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C# Programming
A preprocessor is a program
(A)That processes its input data to produce output that is used as input to another program
(B)That is nothing but a loader
(C)That links various source files
(D)All of the mentioned
What is the output of the following set of code ?
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int i, j;
int[, ] arr =newint[3, 3];
for(i =0; i <3;++i)
for(j =0; j <3;++j)
arr[i, j]= i *2+ i *2;
Console.WriteLine(arr[i, j]);
0,0,0 4,4,4 8,8,8
4,4,4 8,8,8 12,12,12
8,8,8 12,12,12 16,16,16
0,0,0 1,1,1, 2,2,2
Since,with each value of of ‘i’ the value of ‘j’ is executed three times i.e for i = 0, j = 0, 0, 0, i = 1, j = 2, 2, 2. Output: 0, 0, 0 4, 4, 4 8, 8, 8.
What is the output for the following set of code ?
double a =345.09;
byte c =(byte) a;
Type casting a larger variable into a smaller variable results in modules of larger variable by range of smaller variable. a is ‘345.09’ which is larger than byte’s range i:e -128 to 127. Output : 89.
Which is the correct way of defining and initializing an array of 3 integers?
int[] a={78, 9, 54};
int[] a; a = new int[3]; a[1] = 78; a[2] = 9; a[3] = 54;
int[] a; a = new int{78, 9, 54};
int[] a; a = new int[3]{78, 9, 54};
Answer: Option (A) and Option (D)
What is the output for the following set of code?
char A ='K';
char B = Convert.ToChar(76);
Console.WriteLine(A+" "+B);
“++” increments the value of character by 1. A and B are given values K and 76, when we use increment operator their values increments by 1, A and B becomes L and M. Output: L, M.
Choose selective differences between an array in c# and array in other programming languages.
Declaring array in C# the square bracket([]) comes after the type but not after identifier
It is not necessary to declare size of an array with its type
No difference between declaration of array in c# as well as as in other programming languages
All of the above mentioned
1. When declaring an array in C#, the square brackets ([]) come after the type, not the identifier.Brackets after the identifier is not legal syntax in C#. example : int[] IntegerArray; 2. The size of the array is not part of its type as it is in the C language. This allows to declare an array and assign any array of int objects to it, regardless of the array’s length. int[] IntegerArray; IntegerArray = new int[10]; IntegerArray = new int[50];
Difference between keywords 'var' and 'dynamic' is:
‘Var’ is introduced in C# (3.0) and ‘Dynamic’ is introduced in C# (4.0)
‘Var’ is a type of variable where declaration is done at compile time by compiler while ‘Dynamic’ declaration is achieved at runtime by compiler
For ‘Var’ Error is caught at compile time and for ‘Dynamic’ Error is caught at runtime
For ‘Var’ datatype the code as : var obj1 = 1; and var obj1=”I am a string” will also compile safely.For ‘Dynamic’ datatype the code as: dynamic obj1 =1; and dynamic obj1 = “I am a string” will create an error
Answer: Option (A), (B) and (C)
Select output of the given set of Code :
String name ="Dr.Gupta";
Console.WriteLine("Good Morning"+ name);
Good Morning
Good Morning Dr.Gupta
Good Morning name
How to intialize a string variable and concatenate string using ‘+’ operator. Output:Good Morning Dr.Gupta
Select output for the following set of code.
int a =5;
int b =10;
int c;
Console.WriteLine(c = a---++b);
-7, 10
-5, 11
-6, 11
15, 11
Answer: Option (C)
Which of these keywords is not a part of exception handling?
Exception handling is managed via 5 keywords – try, catch, throws, throw and finally.
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