Salary Discussions, Hike & Promotions
5mo (edited)
How much Salary should I ask ?
Hi Guys.
The team lead of my current team resigned last year and I got promoted to Team Lead position.
Today my manager left the organisation and I have been promoted as Project manager.
Despite of having Extremely good performance/ Project dependency I got peanuts at the time of appraisal.
My CTC is 7, how much do you think would be the Best salary for my role ?
PS : My previous team lead was on 20 and Project manager was on 25+ LPA
an operations executive
You can visit Ambition Box to look the salary range of Project Manager and then try negotiating. I hope it helps 😊
works at
In my opinion, the aim should be 50-70%. This would put your salary in the range of 10.5 to 11.9 LPA.
an associate software developer
Try in other companies and then ask for better offer.
works at
Mindtree isn't the best pay master. Unfortunately your future pay depends on what your past pay was. Is rarely dependent on what the person you replaced was earning. You didn't mention if your work is good, if you have certifications, what your years of experience are. Both with the company and overall. Plus you threw in some sarcasm. I know you're likely frustrated, but you need to give real information to get real answers.
If you're at 7 and you got peanuts during the last appraisal, it's likely that your negotiation might not take you above 10
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