C# Programming Questions and Answers
Select the relevant output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =4;
int b =5;
int c =6;
int d =8;
if(((a * b / c)+ d)>=((b * c + d )/ a))
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((a * b / c)+ d);
Console.WriteLine("Line 1 - a is not greater to b");
Console.WriteLine((b * c + d )/ a);
Now, here in ‘if’ condition both conditions of parenthesis and hence evaluating operators based on parenthesis are tested.
for expression : ((a * b / c) + d)
Step 1 : (a*b/c) (Evaluating as 4*5/6 = 3)
Step 2 : ( (a*b/c) + d ) (Evaluating (3 + 8 = 11))
Result : 11
for expression : (b * c + d )/ a
Step 1 : (b*c + d) (Evaluating as 5*6 +8 = 38)
Step 2: (b*c + d) / a (Evaluating as 38 / 4 = 9)
Result : 9
The relational operator “>=” between both expressions check for largest figure and hence consecutively executes the if condition.
Output : Line 1 – a is greater to b.
Storage location used by computer memory to store data for usage by an application is ?
‘Variables’ are essential locations in memory of computer that are reserved for storing data used by an application. Each variable is given a name by programmer and hence assigned a value .The name assigned to variable then used in C# code to access value assigned to variable.
Are the given codes :
1. Myclass class;
Myclass class2 = null;
2. int i;
int j = 0;
When we create a type in ‘C#’, It automatically gets filled with padded zeroes. For the case of class (reference types) this equates to a null pointer. Hence, for code 1) Both variable values are equivalent to each other.Similarly, for code 2) i.e for value type (including int/float/double etc.), the type is passed with zeroes.Hence, they are equivalent.
What will be output of the following code?
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
char a ='A';
string b ="a";
ASCII value of character ‘a’ is 65 and ASCII value of string “a” is 97.
Output: 65,97
Select output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
constint a =5;
const int b = 6;
for(int i =1; i <=5; i++)
a = a * i;
b = b * i;
The left hand side of an assignment must be a variable,property or indexer i.e for both ‘a’ and ‘b’
Select output for the following set of code:
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
string Name ="He is playing in a ground.";
char[] characters = Name.ToCharArray();
StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder();
for(int i = Name.Length-1; i >=0;--i)
Reversal of array of strings character by character.
Output: .dnuorg a ni gniyalp si eH
Select the output for the following set of code :
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int i =30;
int j =25%25;
if(Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(i = j)))
Console.WriteLine("In if");
Console.WriteLine("In else");
Console.WriteLine("In main");
Usage of ‘=’ operator instead of ‘==’ operator .hence,the condition is not true.
Output: In else
In main
Select the output for the following set of Code :
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =5, b =10;
oxB: hexadecimal integer constant.
022: It octal integer constant.
‘\xeb’: It is hexadecimal character constant.
As,zero is false and any non-zero number is true. All,constants return a non-zero value. So, all if conditions in the above program are true.
Output: java.
Select the output for the following set of Code :
staticvoid Main(string[] args)
int a =5, b =10;
Console.WriteLine(a +"\n"+ b);
Console.WriteLine(" C# ");
Consider the following expression:( ++a || ++b). In this expression || is ‘Logical OR operator’. Two important properties of this operator are:
Property 1:
(Expression1) || (Expression2)
|| operator returns 0 if and only if both expressions return a zero otherwise || operator returns 1.
initial value of a is 5. So ++a will be 6. Since ++a is returning a non-zero so ++b will not execute.
Output : 6 10.
Type of Conversion in which compiler is unable to convert the datatype implicitly is ?
‘int’ is 32 bit signed integer whereas ‘uint’ is 32 bit unsigned integer .Range of int is larger than uint.So,compiler cannot implicitly convert from larger datatype to smaller datatype.