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C# Programming
Select the relevant output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =4;
int b =5;
int c =6;
int d =8;
if(((a * b / c)+ d)>=((b * c + d )/ a))
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((a * b / c)+ d);
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is not greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((b * c + d )/ a);
“Line 1 – a is greater to b” 11
“Line 1 – a is not greater to b” 9
Both are equal
None of the mentioned
Now, here in ‘if’ condition both conditions of parenthesis and hence evaluating operators based on parenthesis are tested. for expression : ((a * b / c) + d) Step 1 : (a*b/c) (Evaluating as 4*5/6 = 3) Step 2 : ( (a*b/c) + d ) (Evaluating (3 + 8 = 11)) Result : 11 for expression : (b * c + d )/ a Step 1 : (b*c + d) (Evaluating as 5*6 +8 = 38) Step 2: (b*c + d) / a (Evaluating as 38 / 4 = 9) Result : 9 The relational operator “>=” between both expressions check for largest figure and hence consecutively executes the if condition. Output : Line 1 – a is greater to b. 11
Storage location used by computer memory to store data for usage by an application is ?
‘Variables’ are essential locations in memory of computer that are reserved for storing data used by an application. Each variable is given a name by programmer and hence assigned a value .The name assigned to variable then used in C# code to access value assigned to variable.
Are the given codes :
1. Myclass class;
Myclass class2 = null;
2. int i;
int j = 0;
True for (1);False for (2)
True for (2);False for (1)
Both (1) and (2) are equivalents
Both (1) and (2) are not equivalents
When we create a type in ‘C#’, It automatically gets filled with padded zeroes. For the case of class (reference types) this equates to a null pointer. Hence, for code 1) Both variable values are equivalent to each other.Similarly, for code 2) i.e for value type (including int/float/double etc.), the type is passed with zeroes.Hence, they are equivalent.
What will be output of the following code?
char a ='A';
string b ="a";
1, 97
55, 97
65, 97
97, 1
ASCII value of character ‘a’ is 65 and ASCII value of string “a” is 97. Output: 65,97
Select output for the following set of code:
constint a =5;
const int b = 6;
for(int i =1; i <=5; i++)
a = a * i;
b = b * i;
600, 720
Compile time error
25, 30
5, 6
The left hand side of an assignment must be a variable,property or indexer i.e for both ‘a’ and ‘b’
string Name ="He is playing in a ground.";
char[] characters = Name.ToCharArray();
StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder();
for(int i = Name.Length-1; i >=0;--i)
He is playing in a grou
.ground a in playing is He
.dnuorg a ni gniyalp si eH
He playing a
Reversal of array of strings character by character. Output: .dnuorg a ni gniyalp si eH
Select the output for the following set of code :
int i =30;
int j =25%25;
if(Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(i = j)))
Console.WriteLine("In if");
Console.WriteLine("In else");
Console.WriteLine("In main");
In if
In else
In main
Usage of ‘=’ operator instead of ‘==’ operator .hence,the condition is not true. Output: In else In main
Select the output for the following set of Code :
int a =5, b =10;
Compile time error: Misplaced else
Compile time error: Undefined symbol
Warning: Condition is always true
oxB: hexadecimal integer constant. 022: It octal integer constant. ‘\xeb’: It is hexadecimal character constant. As,zero is false and any non-zero number is true. All,constants return a non-zero value. So, all if conditions in the above program are true. Output: java.
Console.WriteLine(a +"\n"+ b);
Console.WriteLine(" C# ");
6, 11
6, 16
6, 12
6, 10
Consider the following expression:( ++a || ++b). In this expression || is ‘Logical OR operator’. Two important properties of this operator are: Property 1: (Expression1) || (Expression2) || operator returns 0 if and only if both expressions return a zero otherwise || operator returns 1. initial value of a is 5. So ++a will be 6. Since ++a is returning a non-zero so ++b will not execute. Output : 6 10.
Type of Conversion in which compiler is unable to convert the datatype implicitly is ?
ushort to long
int to uint
byte to decimal
‘int’ is 32 bit signed integer whereas ‘uint’ is 32 bit unsigned integer .Range of int is larger than uint.So,compiler cannot implicitly convert from larger datatype to smaller datatype.
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