Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

Roorkee, Uttarakhand

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee Placement Interview Questions

Updated 17 Dec 2024

309 interviews found

user image Ashutosh Kumar

posted on 21 Oct 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was time intensive test. Questions were easy ranging from Quant, English and Logical Reasoning.

Tips: It was easy just stick to the time limit.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 60

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: It was simple.
Tips: Just be confident while answering and try to show some logical reasoning skills

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 1) Tell me about yourself.
2) Why Evalueserve and not core engineering ?
3) Any issue in working in Gurgaon ?
4) Any questions for us ?
Tips: Try to show the interest in company. Learn about various verticals of the company. Basically they were looking for "Employee-Company FIT". Connect yourself with the companies work. Don't ask for any other location other than Gurgaon.
Just be confident and you will nail it.

Skills: Proficiency In English, Speed And Accuracy In Aptitude, Confidence, Logical Reasoning
College Name: IIT Roorkee
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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Tree questions related like traversal?
  • Q2. Locate the sum of 2 numbers in a linear array (Unsorted and sorted) and their complexities
  • Q3. Pointers with increment/decrement, address of and value at operators (++,–,*,&)
  • Q4. A point and a rectangle is present with the given coordinates. How will you determine whether the point is inside or outside the rectangle?
  • Q5. There is a point inside the rectangle. How will you determine the line that passes through the point and divides the rectangle into 2 equal halves?
  • Q6. There is a scheme which contains 8-bit and 16-bit signed numbers. How many such combinations are possible?
  • Q7. You are given an array of elements. Some/all of them are duplicates. Find them in 0(n) time and 0(1) space. Property of inputs – Number are in the range of more
  • Q8. Given a array of digits. print all combination of of these i.e all no formed by these. repetition allowed. and then repetition not allowed example: i/p: arr={1, more
  • Q9. Questions on project

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 3

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR interview was all about my projects, my background and a few more typical HR questions. It was pretty easy to answer them.

Skills: Algorithm, Data structure, C++
College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image sheetabha bajpayee

posted on 9 Apr 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Questions were pretty basic from Mechanics of Solids, Hydraulics, Internal Combustion Engines, Production Engineering and last section was of aptitude & English.
Tips: Read from books like Gere for MOS, Ganesan for ICE & keep preparing for basic aptitude right from the beginning of 7th semester (3rd semester for PG guys). Hydraulics is also quite important.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Premier research and development company in India as well as in world in the field of Diesel and natural gas engines. Hence, it is dream company for any mechanical engineering graduate interested in technical domain.
Funny Moments: At the end of interview, panel members said "You are too cool a guy to hang out with."
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7 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: have some practical experience of designing softwares

Round: Test
Tips: objective questions related to civil engineering

Round: Group Discussion
Tips: be aware of latest happenings in political , social, sports sector

Round: Group Activity
Experience: group activity wasnt there

General Tips: be aware of latest design codes and procedures
Skill Tips: be confident
Skills: communication skills, technical skills
College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: i have passion for designing structures
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user image sheetabha bajpayee

posted on 30 Mar 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was divided into four sections of 10 questions each. First three were technical based on Mechanics of Materials, Hydraulics, Theory of Machines, Internal Combustion Engines and Production Engineering. Last sections was of aptitude and English. Questions were pretty basic and easy to do if you have concepts.
Tips: Read some good basic text books for above topics, not exhaustively but basic stuffs, for example, Knocking in engines, stress and strain etc.
Duration: 1 hour minute
Total Questions: 40

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The company didn’t have any resume based selection. The criterion for applying was that the student should have a CGPA greater than 7.

Round: Test
Experience: There was a written test which had questions related to the core engineering area. After the written test there were two rounds of interviews.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the interview they asked me questions about the following topics:Backtracking, Related to Computer Networks (ipv4 v/s ipv6), Http v/s Https, Algorithm and database for T9 predictive text in mobile phones.
Finally when they were sure about my technical skills they asked me HR related questions. These were whether I was fine with the package and the place of assignment which was Bangalore. Also they inquired about my family background to ascertain my values and whether I will stick with the company in the long run or not.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I prepared a single resume but changed my areas of interest while applying in different companies. For instance while applying in Samsung Electronics I wrote about my strengths in data structures and various programming languages. I had a long list of extra-curricular activities under my belt; I made sure to select a handful of relevant activities and mentioned them in my resume.

