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Insights from employee reviews on AmbitionBox
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1 reviews
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Software Development Department
Overall Rating
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Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work environment and culture. There is a huge cafeteria and gaming arcade. Appraisals are fair and they give good salary hike and bonus every year.
Work life balance is not good. No good support for learnings. Not good planning for the next piece of the work.
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Stable job with good work life balance
Very less percentage in hikes every year
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Quality Assurance and Testing Department
Overall Rating
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Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Benefits are good.
1. politics at its best 2. Micromanagement is at the top 3. No work for QA 4. Lead QA is treated like a junior QA 5. Favoritisms is always on the table 6. People who are near to Manager gets promotion 7. One single mistake make your appraisal zero 8. Be in good books by saying yes to no's. 9. Manager starves on team members grieves by mentally torture them 10. If their ego is not satisfied they try to create mis-understanding among teammates which resulted into back bitching. 11. If you shut down your system before your manager timing, he will pin point this into appraisal meeting....Read More
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work life balance culture
Not strict working domain
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
The company is a great company to really retire from. The management is great and sets a good example of values. The company policies are the best, globally speaking.
Can't really complain about anything. However, in my tenure, have seen the employee retention ratio is a bit low but the comeback or boomerang employees ratio is high. Not sure of the strategy here though.
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work life balance
Top trending discussions
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Cab Service Additional Benefits for gym, healthcare, office appliances, wellness Office Space Flexible Office Timing Professional pantry workers and guards Child support benefits
1. zero growth culture (in case of skill development) 2. old or irrelevant tech work - (you will have no work satisfaction) 3. mostly support work 4. unskilled and ignorant managers/directors 5. highly toxic work culture (cultivated by top management) 6. unhelpful senior team members (saving their job and securing their relevance) 7. no job security (can be fired if manager gets irked by you with no reason) 8. biased promotions 9. workplace driven by favoritism 10. high number of limited expertise teams...Read More
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Location: it is near to my home city. I can go to home during weekends. Team: I have got best team. Team helps me alot. They help to grow and learn things. We party we live we enjoy. Manager: best manager ever I have gotten. We get holidays whenever we want. We get wfh's as many as we want. He helps us doing work. He is less a manager more of a supportive man. He teaches us ethics and how to be best in careers. Company: it celebrates success and is good to employees. Salary is satisfactory as a fresher and good culture....Read More
Work timing: we need to connect to US Employees at night sometimes. Job Security is like you never know you are fired.
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Nothing people at higher management in india are enjoying their perks
Bad promotions no recognitions No development work all done by principal and senior principal software engineers No job security No skill development No growth
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
There was nothing to like
Senior manager Abhinav Srivastava was doing inappropriate signs to me , by putting his finger inside the nose, sliding finger on nose , using his palm and picked up both his nostrils . Not only this he is all about favouritism, promoting his favorites and making other employees force resign or do politics to get rid of them , employees at principal level have been affected by his partial behaviour. He threatens to cause harm as he seems to have lot of silent power. He even told me he can provide me benefits at a level I have not even thought of. He is ridiculous and has cheap mentality....Read More
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Ukg has great orientation program
Incapable corrupted leads/ principal Female Lead now promoted to principal is corrupted and expects favours for assigning work and that too quality work. She manipulates her reporting senior manager A...S... to assign work to certain sse only. A senior software engineer now promoted to lead, used to make disgusting faces, nonverbalgestures to me , also snatched my work, work was assigned to me , lead was given favours and work was snatched from me. Moreover this person has habit of putting other employees down. Another incapable female lead RN threatened me that she will negatively give my feedback and used to make gesture along with sse now lead. Principal level people are scared of SSE. Reporting senior manager , took no action over these harassing behaviour. No inclusion in any technical design discussion. Team doest let new people stay and are themselves incapable that they have ruined projects. Most SSE donot even know basics but have created group to bully by sideling, side stares. They donot even work till 4, and roam around, gossip about others. Project related knowledge is not given so that dependency does not get created. Code is not reviewed on basis of requirement but personal attack basis to make a person downfall they group and target and extract joy. There is name calling too and threats to change project, department. Product team donot even know about the product and create half baked requirement tickets. Manager has lot of bling favouritism, the favourites are making fun of project at managers back, mainly to discourage other employees. Manager can go to any extent to keep their favorites happy, they are not on performance basis Manager himself provides special KT to favorites and that adds more to the power. Other employees are not even given basic project details. Layman work for other good people as good people are threat to incapable favorites. Another manager AM was name calling, and told he is free for talking for hours too. Reporting senior manager bad mouths to other manager about non favourite employees to hide the actual incapable leads and SSE in his team. Managers have no technical knowledge neither people skills. Ukg should take strict action over the harassing behaviour....Read More
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
provides cab
if there was less than 1 star I could give it, worst company I have ever seen in my career, no job security, managers have 0 knowledge of tech, nobody is helpful here, so much toxic environment and lots and lots of politics, I request everybody do not join here, even if you have another opportunity who is providing less money go there but do not join here
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
People care about each other. Perks are good
Leadership is very bad. Toxicity is getting increased. Managers are putting pressure for the deliverables. Work life balance has become hell
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Overall Rating
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Overall Rating
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
No answers I have at the moment.
