing bucket.
4) Fo...
The only line of input contains a single integer N.
The only line of...
Approach :
1) Here we are converting the number into binary, and during the conversion, we are checking the remainder part.
2) If it is 1, then we increment the value of count by 1.
TC : O(log(N)), where N = given integer
SC : O(1)
Round duration - 60 Minutes
Round difficulty - Medium
In this round, the interviewer asked me 2 coding questions in which I was expected to first explain my approach with proper complexity analysis and then code up the solution. These questions were then followed by 2 puzzles to check my overall aptitude.
Approach :
1) Create an array (say, ‘CANDIES’) to store candies for each student and initialise it with 1.
2) Run a loop from 1 to ‘N’ (say, iterator ‘i’), if ‘STUDENTS’[i] is less than ‘STUDENTS’[i - 1] :
Update ‘CANDIES’[i] to ‘CANDIES’[i] + ‘CANDIES’[i - 1]
3) Run a loop from ‘N’ - 2 to 0 (say, iterator ‘i’), if ‘STUDENTS’[i] is greater than ‘STUDENTS’[i + 1] and ‘CANDIES’[i] is smaller than ‘CANDIES’[i + 1] + 1:
Approach (Using Inorder Traversal) :
1) If an inorder traversal is performed on a binary search tree, then the elements are in ascending order.
2) While performing the traversal, keep track of the previous node and the current node.
3) If the previous node is greater than the current node, then the binary tree is definitely not a binary search tree.
4) For all nodes, if the previous node is smaller than the current n...
Two wire burning puzzle.
If we light a stick, it takes 60 minutes to burn completely. What if we light the stick from both sides? It will take exactly
half the original time, i.e. 30 minutes to burn completely.
1) 0 minutes – Light stick 1 on both sides and stick 2 on one side.
2) 30 minutes – Stick 1 will be burnt out. Light the other end of stick 2.
3) 45 minutes – Stick 2 will be burnt out. Thus 45 minutes is completely measured.
Mislabeled Jars :
There are 3 jars, namely, A, B, C. All of them are mislabeled. Following are the labels of each of the jars:
A: Candies
B: Sweets
C: Candies and Sweets (mixed in a random proportion)
Answer : 1 pick of an eatable is required to correctly label the Jars.
Approach :
1) Pick only one eatable from jar C. Suppose the eatable is a candy, then the jar C contains candies only(because all
the jars were mislabeled).
2) Now, since the jar C has candies only, Jar B can contain sweets or mixture. But, jar B can contain only the mixture
because its label reads “sweets” which is wrong.
3) Therefore, Jar A contains swee...
Round duration - 30 Minutes
Round difficulty - Easy
This was a Technical Cum HR round where I was first asked some basic SQL related concepts and then we discussed
about my expectations from the company , learnings and growth in the forthcomig years. I would suggest be honest and
try to communicate your thoughts properly in these type of rounds to maximise your chances of getting selected.
Why should we hire you ?
What are your expectations from the company?
How was your overall interview experience?
What are your strengths and weakness according to you?
Where do you see yourse...
Tip 1 : The cross questioning can go intense some time, think before you speak.
Tip 2 : Be open minded and answer whatever you are thinking, in these rounds I feel it is important to have opinion.
Tip 3 : Context of questions can be switched, pay attention to the details. It is okay to ask questions in these round,
like what are the projects currently the company is investing, which team you are mentoring. How all is the ...
Tip 1 : Must do Previously asked Interview as well as Online Test Questions.
Tip 2 : Go through all the previous interview experiences from Codestudio and Leetcode.
Tip 3 : Do at-least 2 good projects and you must know every bit of them.
Tip 1 : Have at-least 2 good projects explained in short with all important points covered.
Tip 2 : Every skill must be mentioned.
Tip 3 : Focus on skills, projects and experiences more.
Senior Associate
| ₹2.7 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr |
Software Engineer
| ₹4.8 L/yr - ₹13.9 L/yr |
Senior Software Engineer
| ₹12.5 L/yr - ₹18.5 L/yr |
Process Associate
| ₹2.7 L/yr - ₹3.2 L/yr |
Senior Process Associate
| ₹3.5 L/yr - ₹5.1 L/yr |