Indian Startups
3mo (edited)
student at
Manipal University Jaipur


What is branding and why branding of a company is more important nowadays than the quality of the product or services? If the quality of the product or service is good then won't customer use that product or service more...? I know it is a traditional way but it will directly promote the product or service without doing extra work or spending money on marketing for branding...?
an operations executive
you've got two options for pizza , a plain cheese pizza from a no-name place, and a fancy-looking one from a popular chain. Even if the no-name pizza is tastier, you're more likely to go for the chain pizza, right? That's the power of branding. Quality is important, branding is the secret ingredient that can turn a good product into a great one.
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student at
Manipal University Jaipur
From what I have learnt from the comments are two things: 1. We are fools (considering from example if we are going for the brand instead of quality). 2. We should select product with good quality instead of brand.
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