Round: Test
Experience: I had prepared for the CAT examination, for this I had joined a coaching class where we were given extensive practice of aptitude related questions which helped me a lot for the written tests.
First round was the written test. There were two tests, one was the aptitude test and the other was programming test. The former was simple, but the later was a little difficult. The programming test was based completely on C programming language. The questions asked were mainly from classes, objects and functions. In some of the questions they had given a complete code and we had to predict the output. The test was of half an hour duration. There were no questions on data structures and we were clearly told at the beginning of the test that knowledge of data structures is not must, but possessing the same could be beneficial in one’s bid to get a job in the company.
The aptitude test paper was easy and was divided into two sections, data interpretation and logical reasoning. There were 50 questions to be answered in 50 minutes.
Since the profile was open only for CS, EE and EC students there were not many students who appeared for the test. Around 60 to 70 students appeared for the test and 15 to 16 qualified for the next round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: For the preparation of HR interviews I collected a set of questions and prepared my answers to them. I collected these questions from the internet. A few more questions on the same lines were also asked. While framing answers to these questions I added certain experiences of my life to add a personal touch.The questions asked in the interview were mainly technical. One of the interviewers asked me to explain the principles of C programming. He asked to write down the complete code of a string related problem and then asked me to do the same using classes. One more question that I vaguely remember being asked was about swapping of digits.
They next asked me a puzzle. In the puzzle I was asked to divide a rectangle into 9 equal pieces.
They also enquired whether I had designed any software or done any work in networking sector. I replied with a no, but I did tell them that I had studied DSP.
They did not ask me a lot of HR questions, but they did enquire about my family background. They also asked me whether I’d be ok if I were to be posted in Bangalore.
Tips: Before the interview we were given an HR form, in the form there was question in which we had to specify the technologies that we were interested in. Make sure that you answer this question with complete honesty because they do ask you questions based on this.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Samsung came to our campus with numerous profile. This profile basically required knowledge of basic electronics. They were up for people who had done something related to electronics which would be a project or a robotics event.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I used only one resume for different companies, however I altered my areas of interests to make them compatible with the profile on offer, for instance while applying for profiles related to programming/ITeS I mentioned my areas of interests as C++ and data structures, whereas in core companies I mentioned my areas of interests as machining and power systems.

Round: Test
Experience: The company had a minimum CGPA cut-off of 7.0. However since not many people applied initially, they relaxed their minimum cut-off and allowed people even with CGPA less than 7.0 to participate in the recruitment process.
The first round was the written test. There were two tests altogether. The first test was the aptitude test in which there were 50 questions asked and the time allotted was one hour. The second test had questions on programming and algorithms. The duration of this test was 30 minutes and 20 questions were asked.
The programming test was pretty simple. In the test we were given the coded algorithms of some programs and we had to guess the output the code would yield. The topics covered in this test were pointers, arrays and functions. They did not stress much upon classes and inheritance.
The other test was the aptitude test. Since I had prepared for the CAT exam (MBA entrance test for the IIM’s) I managed to solve the questions given with relative ease. The questions asked were mainly from logical reasoning and data interpretation sections and I found the questions simpler as compared to CAT. Such questions can be easily found in any of the CAT preparation books. Around 60 people appeared for the test out of which 14 were shortlisted for the next round. For the written tests there were sectional cut-offs, i.e. a student wanting to get shortlisted for the next round had to surpass the cut-off marks set for each section.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The next round was the personal interview round. They began by asking whether I had studied digital signal processing. I replied negatively since I did not prepare for the topic. They paid heed to my reply and started asking me questions on data structures. They asked me some basic questions like ‘How to prepare a link list using arrays?’, ‘What are the different types of sorting algorithms and which is most efficient amongst them considering the time factor?’ and they likes. They then picked some points from my resume and asked me questions based on that, they enquired about my internships and projects. They did not ask many HR questions, the only question I remember being asked was ‘Being an electrical graduate why don’t you want to pursue a job in your core sector of study? Why do you want to enter into the IT/ITeS sector? 8 students were shortlisted for the final interview round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The company conducted one more interview. This interview was mainly conducted to carry out a casual background check. They first asked me to fill a form in which I was asked to write about my parent’s jobs. They also enquired about my siblings and about their educational background. They asked me questions like ‘How were your last 4 years in the institute?’ The interview lasted only five minutes. The company eventually recruited 7 students.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Samsung came to our campus with various profiles. I knew nothing about it and hence attending the pre-placement talk helped a lot.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I had a standard resume for this company as per our Institute placement cell norms. I had mentioned all my achievements, academic and extracurricular, in my resume.I did have different resumes for different companies. For core electrical engineering companies, I had mentioned the relevant subject(s) of electrical engineering as my area of interest. For software companies, I did make it a point to mention all software/codes that I had developed. For consulting sector and other companies, I had mentioned Database Management System and other relevant courses in my resume.

