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Works Applications Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 10 Feb 2017

Works Applications Interview Experiences

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6 interviews found

I was interviewed in Dec 2016.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: A total of two questions were to be solved in a duration of 5 days. Both the questions were programming based and required knowledge of data-structures and algorithms.
Tips: Though it was mentioned that solving any one of the two questions should ensure interview shortlist, only those who solved both the questions were shortlisted. So, ensure that you solve both the questions. In the worst case, by brute force.
Total Questions: 2

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This round involved solving two programming questions. Both the questions involved writing code on their editor, compiling it and running for few test cases provided by them.
Tips: 1) Make sure you practice writing more and more code during your preparation rather than passively reading/thinking of solution to coding questions
2) Make sure you 'think aloud' during the interview (discuss your approach/progress you have made regarding the question) even when you are stuck so that the interviewer can guide you to the correct direction. However, please don't confuse this with abruptly speaking of any solution that comes to you mind. Relax and take your time but don't hesitate to speak to the interviewer when stuck
3) Discuss the approach with the interviewer before proceeding to code your final solution
4) Write a readable code with proper variable naming, code reuse
5) Dry run your solution on few basic and corner test cases before flagging a question as done!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This was an easy round. HR asked be few questions from my resume. After that a long discussion on work culture of the company and kind of profile I will like to work on.
Tips: Just speak honestly in this round. It will be a cake-walk then.

Round: Test
Experience: This is the last round where you are given a booklet of 30 questions on 10th level maths and mental ability questions and are asked to solve it in 60 minutes.
Tips: Time will be sufficient so ensure you don't commit silly mistakes
Duration: 1 hour
Total Questions: 30

Skills: Data Structures And Algorithms
College Name: IIT Bombay

Research Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Why did you use such a high degree polynomial fit?
View answer (1)

R&D Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Feb 2017

I was interviewed before Feb 2016.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: We were given two programming questions to solve in offline mode. A total of 5 days was given to submit the solution.
Tips: While it was required to solve either of the problems to be considered for interview shortlist, only those who solved both the problems were shortlisted for interview. So ensure you give enough time and solve both the questions.
Total Questions: 2

College Name: IIT Bombay

R&D Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. give some ideal characteristics of opamp. what is CMRR. what is the practical significance of CMRR. why the input impedance must be large. what is impedance matching, why it has to be done. what is MPTT and its advantages. explain about D-A... read more
View answer (1)

Interview Questions & Answers

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 May 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: TEST
Experience: Round-1: (Online Coding Round)



An orienteering map is to be given in the following format. ########





########Calculate the minimum distance from the start(S) to the goal(G) with passing all the checkpoints(@). 


‘.’ means an opened-block that players can pass.

‘#’ means a closed-block that players cannot pass.

It is allowed to move only by one step vertically or horizontally.

1 <= width <= 100, 1 <= height <= 100

The maximum number of checkpoints is 18.

Return -1 if given arguments do not satisfy specifications, or players cannot arrive at the goal from the start by passing all the checkpoints.


The input is to be given in the following format, from the standard input. W H




RowHThe first row is to describe the width and the height of the orienteering map, sectioned by a space.


Output into the standard output, and put a return.


Implement a Immutable Queue in Java.In both of these question Code skeleton was provided.

Round: Test
Experience: After this, we had to select our location and dates of the interview also.

It was 13th September and we went there for the interview. Interview was further taken in 4 different rounds. Aptitude – 30 MCQs from P&C, Probability, Contribution, Profit – Loss, Time and Work etc. to be done in 1 hour.
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Live Coding & Technical Discussion: – In this round an engineer discussed the technologies I have worked on and then gave me another problem to code. It was to print all the permutations of a string in sorted order. He gave me a software designing problem and asked me how will you proceed with that and what ideas are you proposing for that kind of a design? And then he asked me about my internship experience with Oracle and what work I was doing that time. – In this round the interviewer asked to optimize and code the first problem in the given assignment and print the complete path from source to goal in 45-60 min.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Not to mention but it was the best round among all. She asked me some usual questions like how their interview process was, the differences I found in the process, why I want to work with them, how I fit in their organization.

