Ernst & Young
20+ Team Fire 64 Interview Questions and Answers
You are given an array ‘ARR’ of size ‘N’ containing each number between 1 and ‘N’ - 1 at least once. There is a single integer value that is present in the array twice. Your task is to find more
Pre-requisites: Anagrams are defined as words or names that can be formed by rearranging letters of another word. Such as "spar" can be formed by rearranging letters of "rasp". Hence, "spar" and " more
What is the difference between the interrupted() and isInterrupted() method in Java?
What do you understand by auto wiring and name the different modes of it?
How is an abstract class different from an interface?
Why Java is platform independent and JVM platform dependent?
What does the @SpringBootApplication annotation do internally?
How many bean scopes are supported by Spring?
What are the concurrency strategies available in hibernate?
What issues are generally solved by spring clouds?
Explain the use of final keyword in variable, method and class.
Explain SOLID principles in Object Oriented Design.
Q13. SSRS reports - Why temp tables are used and not regular tables?
Temp tables are used in SSRS reports for performance optimization and to reduce resource consumption.
Temp tables are used to store intermediate results during report generation, reducing the need to repeatedly query the database.
Regular tables can lead to locking and contention issues in multi-user environments, while temp tables are session-specific and do not cause conflicts.
Temp tables can be indexed and optimized for specific report queries, improving overall more
Explain the Singleton pattern?
Tell us something about JIT compiler.
Explain @RestController annotation in Sprint boot.
Explain Spring Actuator and its advantages.
Explain the working of Microservice Architecture.
CTC discussion
What is Abstraction?
Explain thread pool?
Q23. How memory is managed in python?
Python uses automatic memory management through garbage collection.
Python uses reference counting to keep track of memory usage.
When an object's reference count reaches zero, it is deleted.
Python also uses a garbage collector to clean up circular references.
Memory allocation is handled by the Python memory manager.
Python provides tools like sys.getsizeof() to monitor memory usage.
Q24. Technology used
Various technologies including Java, Python, SQL, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, etc.
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