Round: Test
Experience: The first round of selection process was a one and a half hour written test. In the written test, the first section consisted of analytical and reasoning based aptitude based questions. The second part of the written test consisted of objective questions based on C++ and C.
For aptitude based tests, I didn’t prepare anything in specific. For programming based tests, I did revise concepts of Data Structures and C++. I did go through some basic concepts of Java as well. I referred to a book by Sartaj Sahni to prepare for Data Structures. For C++, one can refer to any course book.
Tips: Many companies go for a general quantitative/logical aptitude based test for short listing candidates for subsequent rounds. Practice as many such questions as you can so that you are at ease while attempting questions during such written tests.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: After the written test, the short listed candidates were required to appear for an interview.
In the first interview round I was asked questions related to Data Structures and C++. Some questions related to Java were also asked.
Some of the questions asked were:
If you have a circulating linked list, how would you find the last node in it?Give an algorithm to reverse a number bitwise.If we have a binary tree, then how would you match it with another tree – whether the two are same or similar?This first interview round was followed by an HR interview round. However in my case, a lot of technical questions (related to programming) were also asked during this round. Even though the job profile was that of a Software engineer, I was asked questions from almost all the subjects that I had studied in college. Questions were asked from Thermodynamics, Databases etc.  I guess the interviewer was trying to put me under stress by asking a lot of technical questions, related or unrelated.
I didn’t prepare much for interviews. After appearing for a couple of interviews, I did get an idea about how to answer typical questions, what to say and what not to say in an interview.
Tips: It is important to be truthful during an interview. If you do not know any particular answer, be confident in telling the interviewer the same, instead of making wild attempts at answering that question. Almost certainly, you would leave a bad impression on the interviewer’s mind if you do not know the answer and take random shots at it, instead of telling the truth.

General Tips: Be sure about the company you want to apply for. If you want to go for a job in one of the core electrical engineering companies, then instead of studying Data Structures or C++, revise the important/relevant topics from electrical engineering.
College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: I did attend the company’s pre-placement talk. Also I did go through their website. I used to ask my seniors as well as my batch mates if they had any idea about the company or the job profile being offered.
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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Mar 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: The resume should not exceed two pages according to placement norms so I had to make sure that I write down all my extra-curricular and my academic achievements in a compact manner to ensure that all of them fit in my resume. There were 11 extra-curricular activities that I managed to pen down. I used only one resume in all the companies only changed my areas of interest to make them compatible with the profile on offer. I also mentioned about my projects and internships.
Tips: A person may have diverse areas of interest but he has to ensure that not all should be mentioned in any company. Only a select few areas of interest, which are simpatico with the profile, have to be mentioned in the resume. You cannot mention structural engineering as an area of interest in while applying in a company like Oracle.

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: I felt the interview was a stress interview. The questions asked in the interviews were:
Which is the one moment of your life that you would never like to be reminded of?What is that part of your life that you would want to permanently discard?The focus was mainly on to test the confidence of the person under pressure situation and not his technical knowledge.
The interviewers also asked me to speak what I knew about Schlumberger. This is where I believe I made a terrible blunder. Firstly, Schlumberger had come to the campus to recruit on the very first day of the recruitment season hence there was not a lot of time left for company research and secondly, I did not believe that my resume could get shortlisted in the very first place, thus I did not find it necessary to do the company research.

College Name: IIT ROORKEE
Motivation: Schlumberger recruits mainly for the post of Field Engineer. They require people who have worked in a team and have very good communication skills. They want people with dynamic personalities and those who can easily adjust in any environment. Also the profile required the Field Engineer to be on rigs and off shore for most periods.Schlumberger shortlisted certain candidates. This process was carried out based on the resume. I don’t know the criteria on which the shortlist was prepared; CGPA certainly wasn’t the sole criterion considering that I had average CGPA but still made it to the shortlist.
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