College Name: NA

Software Developer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Abhilash Mittal

posted on 25 Mar 2015

Interview Questionnaire 

2 Questions

  • Q1. Live Coding Round
  • Q2. Routine HR Interview

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Pretty easy, can potentially be a counting factor in the final selection process
Tips: Try your best at it, and learn along.
Duration: 1 Week minute
Total Questions: 3

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Definitely the deciding factor for your selection.
Need to prepare thoroughly the problems based on the basic concepts of Algorithms and Data Structures
Tips: The assignment can be your first step towards this process

Round: Test
Experience: A really basic and straightforward aptitude test. No need to ace it, just do your best

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Definitely not a deciding factor, really simple information gathering HR questions

Skills: Data Structures, Use of IDE Eclipse, JAVA, Algorithms
College Name: IIT KANPUR

Software Developer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Maximum Subarray SumGiven an array of numbers, find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray of the array. For example, given the array [34, -50, 42, 14, -5, 86], the maximum sum would be 137, since we would take elements 42, 14, -5, and ... read more
View answer (40)

Works Applications interview questions for popular designations

 Enterprise Software


 R&D Engineer


 Research Engineer


 Software Developer


 Software Engineer


Software Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

user image Manish Agrawal

posted on 2 Sep 2015

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Though the assignment of Works Application was challenging but if you solve and submit it, there are great chances that you are gonna shortlisted for the next round. I had solved one problem in C++ and the other one in JAVA language. For solving the question you are supposed to be good at data structure, standard algorithm problem(dynamic programming, greedy) and java, C++ or both. If you solve the problem of geeksforgeeks and leetcode regularly you'd really find the problem easy and interesting.
Tips: While solving the assignment you can discuss the algorithm but mustn't share your code with your friends because you can lose such a wonderful opportunity. Just spend your time and you are almost there.
Must submit the problem and start preparing for the live coding round.
Duration: 1 week minute
Total Questions: 2

Round: Test
Experience: Those who have submitted the correct solution of the first round are selected for this round. You are given 30 simple problem for testing your aptitude skill. The questions were easy but if you loose your calmness you may miss several questions and solve some question incorrectly. Times are enough for the 30 question.
Tips: Questions were same for everyone. So plan your seating arrangement meticulously and also must keep in mind "Concentration is the key for early solution".
Duration: 1:30 hrs minute
Total Questions: 30

Round: Test
Experience: All your past skill of programming gonna be tested in this round. The round would be live where you would be given a small monitor, keyboard and mouse and on the opposite side of you, interviewer gonna watch everything you type in your monitor. The problem would be easy and the are good amount of chances that you might have went through that problems during the preparation. You are asked to program two problem one after another. If you successfully code both passing all the given test cases(two or three generally), kudos!! you are almost selected for works Application.
Tips: Just have patience and be cool while coding and plan your solution before coding.
Duration: 40 min. minutes
Total Questions: 2

Round: Interview
Experience: It's just a formality round and don't worry about it. In my HR Interview round, the interviewer had set of 20 or few more simple questions asking about myself. We also discussed about the company, working hours and working culture. After the completion of round, the interviewer congratulated with saying, "As you have solved both questions in live coding round and so we are hiring you in WorksApplication".
Tips: Get some information about the company before any HR Interview.

General Tips: 1: Be Confident.
2: Keep Smiling.
3: Do not be Panic.
4: Remember they are here to hire you but not reject you.
5: Do not loose hope.
6: Believe at yourself.
7: Start preparing early.
8: Do demo interviews with your friend.
Skill Tips: Solve all the problem of leetcode and go through all the algorithmic problems of geeksforgeeks
Skills: C++, Data structure, Algorithm, java
College Name: IIT DELHI
Motivation: Every body joins a comapny for making a software or earning money. But I was always motivated to MAKE MONEY. I have taken this job because they have very extensive work in Share Market and they have lots of MBA from IIM's, Lots of CAs, CS. Thats why i have choosen Edelweiss. I have rejected epic System USA for this profile.

Software Engineer Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. Bridge and torch problem : Four people come to a river in the night. There is a narrow bridge, but it can only hold two people at a time. They have one torch and, because it's night, the torch has to be used when crossing the bridge. Person... read more
View answer (185)

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Assignment submission.

Prelimnary process was an assignment to be submitted in java.

Round: Test
Duration: 60 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: Live coding Interview 1 (1:30)

Live coding Interview 2 (1:30)

Technical interview was 2 part. 1 part dealt with knowledge of algorithms. Basis algo problems were to be coded and run. 2 part dealt with questions about the submitted assignment.

Round: Interview
Experience: HR Interview (1 hr)

In HR, the HR just hands the job offer and talks of life, universe and everything. It will be the best moment of your life in case u reach here.

Skill Tips: Study java from deitel and online course of Algorithms1 from stanford university on courser. This woud definitely do.
Skills: Java, Algorithms
College Name: IIT Roorkee

Enterprise Software Interview Questions asked at other Companies

Q1. How to get good software company
View answer (1)

Interview questions from similar companies

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Less than 2 weeks
Not Selected

I was interviewed in Sep 2024.

