C# Programming Questions and Answers
Correct syntax for while statement is:
Answer: Option (C)
Select the output for the following set of Code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
float i = 1.0f, j = 0.05f;
while(i < 2.0f && j <= 2.0f)
for while(i = 1.0f and j = 0.05f). We, had ‘&&’ condition which gives ‘1’. So, control enters while loop. Since, i = 1 and i++ = first execute then increment. So, first with ‘i’ value as 1.0f and ++j = first increment and then executes we had j = 1.05f and Since operation (i++ – ++j) gives us a negative sign number. So, we can stick our choice to option ‘c’ clearly. Now, as i = 2.0f so loop breaks.
Select the output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int i =1, j =1;
while(++i <=10)
Console.WriteLine(i+" "+j);
As ++i, first increments then execute so, for ++i i is 11 and j++ is first execute then increments. So, j = 10.
Output:11 10.
Select the output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
float s = 0.1f;
while(s <= 0.5f)
for the first while condition check when s = 0. If it is true as control goes inside loop ++s increments value of s by 1 as 1+0.1 = 1.1. So, for next condition while loop fails and hence, prints final value of s as 1.1.
Output: 1.1
’Implicit Conversion’ follows the order of conversion as per compatibility of datatype as :
Answer: Option B
What is the need for ‘Conversion of data type’ in C#?
Answer: Option (C)
Types of ‘Data Conversion’ in C#?
Answer: Option (B)
Subset of ‘int’ datatype is :
Answer: Option (C)
For the given set of code, is conversion possible?
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =76;
char b;
b =(char)a;
Since, given conversion is of explicit type as one datatype is in integer and other is in ‘char’.Compiler is needed to make a clear distinction between both type of datatypes and hence,explicitly one need to specify datatype as compiler is unable to make automatic conversion.
Output : L.
Which of the conversions are valid for the given set of code?
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =22;
long b =44;
double c =1.406;
b = a;
c= a;
a= b;
b = c;
Explanation:Conversion of data type from ‘int’ to ‘double’ is implicit in nature for ‘c = a’ as int is subset of double but same is not applicable for ‘b = c’ as ‘c’ had wider scope of data range then ‘b’ so explicit conversion is needed. Same explanation for option ‘b’.
Output :
Error 1 :Cannot implicitly convert type ‘long’ to ‘int’. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?).
Error 2 :Cannot implicitly convert type ‘double’ to ‘long’. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
Correct solution :
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 22;
long b = 44;
double c = 1.406;
b = a;
c = a;
a = (int)b;
b = (long)c;