Tag line is , our purpose is people, and when you ask as an employee to your executive leadership, they say it is meant for Customers and not employee. They did not set priorities for their Employees.
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
DevOps Department
Overall Rating
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Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Cab service , Quatarly coupan andd food service
Too many firing on frequent basis due to which everyone os feeling insecure . No one is sharing any type of information . Its very difficult for new employee to gain Knowledge from old employee they dont want to share any thing
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Free food, transport
Toxic work culture. No job security. No learning. High politics. Maintenance work in complex systems. Dont join if you are looking for good future. Join only in case of no option left and keep preparing and leave asap.
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Quality Assurance and Testing Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
They have fired 3000 QA employees . Just one thing you move QA managers and change there title to Dev managers Why you dont fire them. I was part of federal govta team my manager did not even know Java and could not write single code , she is still there .But we people wo do work at ground level are fired.
Full Time
Quality Assurance and Testing Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Don't go the new owner is doing North and South India. According to him people from north are not skilled enough to work for the company. He is trying to shut down the north India offices and trying to hire only south indians
They are firing left and right. The new owner is a south Indian who has asked HR to fire every north Indian forcefully and to hire people from South India.
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
IT Consulting Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Some perks, people who understand, supportive team.
Clueless management that can't stick to single vision, reactionary fixes, no proper investment on infrastructure, constant firings.
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Finance Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
It have good payroll.
The I2C team is facing a severe work-life balance crisis. We routinely work 12-14 hour per day, often exceeding 60 hours per week. Despite our tireless efforts, we still receive complaints about missed deadlines and errors. This excessive workload is not only impacting our mental and physical health but also negatively affecting team morale and productivity. We urge the company to take immediate action to address this unsustainable situation....Read More
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Product Management - Technology Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
- Toxic work culture - No job security - Politics Politics Politics - Laid off 2500+ people in one go without any warning - Manager openly expects you to work 13-14 hrs everyday - Unrealistic work pressure
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Quality Assurance and Testing Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Free Medical Insurance Leave Policy is good. Other benefits like UChoose
No work satisfaction No Skill Development Management keep changing policies No Job Security No appreciation for Good Work No work Life Balance
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
IT Consulting Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
This was a fantastic company 2 years back but now its worst then startups
Poor management, people who have been here for years are just working for saving themselves, they don’t even care about their peers, no work life balance, you are expected to work on weekends and be available 24*7, you won’t get any comp off or other allowance, company has created a fear in everyone mind that you can be fired at any time
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work timings: Strict Timings
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
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AmbitionBox has 8 UKG reviews submitted by UKG employees. Read reviews on salaries, working hours, work culture, office environment, and more to know if UKG is the right company for you. 100% of employees reported the working days at U...KG as Monday to Friday. 80% employees reported the work timings at UKG as Flexible timing. Read moreOracle
Automatic Data Processing (ADP)
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