Extio Technology and Consulting LLP
Indiamart Intermesh Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. how you create a spring boot application?
To create a Spring Boot application, you can use Spring Initializr to generate a project with necessary dependencies and configurations.
Go to https://start.spring.io/
Select the project metadata like group, artifact, dependencies, etc.
Click on 'Generate' to download the project zip file.
Extract the zip file and import the project into your IDE.
Start coding your Spring Boot application.
Q2. what is spring boot dependency management?
Spring Boot dependency management is a feature that simplifies managing dependencies in a Spring Boot project.
Spring Boot uses Maven or Gradle for dependency management
Dependencies are declared in the pom.xml file for Maven or build.gradle file for Gradle
Spring Boot provides a 'starter' dependencies that include commonly used libraries and frameworks
Version conflicts are resolved automatically by Spring Boot
Q3. what is functional interfaces in java 8?
Functional interfaces in Java 8 are interfaces with only one abstract method, used for lambda expressions.
Functional interfaces can have multiple default or static methods, but only one abstract method.
They are used for lambda expressions and method references.
Examples include Runnable, Callable, Comparator, etc.
Q4. what is default method in java 8?
Default method in Java 8 allows interfaces to have method implementations.
Introduced in Java 8 to provide backward compatibility for interfaces
Default methods can be overridden by implementing classes
Used to add new methods to interfaces without breaking existing implementations
Q5. what is @RestController annotation
Annotation used in Spring framework to indicate that a class is a RESTful controller
Used in Spring framework to define RESTful web services
Eliminates the need for annotating every method with @ResponseBody
Combines @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations
Q6. what is lambda expression?
Lambda expression is a concise way to represent an anonymous function in programming languages.
Lambda expressions are used to create functions without a name.
They are often used in functional programming languages like Python and Java.
Lambda expressions can be passed as arguments to higher-order functions.
They are commonly used for short, one-off functions.
Example: (x) => x * x is a lambda expression that squares a number.