The School of Raya
currently not working

What's the salary scale for teachers?

What's the salary scale for teachers? For Someone with about 2-3 years of experience how much will it be approximately? Working saturdays even for teachers? What's the working hours?And how many working days are there in the academic calendar?
a team lead
The academic calendar usually runs around 10 months, but there might be extra sessions or events over weekends. It’s a busy job, but super rewarding!
a team lead
user 2
Yeah, Saturdays are often working days for teachers, especially if there's extra planning, meetings, or extra classes. It’s usually about 5-6 working days in a week.
Salaries can really vary depending on the type of school and location, but for someone with 2-3 years of experience, it could range from 30k-50k per month. For some private schools, it might even be a bit higher in metro cities.