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Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst salaries in Hyderabad / Secunderabad (Updated 2025)

Annual salary range
1 - 6 years exp.
₹1.5 Lakh - ₹6 Lakhs
Salary of majority employees
unlock blur
Fixed (89%)
₹3.7 Lakhs
Variable (11%)
₹0.4 Lakh
unlock blur

6% less than the average Accounts Payable Analyst Salary in IT Services & Consulting Companies for 1 - 6 years of experience

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Salaries in different departments

Finance & Accounting
Accounts Payable Analyst Salary
1 - 6 years exp. (113 salaries)

₹1.5 L/yr - ₹6 L/yr

Customer Success, Service & Operations
Accounts Payable Analyst Salary
1 - 3 years exp. (3 salaries)

₹2 L/yr - ₹4.9 L/yr

Last Updated: 1 Mar 2025

Companies similar to Genpact for Accounts Payable Analyst in Hyderabad / Secunderabad

Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 6 years exp. (139 salaries)

unlock blur

₹1.5 L/yr - ₹6 L/yr

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
Accenture Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

2 - 8 years exp. (30 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.5 L/yr - ₹6.8 L/yr

arrow icon 35% more
Deloitte Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 7 years exp. (20 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.8 L/yr - ₹7 L/yr

arrow icon 31% more
KPMG India Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 4 years exp. (5 salaries)

unlock blur

₹3.1 L/yr - ₹3.6 L/yr

arrow icon 18% less
IBM Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 7 years exp. (5 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.7 L/yr - ₹4.8 L/yr

arrow icon 1% more
Capgemini Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

2 - 5 years exp. (4 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.8 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr

arrow icon 29% less
Wipro Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

2 - 7 years exp. (3 salaries)

unlock blur

₹3.2 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr

arrow icon 9% less
TCS Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 6 years exp. (17 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.5 L/yr - ₹3.8 L/yr

arrow icon 25% less
unlock blur

₹3.9 L/yr - ₹5.2 L/yr

arrow icon 14% more
Cognizant Accounts Payable Analyst Salary

1 - 6 years exp. (10 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.3 L/yr - ₹5.2 L/yr

arrow icon 8% less

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Accounts Payable Analyst salary at Genpact ranges between ₹1.5 Lakh to ₹6 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 1 year to 6 years. Salary estimates are based on 139 latest salaries received from various employees of Genpact.

Latest annual salaries shared by Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst in Hyderabad / Secunderabad

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Experience wise Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst salaries in Hyderabad / Secunderabad

Last Updated: 1 Mar 2025

Experience Avg Annual Salary
1 year  (19 salaries)

unlock blur

₹1.5 L/yr - ₹4.4 L/yr
2 years  (35 salaries)

unlock blur

₹1.5 L/yr - ₹5.1 L/yr
3 years  (34 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2 L/yr - ₹5.1 L/yr
4 years  (26 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.1 L/yr - ₹6 L/yr
5 years  (19 salaries)

unlock blur

₹2.5 L/yr - ₹6 L/yr
View all

Similar Designation salaries in Genpact

Process Developer Salary
(12k salaries)
unlock blur
₹1.05 L/yr - ₹6.8 L/yr
Senior Analyst Salary
(116 salaries)
unlock blur
₹2.25 L/yr - ₹8.5 L/yr
Accountant Salary
(107 salaries)
unlock blur
₹1.25 L/yr - ₹7.75 L/yr
Financial Analyst Salary
(104 salaries)
unlock blur
₹1.5 L/yr - ₹9.21 L/yr
Analyst Salary
(82 salaries)
unlock blur
₹2 L/yr - ₹8 L/yr
unlock blur
₹2.6 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr
unlock blur
₹1.9 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr
unlock blur
₹3.9 L/yr - ₹5 L/yr
Deputy Manager Salary
(3 salaries)
unlock blur
₹5.85 L/yr - ₹12.95 L/yr

Top skills at Genpact for Accounts Payable Analyst

Invoice Processing Accounts Payable Payment Processing ERP General Ledger Accounting Accounting Book Keeping SAP General Accounting

Salary related reviews for Genpact


Rated by 20 employees for salary & benefits

Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 09 May 2023

 for  Salary and Benefits


Work life balance is good , get leaves when ever you want ( need to well plan in advance ) work load will depend on project basis , for me it was hardly any pressure and also depends upon your TL and managers in my case all were so humble and helpful.