Round 1 - Technical 

(5 Questions)

  • Q1. Write a program in .NET that outputs the characters appearing more than two times consecutively in a given string.
  • Q2. If there are five microservices, labeled as microservice one, microservice two, microservice three, microservice four, and microservice five. Microservice three breaks. Requests from microservice two to ...
  • Q3. What is an abstract class, and why is it necessary to use an abstract class when interfaces already exist?
  • Q4. What design patterns have you utilized in your projects?
  • Q5. Can you illustrate the architecture of your application?
Round 2 - Technical 

(10 Questions)

  • Q1. Given a list of strings that may contain duplicates, return a list of the duplicate strings using the most efficient approach.
  • Q2. Could you explain what your application does and the types of technology it utilizes?
  • Q3. When should we use MS SQL and NoSQL databases?
  • Q4. Which NoSQL database would you choose as an alternative to Elasticsearch, and what are your reasons for that choice?
  • Q5. What are the differences between MongoDB and PostgreSQL?
  • Q6. What are the differences between conventional URLs and attribute URLs in .NET Core Web API?
  • Q7. What is the working mechanism of OAuth authorization?
  • Q8. What steps do you take to ensure that an application remains maintainable?
  • Q9. Which design patterns have you utilized in your work?
  • Q10. How does Repository Pattern help in maintaining your codebase
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Selected Selected
Round 1 - Group Discussion 

The first round was a group discussion about online shopping.

Round 2 - Technical 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. What questions did the interviewer ask is related to the Java programming language
Round 3 - One-on-one 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Discussed about General questions related to Company and personal details
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
Round 1 - Interview Questions 

(20 Questions)

  • Q1. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. When would you choose one over the other?
  • Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Java’s synchronized keyword for thread synchronization? Can you explain how the ReentrantLock compares to synchronized?
  • Q3. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java? When should each be used, and what issues can arise from improper usage?
  • Q4. How does the Java garbage collector work? Can you describe the different types of garbage collection algorithms available in Java?
  • Q5. What are the main features of Java 8? Can you explain how lambdas and the Stream API have changed the way Java applications are written?
  • Q6. Describe the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java. Provide examples and explain how to handle them properly.
  • Q7. What is the Java Memory Model, and how does it affect multithreading and synchronization? How does volatile help ensure memory visibility?
  • Q8. Can you explain the difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java? Provide examples where each should be used.
  • Q9. What are functional interfaces in Java? How do they work with lambda expressions? Provide an example of a custom functional interface.
  • Q10. What is a Java Stream, and how does it differ from an Iterator? Explain how Streams can be used to process collections efficiently.
  • Q11. Explain the concept of immutability in Java. How does the String class achieve immutability, and what are the advantages of immutable objects?
  • Q12. What is the difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java? Provide examples to illustrate their usage.
  • Q13. Explain the Singleton design pattern in Java. How can you implement it safely to ensure thread safety?
  • Q14. What are Java annotations, and how are they used in frameworks like Spring? Explain the difference between built-in and custom annotations.
  • Q15. How do Java Streams handle parallel processing? What are the potential pitfalls of using parallel streams, and how can they be mitigated?
  • Q16. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java. ArrayList is implemented as a dynamic array, while LinkedList is a doubly linked list. ArrayList provides fast random access (O(1) complexi...
  • Q17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Java’s synchronized keyword for thread synchronization? The synchronized keyword ensures that only one thread can access a block of code at a time. It pr...
  • Q18. What is the difference between == and .equals() in Java? == checks for reference equality, meaning it compares memory addresses. equals() checks for value equality, which can be overridden in user-defined...
  • Q19. How does the Java garbage collector work? Garbage collection in Java automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects. The JVM has different types of GC algorithms, including Serial, Parallel, CMS...
  • Q20. What are the main features of Java 8? Java 8 introduced lambda expressions, enabling functional-style programming. The Stream API allows efficient data processing with map, filter, and reduce operations. ...
Interview experience
Difficulty level
Process Duration
2-4 weeks
Selected Selected

I was interviewed in Jan 2025.

Round 1 - Assignment 

Assignment was too easy

Round 2 - One-on-one 

(4 Questions)

  • Q1. Very basic questions were asked about my work experience.
  • Q2. Tell me about yourself.
  • Q3. Tell me about your ID experience in the last organization.
  • Q4. Why did you leave your last job?
Round 3 - HR 

(1 Question)

  • Q1. Waste of time. Poorest Hr interview. Didn't ask anything creative or difficult. Too easy.

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - They negotiate a lot on salary. The salary they offered vs what was decided before the 1st round of interview was way different. If they would have told me this before, i would have never given the interview.

Works Applications Interview FAQs

What are the top questions asked in Works Applications interview?

Some of the top questions asked at the Works Applications interview -

  1. Live Coding Ro...read more
  2. Routine HR Interv...read more

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