Formulate three-year work plan/activities during the inception phase of WeEmpower India.
Identify key strategies and potential areas/activities for interventions across three result areas based on the overall direction provided by UN Women.
Identify key stakeholders and partners (government, private and civil society organizations) towards implementation of activities across three result areas.
Identify existing interventions across three result areas with potential of collaboration.
Develop sets of key questions and methodology for collecting required information during the inception phase.
Organize consultations / workshops / meetings with key stakeholders, with logistical support from UN Women and document the outcome of the consultations (reports of consultations) to feed into the work plan, including specific areas of collaboration with relevant UN agencies.
Any other related tasks to complete the three-year work plan.
2. Develop the Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) in close consultation with key stakeholders:
Based on the consultations with key targeted partners, draft the initial PMF that meets the requirements of UN Women and EU, including key milestones/baseline/targets and means of verification, collection method (with indicative timeframe/frequency) risks and assumptions and risk mitigation strategy.
Based on the feedback from UN Women, revise the initial draft PMF as necessary.
Any other related tasks to complete the PMF.
3. Advise on the governance mechanism, scale up and sustainability strategy for the project:
Advise on the constitution and roles and responsibilities of project steering and/or advisory committee comprising of government, civil society and private sector.
Guide and develop scale up and sustainability strategy/plan of the project.
Inception Report outlining timeline, methodology and approach to develop detailed work plan during the inception phase developed and approved by UN Women 10th August 2024 - 10%.
Draft three-year consolidated work plan for WeEmpower India including key strategies, activities, partners and modality for engagement/partnerships developed - 30th September 2024 40%
Finalised three-year consolidated work plan for WeEmpower India including key strategies, activities, stakeholders/ partners as well as modality for engagement/partnerships based on inputs from UN Women and approved by UN Women. 10th October 2024
Performance and Monitoring Framework with project risk analysis and risk register finalized with inputs from UN Women - 15th October 2024 10%
Draft report outlining key results during the inception phase of project to be submitted to the EU, including three-year work plan, PMF, risk register, scale up and sustainability strategy/plan - 30th October 2024 - 20%