Career Advice
a senior software engineer
how to cancel early release request
I've applied for my resignation recently, and my Manager kindly offered to relieve me early, I acknowledged the mail with a reply that I'm interested in it and will confirm about it once I can plan a date. but the proposal got forwarded before I gave my date, and the last working day they stated is very early as per my current situation, I need at least another 3 weeks to prepare and support myself, any suggestions please , how do I extend / cancel the early release ?
works at
Oh, wow....Happens a lot, yaar. But it’s better to be honest and ask for the time you need. Don’t want to leave unfinished business, right?
An Analyst
Have you had a conversation with your manager about your workload? Maybe they can extend the date
a team lead
This is tricky bro. But honesty is the best policy...If you need those 3 weeks, just talk it out with your manager.... Have you already shared why you need the extension?
works at
Honestly it’s great that they offered early release, but 3 weeks extra to sort out things sounds reasonable...Have you tried explaining the situation to HR?
a software developer
How’s your workload looking for the last few weeks? Could you handle it with a little extra time?
a management consultant
Hmm, this is tough. Maybe you can negotiate a middle ground where you’re still leaving early but have enough time to prepare. Does anyone have experience with that kind of negotiation?
an operations manager
Oh no...Early release can be a double-edged sword...Maybe there’s a way to negotiate an extra week or two?
a process analyst
How are you planning to manage your exit tasks?
a hr executive
What’s the hardest part of your current role that you’re trying to wrap up?