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  • Job security - Good
  • +2 more


...ab reimbursement, no free meals , no extra pay if working on national holidays . Just your salary is what you get and should expect.

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  • Salary - Poor

Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 14 Apr 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


...agement is transparent.There is a huge cafeteria and gaming arcade for chilling. Company policies are good, appraisals are fair and they give good salary hike and bonus every year.

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  • Salary - Good
  • +6 more

Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 28 Feb 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


Job security is excellent, management some what better, company policies are very good

  • Skill development - Good
  • +4 more


There is a lot of politics and the management doesn't address our issue fast, salary is less and career growth also slow.

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Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 05 Jan 2021

 for  Salary and Benefits


Genpact has provided broadband internet reimbursement and Furniture Allowance apart from that there is no other benefits provided instead there were delays happen

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There are no overtime Benefit. There is no two way cab facility. One way cab was provided by charging amount from monthly salary. Salary to a fresher was predetermined which is not at all based on knowledge and skills of candidate. There is no night shift Allowance. Employee services get delayed. There is no leverage to use own Earned leaves and compoff which are getting lapsed at the end of the year. Non Transperent.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +2 more

Full Time


Customer Success, Service & Operations Department

  •  posted on 20 Jan 2025

 for  Salary and Benefits


Culture, ethical standards,policy, environment etc except salary structure.

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  • Job security - Excellent
  • +1 more


...process.really bad management lots of vintage employees exited from TMP process. Moreover since last many years I was highlighted in amber about salary structure.those who were vintage employees got less salary package while new joiner getting high pay of salary.please improve this issue.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +2 more
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Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst Salary FAQs

What is the salary of Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact Hyderabad / Secunderabad?
Accounts Payable Analyst salary at Genpact in Hyderabad / Secunderabad ranges between ₹1.5 Lakhs to ₹6.0 Lakhs for experience between 1 years to 6 years. According to our estimates it is 6% less than the average Accounts Payable Analyst Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 139 latest salaries received from various employees of Genpact Hyderabad / Secunderabad.
How does the salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact Hyderabad / Secunderabad compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact is 6% less than the average salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst in Hyderabad / Secunderabad. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
What are the top skills required to work as a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact?
Invoice Processing, Accounts Payable, Payment Processing, ERP and General Ledger Accounting are some of the popular skills required to work as a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact Hyderabad / Secunderabad.
Which similar companies are paying more than Genpact to a Accounts Payable Analyst in Hyderabad / Secunderabad?
  • Accenture Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.5 Lakhs to ₹6.8 Lakhs per year
  • Deloitte Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.8 Lakhs to ₹7.0 Lakhs per year
  • Optum Global Solutions Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹3.9 Lakhs to ₹5.2 Lakhs per year
  • IBM Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.7 Lakhs to ₹4.8 Lakhs per year
What is the salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst in companies similar to Genpact in Hyderabad / Secunderabad?
  • Cognizant Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.3 Lakhs to ₹5.2 Lakhs per year
  • Wipro Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹3.2 Lakhs to ₹5.0 Lakhs per year
  • KPMG India Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹3.1 Lakhs to ₹3.6 Lakhs per year
  • TCS Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.5 Lakhs to ₹3.8 Lakhs per year
  • Capgemini Accounts Payable Analyst Salary - ₹2.8 Lakhs to ₹5.0 Lakhs per year
What is the estimated take home salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact in Hyderabad / Secunderabad?
The estimated take-home salary of a Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact ranges between ₹30,537 per month to ₹31,843 per month in Hyderabad / Secunderabad. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst salary in India which ranges between ₹1.5 Lakhs to ₹6.0 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 1 years to 6 years. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
What is the notice period for Accounts Payable Analyst at Genpact in Hyderabad / Secunderabad?
According to AmbitionBox, 75% of the Genpact Accounts Payable Analysts in Hyderabad / Secunderabad reported a notice period of 1 Month, 16% reported a notice period of 15 days or less and the remaining reported other notice period durations. This is based on 95 responses on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

Tell us how to improve this page.

Genpact Accounts Payable Analyst salary in Hyderabad / Secunderabad ranges between ₹1.5 Lakh to ₹6 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 139 Genpact latest salaries received from various employees of Genpact.