...en You Deside Join But I strongly Recommend Please Never Join The Torrent Power. Suppose If you Are Salary nagation Done After That he was sign The bond 50000Rs Or more as per Designation and this amount will deduct every years and bond Time limit was 5 years So you Deside. In plant area your higher management was not good Also Manpower shortage Management forcefully Work carried out Field person. If you work good but not appreciated to you. If you are resign the company Management Frustrate you And Not Reliving And Attitude and behaviour change and township facility given but area was remote location and nearby area not any shop so you basic need was satisfied. Transportation connectivity problem. Medical facilities not. Good Some time doctor available some time not available. If you any emergency so you need own vehicle.leave policy not good and shortage manpower you can not leave and work extra hour and company not given Overtime Or Conpesantry Off . In short Many Problem Are There you Deside Join Or Not Join If you are join the please Care about..
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